OWES HER LIFE 10 ERUIT-A-TIVES" Cured 'Both Stomach Trouble. and Headaches PALMERSTON, ONT,, JUNR 20th. 1513. "I really believe that I owe my life to "'Pruit-a-tives", Ever since child. hood, I bave been under the care of physicians and have been ying doctor's bills, I was so sick and worn out that people on the street often asked me if I thought I could get along without help, The same old Stomach Trouble and distressin Headaches nearly drove me wild. Sometime ago, I got a box of *'Fruit- a tives" and the first box did me good. My husband was delighted and advi- sed a continuation of their use, Today, I am feeling fine, and a physician meeting me on the street, noticed my improved appearance and asked the reason. I replied, "I am taking Fruit-a-tives", Hesaid, "Well, if Fruit-a-tivesiare making you look so well, go ahead and take them. They are doing more for you than I can", Mgrs. H. 8. WILLIAMS. * Proit-a-tives" are sold by all dealeis ar Soc, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by 'rnit.a-tives Limited, Ottawa, EI | NO PLACE LIKE HOME--IF YOU OWN IT. | Six room brick vetiter house on the west slide of eity, for $3,150 for quick sale. ' room frame 'house, near Frontenne Park, With Improve- ments, for $1550, Soild Brick hou Street, with hot all improvements, Frame house sood stable, sul must be sold by on Cle ater furnnee, table, 3 a corner with ble for earter, May 1 Rough east house, OR Very elisy terms, $1 ame si HORACE F. NORMAN Real Estate 'and Insurance Office 177 Wellington St. I "The Bevernge that Benefits" Not simply a thirst quencher, not merely a stimulant, but just 'the purest, 'most health infusing spirit that has éver been produced. ichinapps Exc:llent as a "pick-iee-up" tonic 'and ost beneticial in its effect on the liver, kidneys and other organs. Vastly superior to'ordinary gin. Obtainable at all Hotels and Retail Stoves, James Merariand, Dsuributor » . oa i, A Million Corns Went Last Month Last month, 'a million corns were ended in this easy, simple h . Nl vem ap or case the corn pain ended there, g ir { i I Fi . i 4D. J. Bmith of Hemlock, Mich., at the picnic at Lacey's Cove under the | -- i FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE Frontenac CROW LAKE rain was it was badly needed. | 8 bee on Friday was well attended. J. W. Knapp has made a big improvement on his house by a thorough coat of paint. Mrs. Jones, Smith's Falls is spending a week with her son here. Some took in the picnic on the 3rd at the foot of Crow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tharrett spent Sunday at Burrege; Mrs, MacNunn and daughter also are visiting in this place before leav- ing for Winnipeg. SHARBOT LAKE ey www wwe ssw wees' Harris's; Thé Misses Thompsons are visiting their sister, Mrs. D. Bridgen; Miss Bessie Harris at Crow Lake: Roy Russell at D. Bridgen's; Mrs. M. and Joseph Allison at William Ken- nedy's Jr.; Frederick Wattam at Joseph Harris's; Leslie Wilson at F. McEwen's Jr; Miss Gertrude McKee- ver at T. Steele's; G. H. Goodfellow spent the week-end in Kingston; Mrs. Alton spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Wagar of Wagerville Rumors say there will be mahy wed- dings in the near future. | Lennox & Addington | FLORIDA June 8.--We had a nice Yainfall last night. It was greatly needed les. were quietly married also Miss ston. Robert Charlton is very ill Mrs. J. Carey and family of Havelock are visiting at her mother's, Mrs. Walworth, Mrs. John Allen visited her daughtér. Miss Annfe, assistant superintendent at Smith's Falls Hes- pital. We expect. quite a number of sports this season; some are ex- pected to arrive this week. LONG TAKE, June 5.--~The weather being Bo very warm and dry, crops and pas- tures are not making much pro- gress. Two Dears have passed through this vicinity in the past two weeks, causing a little commotion among some of our sportsmen, but fortunately the bears have escaped unhurt. The .Telephone Central of- fice has been transferred from J. Crook's to Ira Smith's. A little baby girl has arrived to Mr. and Mrs./ Melville Smith, Westbrooke, now visiting at Henry Drew's. Henry Drew and James Love and Ira Smith have each purchased an auto. