The bigger the roof, the more reason for Paroid 'The importance of the with the importance hc NEP Paroid is only one of the Neponset Poofings. There is one for every roof and 8p To Booklet, "Repairing and Building, re . by dealers everywhere. the Neponset, Dealer we will make you a special offer. MaDE BY BIRD & SON (Escblished 1795) HAMILTON, ONT. | increases ue of the ROOFING. én the roof, and sides too, means more protection to your live stock ana your pocket-book. Protection against leaks, repairs, and let, in your jowen, white for his name. eho that greatest danger of * Free. We pay | SOLD IN yg nGSTON uv FRONTENAC LUMBER & COAL CO A A ANN Spring Styles in Wo- men's Shoes Patent Pump,Grey Suede, = Quarter, Plain Toe, Lewis Heel. $3.00 H. JENNINGS, - King Street PALPITATION CAUSES COLLAPSE Now in Wonderful Health through Dr. Cassell's Tablets. " ----p i, 80 bad she thought she was going de. Also had Acute Dyspepsia and simply awhul_ Headaches. No treatment fried was of any DR. CASSELL'S TABLETS. Wlderly folk all over the Dominion who suffer from palpita- middle and advanced "1 can't praise Dr. enough for all the y me," says Mrs. C. Harris, of Charnh: street, Hu England. "When I fast ok them, Sha continaes, "1 really hought 1 was going the sp! I have made the nervous system 'that hes made them the most popular rem in the Britisn Isles. . Dr. Cassell's Tablets renew the and so bring health to the who's body. - DYSPEPSIA, HEARTBURN, and Palpitation | made fife a misery. Mrs. Elisabeth Forner, u lady of 87 years of see, of 9, Mainsforth-terrace, Sunder land, and, where she is well known for in she takes in reli said: "i feel # Is only right thet 1 v tell you of the wonderful benefit I have derived from taking Dr, Cassell's Tablets. It is about four years ago since I first i! fz j EF 3d guk : # % E il i i 8 x Says the preface: power of the nerves, stomach and kidneys, y "The bad beheld: the Raber SOUTH\AFRICAN "BLUE PAPER" TELLS AMAZING STORY. Lichtenburg Seer's Experiences Had Much to Do With the Rising of De Ia Rey, De Wet, Maritz, Bey- ers and Others--Under Roof of Prophet "onspiracy Was Ha che --He Urged the Bebels to Wait. The South African "Blue Paper' is out. It is unigue-----~romant.c. in the third paragraph of tLe very firs. page of this weighty document, which deals ith the recent ienel- lion, is the following unusual sen tence: > "It is not surprising, then, that in the fearment aroused by the gig.n- tic struggle in Europe, . "ica s.em- ed to be shaking the world to its foundations, young men began to sce visions and oid men to dream dreams of what the ouicome might be for South Africa." And this is followed by a still stranger passage. "The times were not without the'r signs. Thee was a seer in Lichten burg who had vision of strang:in- port. Years ago and long befo.€ any ope in this country had dreamed of wa. he beheld a great fight of bulls, six or seven of them, engaged i. bloody combat; a gray bull hud emerged victorious from the contes.. "The bulls signified the great nu- tions of Europe, and the gray by was Germany. cussed this strange vision and bad rememberéd its prophetic character when, liter, war actually broke ou.. The vision seemed ominous. Ger- many was predestined to triumph." The seer is Niklaas van Rersuurg, and he runs through this Govirn ment report like a seari=t thread through gray homespun. It 1. arcund his influence tuat the upri.- ing of September 15 Is built, It k under his roof that all manner of lurid conspiracies are hatched. No. only do his words carry the crowd that gather before his hous: to hear his prophecy, but his wa.n- ings shape the actions of sone o. the Transvaal generals. Tue Govain- ment report will not go so far as (e brand "Oom Niklaas" as a hoax. "It is desired to point out that the narrative of events has been coun- piled in as objective a manner a possible, and that it contains no. statement which is not borne out by evidence in possession of the Gov- ernment." His most famous and most in- fluential prophecy, the one that wiil go down in the history of Souch Ar- rica, was that which concerned Gen. de Ia Rey and the fatal number 15. This prophecy which came back to the minds of von Reénsburg's fol- lowers when war broke out was one concerning General de la Rey, who had commanded the Lichtenturg burghers in the Boer war apd since beepme president of the Wes. ern t Farmers' Association. Vaa Renpburg had always admifed Gen. de la Rey. He had frequenlly hini- ed to his circle that great things ; in store for him. One of his vi had been well known {o Gen. dels Rey and his friends for som. , The report says: 16 on a dark cloud. from which blood issued, and. then Gen. de la Rey returning home without his hat. Immediately afterward came a car- riage covered with flowers." This was several years ago. But the people did not forget the pro- hecy, and whel wir broks out in urope the Western Transvaal---in the Lichtenburg-Wolmaranstad area, where van Rensburg's influence was strongest-~was immediately aflame. The Govern t does not seck 'to minimize the importance of this in- ce: "When the War at last broke out the effect Lichtenburg was fin- stantaneous. The prophecies of van Rensburg were eagerly recalied, and it was remembered that he had fore- told a day on which the indepen- dence of the Transvaal would be re- stored: "Certain individuals could be seen daily cleaning their rified and cart- ridges in onder to be ready for the day. Within & week of the declara- {tion of war between Great Briain and Germany the district was fur- ther profoundly stirred by the news (now become generally known) thal a great meeting of local burghers was to be held at Treurfontein on the 15th of August, and that certain local officers were commandeering their burghers to come fo this meet- ing armed and fully equipped for. the break of | ar in B ou the war in Europe suddenly brought Lichtenburg- er's prophecy down to earth and crysialiited the nti i com- mandants were evidently as convine- that independence was at hand Thousands nad die- | FINANCIAL MATTERS. What the Granby Consolidated Direc- tors Have Learned. Boston, May 14.