Daily British Whig (1850), 12 May 1915, p. 7

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te rere ---------- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1915. Investment Is one in which your principal sum never loses its yalue--you can secure your Money the minute you need it. © You can add to or withdraw from it when you like, and it pays interest with unfailing regularity. ~ pe . ( T™ Such an investment is a Savings Account in The Bank of Toronto, $1.00 and upwards opens an account, and the pleasure of watching your balance increase will stimulate further thrift and saving $44,000,000 . H $61,000,000 BANK or TORONTO Earl street, down town, § roomed house; hot water | and Rubber Company. | FOR SALE heating, clectric light, gas. Large outbullding could | John) Peters has taken out a per-| he the erection of a brick dwel-| A GOOD PLAIN used for garage or workshop Price Vietoria street, solid brick, 9 rooms: for cooking, grate, vak floors; 4 well finished house THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, - 66 BROCK STREET, J. DRIVER, Representative. | New Arrivals from the Makers Our solid silver stock has been augmented considerably in "New Pieces' for the bride. We invite June : your inspection. Weddings Rodger, 347 King Street "Where the clock is on the walk." T MotorBoat Supplies Tungsten points put on Spark Coils--superior to platinum. Columbia Ignitor Batteries, always fresh stock. Halliday's 'Electric Shop, Phone 94 SE 345 King Street hot 'watér heating, electric light, gas! Rl Phone 68 or 874! 1H. Cunningham, and another was given a chance. i |LJCAL NOTES AND ITEMS o TO-NIGAT tiny _ye GENERAL INTEREST. o ONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE oor 230 PM. AND 7.30 PM. Feature Vaudeville Acts. Happenings in the City and Vicinity | / Famons Players Films, 4 Reels. ~--What the Merchants Offer to the | Readers of the Whig. | Ald W. i an auto of the Dodge pattern. { Mrs. 1. 'H. Cooke, Earl street, is! visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. K. Wit-| | son, Toronto. . ! Charles. Stevens, Napanee, who us i derwent an operation in the General! { Hospital, is getting along nicely. { Queen Street Methodist Church has! 'A Bachelor's Romance." | Brentnm 1be) roscrved Evening, 1becj extra. INCRENTS OF THE DY GRAND B27 John Emerson in | iL Le : HB. Nocmuith hus purchased | Looms opday / and Thursday CONDENSED ADVERTISING BATES | | t. | be one m, 2Wey B0c: six, $1: one month, LOST FOR SALE. : | Tieng tegertion, te & word. . Bach con | A LEATHER WALLET CONTAINING THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. cls secutive tl Finder please Imperial Life insurance papers. phone 842 or 543. office, little. Once, 35c; three times, S0c; half. | one week, $1.00. BEGGS FROM PURE BRED SO, White Leghorns, 75¢ per 15. H. L. | AX NATURAL COLOR OSTRICH RUFF, 8 Kiell, Elginburg. last evening, on King street. Kind- 1Iy return to 145 King street East HELP WANTED. 1 Ra congregational gathering to-night! { for purely social fellowship. } ! The Separate Schools will be re-| paired during the vacation and put | In splendid shape. | COMING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Joseph Hodge, cartificated into | Phe world's greatset screen come- tuner, 336 Drock street. Phone S68. St. George's. Catnedral congregation| Hot and laughter, entitled "After Her | Also "The Stake," featuring Violet { Merséreau, and other good: subjects. { | : : Mi made a fist of $89 to the Belgian Rel our prices never change. Admissica lie) 4 COMPETENT HOUSEMAID., GOOD THE UPTOWN BICYOLE DEPOT, AT! "Lief Pu | The Board contract for | paved streets } of Works awarded the! hose for flushing the! to the Goodyear Tire] HO AN ADVT OF 25 WORDS OR LESS | A GIRL TO | dian, "Billy Ritehle," in three reels of A GENERAL SERVANT. Heward, 2c for one ridges, at reasonable Infas ead a | conn WATCH AND FOB. "INITIALS | Turk's. Phone 708. E G. on fob, on Wellington or ASSIST WITH WORK. Princess streets. Finder please re. WORMWITH PIA A NI " Apply Whitney House, Brock St. | No, BW SULKIES, GO-CARTS AND CAR. prices, at LMOST turn to Whig office and receive re-| Price reagonable and terms easy. ward. | Write