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Scott and daughter, Ira, visiting at Wagerville. Ira Smith's, PARHAM June 1.--Farmiers have finished seeding and prospects are good for an abundant crop.' Some of the gardens were damaged by the recent heavy frosts. . A number from here attended t 'soelal at Arden, on June 3rd ge a fine time. A. Charleton has '& Jufge gang of men on the road this week. The bazaar, held in the 1.OON. Hall, by the La- dies' Aid, cn Friday last, was a deeid- ed success. A good crowd was in at- tendance and a goodly sum realized. E. Bertrim who has been in the hos- pital at North Bay has returned home much improved in health. A quiet -plenic 'was held on the shore of Eagle Lake on 3rd. Rev. W, Weese will remain. ob this circuit for another year. Miss \Lillian Killins, nurse- in-training in Kingston Hospital, is' spending her holidays at home. One of the oldest residence of this -vici- nity passed quietly away at his home on Thursday in the person of Peter Neddow. Mr. and Mrs. A, Collins, Desert Lake, visited at W, Clow's on Sunday. Miss Lois Mcleod has re- turned after visiting friends at Tam- worth: F. Charleton has vacated the house owned by Dr. Genge and has- moved into his factory for the summer. F Barr has left to fill a po-! sition at Wolfe Island. G. R: Howes is erecting a five new barn. J. Goodfellow has purchased a valuable horse from H. Clow last week. Dr.| Barker and 'C. 'Wagar have ordered new autos. C. Wagar has improved his residence by new cement walks. SYDENHAM June 7.--June 3rd was celebrated a large number of the villagers Boing 20 the city; others attended muspices of St. Paul's Anglican church, Owing to the absence of Rev. F. Tripp, attending conference, there was no service in the Methodist church. Sacramental - service held in the morning at St. Paul's church. The new street sprinkler, lately completed, made its first route on Saturday evening. It proved very effectual. A number of the Sydenhamites spent Friday evening Miss Mary Warren and J. McChar-{ Eva Gerdon and George Alton, King-! June 7.--Rain is needed very much in this locality. W. L. Storms is beautifying his residence by a fresh coat of paint. R. W, Martyn is erecting a new implement house, Mr. Swan, Yarker, has finished drilling a well for B. Redden. B. Lee and wife are attending the Holiness. camp meeting at Yarker, Mr, Jelfing, Hartington, spent Sunday at J. E. Peter's. H. Mills has erected a néw fence in front of his residence. STELLA June 8.=--Quite: a number from here took in the King's Birthday ce- lebration in Kingston on Thursday. Farmers are planting more corn here this spring. The outlook for a Bood hay crop 1s not of the brightest, James Strain's ice cream parlor was well patronized on Saturday evening. Rev. James Cumberland, returned on Saturday after attending the Presby- terian General Asserably ston, Rev. Dr. Port. v is attending the Methodist Conference in Ganano- que. Mrs. Porter accompanied him to visit friends. Mrs. J. C. Dixon and Mrs, H. the annual meeting of the Women's Auxillary of the Anglican Church recently held in Belleville. John Richards, sr., was the delegate to the Grant lodge C.0.C.F. held in Hamil- ton. last week. Rev. M. Shearer, preached two very interesting ser- mons in St. Paul's Presbyterian church on Sunday. Henry Brown left a few days ago to sall on the up- per lakes. Mrs. W. F. Strain has re- turned home after spending a few days with hier parents on Simcoe Is- land. . Vigitors: J. McWeathers, Portsmouth, at Mrs. Strains. Leeds DARLINGSIDE. June .7.--~Mr, and Mrs Coast, New York City are expected at their sum- mer home, Larue Island, shortly. It is said they will have extensive im- provements and repairs made to the same, . Empire Day was quietly ob- served, in this locality. The Home Guard at Escotte held a big pienic. Mrs. Henry Hunt, Larue Island, has quite recovered from her recént ill- ness. The steamer Brittanic passed up 4th inst. with a heavy passenger list, Mr, and Mrs. Stafford and fam- ily, New York, are occupying Mr. Pouche's- cottage. OEPAR VALLEY June 7.