-- "Complexion Secrets Of An Actress." inced I cosme- my come BE 1 get an WAX at the nearest ead on a thin layer of it washing ir off ; g Wax, after a few suc nis, seems literally to ab rn-gut cuticle, when a brigh er, r Younger-looking skin ap- the wrinkles and enlarged pe using a solution of saxo! . dissolved in a half pin el. Bathing the face in this for & while soon relieved the most wonderfully." Made in Canada our speciaity, Vd . Miss Ha milton 370 PRINCESS ST. Open Thursday Evenings, 7.30 to 930. Phone 1267. | == EE, An Easy Way to Get Fat and Be Strong The trouble with most thin folks who wish to gain weight is that they insist on drugging thelr stomach or stuffing it with greasy foods; rubbing on use- lens "flesh creams," or following some foolish physical culture stunt, while the real cause of thinness goes un- touched. You cannot get fat until your digestive tract asstmilates the food you eat Thanks to a remarkable new scien- tific discovery, it is now possible) to combine into simple form the very el- ements needed by the digostive organs to help them convert food into rich, fat-laden blood. This master-stroke of modern chemistry is called Sargol and as been termed the greatest of flesh- builders. Sargol aims through its re- Benerative, reconstructive powers to coax the stomach and intestines to lit- erally soak up the fattening elements of your food and pass them into the blood, where they are carried to every starved, broken-down cell and tissue of your body You can readily ploture the result when this amazing trans- formation has taken place and you notice how your cheeks fill out, hollows about your neck, shoulders and bust disappear and you take on from 10 to 20 pounds of solid, healthy flesh. Sar. gol Is absolutely harmless. inexpensive, efficient. leading druggists of King- ston and vidinity have it and will re fund your money 4f- you are not satjs- fled, as per the guarantee found in ev- ery package. sutlon ~While Sargol has given ex- cellent results In overcoming nervous dyspepsia and #eneral stomach trou- bles it should not be taken by those who do not wish to gain ten pounds or more. For the Children| Princess Marie, Daughter of the King of Belgium. Probably not many American chil dren will feel envious of Princess Ma- re, daughter of the king and queen of the Belgians. Until last August she was a care free, joyous little girl, but since the dreadful war broke out the people of Belgium bave suffered greatly, as all little folks who are old enough to read already know. Queen Elizabeth were forced to flee from their native land, and of eourse Princess Marie is the youngest of the family. She is only eight. She has two brothers, Prince Leopold, who is fourteen years of age, and Prince Charles, who is twelve. pold, heir apparent to the throne, has recently joined the Twelfth Belgian in- fantry as a soldier. King Albert is fighting with his troops, while Prin- cess Marie and ber mother and other brother are living in France. Trade Pantomimes. This is a variation of the old game of "dumb crambo." The players divide themselves into two parties; called "the masters" and "the men." After "consultation upon some trade or occupation which they are to illustrate in dumb show. motions what trade they have chosen, the first and last letters of the word describing it. For instance, the men decide upon the word "gardener," and, giving the letters "g" and "r," they stand in line. and each performs a gardeners work ~planting seeds, mowing with a scythe, digging with a spade, weeding, watering, etc. Not a word is spoken and but one guess allowed to each master. If one guesses correctly the men "lose their job." If no one dis covers the trade the word is told and they proceed to act something eise. If the masters fail twice. to guess the King Albert and | the royal children went with them. | Prince Leo- | the: men agree The masters must guess from their | and to help them in this they are told | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE word the men strike and "qui work." The masters then become th& men and must take their turn at-panto« mime. \ "What Am | Doing?™ | Six, seven, eight or more playersétake their seats in a straight row. them the person chosen to lead the | game takes his stand. Placing him- | exaictly bebind the player seated | self on the top chair, he then begins to con duct himself in the most absurd man- uer possible--for instance, some ridiculous grimace, may suggest itself to him. After do- {ing this for a minute or two he | says to the player seated before him, "What am I doing? Should the fortunate individual be nnable to | Swer correctly he must stand up | until permission be given him to | sist, must imitate in silence the the pature of which he was discover. More frequently | the guesses are quite wide of BH °F {pany 'are all occupying the enviable | position above described. i To Take Impressions of Plants. | Burn a common cork till reduced to a powder, add a teaspoonful of olive (oil, mix into a thick paste. Now paint |the veiny side of the leaf with camel's' | bair or black