"AT BARRIEFELD. CAMP A TORONTO COMPANY HAS THE GROCFRY CONTRACT The Lindsay Volunteers Yet to Ars rive--Khaki Bicycles Issued To Each Unit For Despatch-Bearing. The 45th Regiment overseas vol- unteers are expected to come down from tLndsay where they have been dr' Jing aboul u week, 'In the 35th Battalion irs a com- pany of men and three oTueis Wi will go overseas shortly as _rein- forcements for the Princess Patri- clas. Lieut. F, Smythe, Kingston, is one (i the officers chosen for this company. "At present the 26th Battery have twenty-three horses and this is the « only lot in the 7th Brigade. Five guns are in use fer instruction pur- poses but these are of very little use except for section gun _ dri "hs oificers of the ard®inder a great handicap in having no hoi- ses for training purposes. The Harris Abattoir Company, To- rovio, has received the contraet for all the groceries for Barriefleld Camp. Some local deslets think that they should have been given the preference, Phe 38th and 69th Battalions en- , gaged in foot-drill only so far, al IEEE ---------------------- | ------------------------------------ | "HENDERSON "STUDIO Proprietor--~G. . E, . Marrison Graduate of Illinois College of Photography, High Class Portraiture at. Popular Prices. : No. 5 Queen's Stationary Hos pital photo for sale ¢ tions and ot hon whe Are gd hele services for the Phone 1318, 90 Princess St. though more advence work will belhas been commenced Immediately. All dayito the: long on the parade field in fromt of! the Administration Building are] companies of men drilling, forming, elc. A few on Thursday were en-! Terminal gaged in skirmishing, and were in-| tructed in the best way to advance 2 str n the : ad under cover. A large pile of rocks| The Pas, Man., May 28. Ten thou i sand doflarg' worth of railway ties m 288 eotner came in useful fori nda dozen dwell] were destroyed TX. s iby 8 bush fire on ednesday. The ons i Hudson Bay Rallway term' yar Capt. Glass, Adjutant of the 38th Battalion, lias been twenty-one years | wera Somuplataly destroyed, Tbe Bre in the Imperial service, and is con-| er Nh a ates of the town, sidered one of the best disciplinaries and threatened d jon:to the in the camp, { place. The fire is travelling east In the camp of. the 8th CMR | ward at a rapid pace ahead of a ten. one is particularly struck with the | lle wind. numerous little Union Jacks whichg fiy at the door of nearly every tent." Fhe 8th C.M.R. took a short par- Gananoque ade down the Gananoque road on) : S a : & ot er BUSH WIRE IN WEST. Yards and Big Timber A. i Thursday and later was engaged in| % ¥ | GERMANS T ON AFTER {| BANKS WERE SHATTERED |} | Mowed Down Like Grass~--British | Show Great Fluck In Holding { "i I'renches Against Artillery, North of France, May 28.--Such incredible tenacity and disrcgard of waste of life are being displayed by the Germans In their furious attack northeast of Ypres that the execu- tion done by the British artillery fire upon La Bassee and the Ger- mans' second line near thet place, and the progress made by the French north of Arras toward! Visay become merely subordinate interest. Though clouds of gas were Ppro- jected again and again toward the | British trenches, the Germans nev- squad drill on the field that was | : : formerly pars of the Cartwright} May 28.--The remains of the late farm, oo | Margaret 0 Céniior, wifé of Michael HOC or, Charles street, who pass- The 38th Battalion has a brass og a in Kingston at the home of band which has only been practising| her daughter, Mrs. J. Jaquith, on two weeks, the Sth C.M.R. has a Pyuegday after an illness of some pipers band and also a trumpet! guration, arrived here on Wednes- band, snd these with the numerous! jay and the funeral was held Thurs: bugles, make both music und noise.