to Box 1242, Whig office. FOUND A BABY'S WICKER CARRIAGE, slightly used, a bargain. Apply 41 Division street. APPLY IN the evening at 106 Clergy street. i wages. given. Apply at 196 John- | 610 Division street. I have sold son street, | ; PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTES, the 10 bore duck gun, but have al Martin and Guild strain. Apply at high priced 12 bore gun, nearly | "Calderwood," Union street. > 0 | new, for sale, very theap, Splen-| uSEMAID, MIDALE AGED XS: did new and second hand hikes, | man or girl pply cheap for cash or on instalments. | BLACK EARTH: ALSO HEAVY AND Home. 2 Come and get good bargains. C, A. light teaming of every description. mit fo ling o) | between streets. the south side of Union street, | Beverly and Collingwood | USED piano tuner, 21 1 EGG-0 RIVETERS AND ] Jones, phone 1284. { Apply E. E Wathen, 442 Albert COOK, APPLY TO | { street, or phone $84, Mrs. Francis Macnee, St. Lawrence | i ct retiree i rp -- Cottage, King street Wegt. po Ee -- [UPRIGHT WALL SHOW CASE, TENTS to : = 8 RAGE | awhings, Sshing taetle, For AIR DRILLERS | 370 FOR FURNITY BTC, | verything must be so u clean and dry. McCann: 8% Brook | 1st. Lease expires. Frank W Street. | Cooke, 39 Clarence street. : wanted at once. Apply at the King- | ston Ship Building Co. Rig ave orders at McAul- | BAKING POWDER? IF NOT, i HO | gon on Montreal street, opposite the| C.M.B.A. building and had one of its . [7 ROOM HOUSE, 108 STEWART ST. SALE OF BICYCLES -- SCOUT Bie USEMAID, MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN | Apply to J. R. Laldlaw, 248 Division | cycles, $27; Pastime Bloyoles, $36; preferred. Apply to Miss Hora, 451 street. Perfect Rigid Frame, $40; Perfect OFFI STORES. Me- | | front wheels smashed off, about five| | o'clock Tuesday afternoon. | | To-morrow is Ascension Day. Thera will be holy communion in St. | George's cathedral at 7.30 a.m., with! | An automobile collided with a wag-| WHY NOT? AN King street. | DWELLING Cushion Frame, $60; fitted with 3- CES, ) speed gear, $60. Geo. Muller, 373 INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY | Canna sires! Estate Agency, 81 Ing street. 100 onthl rrespondin i rly Bonet Vio canvamaing | VICTROLA, HANDSOME MODEL, IN Bend for particulars. Press Syndl. FARGE OFFICE WITH MODERN CON- | good condition, $26; regular price cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. | venlences or desk room. QO. Al $66. Térms, $5.00 caxh and §1.00 . . Bateman, 67 Clarence street. per week. C. W. Lindsay Lad, 121 | evening prayer and sermon at eight i o'clock. i | Avoid harsh purgatives for chil-| {dren. The ideal laxative is Rexall] | Orderlies. Sold only by Geo. W.! THIS IS HAT | {WANTED AT | orrasy » ess street ONCE, TO LEARN - 'rincess » hi ladie® garment "cutting. Only | PRICES IN CLAKENC &ocd, experienced cutters, with] Mudi 4k to. C best references may apply to 266 udie, a Well street, city, silington. sree, oily {SOLID BRICK, 7 ROOMED HOUSE; HB ST. CHAM- 4 unplogham & GET A SIRE OF KORNDYKRE htoon, rence St, 'e are offering at present bul ealves sired by the line bred bull | Mahood, the. Rexall Store, 10c.,! 265¢c. & 50c. boxes. { | In police court Wednesday morn-| ing, a merchant's clerk charged with| | theft, was remanded a day. Onellfl Don't put off getting your hat costs||l| cleaned until the warm weather. drunk Waa fneq g dollar and il Get it done now and have it CLEANING TIME FIFTY BOAT BUILDERS WANTED | "Paul" Korndyke," having about 40 per cent. of the blood of Sis grand sire, Pontlae Korndyke; sire's da 22.91 lbs. butter seven days. Calves dams milking up to 8,800 Ibs in bath and closet: gas and electric Men accustomed to bullding wood- | lights. Apply 237 Victoria street n eat Montreal. | Sty wo: at clans men priv FURNISHED BOUSE FOR SUMMER Apply by letter stating age, ex- | months, convenient to City Park perience and wages expected. Ed- Immediate possession if necessary. | ward Ramage, shipbuilder, 29 St. | Apply to Box 15, Whig offiec. | Joseph strest, Toronto, i 3 LARGE FRONT ROOM, FIREPLACE, seven months conditions. enham. On very ordinary Rutledge ros. Syd- LOT ON PARK ST, 440x133. CHEAP i y { rady to put on any day you re- | G. F. Mercer, Royal Bank staff] ready! 