"PAGE TWO Summer Prices FURS Remade and Remodelled John McKay LIMITED, 149-157 Brock St. & THE DAILY BRITISE WHIY WEDNESDAY. JUNE.2. 1915 i Told In Twilight " * * % Rev. A. 8, Grant, Toronto, Sup- erintendent of Missions, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs, E. F. Scott, Lady Cartwright and Cartwright wert to 'The Maples' on De | ! Monday to spend the summer months. | | Miss Parkin came from Toronto this week and is the guest of her sis- {ter, Mrs. W. L. Grant, University | Avenue. { Rev. Thomas Harrison, St. George, {N. B.,, and Rev. J. R. Harris, Franeis, Ontario, arrived to-day to spend the week with Mrs, T. G. Smith, Gore street. . - . Major and Mrs. H. F. Osler ar- rived in town on Sunday from Win- nipeg and went on to Montreal on | Monday accompanied by Captain and Mrs. W. Harty, to bid "bon voyuge' to Major Osler, who sails this week with the 92nd Highlanders. Mrs. the Misses | Fort | i Report of the Inspector. for the Month CHILDREN'S AND SOCIETY, 10 HOLD STREET FAIR . of May, . At the regular monthly meeting of | the Children's Aid Society Inspector W. H. Wyllie submited his report. There will be po more meetings until September. The socjety is having issued 'copies of the Children's Pro- | tective Act for distribution. The report of the inspector follows: Applications for children, 15; chil | dren brought to Shelter (not wards), 13; children placed on parolé (not wards), 2; children returned to par- ents (not wards), 7; children involv. ed during month, 71; children made wards C, A. S., 3; children se™ to the Industrial School, 3; complaints received, 20; investigations ,23; mail received, 66; mail sent out, 62; meet- ings addressed, 1; mileage (approxi- mate), 1,154; office interviews, 159; telephone interviews, 100; places vis- ited outside city, 40; police court at- tendance, 5; wards in foster homes heard from, 10; wards placed out, 4; wards returned to Shelter, 2; wards visited, 29; warnings given, 13. P04 bb PEP b bbe bib bbb bie + { | ON THE ORICKET FIELD NEXT WEEK, ALL | Aftair Will Be Held Under the Aus.) pices of the Band Committee of the 14th Regiment--It Will be Fine Attraction. The band commitiee of the 14th Princess of Wales Own Regiment has arranged for a street fair to be held | on..the Cricket Field, at the Union | street side, all next week. i The band is certainly deserving of much support in view of the fact that | efforts are being made to reorganize | and equtp it so that it will be first- class in every respect. in years herctofore the expenses incurred with the band have beet met by the | officers out of their own pay, but this | | year no pay is granted to militiamen, | {and support must come from other | sources. The street fair is varied in charac- ter, and first-class in type. It comes to Kingston with 'the strongest rec- ommendations from Cobourg, Osha- where it has been | | wa and Belleville, Hear! THE CRESCENT TALKING MACHINE, $15.00.--1t is equal to any $35.00 Instrument on the market. fect in every detail, in New York City. Beautifully' made in quartered oak, per- Sold by us at the same price as A machine for every home. LITTLE WONDER RECORDS, Price 15c.-- Millions are being sold monthly of these Records. Hear them at the store. List eontains all the lead- ing popular and standard numbers. POPULAR MUSIC, 2 for 25¢.: Saturdays Only --The only store in Ontario, since the increase in thing in Music." x duty' that sells Popular music at 2 for 25¢. "Every- Ihe College Book Store 160 Princess Street Open Nights Phone 919 Osler left again yesterday for Winni- pet but will come east later with her family to spend the summer. Dr. Annand, Halifax, and Rev. Colin Young, Saskatoon, attending the General Assembly, are