English Actress Tells Hair Curling Secret - 4° eannot tog , gly condemn the use of the ot « g-iron" says Rita Moya nglish actress and beapty. "it means death to the hal ny t vig as In you will find that a ry atura wave and curliness has resulted, and the effect will last many days, eve damp weather "The laquid = ne is very benefi- celal and is not » ¥ or greasy Nei thér does it streak the hale or stain the scalp. You need not get more than a few' ounces from your druggist Phe best way is to divide the front and back hair into from four to xix strand and to moisten each strand thoroughly from root to tip." Up to May 14th the Kingston cas 1! valties in the war were: Killed--3. Killed in aceident---2. Died of wounds--2. Wounded--17. Missing--10, The list is ag follows, the dates be- | ing those upon which the news of the | casualties was announced; November 15---Capt. E. C. Carr- | Harris, killed at the Syezr Canal. March 2--Pte. J. Haunaford abla... | Best's ll | wounded : ; y lf! March 2--Pte. Fillion, wounded. - os i if! March 14--Pte. Percy naps ' | wounded. | March : - ¥ il | wounded. He Suu Tissue aflet gaper, 5 | March 18--Pte. J. Atkins, wound- 25¢ Talcum ; | joe 25¢ Tooth Powder " 3 | I. 25¢ Skin Cream jrounded, > L000 Toothpicks | bas Maren 15-3 te. oe Toilet Soa il | M rch 22--Pt I Ess, Vanilla ... iy ve " e. 25¢ Furniture Polish 20c § : Do your shapping Saturday and J} { March 22--Gr. West killed In acel- all days | dent in England, March 23--Pte. R. wounded. : March 30--Pte T. McMahon, kill- 16--Corpl, J. Haunts, March 18--Pte. W. Ramsay, F. T. Bristolin, W. F. Havery Warington | ed. April 5,--Pte. G. Watts, wounded | and invalided home. X | oil 28 --ldeut. Calvin Day, kill- a ed. "| April 28--Capt, G. T. Richardson, { wounded. April 28--Pte. F, Murray, died of wounds. KINGSTON'S CASUALTIES ~~ IN THE WAR TOTAL 33 FREESE Thre Arg § Dead, 17 Wounded and 10 Missing--Lime. stone City Paying Its Share bt Blood In Canse of Liberty. | ed for the Teecud (ime. { } Bould, | 4 Twilight § A number of Carroll AshBy's friends | holds a "very jolly surprise party at his home on William street on Friday | evening, when the guests included! | Hazel Abervethy, Beth Smath~¥ath [arine Hart, Eleanor Phelan, Gwen- imeth Stokes, Fthelwyn Macgowan, {| Ada Cooke, Helen Campbell, Mildred | i . . 3 | Wormwith and Messrs. Sherman Hill, | 29 Se . y April 29---S8ergt, Heaten, wound | Herbert Steacy, Vietor Mi - kd | A; Ls > _{ward Ryan, Gordon Small, "Ted" Homi 29--Pte. M. V, Eccles, woun | Rogers; Ross Byron, and some of the | ) April 20--Pte. W. Raintay, wound- | Officers of the 206th Battery. led . : y Miss Wilhemenia Gordon entertained | wl 30--Pte. G. H. Wickman, | io dT perch = May 1,--Lievt, C. G. Carruthers | 1Pursday afternoon, when her guests a y th D rd relie ~*| included the members of the staff and | wounded at the J AlVaRe/ as, the students in the Faculty of Fduca-! May 2 Pte. C. Hertridge, wound- | tion. The tea table, which was cen. | | tred with lovely tulips, was in charge | {of Mrs. G. Y. Chown, Mrs, Russell ! Stewart and Mrs. W. F. Nickle, and | some of the girls present assisted in | { serving. i May 3--Pte. 8. Wilder, wounded. May 4--Pte. John MeClelland, wounded. May 5--Pte. W, Neilson, wound- . . so» f May G6--Pte. F. McDermott, | Mrs. John M. Gordon fang) wounded. | Hackett) will wreceive- for the first time May 7--Pte. D, A. Forneri, wound- | since her marriage on Wednesday, | . | May 19th, from three to five and from | May 7--Pte. Mackney, wounded. | 7.30 to 9 in the evening, in her! May 13--Pte. E. J. Clarke, miss- | pew home, 57 Bay street. } - . - ed i ing. J } { May 13--Pte. W. C. Arden, miss-| Mrs Perey Chown, Frontenac ing. | street, entertained informally at the May 13---Sergt. A. E. Cross, miss-| tea hour on Thursday afternoon in ing. {honour of her guest Mrs. Leroy May 13---Pte. J. E. Barry, missing. | Shaw.. May 13--Pte. J. G. Billings, miss-| ing, | A small bridge and tea was given May 13-----Pte. D. Davidson, miss-| at the Country Club on Friday. ing. : May. 13--Pte. T. Smith, missing.