'y ye. | here, has" been transferred to the||f quire it. We are not "Hatters, | Vars branch and promoted to the po-| but our reputation proves that we {sition of teller-accountant Mr. (lll know how to clean, bleach and re- | block all kinds of hats. All work | Mercer has heen In"the Jocal brasen) guaranteed or money refunded. The old derrick' at the Kingston Pappas Bros. own and a new travelling! crane supplants it. The latter made! saasaseand st aay 1o Welllagton street. p shopman, Apply at once. Ander. o& | b son Bros, Princess and Division ¢ p streets. Phone 45 b to a quick buyer. S2500--FRAME HOUSE. UNIVERSITY r avenue; good locality, 208 KING ST. BE, NEAR EARL, NINE rooms, @ll modern conveniences. TO RENT--$16.00-BRICK HOUSE, Apply John Carruthers, 151 Wel- Seal} location; a snap for {mme- ate tenant. lington street. electric light, and all econvenlences, | WANTED, 4 A good practical meat cutter or of {GOOD GROCERY STORE, BUTE [BRICK HOUSE, LARGE, NEW, ALL shop and dwelling, on ann improvements, with stable; 'cheap. street] fixtures, etc, in. Apply to| George A. Bateman, real estate, in- Horace F. Norman, 177 Wellington | surance, 67 Clarence street. { its first trip around the track on | was torn i Tuesday afternoon. | Shiptsailding Company's dry dock, 90 and 200 PRINCESS STREET Phone 544. WANTED GENERAL | treet. Stree ai BOARD AND ROOMS, | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, | There will. be a rehearsal of "Leo, the Royal Caget.> on Wednesday. oven. WILL LADIES AND BUSINESS MEN | | ing, to make final arrangements for CEREA | the production. Great care had been A NEW L gry, alry rooms; your own lock and FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS key. Frost's Clty Bto 299 Good lo 3 requir; Women to work by the! rage, | 100d location, modern convenlences. by or Rhee plense apply to | Queen St. Phone §286b, Apply 243 Brock street. taken by the leaders, and the best ' Dr. Jackson's production yet attempted of this play WHO DOES YOUR REPAIRING ? Du you get prompt, efficient service, and are the charges reason able. . We specialize in repairs to all makes of cars and magneton. Only expert mechanics employed im aur shops, We oan expert attention te your work. Il at our garage when you need repairs. Tt is centrally located, one us and we will send for your ear and return "Tt in first-class running order. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited THE HEART OF THE CITY." a "IN 210-14 WELLINGTON STR PHONE 454 Fresh and Crisp From the garden every morning. By the dozen or 23.T%8 | a large force of men so that they may J Omi loyed at the WE WANT TO BUY SECOND HAND | Day N A i wv: Nursery. Phone SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, 382 UNIVERS. ARCHITROT ity avenue. Alse four rooms over WM. NEWLANDS a - store. Apply to C. H. Pleker! he es |W AND, 8 SO si ete. Phone 61. " geese feathers. A RI, Kingston | Matiress Company, £56 rincess St. rederick. Brown, | Kingston Paper Box actory, was working on 'a cornering machine and | had the first joint of the first finger not only a medicinal cer i |A FIVE ROOMED FURNISHED FLAT FAMILY WASHING TO DO AT HOME, | 31. Roman Meal Apply to Mrs. 8. J. Rees, 430 Brook | °l°Ctfic light gas and king | Lo range. Street car & SON, ARCHITROTS, street. | Possession at once. ants' Bani Bullding, a. ¥ 'tasty as well. | cereal or made in pans Trial site .........c.... 10 cents { on his right hand almost cut off. He was rushed to the Gemeral Hospital, where the joint was placed in position and bandaged. It is de- KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING co. | hig office. prock ho 4 Wellington streets. 231 Princess street; phone 168. © | Simpson M~r. We clean your shut. A FEW Ni ters and put them up, We also take off storm windows. 