Daily British Whig (1850), 18 May 1915, p. 12

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Tl Meet You Where The Orange Blossoms Bloom. Words by 'RICHARD GERARD. Moderato nf N-- sweéet-heart 'neath the silv-'ry south-ern moon, - com=-ing home, and loved her still the same, say, 1 fond heart must be-lieve, And in 8 i i | i I iy i : i hi. cis ti | i i CEPEPP20200 9202843200403 9900 00 | I li maid en with a sigh: "If youve come to say good -. bye) wait - ed day by day For a do not care; If youll prom-ise to be true and come back soon;" fan: cy oft' she hears him call her -- A Sweet Plaintive Ballad. Could it Copyright by Academic. Music Co, "My sad heart will not Music by JOS. L. PURCELL, To her let = ter that would say, He was de-spair, Tho' you be, he would. de-ceive,Still her "Dear name; But she F International Copyright Secured and Resérved. \_ Used by permission, Murray Music Co. Now York. lik Hi gEE ge, hin, i ei i i 3.4 ih months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Spicer. PLEASANT VALLEY. May 14.~The recent frosts are re- tarding growth of vegetation. Quite a number from here attended the Conservative convention. Noble El- lerbeck has purchased a fine new auto. The township crusher is again in operation. All are pleased to note that Mrs. Richard Ellerbeck is convalescent. Roy Freeman, Yarker, motored to N. Ellerbeck's on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson called at M. Bradford's. J. Deline and C. Cowdy at T. Brad- ford's. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hughes were recent visitirs at Petworth; Mr. and Mrs, F. Larkins at A. Gowdy's; Miss L. Ellerbeck and Clarence in the city. WOLFE ISLAND t May 15.--The Bishop of Ontario visited the parish of Wolfe Island on Sunday last, accompanied by Mrs. Mills. Service was held at Trinity church at 10 a. m., and thén the rector and party motored in George Barry's car to the foot of the island. {been sj N©9 457 Mark Workman, Montreal, is erect- ing two large wings to his cottage, H. McKinney has the contract. Mrs. R. L. Joynt, Brookville, is the guest of her sister, the Misses Donevan, Miss Jennie How, Rideau Street Hos- pital, Ottawa, is visiting her par- ents here. Mrs. Sweet, who has pending the winter with friends in Buffalo, N.Y., has return- ed home. Mrs. J McDonald who has been ill at her daughter's, Mrs. W. Singleton's, Crosby, is con- valescent. Miss Dora Klyne, Athens, called on friends in the village this week. She was accompanied by her brother, Robert, who js home from the west. PLEVNA. May 14.--The cheese factory open- ed on Monday with a good supply of milk and Carman McNeil in charge. Mrs. E. F. Card, who met with a 'painful accident on April 4th, is im- proving nicely. Mr. and Mrs, Burn- bam, Sharbot Lake, have been camp- ing at Brulea Lake for a few days. J. F. Card lost a valuable horse this week. J. Brouse has'a grant of money for the Lavant road. Edward Ward of this place. has joined the Kingston volunteers. A bouncing baby boy has come to stay at Joe Brouces" "The Riverviews," also a boy at Judd Tooley's on the moun- tain, CLARENDON. May 17.--Mr. and Mrs. 915. Nell" he said "Ill migs you, Please, fad » ed fast each you with all my heart) he then re « plied. mock-ing-birds sing sweet a far "© Tg) meet Tus-tic seat, be-neath the sil-viy moon,---- turn, §weet-heart Saturday at Sydenham. Monahan officiated. A. Campbell is hauling lumber for | his new hay barn. pr, To Lalone, | Brockville, has been visiting her fath- er for the past two weeks. r. and Mrs. R. Clow, at J. Buck's; F. Loney and Miss Lula Darling, at Tobias Young's; Mrs. Stokes, at H. Kellar's; Carl Shales, Perth Road, at J. Sills'. JOYCERVILLE, May 14.---Mrs. G. McClumont and daughter, Mina, Ottawa, are visiting at 5. Woods'. A number of farmers in this vicinity are purchasing auto- mobiles. The new mail route from Kingston Mills to Joyceville n on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson, Battersea, are visiting his sister, Mrs. Samuel Woods. Farmers report good prospects for hay and grain. William Livi ne is drilling a well for Frederick Keller. Frederick Scott is remodelling his house, Fred erick Patterson is remewing old ac- intances in Joyceville. Mrs. C. orris was called home last evening by - the death of her sister, Mrs. Smith, Kingston. McLean Bros. Front Road, brought a motor party to Joyceville on Thursday evening. LAKE OPINICON. J May 11.