tia RA. tufts ttn tte Pc fe ER a -- Gi LETTERS FROM FRONT 3™*"siosssomrmesseest | M. J. JOYCE HAS SCRATCH AS Al% The Berlin War Office says %/ SOUVENIR {% that German trocps have cap- + + tured three of the outer forti- 4) + fications of Przemysl. 3 WHI | : 'PAGE THREE WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2. 1015 -* re etree Easterly winds and fair to-day. Thursday showery. Wood's Ten an xray nervous im, makes Mental and Brats Worry Taper Debility, a: rain h dency, Loss of Energy, Palpdation the Heart, Failing Memory. "Price $1 per box, siz for $5. Ope will yl eure. Sold by all | dry oti mad n plain pkg. on | wei ruggists or Rb oa ashe Ga fas O08 | 50. Toubate, of. fons Fie "PINEAPPLES Corpl, Hawkey Secs Big Aeroplanes Nearly Every Day--Another Corre +. The German War Office an- % spondent Writes From Sandling | 4 nouncement of the Zeppelin raid 'iY . { oak i * 8 i Cdmp. | 3 om Nomdon wig: We Sropped Nn (Continued from Page 2) : | . A Dutch luncheon of six - covers TV Mrs, M. Joyce; Charles street, re. | % Londom in retaliation for at- + Jo > For Prese ing \ | ceived a leter Tost her son, M. J. is tacks on Ludwigshaven." 3 Rus Ser the Sy a on uxtra value In 8ize and |Joyee, serving with Capt. Baxter, at| -- I ! . H. las ¥ | the headquarters, A. 8. C., dated Bel. | # Serious anti-German riots + R. Halloway Waddell, Mrs. W H, quanty, $1.00 and $1.25 Per | sium, May 13th, in which he stated | # broke out again in London -on #| Craig, iin Travels Jor, Miss Bos 4 , May ath, | t : b | sie S y A e . dozen. Also Rhubarb, fresh that he was well, had recovered from | % Tuesday as the result of the se Miss Emily Smythe, A from the garden every day,|}' wound: and had only a seratch as) $ Feppelin rad, by the dozen or bunch. Store Open Until 1 O'clock To-morrow Distinctive | i | # | Clinton, N. Y. i . a souvenir. = He hoped to be able to | * + * » dodge the shells in future * It is firmly believed at Ath- | J. R. B. GAGE, Phone 543. Montreal Str Quick Service Film Developing A one day service means some. thing fo yon and to us. You leave your film before 9 o'clock with us and get. your finishes prints the following day-----and Tou Bay less, too---only 10 cents n lh Remember, we Repair, Rent or Exchange all makes of Cameras. And well all makes of Filme Ensign, Ansco, Vulean, Eagtman, Wellington. We can satisfy any customer for Photo wupplies. SEE At Best's The Satisfactory Drug Store. Do you appreciate i? Are you taking proper care of your eyes? Are you Wearing suitable glasses Being eyesight specialists we can tell you much about glasses and eyes--the bless- mg of sight and HOW TO RETAIN IT. KEELEY Jr, M. 0. D. 0. Optometrist and Optics 228 PRINCESS ST. 3 doers above Opera House. Celebrate June 3rd IN A New Black Strips Shirt See them in our window. Change your Un- derclothing. Geta Comlinaton Suit He said they had a strenuous time for forty- eight hours. It was "hell on earth," that the Germans were fiends, and that they will have an awful score to pay when beaten . "I saw by the papers that George | Richardson was wounded, and that {| Lieut. Day was killed. Send me the || Whig with the 'big scrap' in it. 1 {also saw where Private Leach was || surprised that I was in the army, as || he thought I would not pass the aver. age size, Well, it Private Leach || was here in France he would see that {it don't take six feet of Canadian 'stuff' to make a good soldier. Don't worry about me. I never felt bet- ter in my life, and trust that we will be able to lick these fellows and be home for my Christmas dinner in || dear old Canada.' Corporal Hawkey's