5 TO 7 ROOM BUNGA- lows, with furniture yet, at Eastview Park," six miles from Kingston, on St. Lawrence; good L. Ryder, Bagot street, on Tuseday ftarnccs, received a tele Tan Ottawa that her cousin, Pte. Bernard Parson, of that place, had been killed at the front. Miss Ryder leit for Ottawa on Tuesday 25 cents. At Your Family Grocers. FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. (Distributors. ) ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD 8 Access and conveniences by land al RE Avely J. D. Boyd, 106 dispose of, let me know. I . » wil ay good prices. J. Thom son, 333 | gow STUART STREET, FIRST 8 street, phone 1600, Riley yu west of Lower Uni. BO. ondshand ture and stoves A SEE PEP PIP The military authorities are mak- NOTICE. ing special efforts to recruit a large number of men in this division so|¥ Tar eaard Walsh, PDS. oh that they will get the benefit of the|g of Sparks & Sparks, Dentists, of splendid training offered at Barrie- Dr Fmest B. & DALES, ors has field camp before being sent over- . e Seas. A circular was issued by the 3 usen's Bhtonary Hospital, officer commanding the 3rd Division on Wednesday afternoon to the ef- fect that commanding officers of mi- Hitia units throughout this division must make special efforts to recruit evening. LA be sent to Barriefield. bunch. Special prices to stores. J. R. B. GAGE, |mig Gass Bia 'made to Phone 549. Montreal Street Golden Liou Hock, 0 Opposite sage on the White Star Liner Cym- - versity Avenue. 8ix rooms and DY WOULD BE GLAD TO STORE attle. Els tric light; newly clean- plano for summer months in re. | $d. calsom ied and painted. Small turn for use of same during own. serandah Lostairs down. Pos- ory Bence. Apply Box 511, session at once. ¥ next door, y 165 West. Apply in mornings. I PAY THE HIGHEST DENTAL araiture. Al kinda off pad hand LDS, D D8. RE. nds rnita clothing, beots, tools, ete. to wil A arr. b - Bereat: Dron, a. card I will eall a wE apiro, 45 street ? Princess DR. ©. C, NAS nm. Renton, a % NB Street. Phone 75. 3 DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 ellington street; J rd Walsh, D.D.S. 'as. sistant. Prone HDS. LAA, jas CYMRIC WILL SAIL OARTING. FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Boclety; Jearpore CARTING SERVICE, PHONE 1751. Riesident, Colonel ¥ From New York On Friday--She Be Protected. + law was passed by the Municipal Coun- New York, May 13. Already oi ot the Township + at Lobe rough, is nee. pas- e county rontenac, on n hinety persons have oa ] day 2 Novemmer. 1914, Providing for ebentures to t ric, flying the British flag, Which 13{of $16:500 Tor the purpose of purchas: scheduled to leave for Liverpool onling a lot apd bullding a sohool "house Friday. The Lusitania torpedoing is|for School Section Number Thiee of held resp ible by officials. he aT nahin of Loberough, and that y Not House Cleaning / ry . i ms ES for y axes oh allf 2 __ A brick of City Dairy » Bross, Hie Co.'s Ice Cream, 25¢c per _. Brick. Fresh to-day. All flavors. Notice is hereby 'given, that a by- AUTOMOBILES 1863; one i Jusued nipal ol And a. es, mu, and count a) rohaseds pentures; mor pu : . fra GH phe TAR Tnaritene Sm Ak | en pT IR Y, niversity avenue. hich Ni) policyholders have for B, Moving furniture, removing ashes, RE. Jhaming, ate, Sha Saretul and re. rvice. Nelson street. fies Bedore, 174 CLEANDD AND paired by tract! (any make), by . experien mechanics. Apply $3 Colborne street. 4 : was t Cymric will carry a crew of 650 Registry & 'he anny of Thr men and only about sixty passen-itenac on the Tth day of 915. STORM SASHES REMO Byrm. elt t ured ow, les given on old or new carpen- posal to po +3 I ao fer ork. or moving id or giving new got May, 1 Any motion to quash ok aside Stevendores yesterday began to|made thin 0 ae 5. ey ir load her with guns and ammuni- nirst publication oh ibis a oan e made ereafter. tion for the British Government. I Dated the Tth day of May, A.D. 1916. was said that about 10,000 tons of \ WSo notice and FM LA ahd that mored motor trucks will e lashed er decks. _ On iter last eastward trip, the | Oymric carried much ammunition. and no passengers. She is advertis- ed, however, to take steerage pass- Hoag's Drug RINGSTON, ONT, Opp. C.A. Phone 258. 4 v Beno, 10 Pat- jae -- i " airing and carpet Ty a. = Sr Ch hod Begta. Drop a card| "da SUMMIYOMANM mammierem 4 i gr. Ssngsion * Steamer Wolfe Islander, Steamer Aletha (Picton Bay of Quinte). ¢ ld Get one from us for the asking.

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