--Many 'from here attend- | ed the King's birthday celebration in Perth and reported a good time, Bay View Hospital has closed and Miss Balfe who has been private nursing there has returned home. William A. Rogers left on Monday last to at- tend graduation exercises in Chicago, on June 9th. Thence He will proceed to Winnipeg where he has secured the position of Inspector of weights and measures. James Ralph spent tie week-end at D. R. Rogers'. Miss cently. William Ralph is Home after a successful season. D. R. Rogers made a business trip t6 Crosby re- cently. 'Mids Sullivan spént Sunday last with friends in Elgin. Miss J. was | Rogérs made'n flying trip to Ottawa on_ Friday last. J CHARLESTON June 8.<-Churleston Lake hotel has several guests, Miss Kathleen in King B. Sandwith attended Myrtle Patterson, was in 'Perth re- t in Kingston, for the play 'Lee, the Royal Cadet," which all. quote as a success. Mrs. Johnson, of the eity, spent Sunday the guest James McMillan. Mrs. Wood, Alfred street spent a few days with her Suughier, Mrs. J. R. McLean. Mr. | USE "nr | : =m J ceipts, 17,000. _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1915. Ralph, Kiugston, is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. R. Foster. Miss Ber- tha. Hall spent the week-end at her home, Outlet. The 'parents 'and children of the school section tageth- er with 'a few friends gathered pear Warren's Bay on Thursday King's birthday) and enjoyed a picnic. Both dinner ard supper were served on the grounds. A phonogrzph rendered sweet music and a 'social tine wag spent, 'W, Page, Who came down from Kingston to spend the holiday was struck in 'the eye while playing baseball and received an ugly wound. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wemp have re- turned home after a few pleasant week's at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Leeder Ballacanoe were Sun- day guests at R. Foster's, NEWBORO June 7.--The Hotel Rideau book- ed to its capacity and 4 number of rooms outside have been engaged for the summer. A great many of Mr. Scott's former guests, at the Opini- con Club, Chaffey's Lock, will come hére this season, which speaks well of Mr, Scott as a manager. Hon. W. T. White, Ottawa, Hon. George] Taylor, A, W. Taylor and Mr. Otten- nen of Gananoque are quests at Ho- tel Rideau. Mrs, Basil Baker and babe arrive ed from Winnipeg, Saturday on a visit- to her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Teft and friends. Clare Bak- er, New York, is ishing frends in this vieinity., Mr, and Mrs, George Mowat, St. Lawrence Hall, Brock- ville, motored here recently on busi- negs. Stephen Ripley has purchds- ed a Ford car. "Mrs. Leggett, Post Mistress, returned home from 'St. Mary's last Saturday. James Lyons laid up with grippe He is improving. John Brady, ill for & long time, Is at present very low, not expected to survive long. iil ELGIN 4 June 7.--C. Pennock has his resi- dence newly painted. L. Sly took a trip to Perth lagt week. A. L. Cam- pbell motored to Gananoque on Sun- day. A number from here celebrat- ed the King's brithday at Kingston. Rev. Mr. McFarlane attended confer- ence at Gananoque. Herman Coon intends taking a trip to Toronto in| his auto. T. Johnson hag erected a new barn on his village lot. H, H. Pearson has added a verandah to his dwelling. Mr. and Mrs, Austin, Lansdowne, were guests in village. Statute labor is being done in differ- ent divisions. At the court of re- vision last week several repealed their assessments. Wark is to start in opening up a public drive way to Brockville Junction this week. Mr. Guthrie who has been reliéving Mr. Lucas has returned home. The Me- thodist church received a thorough renovating on May 27th, at the hands of the workers of the congre- gation. H, Judson's little daughter who has