--When the Gran- by Consolidiated directors hold their May meeting it will be with the knowledge that the company's float- ing debt has been cared for, leaving resumption of dividends a possible topic of discussion. The general belief is that the former quarterly rate of $1.50 will be restored and paid in June. During the first quarter of 1915 Granby, from its two properties, produced nearly 7, 000,000 pounds of copper, an amount far in excess of any previous records. Neither smelter was worked to eapa- city in that period. Vanderbilt's Estate, New York, May 14--A. G. Van- derbilt is estimated to have left es- tate from $75,000,000 to $100,000,- «v0, largely in real estate. He had $20,000,000 invested in New York Central Realty and Terminal Co., and was sole owner of Vanderbilt Hotel, valued at $4,000,000. No Dividend Change: Montreal, May 14.--Directors of the two English concerns, which | have been loaded up with war or- | ders since the outbreak of hostilities --Vickers, Limited, and Armstrong- | Whitworth, have made no change | their dividend payments, Nor has! the stock of either concern leapt sky- wards on war order news. il Hollinger Dividend. Toronto, May 14.--Dividend No. 34 of the Hollinger Mines for 4 per cent. payable May 20th, brings the Hollinger dividend table to 107 per cent., or a total disbursement of $3, 210,000. Since January the com- pany has paid in dividends $600,000, or 20 per cent., compesed of five di- videndr of 4 per cent. Maple Leaf's Best, Toronto, May 14.--The annual re- port of the Maple Leaf Mining Com- pany, which is as yet in the hands of the auditors, is stated by an interest in close touch with the company to he the best by far in its history. The figures: will net, however, be made pablic until the annual meeting, May: Canadian Cottons. Montreal, May 14--The annual statement of Canadian Cottons, Ltd., for the year ending March 31st shows total revenue amounting to $573, 877, a decrease of $29,065. After meeting = changes allowing for bad debits a balance of $133 937 re- mains to be carried forward to sur- plus; account which now stands at $1,103,163. A Heavy Deficit, Philadelphia, May 14.---Pennsyl- vania Steel Company reports a defi- cit of $678,491 for last year, against a surplus o1'$630,644 in 1913. In- come from operation was $1,276,208, a decrease of $1,487,923. Earnings equalled 1 1-10 per cent., on the pre- ferred stock, against 8 4-5 per cent., in 1913. Commercial Notes. The province of Ontario recently sold at private sale $1,000,000 5 per cent. five-year debentures at 100.25. The railroads of the United States during the last fiscal year paid $1, 378,472 in wages. The tendency towards improve- ment that has been observable in U. 8., railroad gross earnings for some Weeks past is apparently well majin- tained. : The Dominion Bridge Company had, during the latter half .of last week, booked two bridge orders in- volving the outlay of $1,000,000. A leading authority declares that jie United States is capable of sue- taining #ix hundred million people and Canada four hundred million people. The outstanding feature of the Montreal 'Stock Exchange on Wed- nesday was the strength shown by Holinger, which sold up to $27.%¢ aa compared with $25.50 on Tues- ay.. ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A,B, C of Banking oint Accounts are a Con- venience. Keer a Savings Account, and Le Your Money Accu- mulate. 176 We solicit your account in our $s SAVINGS DEPARTMENT @ KINGSTON BRANCH, Bo HE Rar or INDIA PALE ALE Not a Useless Intoxicant,- but a WHOLESOME BEVERAGE with dietetical and medicinal uses -- MADE AS GOOD AS WE CAN MAKE IT -- 1f not sold by nearest wine and spirit merchant, write 'JOHN LABATT, LIMITED CANADA James Mcrarland, Agent, 339.341 King St. East AA A -- --}which-will-be held the last week of} -- 4 i | HORACE F. NORMAN MARBLE HALL Pure Ice Cream In Bulk or Bricks: Packel! and delivered to any part of the eity. GEORGE MASOUD, | Phone 980. 238 Princess St. --~---- THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Drop a card to 13 Ploe street whon ~#anting anything done in the carpean- tery line. Estimates given on all kinde Jf repairs and new work: also hard- wood floors of all kinds. All orders will recelve prompt attention, Shop 10 Queen Street. SS NO PLACE LIKE HOME--IF YOU OWN 17. Six room brick veneer house on the west side of city, for 82,150 for quick sale. Six room frame . house, near Frontenne Park, with improve- ments, for SLAM. Solid Brick house on Clerxy Street, with hot water fursace, all improvements, stable, $3,250, Frame house on a corner with good stable, suitable for enrter, must be wold "bs May i 81,200, Rongh cast aE rooms, on very ehxy ferims, $1808. Real Estate and Insurance Office 177 Wellington St. AAA A SN AN MN Until you know the name 'Black Cat" and all it stands for in cigarette quality, you ¢annot enter into the zone of complete smoking enjoyment. Black Cat Cigarettes are a good thing to have in your knapsack. When you're foraging for smokes, don't be content with anything "almost as good." . The name "Black Cat" is considered by British as the every rsizn that signifies "good smoking." "Black Cat Cigarettes -10 for 10 Cents / You'll find "comrades-in-war" gladly welcoming your open cigar. ette-case and ready to return the compliment on all occasions, Every member of the Black Cat Army gets vne of the hew and exciting Black Cat War Games. It's Spoe--if you send 20 coupons to Black Cat Headquarters, Montreal .