Zl RING ra Sra Y VP tidy 7" 1Y'as x. within sight of the Crows Nest themselves responsible for the enormous outlay. tofore inaccessib! idea of the gra IT IS OF LITTLE Evacuation of Przemys! Re: pr pre. TILE LEFT IW PLAGE ITS IMPORT AS A FORTRESS HAS ALREADY GONE Russian Military Men Expect Posi. tion to Pass Time and Again From Hand to Hand. eur and beauttes revealed to the naked eye. + (1) Government construction camp. (2) Summit and lake. TS Banff-Windermere road, which will be the connecting link for a eiveular motor tour from Calgary, passing through the delights of the Canadian Rockies by way of Banff, and retarning Pass, is fast approaching completion, SERVICE 10 THE ENEMY tion of 'the Przemysl fortress had been to meet attack from the east. ward. There had not been. suffi: cient time to reconstruct the dam- aged fortress on the west and on the north and to adapt the position to defence against attacks from these directions. To oppose the advance of the Austro-Germans, the Russians sent out long-range guns to defend their flank. As this artil- lery extended considerably beyond the line of the forts, it was the pur- pose of the Russians eventually to abandon it, but only at the highest possible cost to the enemy. "Shooting point blank to the last shell into the thick masses of ad- Petrograd, June 7, via London.--A i leading Russian military expert ana- | vancing Austro-Germans caused them severe losses, and thus we accom. plished thig purpose. "But with the fall of the flank de- When completed this new auto road will be not only the mecca for sportsmen, to vehicles, but it will be one of the wonders of the world as it brings to view scenes unrivalled in the history of the Dominion. The accompanying pictures ) Some spots of the new road require much work, as the roadbed has to be cut out of solid rock for miles th: ug! and in other places is built.up from the valleys. While many portions of the road have been finished and have attracted motorists from various parts of the country, especially remains much to be done, and it is not anticipated that the circular tour, enabling the tourist to pass twice through the mountains, sud vicinity along the line of the Canadian Pacific are making use of the new road which traverses well into the heart of the > JUNE 8, 1915, i BRITISHCOLUMBIA THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, (3) Construction gang. (4) Sinclair Hot Springs, * (5) Building the Windermere Road. Loy It is being constructed by the British Columbia Government and the Canadian Pacific Railway, who have held as it will traverse a section of the wild game country here ve only a small the mountains, Amepicans, thers will be in operation before 1917, Meanwhile visitors to Banft Windermere Valley, A A A AAA AA AAA A AA AAA AAA Ae AAA AAA A SAA ANNE NA ta been regarded here for some time ~ FINANCIAL MATTERS | bond interest due June 1st next and past as strategically imperative; and i IRS all a meeting of the bondholders that preparations to leave it had been | Crow's Nest To Have By-Products | to consider a plan for the carrying on going on for'a month, The released | Plant. | of the company until conditions im- garrison will now be available for| Toronto, June 7.--The erection of | prove. field operations, whereas, if an at- {a complete modern plant for the re- | a. tempt to hold out had been made, be. | duction of by-products of their mines tween 120,000 and 140,000 men [is contemplated by the Crow's Nest N . would have been locked up at the [Pass Coal Company, Elias Rogers, | , ew York, June 7.--There were mercy of the heavy Austrian guns, |the president, has been in England | 1,440 business failures in the Unit- paring aoe nd pasties £8 Site rors racket rom the Simon-Carves Company, Li-| + A ° : mited, of Manchester, the great An-| PeT Cent. over April a year 8g0, and | U. 8. April Failures. War Tidings. Prince Bagratio Movehransky, | 1 - i aii | glo-French builders apie, of Tours ago maried | £10 ovens, for an up-to-date plant] reported in April. ter 'of Grand Duby: of Constantine, | for the Crow's Nest property, and in| The total liabilities were $18,150,- fell at the head of his squadron of | the course of a week will have for the | 169, jan increase of 3.4 per cent, over the Cavilier Guards. This was thei West to £0 over them with the su-| APril last year. Grand Duke's second bereavement, Perintendent of the mines. -------------- his fourth son Prince Oleg having! As proposed, this development will been killed on the Niemen in Octo- | cost between half a million and a ber. {million dollars, but' Mr. Rogers | yy He Wrote to Al ' ' + ser. | States that the necessary capital will ° Alderson of Ca- vic tralia has aespaished Jor Jer: be forthcoming. It is expected that | nadian Gallantry. preparing to Jeave for active service | the foundation for the evens will be| 'Toronto, June 8.