Letter, J.W.Brandshaw,county clerk, has re. || ceived the following letter from Cor- {| poral Hawkey, Glenyale, now of the 21st Battadon, Transport Section, Kent, England, under date of May 18th: "Yours of the 6th inst. to hand to. night, and certainly was pleased to hear from you, as it was the first mail | I have received since I have been in England. Have not had a 'word from home yet. I think probably some of my mail went down on the Lusitania, 1am puzzled why I have received no word from home. The battalion arrived on Sunday, 16th inst., a month and a day behind us. The boys were awfully pleased to see them marching in, We had a big time meeting the boys? The wea- ther has been rough for the last cou- ple of days, raining; however, we have pretty good quarters. "We see lots of big aeroplanes pretty near every day, The Ger- mans dropped forty-five bombs with- in seven miles of here, but did not do much damage. We hear the roar of the big guns in France once in a while when the wind is favorable. We had a big bunch left here one day, and within seventeen hours 1,800 were back wounded, after nine months' training, so it does not take long to put them out of business when they strike the right place. This camp seems to be one of the main military bases of England, as there are thousands of troops here, all kinds, and coming in daily, They go direct from here to the front, about seven hours' travel. William McCullough is fine; in fact, all the boys are well, "Well, think this is about all for this time. 'Hoping to hear from i| you again soon, 'With regards to all the boys" ---- Tells of Many Things. A letter written by TLance-Corpo- ral Dauphin, attached to No. 2 Com- pany, 21st Battalion, C. E. F., now stationed at Sanding Camps, Shorn. cliffe, England, under dates of May 17th, says: "We had a very nice voyage all through except for a lot of running all over the ocean dodging subma- rines. At one time we were around Ireland, and a day or so after we were in the Bay of Biscay, We had a couple of cruisers and two torpedo boats with us, so T gues we were not as bad off as some others. The boat we made the trip on did not roll in the sea, although several were sea. sick. I was not even dizay, so I did not have to resort to a rocking chair and a lemon. Although the trains in England are much different from those in Canada, they nevertheless travel swifter, at all times, making almost fifty miles an hour, "The huts we are stationed in are airy and comfortable, the only kick coming from the quantity of our grub. The quality of it is all right. We are inelined to think that it will be ed as soon as everything is in bettér shape. "I believe it rains here nearly all the time, as it has been ever since we came. From all accounts we are not in half as bad a place as Salis- bury. The scenery in Kent county is simply grand, but the roads are 50 narrow that you can jump from one side to the other, while some of them you can span with your hands. be a ap heuer was pight hen sal war was - nes fi nt i lanes ere, an ¥ thongh we expect at any time to be struck by a falling Bom, the inhabi- {4 a few days. { The writer adds: | % |% ens that Roumania and Bul- 4 + garia will enter the war within 4 Ablain is now in possession ¢ of the Allies, with all its de % fences. The Germans have been 4 pressed back at several points. Petrograd, official reports do not admit the capture of aay Przemysl forts by the Germans. Pree Seeded ? il; Es The Halli' Army is now 4 miles across the Aus. + frontier all along the. 4 + 44499 The Soldier's Mother, My bonnie boy he went away To fight across the sea; I knew the