Daily British Whig (1850), 19 May 1915, p. 2

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a PAGE TWO | { | i ~R | serjous. LIMITED, 149-157 Brock St. hdd lat Ce 00 J OWNERS OF AUTOMOBILES JERSEY MILK Tc Per Quart Delivered anywhere. Phone for a trial quart of milk sold in the city. If these little classified advts. will return lost money to its owners like this, they will also perform wonders in finding that house yon want to buy, selling some article you have for dis- posal, or performing quickly and cheaply hundreds of little services for you. Try them next time yon want any service performed. H Dr. William Reid, Barrie, Vt., Teft | for his home to-day after visiting his father, sister and many old] friends. He left Kingston forty # years ago. | + * . | + Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Winnett, Lon-| + don, Ont., announce the engagement | # of their daughter Stella, to John!|# | Gilmour, son of the late James Gil-| # NEWS FROM THE Y, M. C. A. TECTORS AND GOGGLES. We stock the best right prices, The new (Night v accident at night. If chauffeur use a pair. PILLOW 'COTTON--40 inches wide-- The Building a Povular Place For | ° { lines at §i and Day) | agaist Have the A Ne THE DAILY BRITISZ WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1915. x er HEBER RA ERRORS WAS BADLY HURT 'DESERTING THE FARM 3 i { -- s i Eas od ae 4 # i » | When Returning Home From Fath- y 4 y : . . -. I old o*'s Funeral, ¥ ¢ 0 SECURE WORK IN| / Ye While returning, from the funeral IN ORDER T A..." 1 fen ie d { i wilight of her father, the late William Web| * THE CITY. '8 ster, whe died in Kingston last Sat- : . I 4 . 3 urday, Mrs. J. A. Myers, Portland, Immigration Agent George Hunter! : : - {a daughter of the deceased, had the | Rounding Up Young Men Brought : » . 5 { misfortune to be thrown out of a Here to Help Farmers and Do Not | 8 or Reliable To-day is Ladies' Day at the Fron-] SEE). Suesiving a badly fractured! Stay On Their Job, . = | tenae Club, when the members are left collar bone. dos } i rom) . : entertaining their friends at lunch. It will Pd rememberéd hat the FB auntur i gratis he: 3 z said 4 remains of the deceased were trans- ' » i . 2 J - i Stora é@ Mrs. F. C. Smith, Johnson street, ferred to Oak Leaf on Sunday, and Jods a raw Thnid This Coupon and 10c entities any school pupil to one large 24x18 Union | Mrs. J. C. Gurd and Gordon Sith. | on Money ihe Hueral When Me. | distelet fo work on farms, and: who| Jack Mag, mounted with gilt head and spear. Soft waving cotton bunting, lave returnec om Ss 4 le a h i She ¥ week-pod in Belleville. ] Myers and her husband were driving have Jeapied to iake positions it | fast colors. Regular value 25¢. FOR YOUR i FURS J. K. Robertson, Queen's, left to-| from the cemetery the busy Joppien the oily. py Eat IE ap +4 i : 3 , z { day for Perth te spend a couple of over into a deep ditch ua the side ders, uble i | months. of the road. The horse was travel- Slope Sor those Xho do not fay 98 5 FLAGS FOR HOME DECORATION. : ; a | Miss Gladys Burton, Belleville, is! ling glong at a fairly good rate and he am. a nesqay ps pin ol Best Wool Bunting 2x8 feét Union Jacks, mounted on five foot staff Our receipt protects you! the guest of Miss Lillan Mundell, had it not been for the promptness| MTF. ] tho ye Pood . 