--Col. D, W. Mc in a few days a grand total of 70, | Putin this fall, and the plant be un-| Phorson, commanding No. 2 Cana- 101 troops of all ranks, comprising | 9¢7 Bheration next yeas "| dian Field Ambulance in a letter to 2,074 officers, 68,027 men of other , The by-products . which will be Major C. J. Currie, commanding No, ranks, with 30,946 men (of other turned out will be sulphate of am-| 11 Field Ambulance, encloses a let. ranks, with 30,946 horses and 3,-| monia, ammonical liquor, benzol and | ter from General Smith-Dorrien to 09% vehicles. Of this total 43,146 | tar: For the first three thers will | General Alderson, praising the gal- men of all ranks have already been |P® # ready market. lantry of the Canadian forces, Re of bysproducts; 10 this extent the largest total ever SMITH-DORRIEN'S PRAISE, re ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 pe =X The A,B,C of Banking [#8 } DI Your Savings Reg- 0 Every Dollar Earns Interest rom Date of Deposit e solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT GSTON BRANCH, Fresh Columbia Ig- nition Dry Cells 29¢cEach KINGSTON FOUNDRY ~ KIN Casi sen sin ---------------- The Key To Success Many a man owes his start in life to the purchase of an endowment policy. This has proved the beginning of many a fortune. Start a good thing going at once by purchasing a policy in the Mutual Life of Canada. Rates on request. S. Roughton, Phone G10 or 561. GENERAL AGENT, 80 Brock St, Kingston. Office Phe 610; Res, 061, Harry Sharp, 8 Agent, " EDDY'S MATCHES are and have been for more than sixty years, leaders and stan dards of Canadian trade, and all thinking Canadians will~continue to always insist upon having none but EDDY'S MATCHES Neat Sum- mer Shoes Ladies' Pumps, Patent or Gun Metal . ae nie ..$2.00 and $2.50 Gun Metal and Patent Leather, | 3 Buttoned Oxford ..$2.50 and $3.00 Sl ss EE lyzes the situation in connection with { the fall of Przemysl as follows: | fences the fighting capacity of the "Having crossed the River San |p,pg especially No. 7 and No. 12, with two armies which were to begin | wag greatly decreased. These con. operations against the fortress, the | gigerations, taken together with Germans found themselves in an ex- For the last | sent to the fi 24, { mentioned it is probable that an ad-| ferring to the battle of A Eu aver Loa are arene | ditional plant for its further reduc- | the following days, he 2a and I'sen' service in German New Guinea, | 100 may be required, in order = "The more details 1 learn, the {where a garrison of 457 still re-| Wake the output marketable. greater to me does the resourceful- tremely dangerous and unstable po- sition. Being attacked on the left | flank, they were compelled to short- on the strip of ground they occupied | on the right of the San. Any re-| verse of these armies would have) turned the German movement into a | eatastrophe, since retreat to the rear | 'would have been cut off by the River | San and the pressure of the Russian | forces at Sienlawa, on the German left. Accordingly, the Germans| were forced to hurl their attack against the fortress, throwing for-! ward enormous forces. "The most convenient directions for attack appeared to be from the | north and north-west. These were | the weakest sides, and at the same | time they Were nearest to the Ger- | man forces which had crossed the! viver. The indefensibility of the those aiready mentioned, ded the Russian military anthoritieg to the decision not to run any special risk, but rather to remove the army from the fortifications. Strategic con- siderations led to this same decision, since the Russian Przemysl constituted a sharp wedge cutting into the German lines, and subject to being attacked from every side, To defend this crescent-shaped front required tremendous forces, and it Was clearly the