visiting Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Mcintosh, Uni- versity avenue, Dr. Henry Gracey, Gananoque, and Dr. D. Strachan, Toronto, are the uests this week of Professor and Miss Ferguson, Bagot street. Miss Edith Massie, Toronto, is spending a short time with Mrs. F. Mahood, Brock street. Rev. William Back, Toronto, ar- 4 playing during the past few weeks. -- & | There are many people concaried In ived from boys at 4 | the various exhibitions, seven Y opin i various Ad & | ferent kinds being promoted. There ing camps are of great interest & are afternoon and evening perform- to the citizens generally. - The + | ances, with the session in the even- Whig will be glad to receive for + |ing closing promptly at 10 o'clock. publication any and all such let- #| The show will be placed so that it ters. Personal matter will, of #| will not interfere with the senior course, be omitted and the let- 4 | baseball diamond on the Cricket ters promptly returned to those + Field, and baseball can be carried on | to whom they are addressed. # as usual, Letters received by our readers Everything points to a very suc- in the country make interesting # cessful time, and the patronage of reading for the friends and rel- + | the citizens is desired if they wish atives of the soldiers. When # to make the 14th Regiment Band a LETTERS APPRECIATED. LOVELY JUNE nt ---- Ls ee ee BAekeo SKIMMED . MILK FOR SALE At 1c A QUART Just the thing for cooking, feeding chic- kens, ete. | Kingston' Dairy Co. 306 University Ave. Phone 649, DUCHESS POINT. IRISH POINT In white, ivory, ecru, or two tone. Many exquisite designs, manufactured especially for us in Switzerhind, . Some with heavy applique borders, others in dainty, lacey effects. and: the prices were never so low, $275, $3, $3.50 a pair upwards, Now is the time to make your selection of window trimmings while stocks are large and many styles to choose from, R. McFaul, KINGSTON CARPET WARE- HOUSE. rived to-day. to spend this week with Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Macnee, Union street, * » LJ - Rev. F. Dealtry Woodcock and Mrs. Woodcock announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mary Emily Dealtry, to. John Gray Haywara, B.Se¢., youngest son of Mrs, P. D. ville, the marriage to take place in Trinity Church oh June 10th. "0. The engagement is announced of Miss Ethel Maude Dupuis, B.A. daughter of the late Dr. Thomas R. und Mrs. Dupuis, Kingston, to Dr. Laurie L. Burgess, professor of Ana- lytical" Chemiitry, University of Sas- katchewan, Saskatoon, Sask. The marriage will take place in Winni- Hayward, Berlin, Ont., late of Brock- | | Neil Ferguson, such are sent in they will be % promptly returned. 4 PEELE PP ELIE EEE EEEA PIED 2187 MEMBERS WRITE. TEPER Pre PPR r ree 3¢ The Battalion May Not Reriain Long | in England, A post card has been received by C. A. Reed York street, from Pte. who resided at the corner of York and Alfred streets, and is now with the 21st Battalion at Shornecliffe, England. While run- ning in a contest aboard the S88. Meta- gama, he tripped and sprained his ankle, but expected to be around in a few days, Lance-Corporal H. Musprath, No. 4 peg on June 30th, (Continued on Page 3.) THE CHANGES In Stations in the Bay of Quinte Con. ference, Napanee district--Deseronto -- 8, T. Tucker; Odessa, Joseph Barnes; Tamworth, 8, G, Rorke; Adolphus- town, Arthur, Phelps; Bay, W. 8. P. Boyce; Yarker, William A. Bunner; Mountain Grove, A. H. Webster. Picton district -- Picton {Main Street), M. E. Sexsmith; Bloomfield, Willlam Limbert; Consecon and Car- rying Place, Cornelius J, Gall; Red- nersvitle, R. L. Edwards; Cressy, W. H, Truscott. Madoc districi--Madoc, W. Benja- min Tucker; Thomasburg, R. T