SmS------ Established 1855. HOUSEHOLD BANKING ACCOUNTS to be a great of husband Interest is In The been found by m may be opened in th withdraw any name y. Jank of Toronto have convenience The accounts and wife, and efther may deposit or paid on these accounts twice year, Asncts $61,000,000 Deposits $44,000,000 Tue BANK or TORONTC a FOR SALE -- - 90D BUYING. King street, four houses, each 7 rooms, with store and dws ngs, five houses in all. Rent $504 per annur 100d stone shed on property. Price $4,300, Th's Is thiyour nsldera THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, 56 DROCK STREET, wor J, DRIVER] Representative, A AA AA A Ar THE Dat BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1915. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY GRAND L OAL GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the City and Vicinity NOTES AND ITEMS OF OPERA| HOUSE TO-NIGHT pe { MONDAY, JUNE. 7TH ~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. "Grape Juice" The straw dence now. William Swaine, piano tuner. {veceived at MeAuley's. at Gibson's. lids are much in {+ Canadian strawberries Tuesday morning at Carnovsky's. evi Orders "Phone 564. Sunday was an ideal summer day. { The parks were filled with people. expected Members of the Fire Department been provided with straw hats. "Talcum Powders" Joseph Hodge, | tuner, 273 King street, West. Alfred Bareham, {of Shannenville Anglican {died on Wednesday last. "Beef, H. Cunningham, King street. |ey's Book Store. { May Roteon has signed a piano tuner, at Gibson's. certificated piano Phone for of De sr incumbent charge, Iron and Wine," Gibson's 21 Leave orders at McAul- contract {with the Vitagraph Company for a' | feature film of "A Night Out." "Grape Juice' at Gibson's Cross Drug Store. A farmer will Red be brought before {Ju stice of the Peace George Hunter | mid: Phone 88 or 874 to be tried flor putting water in the { * The Board of Works and the Utili- ; | Clear Sight And a brighf personality go toge- I ther, The wirain of eyestrain saps the energy from our mystem. Glasses fitted by our optician will ald you. RODGER OPTICAL PARLORS 347 King Street. | tiles Commission were called to meet | this afternoon and the Ci*y Council | to-night. | "Beef and Wine Miss Hattie cess street, hisdgson, to. "Buy Talcum Powders" son's Red Cross Drug Store. i br. and Mrs. Galbraith, town, N.Y., are in the 50¢" Wilton, visiting Mrs. Pauline avenue, is A; at city | ( | guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, | ess { Alfred street. 'Beef, Rev. John Webster enteen votes at the dist Conference for His time is coming. i During the illness of For Bale Cheap Day Cruiser and Boat House. Boyd the business will Toron-| Iron and Wine," Gibson's. received sev- Montreal Metho-| the presidéncy. | at Gibson's. | of 479 Prin- E. | Gib-| © And Every Afternéon and Evening, FEATURE VAUDEVILLE ACTS, Famous Players Films, 5 Reels. Marshall Neilan in THE COUNTRY BOY." ew Pro Prices: Mat. 10¢, any sent. Evening, 10¢; reserved Sc extra. A ---------- TO CONTRACTORS. Tenders will be received at the office the iersigned (where plans and ifications may be seen). nu to § ek p.m. on Friday, June Tith, 1915, struction of a Residenue, d on Albert street, t eat in this eity. Lo west or any tender not: nec accepted WILLIAM NEWLANDS to in this city. & SON, Architects, Office, 258 Bagot Street. "CREST" COFFEE JUSTTRY IP, = Ask your grocer for a FREE SAMPLE 1 | GARDEN PARTY In Aid of the Red Cross Water- | the evening « George | as Cathedral mission Society. "olonel Ogilvie's Groundsy 450 Prin- street, Jume Wh, afternoon and under the auspides of the h Women Societies of St, George's Band in attendagece. Ad- hur 10e. AUCTION SALE Y.mM { | CONDENSED grammie Monday and Thursday| 3 } the several trades works required DINING ROOM GIRL WANTED. EXPERIENCED Ccssar- | {A MAID FOR GENERAL WORK. 1 {x GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, { | | { | |AN First insertion, --_ a ADVERTISING ic a word. secutive Insertion