sable brush, lay the leat carefully on a piece of clean paper, painted side down, subject it to a {strong and even pressure by placing it /in a book under a weight for about a {Quarter of an hour, then remove the {leaf carefully from the paper. Very | veiny leaves are the best. { Heard In the Nursery. "I thought you were very much at- | tached to the book," said the stuffed dog to the picture that had ence orna- mented the cover of the book. ' "I was," sald the picture, "but Dora ieut me out." f Losses. | Little Bopeep |' Has Jost her sheep | _ And cannot refrain from yawning; Leave her in bed, The sleepy head, To slumber all the morning. | Little Boy Blue | Has lost his shoe , And cannot tell where he dropped it. {. | He must have come back. h |. With. his foot very black, | Utiless peradventure he hopped 1. ------------ His Wife's Allowance. IMustrative of the social leveling influence of war, the following incl. dent is told of two Englishmen: A new commanding officer was | Questioning a smart young corporal. "Are you married?" asked the offi- cer, "Yes, gir" "Don't you think you ought. to {make her some allowance out of your | Pay?" continued the officer. { "If you think it necessary, sir," re. | plied the corporal, "I will, sir. I'm | keeping up the house and car and al. lowing her $3,000 a year, but if you [think an extra sixpence a day would {be any good to her I am perfectly { willing." ---------------- Many a man who acts square dur- {Ing the day is a rounder at night. | Does your charity cover many isins? Behind | making | tl [= BE HI Regarding Environment. A study of sound educational priaci- ples shows that the greatest perils as well as the greatest opportunities pre- sent themselves largely during A B C age and that therefore a careful study must he made of all requirements when providing a childs environment it the education of the senses is neg- lected all after education partakes of a haziness, an insufli plan or Hillyer's or any one of the methods based upon the fundamental principles advanced by Froebel, Se- guin--indeed by educators that reach back to the beginuing of all things-- and you will find in every instance that the greatest reliance is placed upon the sense training accompanying these methods. These students of education grasped the underlying principles and then worked out their own methods for fetion. Night Terrors Are Serious. Night terrors are due to fault in the nervous system which makes it easily excited by any slight irritation, even though that irritation be in some re- mote part of 'the body. The child awakens suddenly with viplent scream- ing and gives abundant evidence of | | i i it £ £ frei is gpl ; hile ! arabs ; ! i FEFTIHE] i Hcieicd i £ Fs i 8 2, 1915. countersign to lines. The little sentry's sense him at this post, but it is a hard pool. If you want-to keep your hair in £00d "condition, the less soap you use the better. Most soaps and prepared sham- Poos contain too much alkali. this dries the sealp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. Just plain mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and entirely greaseless), is much better than Soap or anything else you can use for shampooing, as this can't pos- &ibly injure the hair, Simply moisten your hair with Water and rub it in. One or two teaspoonfuls will make an abun- dance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thor- oughly. The lather rinses out easily, and removes every particle of. dust, dirt, dandruff and exces- sive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and # leaves it fine acd sitky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at most any drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounces is enough to last everyome in the family for months. {an supply Cement Blocks, Silla, | Lintles, Bricks, Flower Vases, Tile, Caps, P'er Blocks, ete. We also { manufacture Cement Grave Vaults, | Estimates given for all kinds of Ce- ment Work, | Kingston Cement Products, H. F. NORMAN, MANAGER, Office, 177 Wellington Street. Phones: Office, 780; Factory, 1204. BUILDERS !! Have You Tried GET OUR PRICES For Plumbing work, or gas piping. {Have your repairing done by us. Sat- | Isfaction guaranteed. s A. AND J. JAMIESON, et LT A Sault "Satasesssssnnnsncssace HUDSON BAY IN. SURANCE Co, Office « Vancouver, B.C, Security to Solicyholders $070,441.00, A STRIOTLY CANADIAN COMPANY. Parkes, MeVittie & Shaw, Managers for Ontario, 26 Weiliagton St. East, Toronto, J. R. C. DOBBS, City Agent, Kingston. Meat and Groceries The best in the city at the Unique Grocery and Meat Market. Give us a Trial, ® » C. H. Pickering 490 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 0 PRINCESS ST. mean ma { The Talk of Fashionable Women Are those pretty erea- tions in Spring Foot- wear now being display- od in our windows, They are fresh from the style designers of fine shoes. | : . Lach shoe is the. eor- [] rect expression of what (] Dame Fashion = ealls "style." They, ave pleas- ing to look at and fault- less in fit. The ucwest in Pumps and Oxfords, -- ---- --------------------------