| Dr. gnd Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Brock May 13---Pte, H. H. Phillips, |street, returned from St, Catharines wounded. | to-day. May 13--Pte. W. Fleet, wounded Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Connell are ex- and missing. | acted home from New York on Sun- 14--Pte. O'Hanlon, wound-| day. ny 4.0 " le pd Be Soong Graham and --Drivey or 3 aster Ic iraham, Frankford, are We My DIRE Seunge Murray} apanding the week-end with Major and : | Mrs. Sydenham James Hamilton, --_ Napanee May 14.--A meeting of baseball en: thusiasts was held for the urpose of forming a league. Tt was form two teams, ome to be known as { the Town team and a Collegiate team. | CEM. Warner is President, W. T. Wal- {lod Vice-President, W. McKay Becre- | tary and Clayton Stevens Treasurer. | The Executive Committee consists of |'George Savage, Roy Root and Harry { Dunlop. . The Quarterly Official Board of Trin- | ity Methodist Church held its apnual | business meeting last night, and sat- | islactory reports were presented. The) pastor. reported an increase of mem- | i i bership. The financial state of the { ¢hurch is improving. W. F. Hall was | lected Recording Steward, and Thor | mas Jamieson, A, W. Grange, Uriah | Wilson, M. C. Bogart, J. R. Dafoe, {A. C. Baker and George Thompson | were elected Stewards. : Chief Graham made a trip to Kings | ton yesterday to attend the funeral {of his uncle, H. Jones. R. Cooke, The Blessing of Sight Do yow' appreciate it? Are you faking proper care of yaur eyes! Are you w suitable glasses Being eyesight specialists we can tell you much about glasses and eyes--the bless mg of sight and HOW TO RETAIN IT, KEELEY Ir., M. 0.0.0. Optometrist and Optician, 228 PRINCESS ST. 8 doors above Opera House, | tor in town to-day, | M. Adrick is moving 'what stock was {saved from fire, and will open a busi- | ness on Centre street in the store] | lately used as a meeting place by the | | Seventh Day Adventists. C, Walters, Jocal manager of the | Seymour Power Company, will build | & summer cottage'at Bartlett's Camp, Bay of Quinte. , Leo Berey, Tweed, is | visiting in gdowm. = The {tured in the Historical Hall to-night {on the early days of the Hudson Bay v Company. . tat . E. W. Roy has moved into the Artistie selection of Ta fin wi rn 3 | continue his business there temporar- 388% Eu Are worthy your thought and inspection. Our reputation for nobby straws will be " : more than sustained this year. } ENGLISH STRAWS. Made in Canada and in England on American blocks, combining 'QUALITY Shuman, , appeared this* morni May 15:The 'schooner Horace Ta: ance great rivals, Conforming bands such as in use delight 'every wearer. to | glum was largely responsible in se { Canadian Northerh Railway 3 { Company will build a new station on Centre street at the Selby Road eross- ing. il Lawrence J. Burpee, Ottawa, lec- | be HE street. EFFECT OF BRYCE REPORT. | Mrs. Leroy Shaw, Toronto, is the | guest of Mrs. Percy Chown, Frontenac ) C yi | street. Serbian, warped With Murder Of Smet. Fraser, Lowell, is ustrian, "Not Guilty. {imies Miss Edith Pr Vancouver, B.C., May 15--Vis-| ung Miss Edi ASK » BL, May ' | Nursing Bister Hambly has heen €oupt Bryce's report of harrowing | spending a couple of days at her home details of German atrocities in Bel-{ in Napanee. Mrs, Charles Taylor, Johnson street, curing the freedom of Nick Poynay- will leave shortly for Springfield, ck, a Serbian, who had been charged | N.Y., to visit her sister, i, with the murder of an Austrian, | ? 