thercafter, half- cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 25¢; three [msertions, B8e; six, $i; one month, $2. RATES, HELP WANTED. AN ADVT OF 28 WORDS OR Li ESS under this head, costs 36c for one uight. or 60c for three AP. ply Royal Hotel CHAMBER MAID wanted. Randolph Hotel AP- 23 West street. ply Mrs 'W. LesHe, SALESMEN WANTED. jrwo JUNIOR SALE Ltd. STORAGE FOR FURNITUR Apply The William Davies Co, AP- Jno. MeKay, corner ply to Mra and William streets Sydenham 0 COMPETENT MAID FOR G in ev 197 Queen St Apply Anglin, work. PF. RR house Mrs A GENERAL SERVANT. good plain cook. No ironing Aplpy 'to 317 University washing Mrs. N. C Avenue. a nor Polson, INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY édrn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers: no Send for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. LADY QUALIFIED ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, OMce hours, 9 to 6. Answer, stat ing experience, if any, and salary expeeted, Apply Box 67, care Whig office TEACHER WANTED, TEACHER = WANTED, male, Protestant, for 88. No, §, Hinchinbrooke Apply George A Smith, secretaty, Parham, stating salary POSITION WANTED, Each com= |; A THER i MUST BE canvassing. | ont, | be run FURNITURE, usual by two first class chauffeurs | Princess St, Tuesda and -one hack For prompt | service Phone 77. pe Bush fires are raging in the fhe' {neighborhood cof Collinge lake, mear Chalrs Sunbury. Rain "s needed. The | Beds, | meadows are badly burned over. | "Iee Cream Bricks" at Gibson's, A, BUILDING, BY PRACTICAL SCOTCH GARDENER, June Sth, 10 a.m. Experience under glass and outside work. References. Apply Box 67, Whig office. WANTED GENWRAL fine. cabinet, upright Drop Head Singer Sewing Oak Extension Table, Refrigerator, Linoleum, Springs, Mattresses, Oak Lace Curtains, ictures, , Oxford Gas Range, Machine, Crockery, Very Stanley | Ma Dining Iron foes | WE WANT TO BU" SECOND HAND Jew Eclipse | geese feathers, Apply Kingston | Mattress Company, £68 Princess St. USED ONLY ONE SEASON, Length 338 feet, beam 7 ft. 6 in; 25 horse-power Roberts engine, antomoblle control. Speed 13 miles, Seats about 20 comfortably, Elee- tele horn, lamps, anchor, cushions and full equipment. Host house in Kood location. APPLY GEORGE MILLS & CO. FURRIERS AND BATTERS iw im 120-128 Princess Sty |THE was ws. YRMARY sages, ogy pl Ea a FHER A BOX OF OUR WINE STATIONERY ? The paper in of excellent quality, in | all sizes, and follows the latest in envelopes. Fur op In attractive boxes st right prices. Have you seen "The Latest" in Tip- | perary Papeteries and Writing Tablets? Hoag's Drug Store KINGSTON, ONT. Opp. YYM.C:A. Phone 258, Jos. Ahearn, Jr, wishes fo ane nounce the opening of a first class B Grocery and Provision Store at 279 1-2 Montreal St. The store has been thoroughly renovated. Good wervice and prompt delivery assured. Phone v RAPION 13 NIC WEAKNESS, HARES SHERATON «SE Midd ALLEN, THE AUCTIONEER, Telephone 252, mm AUCTION SALE FURNITURE, 45 € WEDNES Robert Thompson, Stanbridge ware, West, Que., was a Sunday guest of Dr. D. E. Mundell. Mr. Thomp- | son is a delegate to the Methodist Conference at Gananoque. '"'An lee Cream brick for luneh.' | Neilson' 8 Icé Cream sold at Gibson's | Red Cross Drug Store. { | J. A. Gauthier, of Montreal, has| been spending a few days in the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. be a a ing Desk, Fancy and Students' Tables, J. C. Pelletier, Brock street. Mr. | Cabinets, 'Wool and other Carpets, | Gauthier is a prominemt hay and! {Linoleums, Lace and Chenille Cu | grain dealer, | tains, Hall Rack, Pletures, Oak Ex- { "ey ing? y ' tension Table, Dinner Sett, Silverware, 'Grape Juice' at Gibson's. Clocks, Singer Sewing Machine, The farmers through this part of Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Judividual the country are feeling the dry wea- Liressers, foreaun, Hitler, Happy - ought ange, xfor as ange, ther severely. The land is harden- | i Washing Machines, Gem Jars, Hose, ing up and grass