been so seriously ill is im- proving under the care of Nurse Nel-| son, . Messrs. Lele Sly and J. Mur- ray are out with oars. i LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Centres. tle at the Union Stock Yards to-day prices. Holders resisted and was consequently slow. | and lamb trade was steady, with no} material change in prices. Calve were strong; er, calves, 1,107 hogs and 110 sheep. To-day's prices were: Butcher cattle choice, $8 fo $8.50; do., medi- um, $6.75 to $7.85; do., common, $6 trade $7.50; do., medium, $5.50 to $6.25; do., canners, $4 to $4.25; do., bulls, $7 to $7.50; feeding steers, $7.25 to 25; do., light, $6 to $6.50; milkers, choice, $65 to $96 each; springers, $50 to $95; sheep, ewes, $6 £0 $6.50; bucks and culls, $6 to $5.50; lambs, spring, $11.60 to $12.50; hogs, fed and watered, $9.50; do., r.0.b., $9: 15; calves, $8 to $10. an) Montreal Live Stock. Montréal, Junie 7.<~ Warm weather had a en effect on trade at he West Etid Cattle Market this morning, but the prices were 'well maintained, Cattle, 500; Rec : 400; a an 100. Prime beeves, medium, 6 3c calves, , 8% ¢ to over 8c; to 8%e¢; A BY-LAW of thé City of Kingston were entruaied ment of sald Utilities from said Com- and take effect on its passing. The Prices Pald At 'the Various Toronto, June 7.=~The run of cat-|| was liberal and buyers sought 'to cut |} hogs weré quoted low- |} Receipts were 2,701 cattle, 145} to $6.50; buteher cows, choice, $7 to] | $7.50; stockers, choice, $6.75 to $7.| d lambs, 400; hogs, 1,-|] Ee ---- T0 REPEAL BY-LAW NO. : PAGE ELEVEN 65, 1913, BE- ING 70 PROVIDE FOR ENTRUSTING THE CON- TROL AND MANAGEMENT OF THE PUBLIC UT- OF THE CORPORATION BF THE CITY OF KiNG 96, 1013, BRING "A RY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR ENTHRUSTING THE CONTROL AND MANAGEWENT OF THE PVBLIC UTILIMES OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KINGSTON TO A COMMISSION» WHEREAS by the above-mentioned By-law the control and management of the Public Utilities of the Corporation a Commission, AND WHEREAS it Is deémed expe- dient; to take the control 'and manage- to mission. BE IT THERBFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kingston as follows: -- 1. By ¢v No. 66, 1913, is hereby re- pealed Z led, i 2. This Byilaw shall come in force NOTICE, Notice is hereby Elven, that the fore going Is a trde Copy of a proposed y-law of the Corporation of the City of Kingston, which has been taken into consideration, and which will be finally passed by the Counell of said Corpora- tion in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, after Pure Marmalade Orosse and 'Blackwell Chivers and Son's In 7 Ib. tins 841-3 Princes St, D. COUPER Phone 76. Prompt Delivery, (Ooast Sealed Oysters) | COA The kind 'you are look- ing for is the kind we sell Scranton Goal Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt de- livery: BOOTH ® CO. Gentlemen, let us clean |] and reblock your old Felt Hat. We can save money for you. 'We call for and deliver. , Be to 63¢c. Calves, 5c to 8314¢c. Sheep, Sc to T%e. Lambs, $5 to $7 'each. Hogs, 10¢c to 10%e. -------- T.~Cuttle--Re- A ile 30; western (0.05; Sowrata eit ; 5; calves, $7.50 to] Hogs Receipts, $4.000. 'Marx sow, ght, $7.45" to. uy rg Marked] ed $7.35 to $7.72 1-2; heavy, $7.10 to 4745; 40. to : he f steers, E+] $3.20 to $10.85. «at $6.40 7.76 to %10. Ma 7.20; : fs to 7. kee { 0. ©. FOLGER, Gen. Man. one month from the first publication thereof in the Dally British Whig newspaper, the date of which first-pub- lication will be the 26th day of May, 1916. The votes of the electors 'of the Cor- poration of the City of Kingston, shall be taken on the said proposed By-law on the 21st day of June, A.D. 1915, be- tween the hours of nine o'clock in the forénoon and five o'clock in the after- noon, at the followitg placés and by the following deputy returning officers, namely i-- Sydenham Ward. --Pollin Subedivi- jon Nos. 1 and 2 at 90 Willlam street. 'ilffam 'Towers, Deputy Returning Officer. Ontario Ward.