8.8 A Counsel for the accused, who is an! Mrs. Carmen arrived yesterday 'irom Ally of the British soldiers now at! Montreal to visit Mrs. D. 8. Robert. the front, declared that having in| son, Sy street. Her daughter, mind the manner in which the Aus. | Miss Hallie Carmen went overseas frians and their Allies have commit: | with MoGill Stationary Hospital. ted crimes against civilization, it was Miss Callander and Mr. and Mrs, I. Bot unlikely that the Austrian now | H. Breck, University avenue, are io- dead had been the aggressor against | toring to Ottawa for the week-end. the accused Serbian, This plea had | Miss Callander will remain there to such an effect with the jury that a {visit her brother. dict of not guilty of murder was! Capt. and Mes. W. Harty returned brought in within five minutes. | to Ottawa. on Tuesday alter spending e in Comper ™ poi ad WOMEN'S WEAKNESS untest the Known Cope He AND HEALTH PERILS: in lt, Yestorla y to take var the 3 yg | duties of night-supervisor at the City ¥ § 1% : | Hopital & Ohio. Miss ---- Coulter isa nisep of the Deputy Post: Anaemia Comes 50 Gradually That m5: Com Connie | Mr. and Mrs. George Mackie and the Victim Scarcely Realizes {dittle son are en pension at Mrs. 4 5 +1 Geol i 's, | Miss Phyllis Plummer will leave for 44 | her home in Stratiord on Tuesday, Upon Hor Until Almost <i pening In 2 Decline. { Miss Gladys Burton is expected in Worth 5 {town from Belleville shorily to visit omen's work is more Wearing | Mies 14 ndeM every waking hour. There is no! treet, Rn Phit df eight or nine hour day for the bread- | - kd erring Noa. Tick winner's wife, and often she toils| ard Perryman, for the past three The woman who is indoors all {the past five years in Winnipeg, is day Is very often careless about what | here to a while with his sister, she eats and does not keep her blood | Mrs. A, analstine, §6 Division street, Richardso: and poor, whieh makes. her weak, | ton," has returned from Phillipsburg, headachy, tired, breathless and liable where she pet» short. time with her to pains in the back and sides, the Galighter, rs, T. G, MoGinni do wonders for the woman who is . tired out, who aches all over when she rises in the morning and feels Paterson left for Lan- gain new blood now, and drive away |T- B. Caldwell. the pains and aches and tiredness it| she will take Dr. Williams' Pink for other women and will do the same for you if you are weak, tired, to. depressed or suffering from back- uate of the Kingston Geueral Hospi- incinnati, the Hold the Trouble as | N= rhvie mmr wi ng the session at Queen's. than man's because it lasts almost | Mrs: J Caldbaek, Coloring under the greatest difficulty because weeks, her strength is below what it should | Mr. Paul, Kingston, who has spent up to the mark. It becomes thin| Mrs. H. W. m, "Alwing- scourge of her sex. New blood will| Jaies Mrs. Frank unsccountably depressed. She can|8rk to-day to visit her sister, Mrs. Pills, . They have worked marvels 38¥ aches or sideaghes. . ah £3 L THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1915. PAGE THREE {Told In | Misses Hazel Browne, Muriel Brooks, || ny Fine to-day and Sunday, then showery; same temperature { YT TO-NIGHT FROM 7 TO 945 } A Convincing List Of SPECIAL VALUES AT-PRICES THAT CANNOT BE DUPLICATED ELSEWHE®E IN TOWN PONGEE SILK N\ Juss 800 yards special extra weight natural Po wide; a regular 65c value. TO-NIGHT . BOAT CUSHIONS Also suitable for verandahs--80 in filled and made--good full size -- sold everywhere at 45c, well TO-NIGHT tapestry and plain designs -- 25¢ . . 25 dozen Cotton-Lisle Vests--short sleeves and long sleeves 10¢ good full size; regular 15¢ value. TO-NIGHT ...... . Wanted Goods Just Received NEW NECK FRILLS WHITE CHAMOIS GLOVES NEW SUMMER HOSIERY NEW YORK NECKWEAR NEW SUMMER UNDERWEAR, ETC, ETC. All on special display to-night. Try. this. useful pro- | duct; takes the place of butter for cooking pur- | poses. Davies' Co. | Summer Millinery Made in'Canada our specialty, Miss Hamilton, 370 PRINCESS ST. Onn Tigi Steacy's-- ae . 'Cl ean- ing Time Use our Frantz-Premier Electric Vacuum Clean- er, price $32.00, ' Best and most powerful suction tleaner on market. We rent for $1.00 per day. HW. Newman Phone 441 Electric Co., 79 Princess Street. The Children's Health! Pure Milk is the best food known. Pasturised | in sealed bottles is both clean and pure. eo Phone 845 :: 5, 7230 to | THERE 18 A DISTINCTIVE QUALITY APPEARANCE About BUN-KIST packages--just as distinctive as the quality of their contents. UN-KIST Seeded and Seediess Raisins. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LTD.