will be scaree if Mower, Garden Tools, and other arti- this condition continues. More than |cles to numerous to mention. one farmer has had to commence feeding his stock ensilage corn. ALLEN, THE AUCTIONEER. Telephone New potatoes, four pounds for a wn, NEWLANDS quarter at Carnovsky's. ete, | -- tects, Oftioes, wn Bagot Rev. Dr. J. C. Antliff, Montreal, : Phone $1. was the guest of Mrs, C. Hinckley, \ ARCHITE | University avenue, over Sunday. He POWER & Nil Bullding, corner spoke affectionately in Queen Street] Brock and Wellington . streets. | Methodist Church on Sunday even- Drop a ecard. ing, where he was pastor for- four N years. BUSINESS OHANOES During the illness of Gedrge!] » § ANYONE ANTWHERE CAN ART Boyd the business will be run as s mall order business at Doan no usual by two first-class chauffeurs|(] Don't Off getting your hat assing: be gwh Boss and one haek driver. For prompt [| cleaned until the warm weather. let: , Bom it done now and have it Bone okport, N. service Phone 1177, Last year the prisoners in this|fl| ready to put on any day you re- quire it. We are not "Hatters," | Jail watered the court house || rounds. There is need for the same [| but our reputation proves that we know how to clean, bleach and re- | being dome just now. The firemen || might also water the Cricket Field block all kinds of hats. All work guaranteed or money refunded. jand Maedomald Park to keep them Pappas Bros. | Green. 90 and 200 PRINCESS. STREET Phone 544. Electrie Fittings, etc. I ANTED BY best of room and board. Whig office. A WIDOW, WITH THE references, a eomfertable | Address X. Y. Z,, ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD ond-hand furniture and dispose of, let me know. pav good prices, J. Thom Princess street, SRC. stoves to eS BREY Est, son, 333 ' a Mahogany Silk Parlor Pieces, Velvat Davenport, Upholstered and Rockers, Combined Bookcase and Write CUSTOMERS, | PAY THE niGARsT | rices for new and second-hand | urniture., All kinds of furniture, clothing, boots, tools, ete. Drop a card and IF will call Shapira, 45 Princess street LEGAL. B, CUNNINGHA n | and sglicitor. Lav office, ARCHITEO? 252. |, All owners of dine talking mach- | Ines 'should avail themselves of our | Vietor record service. Our stock of {| the Dest records on the market is unsurpassed in any city in Canada. ! Catalogues upon application, C. W, | Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street. . y * Not Nig 0p (730 and Ty The STUDEBAKER ONCE It Will Do. the 'Rest A Mrs. W. H. Scott, of 148 Division "Grape Juice" at Gibson's. Street, left on Monday for Castleton, where she will visit Mrs. (Dr.) Huyek and also Mrs. Simmons, of Frankford. Sergt. Herbert Swaine has been promoted to the rank of Company 330 University Avenue It is understood that Ottawa de- sires to have MeGregor tried in Kingston as this was the divisional headquarters where the artillery brigade was organized. McGregor Great Sale of Furniture At Robt. J. Reid's Commencing Friday Moning, ne 4 ture must be sold without than have it is under arrest in Rochester, N.Y., for embeszling funds from Major Britton in Eugland. Sergt.-Major of No. 1 Company C. E. F., made vacant by the death of the late C. 8. M. Laiton. {A NEW CEREAL Re. Jackson's. is not only EEE I will] phone 1600, | to sell. | B. { Iron | i | re ence St, Kin ; | NUR RE Automobile Phone 300. 5] ann Sessa LOST FOR BALE. FOR I'HESE EFFECTIVE ing be- little Once, 26¢; will be one week, $1.00, te the BOOR contal Owner ts return Reward. or S§ ON SUNDAY. wi ably ring same t Station or Post Office Assembly roe KET ADVTS, COST three times, 50c; bills, « twe very Whig id $30. for ! "thankful office SULKIES, rlages, Turk's GO-CARTS at reasonable Phone 705. AND CAR. prices, at rew ral UPRIGHT WALL SHOW CASE, TENTS awnings, fishing tackle, ete, Everylhing must be sold by Ju 1st. Lease expires. Frank Ww Cooke, 39 Clarefice street. Ww ov LD THE PERSON WHO WAS rer g a market basket from » n Saturday morn! irn at once to save SALE OF BICYCLES -- SCOUT