tears that fell that day Were heaven's gift to me. ; Tree RP ERT Ober But I was proud, though I was sad, For after many years, He stood, just ag his father had, And kissed away my tears. In some far spot beneath the sod My winsome laddie lies, While I must humbly thank my God For tears that fill my eyes. Oh! I have known the Joys of life, Beheld its hopes and fears; But when the heart ig torn with strife God's greatest gift is tears. My only son, my greatest joy, That is the gift I gave; And if I weep, I'm proud my boy Lies in a soldier's grave, He has no graven monument, ut what is that to me; He died a man, so I'm content, These tears? God set them free. Mothers, if when you mourn dead, Your grief o'erwhelmg your pride, Think had they lived then in their tsead And Empire must have died. 8S. C. CAIN. your Toronto, May 27. Cheese Markets. Ottawa, May 28.--Ome hundred boxes white and two hundred boxes colored cheese sold on the Ottawa board to-day at 18%e. Perth, May 28.--There were 700 boxes of white cheese. and 100 color: ed boarded Kefe to-day; all were sold, ruling price 18 l4s. Napanee, May 28. heese board- ed 520 white, 900 colored; all sold at 18%ec. Picton, May 28.--At our cheese board to-day 19 factories boarded 1,- 370 colored and 27 white; colored sold at 183% ¢ and white at 18%ec. Iroquois, May 28.--At the meet- ing this afternoon, 880 cheese were boarded, 745 colored and 1356 white. Bidding opened at 18%, ralged to 183%c, then finally to 18%. 310 boxes sold on board at 18%c¢, balan- ce sold on curb at same price, corre- sponding date last year, $560 cheese boarded, and price, 12 3-16¢c. Kempville, May 28.--Three hun- dred and fifty boxes white, three hundred and fifty-seven colored were boarded her to-night. . Price, 18 14-16. i Cornwall, May 28.--On the board the offerings totalled 2,023 colored cheese, To-day's price was 18%. Belleville, May 29.--There were 2,210 boxes of white offered; sales, 4405 at 18 9-16¢; 1,765 at 18%¢, St. Hyacinthe, Que., May 29.---At the board to-day 450 boxes cheese sold at 17%e. A Joke on Uncle Senator John F. Shatroth, of Colo- rado, on a trip across the country a while ago, fell into conversation with a stranger who had just perpetrated a grim joke, The man first attract- ed Shafroth's attention by smiling peculiarly to himself, Then he jerked his thumb in the direction of a suitease and remarked: "I'll bet you can't guess what I've got in there." Robertson, Perth, and Miss A. Enid! |v avenue. died| Dr. H, T. J. Coleman, Frontenae Mrs. W. T. Minnes, "Hilleroft,"" Union street, is entertaining infor- mally at tea this afternoon ia honor of Mrs. Robert Minnes, Ottawa. -* - . - The L. C. Reading Club met on Monday at the home of Miss Mac- guley, King street. » . . * ¥ Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Robertson, | Miss Robertson and Miss Elizabeth | Hobertson, Ottawa, the groom's par- ents and sisters are in town for the Robertson-Minnes wedding to-day. Other out-of-town guests are Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Robertson, Perth, adn Dr. Donald Robertson, of Otta- wa. Mrs. Havelock Price, Sydenham street, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H. Pierce, Portland, Maine. Mrs. A. T. Smith and Miss Gert- rude Smith, Toronto, and Miss Myrtle Nugent, London, will be am- ong the out-oftown guests at the Lamson-Dunlop edding to-morrow. . Dr. H. B. Longmore and Rev. G. A. Brown, Campbeliford, and Rev. N. M. Leckie, Kirkwall, are guests of Dr. and Mrs, Thind this week. Mrs. M. Macgiliveay and Miss Florence Macgillivray, University [| avenue, returned -from Montreal on Monday, Mrs. E. L. Fortt, visiting Miss Irene Swift, Toronto, has returned home this week, . * * . 