--The recent showers have been a great benefit to the pastures which are exceedingly good for this time of the year. The farmers have finished seeding. Mr. Truscott, I. P. 8., visited the school last Wednes- day and found everything very sat- isfactory under the able management Rev. Mr. taragui. ly been o a - away from herep As he first met her, so Tair, Whenshe longed a- gain where the ! And Til meet fet Till her «bove her head, held her in or - ange blos -soms and Miss Lena, at J. O'Connor's; Cole Lake; T, O'Connor and T. Murphy at T. Young's; Miss M. Young at P, O'Connor's; Guess Bar- ret at M. J. Cochrane's. SHARBOT LAKE, May 14.--Mrs. Charles Huffman is visiting in Perth. ' W. L. Camp- bell spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Eva Gordon has returned from Perth. Rev. W, H. Bromwich is at- tending district meeting in Ottawa. Floyd Allen spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mr. Mercer, Royal Bank, Kingston, called on friends here Thursday. Mrs. W. Milligan has returned from Verona after spending a few days with her father, who is ll. ~ The boys and girls are enjoying the evenings playing base- ball. Bertram Smith and Carl Can- non have returned from Florida af- ter spending the winter there. Mrs. W. Deline and little daughter, Ray, of Kingston, are visiting the for- mer"s father here. -Miss Jennie Al- len has taken the position of assist- ant superintendent of Chatham Hos- pital, and Miss Annie Allen is In Smith's Falls acting as assistant sup- erintendeut in the hospital there. Court was held in the hall here fo- day. Miss Myra Keill spent Sun- day with her sister who is a nurse- in-training in Rockwood Hospital, Kingston. B. Robinson spent Sun- day with friends here. Floyd Al- len has returned from Kingston, where he has been trying the Civil Service examinations, J. Conboy and family have moved te Glentay. me fond - ly kiss you, | "spir- it passed & - Now "l can ner for-get you, dear, tho' Im And her gest- arms and soft - ly hear the words he Let your heart cease to pine; Ill re- where the or- ange-blos soms F ds there; Where he sighed: said: bloom, ~™ NO 457 Many trees were planted, and some very handsome flower plots were made.--James Ralpk made a flying visit to Brockville last week -- Wii. liam Ralph called on friends here recently --While William Rogers and | his little nephew were taking a plea- sure drive last week, the shaft of the steer wheel became uncoupled, and for a time the car was unman- ageable, and nearly turned over. Both were thrown out, the little fellow re- ceiving a gash in the leg from the broken glass, Both are able to be around now, though rather unnerv- ed by the shock. ;.- ~ Dr. Bullard has sold his horse Dennis Pepper to the license commis- sioner at Ottawa.---Miss Sullivan is' spending a few days in Mount Ches- ney.~-Norman Jones is able to be: around again---W. G. Elliott made a business trip to Portland last week. --Droves of cattle are going by daily to the Barker Ranch Visitors: Wil- liam Ripley, Portland; Miss Ripley, Lanark; Miss K. Dwyer, Elgin; George Fleming, Newboro. | Bastings | TWEED. YOUR BACK is a Barometer, When it husts, it means that the Kidueys need help. Take Gin Pills--Canada's own remedy for all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, "Made in Canada Tce Cream In bulk delivered to all parts of the city. Phone 1128 or call at 280 Princess Street Choice Fruits and Candies of all kinds. KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCTS Zan supply Cement Blocks, Br Sills, We also manufacture Cement Grave Vaults, Estimates given for all kinds of Ce- ment Work, Kingston Cement Products. H. F. NORMAN, MANAGER, Office, 177 Wellington Street. Phones: Office, 730; Fabttory, 1204, AUTO LIVERY Bibby's - Garage A-1 Auto Mechanics Agents, Dodge Bros. Phones: 201, Garage; 917, Residence. NO PLACE LIKE HOME-IF YOU OWN IT. Six room brick veneer house on the west side of city, for $2,150 for quick sale. 'Six reom 1 house, near filine .Frontenae Park, with Improve- ments, tor BLAS0, Solid Brick house on Clergy Street, with kot water furnace, all improvements, stable, Frame on Ro rooms, on very etsy terms, $1,300, HORACE F. NORMAN Real Estate and insurance Office 177 Wellington St. WHAT $10 DID FOR THIS WOMAN The Price She Paid for Lydia {Lintles, Bricks, Flower Vases, Tile, Caps, P'er Blocks, efe.

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