Bl. eycles, $27; Pastime Bicycles, $35; Perfect Rigid Frame, $40; Perfect Cushion Frame, $50; fitted with 3- §pesd gear, 360. Geo. Muller, 378 ng street. LOT ON PARK ST. to & quick buyer. A SIX with ROOMED FRAME OUSE, water closet, 43 Division St. 0 SFPICES, STORES. Estate Ageacy, 460x132. CHEAP BT, clean and dry. McCann, Broek Street. | $2 500---FRAME avenue; UNIVERSITY ty. RENT--8$10.00-BRICK MOUSE, central location; & snap for lmme- diate tenant FURNISHED, | | nmrex HOUSE, LARGE, NEW, 82} improvements, with stable; 'heap. { George A. Bateman, real estate, ine surance, 67 Clarence Struet. & nov SE. good locall Dw EL NGS had br TG SUMMER COTTA McCann's Real Brock street. GE, Estate Agency, ALL LARGE FRONT ROOM, FIREPLACE, electric light, and all conveniences. BOARD AND ROOMS, 140 Wellington street. FIRST CLASS ROARD AND ROOMS, Good location, modern conveulences. Avply 24% Brock street URNISHED months, Box §14, HOUSE centrally Whig FOR SUMMER located, Apply office, - OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. SHAM, bers. Apply to Cunningham Mudle, 79 Clarence Bt. FURNISHED without Mrs. ROOMS, WITH OR hoard. . Rates peasenable. | Beardsell, 32 Ontario street SOLID BRICK, 7 ROOMED HOUSE; bath and 'closet; gas and electric i TELEGRAPNY, oi * Apply 237 Vietorls street. | $ Civil pg Shorthan ri ®: Tee me | FESS APRE PREP M EL 2 L 0000000099 ING ST. B, NEAR EARL, NINE 208 KING ¥ OAT rooms, all modern conveniences Apply John Carruthers, 161 Wel- Hington street lights. WE CATER TO PARTIES, BA { Wsadmg. hreakinste banquets, et } 8120 ren Shes, t LARGE BRICK HOUSE AND BARN, siverare, Rold & an . Le and § acres of land, on Alfred, near M. P. Reid, 30 Umi Concession, at once. Apply te J.| Hambrook, ne D. Boyd, 106 Pine street Phones #43 or 30% UPHOLSTERING, J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and Sarpet Lok and mattress renovating, rop a eard or call #16 Bagot Street. od "Nitrea STORAGE WOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, gry, oy rooms; your own lock and key. 299 yp Queen St. ' Frost's City sorese, Phone §26b, FOUR OR FIVE NIOE LARGE AMY | bedrooms, all conveniences: sitting | room also If wanted: telephone, splendid location; easy access to | FINANCIAL boats and trains. Apply 232 Brock | street | FRONTENAC LOAN AND IN ment Soclety: 'neorporated 1 nresident, Colonel Henry R. Smith, Money issued on elty and farm properties, munic'pal and country depentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and Interest al- lowed. 8. C. McGlll, Manager, 87 Clarence Street. A FEW als 5 TO 7 ROOM BUNGA. | lows, ith furniture yet, at "Bastview Park," six miles from Kingston, on St. Lawrence; ood | access and conveniences by land | and water. Anply J. D. Boyd, 106 | Pine, Kingston. | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLO Fire Insuranee Co Avallab! assets $61,187,215. In "adition to which the policyholde: ha for security the unlimited Habiiity of eity property, Insu at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, a 9 DENTAL y Ee on Ro 385 % = Bad Np jon. ©, CO, NASH, DENTIST Renton, assistant. 153 Street. Phone 7 DR. T. B, Pri | MEDICAL. | ons, SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 169 Wellington street Leonard Walsh, D. sistant. Phone 346. D. E. BELL, M.D, C.M,, SURGERY, 138 Wellington street; phone 1185, CARPENTERING. PERSONAL. -- TRY JAMES SELBY FOR ALL of carpenter worl. ad ali RE Ehe ah and skin Dlemish | Avene. se Soar; 36 yente FR ESTIMATES GIVEN ON OLD OR NEW mer J, Noss carpenter work. (Radsing or mov- Throat an, "Brecialist, ing bulldings. C. W, Kellar, 10 Bagot St. Patrick street Light Wood for Summer $150 a Load JAMES SWIFT & CO KINDS 212 University Spring House Cleaning 01d Dutch Clesaser 3 for Star Ammbnis .....3 for Ammonia Snow Flake 6 for die. Deh Jor 2h GORDON'S_ GROCERY, 149 & Montreal Street Phase 88. For Hire! (1915 REGAL) I Special Rates for all Kinds of Drives. | WeDDINGS A SPECIALTY. : Prompt Attention to Boat and Train s. R. J. 340 Johnson Street. 45 990 NOTICE |