Daily British Whig (1850), 28 May 1915, p. 11

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PERHAPS IT'S THE KIDNEYS that are making you feel so badly, u 5% you can e "easily tell. Lf your heat fv dt and achy--4f 'your pack h neatly all thé time--if your appetite is- poorly and your tongue is coated--4f the urine burns, is highly colored and offen- sive in odor-+if yon notice a brick dnst deposit or mucns in the urine after standing over night--then you certainly have something the matter with your Kidneys, Get |GiaPitls St, Sauvewr, Quebec City, "For a long time. | had been saffering Troms the Kidacys and Pains in my Limbs. 1 have tried several emia idiot] After using Gin Pils I was peviortly relieved of my paiug gud now 1 cured, and dud entirel SoC Pare et A ew Ye, J. GUY. Gin Pills are ** Made in Canada" and sold by all dealers at Be. a box, 0 for $2.50. Sold in U.8. under the mame GINO" Pills, Write us for free trial treatment, success a ----- -------- THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Drap 4 tard to 13 Pine streét when wantisg anything done in the carpen- tery line. Estimates given on, A kn y of repairs and new work; also wood flours of all Kinds All BH will receive prompt attention. Shop 40 Queen Street. AUTO LIVERY Ice Cream In Bulk or Bricks. Packed 'and delivered to any part 0 the eity. GEORGE MASOUD, Phone 980. 238 Princess St. {taking place day Dy day, and 'we \ i national organization Setting ¢ the ® Sight IN BRITAIN UNTIL. THE WAR 18 E FINISHED Unionist Leaders Explain Why They Consented To Join the Asquith Coalition Uabinet, London, May 27.---~The Marquis of Lansdowne and Andrew Bonar Law, both of whom mow ocqupy seats in the coalition 'Ministry; explained to their followers at a - meeting of Unionift members of both House of Parliament held at the Carlton Hotel yesterday the reasons which decided them to join 'the coalition Parlia ment. Mr. Bonara Law read a let- ter from the Prime Minister, In which the Premier suggested a coali- tion, saying: "After long and care- ful consideration, I bave 'definitely come to the conclusion that' the €on- duct of the war to a successful and decisive issue cannot be éarried om extept by a Cabinet which repre- sents all the parties in the state. 1 need mot enter into reasons sufficient ly obvious 'which point to this as the best solution in the interests of the country of the problems which the war now presents; nor doés the reco- gnition of its neeefgity involve any disparagement "on my part of the splendid sérvice which in their sever: al spherés my colleagues have ren dered to the Empire. "In this great and trying emergen- my colleagues have placed their refignationy in my hinds, 4nd I am therefore in a position to invite you and those who are associated with ou to join forces with us in a com- fled ~wdnitmistration, "in which 1 11 also ask the leaders of the Irish and labor parties to participate, whote common action, without pre- judice to the future prosecution of our various divergent political pur- poses, ghiould be exclusively directed to the issues of the war" Lord Lansdowne's Speech. Lord Lansdowne, in opening the meeting, sald that ordinarily he dis- liked 'coalition governments, but the conditions at present were extraor- dinary. "The country", He said, "is making the most stupendous ef- fort it has ever been called upon to make, We do not even yet know what dimensions that effort may prove to be, New theatres of war unfold themselves before us; new de- vélopments, some of them of the most sinister and horrible kind, are must all of us: be convineed that at such a moment nothing but a sap: remo effort on the part of the whole lation will be sufficient fo meet the | Qimenlties and the opposition in front of us.* The country, continued Lord Lansdowne, had already experienced not a few disappointments. had been shorfcomings, 'misealculas tions ----- some! probably excusable, some 'of them perhaps not. 'There had been something with the "We are not sure," are getting enough a drimnier gave me a' WE "that the fa of essential munitions, wn Supy! Be many times, has inters fered With the due progréss of the military 8. of this is true, it means that the staying power of the country 1s | ing to be taxed as it never wast before, and if. we are going to' pull through it must not be by the ef- fofte of one party or another party, but by the efforts of the whole na- tion." Ir Election A Disaster. Lansdowne ned that the, oP ioalst Jeaders considered that a general election would have been a national disaster of the first mag- nitude, and, although their unoffi- cial advice had been, accepted by the Government, thus throwing some of the responsibilities = on them, they felt that their share of the respon: sibility 'should be full and complete, They bh therefore, accepted the Premier's 'juvitation. ' "Andrew Bonar Law said that just ad the Unionists had decided that there must be a change, he had re- ceived a letier from the Prime Mins ister Susgesting Snlitior, and b had immediately re; accepting the ins vitation. He at pan that |John Redmond had not joined the Government, which, if it was to suc- ceed, must bea national Government in as 'well as in name. The only chance of success was that ev. ery member should "act as a loyal gd 'and without 'any jdea that result was to be got by a com- question--Home "Charen, 78 anything regard og Frag he 1 this, or half | +THIEVES MARKETS. Where Yor May Boy Back Anything 5 Stolen From You It is only in our modern ultra-civ- ilized day of law and order and the utilitarian thebry of life 'that the bold and romahtic profession of rob- bery is wholly looked dowh upon. Robin Hoof was 4 robber, and yet an honored aud bomorable man, and the subject of more legend than any King. 