8 : Yor v= Brock street. with which Mr. Myers puiled up, a) ihe Police Station, an be Then Ys with spear head. pecial $1.00. Reg ilar $1.75. against loss. Telephone 489. | T. F. Harrison returned from Nap | serious fatality might have been the OW he gad to i e chance Our wagon will call. {anee on Tuesday. | result. As it was, the driver escaped | Bel Hider - it is not tair*to PATRIOTIC MUSIC. | dag hop Bidwell went 10 Tweed to- injury. Mrs. Myers was carried tof ME, he city that, these fe} All the latest numbers in Patriotic Music at lowest prices day. a nearby house where Dr. Kelly was | the men in the city tha ys €l- A € Bln S ] 0¢ MUSK ¢ § S. { There was a small bridge at the| summoned and dressed the fracture. | lows should Kite up dheis Jobs the Nad i | | Country Club on Saturday afternoon | Later she was taken to her home. | COURUY ahd A 0 ie Sn, in farewell to some of the ladies who| Owing to her advanced years it is| he? en. ty "ha id ta are sailing this eek for England. { thought that the injuries may rove | Wie peor tative, who asked him oO ege ' tore Miss Marion Lavell, Toronto," is| ee {regarding a complaint about the . fate 4 15 : | | iving up their positions. > 5 . | SPP PE IPOPIPIPOLLSPEL04e9 YOURE Men g aC? 1nd Mm. Lave, & >| Nany of the men were * hroughi treet pen Nights Phone 919 Mrs. Montizambert has returned to | ¢ SPENT 50c; GOT $30. + pa £1. pe oa princes, Gud Ottawa after visiting friends in To-|@ -- » sory al from 1 2 {ages 8. 4 ronto, |% That's a pretty good invest- «| Dad t yn WAY Me ls hand Miss May Gardinier and Miss Jean | ¢ ment, isn't it? Yet it is being + Lung i pir jobs in : Jay = Shields, of the Faculty of Education, | ¢ done through the aid of the # 3 a n Tse re securing u . returned to Smith's Falls the end of | 4 Whig right along. This is only 4 he pretences. bareh h last week. | % a typical case, Here are the de- + »" re Tong Juén were secu ori g Mrs. P. Clarence Chown, Montreal, | ¢ tails: « | the farmers n district to fill u i rived in the city on Monday on a|@ Mr. Hogle, a farmer from % gaps Shia] = y ne Visit to her parents, Mr, and Mrs. # Odessa, lost $30 while in Kings- $i mu Man A om y A . T. Lambert, Clergy street. Miss Bea-|4 ton on Saturday afternoon. On * w Bg if ® Sar it kT or e e rOSSsS trice Lambert is entertaining at tea # Monday he inserted a Lost & EB il o or Co . men . ! this aft in her honor. # Advt. in the Whig, for two days + available in the ountry are be- ; $ » » | # at a cost of 50c. On Wednes- # ing used at Be fron. and it Yaa Joe Miss Edna M. Fletcher, Niagara + day morning the money was re- + | this reason that the sovernment has: Falls, is visiting at the home beg # tarned to the Whig office, hav- + | taken up the matter of securing help aunt, Miss M. Beel, Wellington + ing been found by Mrs. Frank +{for the farmers in Ontario jo that y | ' cet. +* "J R . street. 4 Pollitt, Quebec stre # | their production. 8 Fou BLEACHED SHEETING--70 inches the Soldiers Le : Ww oP The "Y" Evangelistic Band have ide Thursday special % arranged to conduct services next ayard ......000 00 # | Sunday in three churches on the Mor- $+ ven eirenit----Nine-members-of --the : . = mour, M.P,, and Mrs. Gilmore, King | * 3 [vane, including a male quartette, street, London. The marriage will ® will be conveyed to the meetings in | take place in June. ge | PIPPI P LL HELP S2E SMBS | automobiles by Dr. C. C. Nash and ll | . | Ald, H. W, Newman. nice « Kingston Dairy Co. Invitations have been issued by| Dr. and Mrs. William @. Anglin, | Earl street, to the marriage of their! ATTRACTING MUCH INTEREST | The loeal Association is continu. {Ing to be a popular resort for the sol- { dier boys, and since the departure of juality--reg. 18¢ quality. Thursday, per yard 306 University Ave. Phone 649, CURTAINS BRUSSELS NET DUCHESS POINT IRISH POINT In white, ivory, ecru, or two tone. Many exquisite designs, manufactured especially for us in Switzerland. Some with heavy appligue borders, others in dainty, lacey effects: and the prices were 8 $30 a never so low, $2.75, pair upwards, Now is the time to make your selection of window trimmings while stocks are Jurge and many styles to