--Polling Sub-division Nos. 3 and 4 at 216 Bagot street. John E. Johnson, Deputy Returning Officer. St. Lawrence Ward. --Polling Sub. division Nos. 5 and 6 at 3456 King street. A. EE. M: Loscombe, Deputy Returning Officer, Cataragqui Ward --Polling Sub-divi- sion Nos. 7 and 8 at 72 Queen street. W. J. Clarke, Deputy Returning Officer. Cataraqui Ward --Polling Sub-divi. sion Nos. 9 and 10 at 277 Montreal street. Albert Sherman, Deputy Re- turning Officer. Frontenac WaMl.--Polling Sub-divi- sion Nos. 11, 12 and 13 at 83 Colborne Street. George Clenahan, Deputy Re- turning Officer. Frontenaé¢ Ward --Polling Sub-divi- sion Nos. 14 and 15 at §3 John street. Charles Hebert, Deputy Returning Offi. cer. Rideau Ward.«Polling Sub-division Nos. 16 and 20 at 270 Division street. Poisonous Gases This is NOT the kind we are talking 'about. Have you 'phoned in your order yet to have the Gas Meter installed 50 you miay enjoy the many benefits derived by 'the use of GAS FOR COOKING ? "Phone 197 or drop a card to the X office of the works, Queen street. Light, Heat, Power and N Water The Talk of Fashionable Are those pretty erea- tions in Spring Foot- wear now being digplay- od in our windows, They are fresh from the style 'designers of fine shoes, Each shoe is the cor- "eet expression of what Dame Fashion calls | *gtyle."' They are pleas- ing to lodk at and fault- less in fit. The newest in Pumps and 'Oxfords. -- i i! STON 16 A COMMISSION. A BY-LAW TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. William Saunders, OMicer, Rideau 'Ward. --PolMing Sub-division Nos. 18 and 19 at 346 Brock street. Herbert Holder, Deputy Returning Sub-division Offeer. Rideau Ward. --Pollin Nos. 17 and 21 at 621 Princess street. John Peters, Deputy Returning Officer. Victoria 'Ward. --Polling Sub-division NOS. 22 and 23 at 222 Barl street. Pat- rick Lawless, Deputy Raturning OfMcer. Victoria Ward.--Polling Sub-diviston Nos. 24 and 25 at 57 King street. Ford Webster, Deputy Returning Officer. On the 16th day of June; 1915, at the hour of eleven O'clock, in the Mavor's office, the head of the Counell of ihe sald Corporation or some member of sald Council appointed for . that pur- Rose by resolution shall attend at said Place In the sald Municipality, for the purpose of appo nting, and | 80 to do, shall appoint by writing sign- ed by h m two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk and one person to attend at each Hing place on behalf of the persons nterested in. and desirous of promot- ing the proposed By-law, and a Uke number on behalf of the persons in- terested In and desirous of opposing the proposed By-law. On the 2nd day of June, 1915, at the hour of twelve o'clock' noon, at the City Clerk's office, in the sald Munio'- pality, the Clerk of the sald Municipals ty, shall attend and sum up the votes the proposed W. W, SANDS, City Clerk, Kingston, May 25th, 1915. Deputy Returning required IH for and aga'nst y-law. Tatas) GRAND TRIN i ea iY RP ' d Tg IN EFFECT MAY 30TH, 1018, Tratds will lave and arrive'at City Depot, foot of Johmaton street, Golng Vent, = % Frese ¥ peered > 9 mews = = r. * F pEEEy Am, 1m, a a a p. ». P. gE? B3 am sare D 0 Brockville 658pm. 7.87p, Noe. 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 18, 18, 19 run dafl other 'tfains' dally 'exéept Sunday, rect route Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buftalo, London, Detroit. Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Sfontreal, Ottawa, uebee, Po , Bt. 'Johan, Halifax, Boston and New York. TC Rani PafHieultrs apply x P. . ro Pp cor. Johnson Ai tario streets - Ares Teav 'Nico EE wie 1 lS eo steamer "Manitoba," sailfiig from Port MeN'ooll on Wednesda wil « Bound, vi V8, all at i 1 that point 10.30 'p.m. - 5 . . Con OP, Office, SOY Prin ngton streets, 'Phone MONTREAL--LONDON ) RN" AIO NY rises y. "PP RIAN" .... & CORSON 1 Jui of MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. July 15 +o duly 23 For full information ox local Agents, or THE ALLA LINE, 95 King St. W Toronto) ve Vaults, kinds of Ce-