'And in the brave days that até described [f° "Lorna Doone" a successful highwayman was Bighly regarded for his courage 'and' good marksmanship. In olé Mexico things 'are still ran upon the medieval plan, and the time-honored business of direct and physical * robbery still, bas a good deal of unofficial recognition, Every once in awhile some prominent' Mex- fcan bandit takes a running jump at the Presidential chair, and some of these road agents have a great bold upon the popular 'imagination, and long ballads about their exploits are hung from ome end of the country to the other. Furthermore, the somewhat less spectacular profession of the sneak thief also obtains a sort of vicarious recognition. J "your umbrella or your, silver teapot. is stolen from .your house in Mexico City, you do not 1 'to the police, but go to the "volador'" or public market, $d and spend a few hours wandering along the' crowded aNeys, "fined by filled 'with every conceivable sort | junk. Very probably you will tH Jon lost article among it, and after a good "of "haggling 'Will get it back for 'the best price you ean af- ford to pay. Wery likely the man you buy it from is the very same who stole it; for the thief is protected by #n old custom, which decrees that he may go free of punishment if he displays the stolen' goods in the market upon the iret Sunday after he steals it. This recognition is eéxtémded to thievery + throughout Mexico, and thieves' markets are to be found in a number of cities besides the capi- . His Plan, "Well, yes," oonfessed the land- lord of the Periwinkle tavern, "it is an idea of my own ting a purple stripe all around" the hotel a. the top of the first story. You there wouldn't otherwise be Saything to distinguish this particu- lar fun from thousands of others. As it is, a good many people drop in to point out to me that such a decora- tion is net in good taste or to urge some other r or something that asway. 'And they usually remain long endugh to spend al dollar or two Before 1° am thofoughly con+ There | Yineed.. uns with literary talent and Saklonally a real writer come alone and Buspect mé of being a| character and bodrd here while | studying me. As a matter of fact, ean of purple paint 'out of his samplés, and I didn't know 'what else to do win it." vt SIERO SVT with dy id from mark an tad pour Ea on" It 'some water thé mass of sand actually shrinks, The réason is that when the sand is dry there is air between its particles; but when the sand particles are they adhere on and the water does not ex- occupies less room than the air did, owing to the close élihging together of the wet particles. * lee The Sun and ¢ . Barth, The diameter of the sun is 865,000 a an equivalent space, but} A RIASSING AND A oR: Optum Is the Oldest and Mdst Useful YY Prag Kowa 3 It is a curfoul domimentary upon our 'boasted progress 'In sclestific medicine in recent years that ibe most useful drug in the entire Phar macopeia is the oldest one known io medicice. Recently discovered coals tar products, seroms, antitoxing and vaccines 'have revolutionized 'the treatment of ¢cértalr diseases; but opium is the remedy 'which doctors the world over place at the head of the list for usefulness in the greates| number of serious wilments. "If the entire materia medica at our disposal were "limited 'to the choice and use of only one drug." gaid Prof. Maeht, of Johns Hopkins University, rée¢ently, "I am pure that 4 great many, if not a majority, of us would ¢hoose 'opium, * '* * which has proved such a boon to suffering humanity." Jt was unnecessary for him 'to add, What ry 'Intelligent person knows, that the abuse of this beneficent remedy 1» also one of the greatest curses to humanity. Appar: ently it has no rival in &ither field, unless it be aloohel, : The first authentic record of the use of opium is that of Theophras- tus, a G ph; who. lived al- | most 400 years Mefore the Christigy | éra.. Later the Romdns recognized its value as a medicine, and the gréat Roman physician, Galen, laid down rules for its use that 'were guides to physicigns for 1,500 years. According to Galen, "Opium re- sists poison and venomous bites, cures inveterate headache, vertigo, deafness, epilepsy, apoplexy, dimness of sight, loss of voice, asthma, coughs of all kinds, spitting of blood, tightness -of breath, colig, the iliac poison, jaundice, hardness of 'the spleen, stone, urinary complications, fevers, dropsies, leprosies, the trou- ble to 'which women are subject, melancholy and all pestilene Of course, if Galen bad been en- tively right about the uses of opium, most diseases would have vanished from the earth long ago. Neverthe less, he understood the case in Some particulars almost as much as he overstated it In others. 