'Miss Mollie Cartwright who has been Mrs. R. Halloway Waddell's guest for a few days, left to-day for Ottawa to visit Mrs, Alex. Cart- wright. Rev. R. P. McKay, Toronto, is spending the week with Dr. and Mrs, E. F. Torrence, Princess street. Ross Murphy, Formerly of Kings- ton, who is attached to the 92nd Highlanders of Winnipeg, sailed re. cently with his regiment for Eng- land. Mrs. J. C. Paterson left on 'Mon- day for Wiarton to visit her daugh- ter, Mrs. Charles Masters. B. Wilson, of the R.C.H.A., spent week-end with parents in Montreal. Douglas Anglin, Portland, and Mr. Wendling Anglin, Thorold, are 4 town for their sister's wedding to- y. i Mrs. Alexander Macpha#l and Master Jack are leaving to-morrow for Orwell, P.EI, to spend the summer with Mrs. Ma il, Sr. Miss Ordelle Elder is the guest ot Mr, Wylie, Otte iss Hilda Hague, University avenue, returned from Montreal on Monday after apending the past few otha with her aumt, Mrs. Harry gue. 3 Dr. ang Mrs. R. Minnes, Miss Mar- garet and Master Jimmie, Ottawa, are the guests of Mr. and Moa. James Minnes, Bagot street. Captain J. Richardson, who has been taking a course in town, left on Monday for Toronto. Miss Alica Maclean, King street, is the guest of Mrs. N. Jones, Tam- worth. George Oldreive returned to New York, on Monday, after spending a few days with his miother, Mrs. G. 8. Oldreive, Wellington street. Miss Nan Paterson is en at Mrs. Brookes, Earl . - - . @. Y.. Chown, "Sunnyside," re- turned from New York City oy Tues- day. Mrs. George W. Mahood, Gore to New York to visit, pension street. street, has gone her mother. Rev, W, T. and Mrs. Wilkins, Tren- ton, are spending a couple of weeks with Mrs, James Craig, Earl street. Mr. Fraser, Miss Charlotte Frager and Miss Hazel King motored from Alexander Fraser, lfeutenant in the 38th Battalion, Barriefield. Dr. Mears » N. 8., Super- atendant 4 of fueation for Nova ou on 0 spend thi: Hosk with Dean and Mrs, HT I Eh ¢ ce 1 visiting EH, ena Jrincipal 8. Waters Dyde, Leth- bridge, Alta, and Mrs, W. H. Har- , Ottawa, are the guests of their mother, Mrs. 8. W. Dyde, Uni- street, went to nto te for a few days, ' Topterdsy 8 0 0 Mrs. John C. Watrous and Mrs. Charles G.. Griffin, Brockville, are visiting ,. Mrs. W. L. Minnes, lo Ottawa and spent the week-end with | NEW YORK 3 On Special Display ¥ To-morrow NEW FASHION WAISTS, from NEW NOVELTY WAISTS, from NEW YORK SUMMER DRESSES, from NEW SPORT HATS, from NEW WHITE SORLUROY SKIRTS, from . NEW SUMMER UNDERWEAR, for NEW SUMMER PARASOLS, for Women and the Kiddies, etc. Won't You Come in To-morrow ? PF Summer : i Merchandise ti g © " gs UE SKIRTS, from .........$1.50 from 5s8e8gs GoEoce 2 25¢ Children. _Steacy's DAVIES THURSDAY (Holiday) Open 7 to 9 am. TUESDAY and WED- NESDAY SPECIALS: SWEET PICKLE CORNED BEEF, 13¢ Ib OUR HEAD CHEESE, Noted for nicety of seasoning, coupled with meat quality, 10c. lb. The Wn. Davies' Co. YET ARM SHOT OFF, . STUCK TO POST Rome, June 2---Although his arm had been shot away, the commander of the Italian torpedo boat HNGSTIN'S ELECTR STORE b p of the Tungsten character. light. We an agents for this district. them. Sala, Aanly Eu NT Tey MN H. W. Newman Electric Co,, Phone 441 +79 Princess Street. Fer cAmE or EvEey ramewr 18 The Children's Health | Price's 'he Key To 'Success; 5. Roughton, gms STH 2 ow RR i 2 Men's Velour Button nog vo : ' 'ae m semen ne sain em . . en's Box Calf and Velour +o ........... 800 a's Fine A SMis asia inc ies sate sein an ber lines 4s hh ti #, as mre sr tir a aes aesin ante