| day morning to St. John's Church d ---- where requiem mass was sung This is the first time that Kings-| Rev. J, P Kehoe, and the pe J tonjans have had an opportunity of|laid to rest in the Roman Catholic seeing the Government Khaki bi-|purying ground. Mrs. O'Connor was cycles which were issued at Valcar-| twice married, her first husband be- jer for the first time and are now|ing the late John Richardson of this ing issued to every unit for des-|town. Two children survive her, pateh bearing. The bicycles are alMrs, Jaquith, Kingston, at whose splendid make and seem a very home she died, and William Rich- strong machine. ardson of this town. Major Gillespie, = Kingston, in- The Engineers are busy day and |spected the local High School Cadet night getting the drains, bridges and | Corps on Tuesday afternoon. structures around the camp ready. Albert Brennan who has been in ; -- poor health for some time has gone An officer of the 7th Arifllery|lo Preston Springs $0. recuperate. Brigade asked the Whig reporter|He was accompanied by his sister, why the jitneys do mot go to the|Miss Clara Brennan. extreme end of the amp. It fs at| Quarterly meeting services open- least a mile from this camp to head-| ed in the Free Methodist Church last quarters and yet none of the cars|evening, with District Elder Rey- or buses go to this camp for fares, |nolds in charge. A number of the -- ; ministers of the district are in at- An extension to the Adminigtra-|tendance. The serviees will be con- tion Building is being planned, In| tinued an Fridey and Saturday ev- one end of this the Post Office for|e0ings and. throughout Sunday. A the distribution of mall to different] Holiness convention will alse be held parts of the camp will be made, |on Friday and Saturday afternoon. -- Ea Mr. ang Ms. 4 Jaquith, Kings- In orders a few days ago, it was| lion, spending past two days in stated that all canteens are out-of-| OWN, returned home Jesterday. bounds until after 4.30 p.m. daily. pa Ruth Miata, Nay oo, time wee! Upon inquiry it was learned that Tor ther, Mrs. Clams" Wi w t. . : the only exception to this rule would Johii 8 be the drug store, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Baker recely- --- Porty recruits for the 59th Bat-|®d Word from their son, Alfred Bak- aad in the city on Friday|®r at the front with the First-Gver- seas Contingent, that he had bee: morning from difterent parts of the dod in ) n ision, Divo rik Mrs. Freeman Cowan'is in' Belle a that the Universit-|Yille attending the annual session Bie 2 TING, IT WILL BE A BIG DAY FOR ion Oh of the 38th Battalion of the Anglican Women's Auxiliary. en pany training at Niagara, Mrs. Dr. R. A. Kinlock and dsugh- will be brought to Barriefield, The pany Shringle Es 3188 fath- 3 al authorities Sd nat _expset She org er, James Calbick, Arthur street. 'gome the. company from. 4 THE COMPENSATION LAW ns Inhabitants 'of French Dis. (We... student)" triote Pap Satisfied, ¥ 2s vy" Batiary| 145, CoRR tah enough i the In to behave is a dnight are issued to not for three months} the condemnation of the ding for not being or- n and introduces politi- Jy at all times. If a soldier is €al factors in the settlement of af- up before the 0.C. for mis-|~ The j st and found guilty, his pass| ag onions. hich are Sousiaer. h to nit he so are bars ia otee or months. XALIOUS restric. £ Ih i ' ligh- the injured business or ind regardiom ot changed cirevmstan . R. McNeill and Lieuts. yion sly. dire it #4 Rind MeDowell and W. A. Morris- py Cn ey a. simil- Sth Battalion. have Hoon cao. | 8: undertakings be placed in the School of Mus-| tio; "pubis or onl ty; third, that valuation boards from | * is ed VeE the Smo of con that such boards, tative of the. , would be political bias, vision that La most outspoken ablishes an unfair system of | 2) money granted be used to re-estab- | Test category regarding compensa-| Lib- ) eri- the