choose from. _-----s----e---- daughter, Susie Claire to MacLaren | Demonstration Of Modern Danges at the 21st Battalion from the city, the Ewart, Moose Jaw, which takes place | the Lindsay Building | 26th Battery and the Home Guard at th home of the bride on Wednes-| The demonstration of the modern | have had full swing, 'Almost any day, June 2nd. | dances being conducted in the C. W. day numbers of these men may be . . | Lindsay Piano Company's building |found writing, reading and in our A marriage of interest to Kings- by Prof. G. W. Shefler, Ritz Dancing | music rooms, while others are en. tonians was that of Miss Virginia Studio, Montreal, are attracting a Jjoying the shower and swimming Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer | great amount of interest. On both | baths. Among the 26th are a num- Lee Mitchell, 'of Bessemer, Alabama, | Monday and Tuesday evenings the | ber of Toronto Central and West End to George Gerald Dobbs, son of the street was blocked with people! Association members, and "Jack" late R. S. Dobbs, Kingston. watching from the streets, while the | Tait, the famous runner from the lat. * 8. limited number of fifty people were | ter Association, is one of the regular fortunate enough to receive tickets) callers at the building. The men for admittance to the building. seem to appreciate having such a Prof. Shefler on Tuesday evening|Dlace to go, especially now that the gave a demonstration on the fox-| Military Y. M. C. A. Is closed until trot, one-step, hesitation and canter | Barriefield camp opens. \ in the"way that they are at present| Baseball and swimming are the being done in New York and all| most popular features on the sehe- over the continent. As Prof. Shefler dule these days, and many of the lit- ! - was for some time an instructor at | tle fellows expect to become experts, MATERIALS Repps, Poplins and P.K.-- ihe Yaron Castle Sthaol. he is re- Sergt. E. Lyons Missing. principally medium shades; 15¢, 20e and On Tuesday the report was re- profession. Several local peeple are 25¢ lines, Thursday special a taking private lessons from his. He! ceived in the city that Sergt. E. Ly- yard ' ons, 2nd Battalion, at the front, was rAd vrsssne Lyons, before enlisting with the 14th ' will be here for a few days more. officially reported missing. Sergt. DEATH OF SOLDIER. Potachment Sor Svarsens Joryies, IIo marvel With WJ, Kesl, PICTORIAL MAGAZINE FOR JUNE, 15¢ JUNE PATTERNS NOW oN SALE. Newman & Shaw, Station Hospital. with David Clark, 178 Clergy street. The Always Busy Store. On Wednesday morning, Pte. PILLOW SLIPS 40 inches wide-- good serviceable quality. Bach .....:.0.. --, LI The marriage of Lieut. Alan Dale- Harris of the Royal Artillery, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dale-Harris, Ottawa, to Miss Doris Evelyn (Peggy) Beck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beck of King's Norton, Birmingham, Eng. took place on May 1st, at King's Norton Parish Church. (Continued on Page 3). -------------- GERMANS WANT TO GET AWAY. Tried to Hire Motor Boat To Go To Cape Vincent, Two Germans, at five o'clock on Wednesday morning, made their way to the boathouse of William Bird at tke foot of O'Kill street and inquired from him if he could furnish them with a boat and someone to rum it for them so that they might reach Cape Vincent. The Germans ap- peared to be about twenty-five years of age, Mr. Bird told a Whig report- er, seemed to be quite restless and in a hurry te leave the city. At first they demanded that he produce a boat, thinking that he was. only trying to put them off. However Mr. Bird insisted that he did not have anything else besides a row- boat, and the journey was too far to make the trip in this way. He told