Rich. ards; Queensboro, W. H. Webber; Bridgewater, Benson; Bancroft, G. E. D.; Flinton, J. F. Ireland; Cloyne, Alf. Poulter. Holds Responsible Position. R. J. Noyes, son of George Noyes, Frontenac street, was in the city yes- terday. . Although but a young man, he has made his mark in life. Hels now general chairman of the Main. tenance-of-way Brotherhood on the Grand Trunk Pacific, with jurisdic- tion from Moneton to Prince Rupert, and headquarters at Winnipeg. All disputes over working conditions come to him. The Government hav- ing taken over certain lines east of Winnipeg, Mr. Noyes was in Ottawa seeing General Manager Gutelius and Hon. Frank Cochrane, in having cer- tain seniority lists of the employees confirmed, and also Hon. T. W. Cro- thers, Minister of Labor, with refer- ence to some points raised under the" Lemieux Act. Three Bad Men And A Girl, This two-reel photo-play featuring those two big stars Francis Ford and Grace Cunard in a Western comedy riot jammed to the guards with the cleverest farce ever shown here will be the headliner at the Ideal Theatre to-night and for the holiday, other excellent reels are also on the bill. We have installed six big fans, in- suring our patrons summer breezes at all times. Cooler inside than out at Ideal Theatre. Beautiful New Stock To Choose. Prevost, Brock street, has this year an extra fine assortment of A sto ip wil cu abont 20 per cent, freight than one of he same wise made of irom, oo Company 21st Battalion, 2nd Re- serve Sandling Camp, England, writes | under date of May 16th, and says: "They say that we are not going to | got any leave as we are not to be here | The quicker we get there the | long. sooner we will come back. We are only forty miles from the firing line, and we can see France quite plainly from here." In a letter to his brother, B. E Rothwell, Bay street, Private BE, F, Rothwell, now at Sandling Camp, with No. 2 Company of the 21st Bat- talion, says that on: the trip over some big icebrgs were noticed. At the camp everything is O., K., with aeroplanes quite common. He says the men are quartered thirty to a hut. IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements of Vessels Harbor Front. M. T. Co.'s Bulletin: Steamer india passed up on her way from Montreal to Port Colborne to load grain; tug Emerson arrived from Port Dalhou- sle with the barges Quebec and Win- nipeg, and cleared for Montreal with the same two barges. Steamer Aletha was in port from the Bay of Quinte points on Tuesday afternoon, and discharged a large cargo of cheese Steamer Belleville is due in port on Weinesday morning, en route to Montreal. - Steamer Jex up on Tuesday after- noon. Steam-barge John Reynolds clear. ed for Oswego on Tuesday after. noon. Steamer Beaverton passed down at midnight Tuesday. Steamers Calgarian and Iroquois down at 3 a.m. Wednesday. Along the ------------ HIS FINGER BLOWN OFF, Unfortunate Accident to a Colborne Street Boy. | A thirteen-year-old boy, living on | Colborne street, met with a most un. fortunate accident on Tuesday after- noon. While passing along Mont. real street, between Brock and Prin- cess, he found a dymamite cap lying on a window sill. In fooling with dt the cap exploded; and so badly lacer- ated one of his fingers that it had to be amputated in the Hotel Dieu. The lad did not know that the cap was' dangerous, and was the victim of the carelessness of whoever left the cap where it was found. ? GARDEN PARTY IB Aid of the Red Cross Society. Col. Ogilvie's grounds, June 9th, {credit to the efty. | i . | GIFTS RECEIVED On Behalf of the 14th Regiment As. { sociation. The 14th Regiment Association wishes to acknowledge the following | { contributions received through the] | month of May: | | Two 'dozen pairs of socks, Girls' | Fellowship