er ded in their attack on Mon- day In putting the lines in serious danger, though they did gain a foot- jag in some of the trenches; but the front as a whole was success- fully held. : A terrific bombardment was op; ened in the course of the night. It proved a continuous bail of shell, I that showed clearly that the Ger- || mans in ténded to advance at alll tosis by sheer weight of metal and men. Under this appalling' 'ava- lanche of steel and high explosive, the British bore themselves wonder- fully, though suffering heavy losses, || Théy steadily awaited the obrushes 1 that were to follow, Then their op- |} portunity came. | Suddenly in the moonlight the!l Germans swarmed up one of their|l {repches and began ty form for the | advance. The British artillery and || machine guns, assisted by the French artillery, let loose a torna- ||| do of lead among them mowing them down like grass; but with ab- solute disregard of .the slaughter, the Geman troops gontinued to re- form, themselves into = massed columns and then started to advance in their old style formation. Six times, in succession, 1 am told, their columns swung forward to utter annihilation; that all this colossal sacrifice of life yielded them noth- ig Sxeopt a few ruined farms, eanwhile, to prevent the French and Belgians on the British left from gdvanciug and causing a di- version, the Germans furhed upon their lines about Steensiraste the same artillery fire of which the Brit ish had been the first recipients. It is reported that the French and Belgians did not suffer greatly in either loss of ground or men. Relatively slight as these German success are the British could have prevénted them, but only at the price of a sacrifice of life equal to that to which the Germans deliber- tely exposed themselves. ast, however, is not the Allies' policy, which is rather to allow the enemy to bleed himself to such carnage and reserve their own human ma- terial for the hour of the forthcom- ing advance. NORTHCTAFFE WONT DOWN L Saas | Ti 853 38: £558 Fine, warmer. Saturday, fair, followed by showers. ad Month End Barg Saturday and Mo hE Rn SRNR el KX ppd cur oampan Ei Ney 1 BE A Great Two Day Sale of Quality M ndi less than the actual wholesale cost---Don't fail to get kiki bie nq : ee cl a TEED SUMMER DRESSES 50 pretty New York Dresses--heretofore priced from $3.50 to $12,50--sized from 16 to 38--one to a eustomer--for ,.... WAISTS : 15 doz. Smart New Lingerie Waists--broken sizes and as- sortments--heretofore $2, $2.50 and $3---for................ WASH UNDERSKIRTS 10 doz Striped Gingham Underskirts, reg. Toe., \ BOF pepnaiass aos dann nnstonus BWEATER-COATS : 60 All-Wool Sweaters, in white and colors--slightly soiled $ 5 ~--heretofore priced from $2.50 to $7.00, for ..............%¥ i. CHILDREN'S DRESSES The r 10 doz. Gingham and Print Dresses; sized 2, 4, 6 yea new styles; heretofore priced at 50¢, for .. PONGEE: SILK Another great special---1,200 yards full 34 inches wide-- good weight; reg. 60c value, for .....iooviinnn WINDOW BLINDS 10 doz. Greer, Window Shades; reg, 40c., 98 or Sass vstosnpp as splines sand asnnia COLORED MADRAS i 500 yards of English Madras, sun-fast colorings--hereto- 1 2 1-2 ¢ sas aE rena fore priced at 18¢, 20¢, 23¢ and 25¢ a yard, for ........ TABLE DAMASK 150 yards Fine White Table Damask; 66 inches wide; TOR. (BO. TOF iciic..viuiiiiin vaspddiinadnn vires NAPKINS 15 doz. Hand-embroidered Madeira Serviettes; reg. $4 a Sy S 32.28 f0x half; for dos. $2.75 1 TOWELS .° iv £ . "4 25 doz. pure linen Fringed Towels, reg. 20e, 1 3c or RS AA Nine 80k ass ale aap ASS Sing eaiata sar mae Sah LR prs . i. | POR ALL THE FAMILY| NEW SUMMER UNDERWEAR NEW SUMMER STOCKINGS. AT SPECIAL PRICES TO MORROW FES i if rice $52.00. ee aon Yiatup Oct 1 We rent for $1.00 per day. | H.W. Newman Electric Co,, | Pasa re Pees Sd saree fib pang "i *