the Germans that the best thing 500 YARDS OF SUMMER DRESS 4 AT Gourdier's Phone 700 and we will call, Fess ritesasrunn George Smith, about twenty-two years of age and one of the mem- bers of the left half of the 21st Battalion, left behind in the Military Hospital, Queen street, when the bat- talion left Kingston, died after a ii ng {llness. The deceased was stricken with pneumonia: but after complications set in which réquired an operation to be performed. After some days his condition gradually worse and resulted in death, The late Pte. Smith was a resi- dent of Kingston and lived on John- | son streets. His mother survives, they could do was to go. 0) to the | On Thursday a military funeral She SITY Ang. 8° acti in ot seen | Will Be given the dead soidier. The C l ah went away and were not seen | remains will be conveyed on a gu . - ' . The ladies who conduct the Y.W. C.A. are doing a splendid work and deserve the support of the citizens. It has been a Kingston institution for thirty years, = Rexall Druggists, everywhere sell and guarantee Rexall Ordorlies as a safe and gentle laxative. Geo. W. Mahood, The Rexall Store, 10¢c., 25¢. & 50c, boxes. Lieut. Vivien Fessenden, Peter- boro, of the 48th Highlanders is a prisoner of war at Bischofswerde, Germany. He is a Royal Military College graduate. : The friends of D. B. Page, Pine street, will be pleased to hear that he has returned home much improv- ed in health after being very ill at the General Hospital. . A Rooming House Bargain Detached brick, on Johnsen St. hot and cold con 8 water in In each room, 2 lavatories, Bt hensive, can be bought for That well-known property On Queen is mow offered for male, 50 horses. Anyone We would be pleased to go A he Catv = vision Btn All kinds of dwellings and rent. he ceva 2 +e++BULLDERS SUPPLIES ooey [All kinds of sawing, ripping, re-sawing,scroll sawing, edging and trimming, band sawing. All kinds of saws, for logs, timber, lumber. Three buildidgs equipped with sawing machinery. CLOSING OF MAILS. British (letters), Thurs- days ...cieeiiiiieia 10.00 pm. British (post), ¥o. .... E00 p.m. United States, dally .. 1.00 p.m. Grand Trunk, going GASt .....vicivienid 1150 pom, Do. (includ'ng States) ou.ov.ivi... 1150 am. Grand - Trunk, going Do. (ircluding Western States) ssenariasaan 1050 pom, Grand Trunk and all west of city ........ 2.30 p.m. C.P. R ..10.50 am. and 4.30 p.m. GC Nal. ions enna 230 p.m. at. with stabling for carriage of "C" Battery, R.C.H.A. interested The remains will be buried in Cata- y 'Messrs. Henderson and Company's raqui Cemetery. monthly circular issued from Colom- bo, Ceylon, states: "A feature of the market was the record prices for flavory' tess, The oldest members of the tea trade in Ceylon could not remember such high prices being realized before." The da Tea Company have determined that no matter fo what price tea goes, the pusie will get Stachy the same qual ity in their packets. ey of course, compelled to the enhanced prices that teas fi , but they will keep to their standard of quality. E Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Spratt, Lind- say, have returned home from Kings. Rev. Father condition KINGSTON CARPET WARE- S---------- Kingston's Famgus Fur Store. DOG ATTACKED CITIZEN. Who Saved Himself By Beating Off Canine With Cane, | lots for sale. Houses to | s | John Ockley, a retired citizen, was | | EN. Malin and Son Real Estate and Insurance. : 5 539 and 1456. at the police station on Wednesday morning, and lodged a serious com- plaint about a dog attacking him on Johnson street. | fl FOR IT Ri z been very seriously thjured, as § canine certainly meant Dbusi- : | on: occasions, an Ton his hands ii

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