'And the modern physician could make a 1isf of conditions in which opium 'wis the sheet anchor even longer than Galen's, although considerably less comprehensive, and' with less em- phasis on the "cure." . Indeed, 'the drug is of such importanee, and such a4 menace; that it occupies the atten. tion of all lawmakérs at the present time. The Naked Despatch Rider, The indomitable courage and re- sourcefulness of Trooper Snyman, of the South African Imperigl Light Horse, -is 'described in a thritling | story published in the. Johannesburg , Soymap had It was necessary and when he reached the rverit wasiin flood. Re- moving all his clothing, he made it into a 'bundle and Jastened to Ine closely to each other; the'air'is driv- = to garry |° In Ordér To He Safe, To take dhélfer during a thunder storm. beneath a solitary tree, orn der an open shed or barn, or to be the most prominent object in a fleld or on a common, is to court death, Pééplé are continually being warned often ignored. (solitary upstanding shed, tree, or group of trees, points out, such dan- if people will only behave in accord- and experience. The danger of peo- ple standing under a tree during 2 thunderstorm: really arises from the ont high above the surrounding sur- face; and its top is the nearest peint | | for some distance round to the thun- der cloud, and is likely to "attract" the electric. discharge, or to serve as the passage of the 2 Slactrielty from ihe cloud to the sarth = tus equally dangerous to be the most: prominent object in a field or | SUT 4bundetatorm. etd. AS Semon are' struck 'and led ip this way than when shelter- an under trees. | What, then, is a Man or or child to-do when storm 7. They may take shelter, says Sir Ray Lankester in a wood, though not: under any isclated tree nor un~ der 'along high hedgerow. They should ask for shelter in any available house: or cottage. Falling this, - they 'may (as goats and: sheep 'and cattle'do) get under a low-lying rock-fade, or inte a ditch, or dry hole, or even, if the storm is close round them, lie flat on the ground. It is less dangerous to be 'wet through than dry, since wet clothes may, and have before now, saved a man's life owing to the fact that they are good econ ductors, and allow the eleetric cur- rent to pass away withopt obstruc- When you are in a house during a close 'and immediate thunderstorm you should keep the window shut and avoid placing yourself between two gas main (if your plumber has per- mitted you'to know where they are) and 'the firéplace. If the house is a detached the storm is close, you will be acting reasonably if you retire into the base- ment until the storm is over. It is important that everyone should be able to judge of the mear- mixed; then fisher put into-tight glass 'and 'keep on miles. It would Ee 300.000 bodies | Part of the town; numberin like the earth jo Molgh a much as the sun. It has' éalenlated that the earth wegen only the two- billionth part of 'the heat that is thrown off by the sun. The path t in its course When wishiflg to make pie take posing enough to answer -require- the wrumbe vWhete are Fou Bt to suit a ERS tne he doctor tor my na What to Do, 'id 'What Not to Do, | | of this danger, but the warning is 3 As the eminent sclentists, Sir Ray] Lankester, who says that all children] J should be warned against seeking shelter in a thunderstorm under any |. b ger can, to & large extent, be avoided | | facet that the shed or the tree stande| farge and prominent conductors of | electricity, such as the waterpipe or: one ur 4 corner house, and | ments, ising just enough ice water to : ance with' the dictates of knowledge | & Domigion Fish Go. 63 BROCK ST. PHONK B20. Meat and Groceries The best in the city at the Jniquei} Grocery and Meat Market. Give us a Trial, C. H. Pickering 49) PRINCESS ST. een DON'T WASH YOUR HAIR WITH SOAP When yoy 'wash your 'hair dont usé soap, Most soaps and prepared shampoos. . contain too much alkali, which is very injuri- ous, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. : The best thing to use is just plain mulsified cocoanut oil, for this is pure and entirely grease less. It's very cheap, and beats soaps or. anything ese all . to pieces. You can get this at any drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub-it in, about a tea- spoonful js all that is required. It makes an abundance "of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thorough- ly, 'and rinses out easily. The hair dri s quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluf- §1y, wavy and easy to handle. Bes sides, a Sooseny and takes out every. e of dust, dirt | Quand ent. -d PHONE 330, Bodo ioe BL Xu re "Attentions to weddings 3 3 eraly a specialty. - ice! rey : TITRE You Branch Tite Ta ROT MAY END, TN nr leave dW Sra eh at City { Johhstan sires ralug Wh 12.20 am. 13 1% Chon 16- F ast Bp. local to Brockyille , B=Matl No. H-elntl. Lad, 28--A,00al to 8 rockville Tpm. F' Nos 1, 8, 5. J8, 14 18, 18,18 run a: other traths Raily except Sunday i Tirect route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, Landen, - Detroit, {Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, RE John, | Halifax, Boston and New Yo For Tull particulars apply J. I, HAN- | LEY, Railroad apd apuly AX AGEN. itor. Johnson and Ontario streets, 6.38 pom, ANADIAN CET Ideal Vacation Route CONVENIENTLY REACHING POINT-AUBA RIL FRENCH & PICKEREL RIVERS SEVERN RIVER i MUSKOKA LAKES RIDEAU LAKES LAKE ONTARIO RESORTS General Change of Time: May 80, Partionass from PF. Conway, C.F, A. City Tickel Office, corer Prins so and Wellington streets. Phone 1 a Lot On Queen Street 66x180 ft. Price, $1,600. W.H. GODWIN & SON Real Jatate nnd Insurance : 1 Phone'd24' » lve' 4 [RON BEDS i. A, $0.50 wp |BRass BEDS . $10.50, $13.50, 8 SPRINGS . vrs 82.50 a, oe g Mattresses, Felts, Marshal Sasitory. *, Tennessee & Strawberries arviving daily, 200 per quart box. Pineapples. 15¢ each, 2 for 25; Sweet Ocanges, from dozen, Orders de delivered tp any yarcat chy: * : 0 40 300 pee

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