Club, Y.W.CA.; seven | | pairs socks, Guards J. Donoghue, R. | Clark, E. McCue, John Wilson, Ben-| Watson, Ross Davis, J. A. 6 Fegg, | | Kingston Penitentiary; one pair knee | caps, Miss Cunningham; one pair | | knee caps, Mrs. Stanley, Clinton, | IN.Y.; ome dollar for tobacco, A | | Friend; one pair knee caps, Mrs. R. | | O'Hara, 'Toronto; one pair Knee | | caps, Mra. Arthur Craig; two balbrig- | { gan shirts, Mrs. Fairlie; $5 for to- | bacco, Mrs. W. Grant; two books of | "Home News," pupils of Victoria | School. | Bales containing socks, tobacco, ete, have been sent to the men of the 14th Regiment now at the ry els the following: Miss Callander, iss | Kirkpatrick, Miss Garrett, Miss Jones, | Mrs. Callander, Mrs, Hora, Mrs, Tre- | neer, Dr. Kalmus, Miss R. Anglin, Miss R. Martin, Miss A. Belhouse, Mrs.-R. Sutherland, Mrs. A. B. Cun- ningham, Mrs. Walter 'Macnee, Miss Macnee, Mrs. Thompson, Miss Kidd, Miss S. Hamilton, Mrs. Boghridge, Miss Rogers, Mrs. K , Mr. Neil- son, Mrs. Hagon, Mrs, Shangrow, Miss Holt, Mrs.i¥. King, Miss Tandy Mrs. Stephenson, Mrs. J. Barry, Mrs. Hol- land, Mr, Gordon, Mrs. Edwards; Mrs. Litchfield, Mrs. Battay, Miss Ross, Mrs. Dawson, Miss A. Richardson, Miss Brown, Mrs. Wrenshall, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Harry Richardson, Miss Hague, Miss Waldron, Miss C. Waldron, Mrs. Sweezy, Mrs. R. Fra- ser, Miss B, Sanderson, Miss E.Pense, Miss J. Richmond, Miss McGillivray, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. Fleet, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Atkins, Mrs. Ramsay, Miss Phelan, g. M. FOLGER, Secretary 14th Regiment Association. Hours: 2.30 to 430 p.m.; Satur- day, 10 to 12 am, "THE HAT STORE." Our Showing of Dainty Wearables The Month of Pretty Brides and for Fragrant Flowers. Is in Keeping With the Month New Coats, New Skirts, New Waists, New Silk Gloves. New Kid. Gloves, New Silk Hosiery, New Lisle Hosiery, New Silks and Velvets, New Dress Materials. 'The Newest of the New are to be 'Seen at the Dry Goods Store with the New Front. ¥ Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store. HOLIDAY HATS! CELEBRATE ! CELEBRATE ! Enjoy the King's Birthday wearing one of our Hats. We can surprise you with oyr wonderful Yalues, eee ou Te ows, shcwing i "ow Stew Hate ow BUILDERS' SUPPLIESweee CLOSING OF MAILS, British (letters), Thurs- AAYS sacrvsinrssninns 31.00 pry British (post), do. .... 5.00 p.m. United States, dally .. 1.00pm. Grand Trunk, going eBBt Jii.iaens verersa 11.50 p.m. ' Do. (includ"ng Eastern States) Trunk, Do. (ir luding Western States) .....ev.e000.1050 pm, Grand Trunk and all west of city ........ 230pm. C.P. R ,.1050 am, and 430 p.m, CN. R. 2.20 pom. A special meeting of Council was called for Tuesday af- ternoon at 4 o'clock for the purpose All kinds of sawing, ripping, re-sawing,scroll sawing, edging and trimming, band sawing. All kinds of saws, for logs, timber, lumber. Three build- ings equipped with sawing ma- chinery. S.ANGLIN&CO. Office phone 66. Factory phose 1415, ann xAnDE Bay and Wellington Streets. assselumber, Coal & Woodwess EW. Mullin and AUTOMOBILES WE STOCK EYE PRO- TECTORS AND GOGGLES. We stock the best lines at right prices. The new (Night and Day) Goggle, is an insurance agaiust accident at night. Have the chauffeur use a pair, IEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Issuers of Marriage Licenses. REMODELLED Gourdier's Phone 700. Good Building Lots in any desired locality. Prices from $175 Up Houses to Rent. Fire Insurance, "Automobile Insurance Furnished Houses fo Rent All Kinds of Estate, Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Phones 539 and 1456. Grin: That's as as slipping a banana Nl ize ll the BEST LAUNDRY in town. Try it, old mau, try it--it's a