LN SF RR ra ie Sg ee me ed epee me THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 1. 1915. THE CAMP AT BARRIEFIELD ~~ COSTS $200,000 A Lr -- PAGE THREE IYIRGUTTERER] | GILLETTS LYE Local Branch Time Table. © DIRY » IV EFFECT MAY 30TH, 1915, | ET i= Probs: Fine and warm to-day and on Wednesday, 3 Se r Underwear RAILWA! | | " - To 'replace! base will be | 20 am . .L41 p.m Seip m. (Drill ot the Overseas Troops. :5: men fram ac | drafted. | Proceeding Splendidy. | RZ YR 3.40pm. | 6.58 p.m. 7.37 p.m. | Capt. W. S. Wood, 38th Battalion, | | C.E.F., has been appointed ievaliing | officer for the camp, and will immed- Golag East, Ly. Cit ty i $.15 am, 850 am { «12.20 p.m, 12 . LOS p.m, 1 6.58 pm. 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 r # dally excep 3 t royte to Tor on, Buffalo, i Chicago, Bay City; Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, 8f. John Halifax, Boston and New York | For full particulars apply J. P. HAN. | -- LEY, Railroad and Steamship Agent, |! cor. Johnson and Ontario streets. 14 + | Quick Service Film Developing -- A one day service means some. thing fo you andl to aw. Youn leave your film before 9 declock with us and get your finished prints the following day-----and You pay lems, tov==omnly 10 cents a roll. Remember, we Repair, Rent or § Exchange all makes of Camerss. 2 And sell all maken of Filme insign, A 'ulean, Eastma, Wiaitane "it We can satisfy any customer p CANADIAN PACIFIC . THE Ideal Vacation Route CONVENIENTLY REACHING POINT-AUBARIL | FRENCH & PICKEREL RIVERS SEVERN RIVER 1 MUSKOKA LAKES RIDEAU LAKES LAKE ONTARIO RESORTS Genernl Change of Time May 30, Particulars from F. Conway, C.P. A., City Ticket Office, corner Prin- gous and Wellington streets, Phone 1 , ; KINGSTON CEMENT ~~ PRODUCTS fan supply Cement Blocks, Sills, Lintles, Bricks, Flower Vases, Tile, > Caps, P'er Blocks, ete. We also manufacture Cement Grave Vaults, Estimates given for all kinds of Ce- ment Work: Kingston Cement Products. MH. F. NORMAN, MANAGER, Office, 177 Wellington Street, Phones: Office, 780; Factory, 1204, || PAA A for Photo supplies. At Best's The Satisfactory Drug Store. Open Sundays. | BUILDERS ! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time P. WALSH, Barrack Street. he Blessing of | Sight Do you appreciate it? Are you taking proper care of your eyes? Are you wearing suitable glasses Being eyesight specialists we can tell yow much about lasses and eyes--the bless- tng of sight and HOW TO RETAIN IT. KEELEY Jr, M. 0. D. 0. Oplometrist and Optician, 228 PRINCESS ST. 8 doors above Opera House. ston Hat and! es-- er cleanir ag Co. WEATHER PERMIT. « = 281 Princess St. TING, IT WILL BE A BIG DAY FOR Straw Hats Saturday Soft, conforming Straws and soft brims, in straight. and pencil rims are innovations this year. All Hats are decidedly new, crowns being much higher, brims narrower. New Hats| 35c¢. Gentlemen, let us clean and rebleck your old Felt Hat. We can save money for you, We call for and deliver. ii AUTO LIVERY Bihby's Garage Al Auto Mechanics Agents, Dodge Bros. Phones: 201, Garage; 917, oe Bi LH] TON OF BREAD BAKED ON MONDAY. The Men Will Clothing for Drill in Hot Sun -- Major H. J. Dawson Mentioned For Command of New Battalion. Col. T. D. R. Hemming, Command- ant, passed the remark on Tuesday :jabout Barriefield Camp being avery- thing that it should be and that the {men were working hard. | cortiainly the case and It can bg seen This is on the faces of the men. There are Ino kickers, for the reason that no one can find anything to kick about. Up to half-past four o'clock .every afternoon the men are drilled and the strictest kind of discipline is kept. If a man does anything that he should not do he gets repremand- ed and gets it right. The tent of the Whig correspond- ent ig becoming the centre of gossip for the men. The lawn in front fs very inviting and members stretch out and talk or think of "what the day has brought." The drill is proceeding splendidly and the large area has given a splen- did opportunity for more advanced field-work. Capt. Ferguson, 8th C. M. R., has not yet returned from leave but is ex- pected to-morrow when the Regi- ment will be paid to date. The 7th Artillery Brigade was paid ts date on Monda;;, as was also part of the recruiting base. The 8th €. M. R. practised bayon- et fighting om the field across the road from their eamp on Monday. All the "streets'" hetween the rows of tents of the Infantry lines are being given names. This is done by the men themselves. roads around camp are being white- washed. A horse of the 8th C.M.R. dropped dead under its rider on Monday af- ternoon. The animal was a beéauti- ful black, and one of the best in the regiment. A man walked the thirty miles from Gananoque to enlist in the 8th C. M, R. on Sunday. He was tor equipped and given a much-appre- ciated supper. y "FoF the first. time since in eamp what is known a. the "dismounted drill" was practiced on Monday by the 8th C. M. R. This consists of leading 'the Horse, the while driving and firing at a czupposed enemy in te bush, It costs 'about $200,000 a month for regular expenses to maintain Bar- riefield Camp. There are now about 2,800 men exclusive of the Staff and and Supply Units. Pte. J. L: Berton, 38th Battalicn, has been promoted to Acting Pay Ser- geant