desire of the Ger- mans. that numerous forces be /di: verted to this front for defensive pur- poses. Consequently, although Przemysl had all the advantages of a | supporting point, it menaced the free-! dom of our operations. "It is estimated that the proper defénce of the Przemys] fortress would have required the concentrat- army | long lines of trenches, mains. It is officially: announced that the British have advanced five hun- dred yards at the Dardanelles and the Turks forced to surrender two The German rumor that Brigadier Turner, .of the Canadian forces was captured is officially denied. Lloyd George makes the state- @nert that the British munitions are being turned out satisfactorily now. President Wilson will forward his atest note to Germany late Monday or. Tuesday, and will reiterate his previous demands that Garmany exer. cise the right of search before attack- ing merchant ghips. : Paris Sunday afternoon official communique said: "The enemy made a very violent effort to recapture . | neas and bravery of brigadiers, bat. WI Not Place More Loans. | 10 Sommandors, aaa ndiviausa Regina; June-7--Mayor-- Balfour! ¢ 3 om Sapvine and Commissioner Thornton, of Re-| that With rap uantey andlor ~ gina, have négotiated the sale of| occurred outside the ine hie about $1,000,000 worth "of deben- | hoding might have been converted oy secured' through the jute. a Serius defeat for our troops. sale of these debentures will be suf-! any i eadingiy the tu oy ficient to finance the city for the! they did*not lay dow thefr 1iv ft balance of the present year, and it | vain. I should Hke you rf in is almost certain that the additional | nicate to the whe) e a tivi. $500,000 worth of debentures whieh | sion my thanks and aa ian ivi the city still has on 'hand will b2|army commandér. f hs the « r, for the ices i they rendered to the seeond army during the critical period following the smceessful German attack on our Allies on the night of Apri} 22." ------------------ Toronto Street Market. Earnings And Dividends. Montreal, June 7.~Dominion Tex- tile's statement shows earnings of 7.26 per cent, on the common stock, against 6 per cent, paid in dividends. H. JENNINGS, - King Street sitions they 1 north of Arras. @ Whole front from Ablain to Neu- ville underwent continuous bombard- ment, The Gérman offensive was overwhelmed everywhere, and we maintained our positions,' inflicting heavy josses on the enamy. At Brandon, Man., one allen was Shot dead, one is dying, and one was wounded as the result of a desper- Ate attempt to escapo from the in- ternment camp: © : It is officially announced that the Allléd troops mad attack Toronto, June 7. Wheat, cereal . v».x$ 130 31385 Do., milling, bu. ... 1356 wheat .. ..... fortress was due to the fact that the | Ing there of forces equal to those Austrians had blown up the most Of 'the former Austrian garrison, fm nt forts upon thelr evacua- Pamely 145.000 mes. It would tion of Przemys!, coupled with the Dave been necessary also to develop configuration of the land: This wag | lo their fullest capacity ro less than unsuitable to a stubborn defence, for | 1,500 guns, and to reestablish all the reason that its undulations made | tha destroyed forts which, in the 'it posssible for the enemy to hide his | Short time available, wis impes- h sible. te 3 {dea in the constr "The abandonment of this blood. ; PP The pm {dea in construe- The margin would be regarded as a small one were it nog for the Street impression that the dompany usual has "something up its sleeve." I has, for one thing, according to the Barley general understanding, made gemer- Backus aah ous provision out of earnings for de- Rye eat reciation and hetterments -over a 'Ha H long period, and thereby on, @* = = Pars rss vein rae van Serv enn mothy, 'No, 1. and mixed w oooOD® conquered is a sad Hay . blow, but it is necessary to remem- Straw, bundled , ... 1460 ber that Przemysl, twice annihilated, So doose .. ...... 1000 an : us, has to-day no more importance : » 'new-laid, dox.. 0 24 than any other large city in Galiela. . al dred satisfactory Butter, choice dairy . 28 If, in February, the German occupa- ers W 1 Poultry, . of Praemysl rs i by et pt gu 353 gEsss i ysl had litsle influence on our manoeuvring, in the future dit will play no role at all . ¢ Jarasiay and x pass time and a hand, and ° * i.