of the Battalion. Lieuts. J. L. Thomson, G.G.F.G., is attached to the 38th Battalion for §!! instruction and duty and will report on June 6th. Major Osler, brother-in-law of Capt: W. Harty, 0. C. Ammunition Column, 7th Brigade, was a visitor in camp on Monday. Major G. L. Starr, Canon Grout, and Revs. V. O: Boyle and Cecil Win- ters were visitors to the camp on Monday afternoon. S-- A neat little grass-covered pile of stones has been buflt in front of the "Big Ben" of the 38th Battalion and on the grass on the white-washed bE are the words "38th Battalion, LB." One section of the 3%th Battalion each morning and afternoon parade to the ranges for musketry instrue- tion. The troops for this work are using the Mark II. Ross rifle, which is the kind they will use at the front. . Afother company of the 38th Bat- talion of which the office nite A: G. Parker will A: Ross, (Kingston) B. and A. r, § sad & BY THE ARMY SERVICE CORPS Receive Summer | The stones which line the different | leave immediate- | Was detachments. | 3? i | base, Is working under difficulties. { His unit is of a constant | strength as when men are wanted for any other unit it is from the base that they are taken. It is expected that in the near future the order will be issued to bring the Lindsay (360 men) Smith's Falls (seventy-five men) and other surplus troops total- ling 1,000 to the camp. This will bring the base up to over the strength cf a battalion. Lieut, Brandon, formerly attached ter raster of the base, The strength of the base at pres- ent is 453 men exelusive of officers. There are sufficient officers in the 38th Battalion to supply the company which will be drafted to that unit. Fatigue uniform of khaki-duck and straw hats will be issued immediate- ly. On Tuesday the men had to drill wearing their heavy cloth trou- sers and although their coats were removed the weather was too warm to make drilling comfortable: Lieut. Charles is acting transport officer of the camp under Major J. Hamilton. The transport officer is very busy as he is responsible for the handling of all supplies between the different units. theatre near the Y.M.C.A,, tent is be- ing rushed and is expected to be fin- ished in & few days. The details of the drafts for over- sea as mentioned in Monday's Whig are as follows: The 8th Regiment, C.M.R., is sending two sergeants; two corporals, one trumpter and forty- five privates under thé command of Lieut. H. K. Clemens; is of "C" Squadron, 8th C.M.R.,, dnd who is seconded from the 2md Dragoons of St. Catharines. The R.C.H.A., have a surplus of fifty men and these will go over un- der two officers yet to be chosen. The 26th and 26th Batteries of the 7th Artillery Brigade are sending over fifty men under one captain and one subaltern. These men will go directly to the front as reinforcements for that have sufficient casualties. men from the 8th C.M.R., are going into the Royal Canadian Dragoons. The Spidion is held by officers that the R.C, cruiting depot T brigades at the front. Gr. George Place, who it was announced a few land and was liter transferred: to a brigade at the front. buyers throughout the county, ment, C. 8. M. ries. charge of recruiting for giment Armouries charge; the 43rd Re- Capt. 8. H. Simpson, Kingston has the camp. 14th Battalion. The Army Service out its first batch of bread on Mon- day--2,000 pounds of the finest kind of bread that could be desired. One section of nine ovens is being used, and another settion. is being built, Sergt. Baker Pollett is in charge of this work. Capt. Parkinson, ("A" Company) 38th Battalion, is formerly of the Ot- tawa Journal. . The laundry of the camp is being sent to the Ontario Laundry in Tor- onto. Some Kingston firms could Just as well do this work, as no con- tract has been awarded. A barber shop connéction with the Y.M.C:A., has been opened and is well patronized by the soldiers. A course of instruction for N.C.O's started on Tuesday in connec to the 21st Battalion, is acting quar-/| The erecting of 4 moving picture] iately take charge of the different. | Lieut.-Col, Fee in command, of the varying | | Hl } i | | i i | { i ! f } | + Al the Family | Featuring the celebrated "Peerless" quality, for women and echildren--and "Penmans" for men. # A FOR WOMEN Cotton Lisle Vests, Porous-Knit Vests . .. .25c, 35¢ and 50¢ With drawers to match all makes. 25c¢, 35¢, 50c, 75¢c, $1, $1.25 and $1.60 FOR HEN enmans best quality balgriggan Shirts and Drawers Combinations $500 sit 70c suit or 40¢ garment Long and Short Sleeved Balbriggan ; all sizes FOR GIRLS : Fine quality Cotton and Lisle .."................... 15¢, 20c and 366 QUALITY CONSIDERED, OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOWEST units | |i The | § LA, is being used partly asi} other artillery {| days ago is to receive a V. C. enlibted ||| in the Ammunition column in Eng- The Tth Artillery Brigade will re-|} céfve In all about 100 horses, from i The 38th Battdilion orderly room | [i tent 18 one of the best in éafup, hav- || ing a telephone and other equip-|} formerly in ||] in Ottawa, is in been appointed dentist surgeon for |} He is an officer of the |i Corps turned KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE them. : the this district. House lighting our specialty id FR and on the table in no ; ] En hi «