Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jun 1915, p. 1

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8 PACES 5 The Daily British Whig KINGSTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1915 [raczsi-a] EDITION THE CRISIS IN THE UNITED STATES CABINET. Berlin Sends Out News Berlin, via Wireléss, June 10.--The | -------- Mp pie shrapnel. The Germans are bombarding the . | from using it as a base of operations | TURKS GLEEFUL OVER REPORT: against Lens. The enemy is resort- | * strongly fortified-mitl II Poluts--RHeat the Germans Of |. .:\e have made further progress | ! { Lorette Hills a violent artillery duel | Ot Operations. continued all night." (Special to the Whig.) { range, having occupied Rovereto. These despatches, unconfirmed from | farther north along the Baltic, have " William Jennings Bryan, retiring Secretary of State; Josephus Daniels, Seere- ussian armies, both in Galicia and | tary of the Navy, who may also resign (he is a bosom friend of Bryan's), and Robert | r2ilway centre of Monfalcone, near IN AN INP 'Capture the Railway Centre of Monfalcone. THE FALL OF GORITZ | IN AUSTRIAN PROVINCE | LIEVED IMMINENT. IS BE. | Austrians Were Driven From Rocky [~ Height On Monte Nero And The Italians Took 400 Prisnoers. (Special to the Whig.) | Rome, June 10.--Italian troops | have won their most important vic- | tory of the war. In the first stages | of the great battle now raging along the Isonzo, they have captured the ITALIANS VICTORIOUS ORTANT BATTLE messi -- fas Sn a A------ Monte Nero, the Bersagleirl Regi- ment drove the Austrians from a rocky height in a hand-to-hand strug- gle with bayonets. The enemy fled leaving 100 bodies and fifty wounded on the sum:'t of the peak, and 400 prisoners. Monfalcone lies twelve miles side the Auutrian frontier, miles north-west of Trieste. in- sixteen War Tidings, In Mesopotamia whole garrisons of Turks are surrendering to small parties of British troops. - bars the German path to Lemberg. In the western campaign the French are still pushing east from Neuville, and the British are holding at every point. At Calais, France, Dr. D. E. Page's new military hospital for the Allies, containing 300 beds, was destroyed by fire, Stubborn fighting by Rusiang still : = YEAR 82 NO 134 encircling movement but were pick- ed up by the French searchlights . Moving Ahead. ~ ruins of Neuville St. Vaase, evacuat- ed by their troops on Tuesday night, in an attempt to completely level ¥ SAVY SSES. ing to the same tactics near Hebut- AD HEAVY LOSSES lerne, south of Arras, but the French | With Heavy Losses -- Germans in the Labryinth, southeast of Neu- Trying to Level a Town and Pre- | Ville," said this afternoon's official | & Berne, June 10.--Unofficial des- patches recived to-day said that the any other source, also reported that the towns of Besenella, Vattaro and : ; os : : |the Adriatic. 5 Fiiher orth aling tie Baltic, 1a | Lansing, Counsellor of the Department of State, who is now acting Secretary of State | in . : The fall of Goritz, capital of the checking the Austro.German ad- | alld may become the permanent head of that Department. jerman submarine prisoners here- | Austrian province of that name, is vance. after shall be accorded ITALIANS SHELLING {and thrown back by a violent-rain of the town and prevent the French French Are Pushing Ahcad at Are maintaining themselves in the| vent Its Use By French As Base! communique. "In the region of the | Italians are shelling Trent from long R Beseno lying between Rove An official statement this af. | reto and |ternoon admitted the Germans had | A An A BN i Pit Trent are being shelled by Italians. | pean forced to wohdraw toward Beti- gola and elsewhere in Russian Cour. 'SPLENDID GIFT Would Like It to Be. Constantinople, via Berlin, 10.---Anglo-French losses in last week's fighting have been enormous, all reports from the Dardanelles agree, 'Are Making Progress. Paris, June 10.--A midnight at- tack upon the Souchez sugar mill in which the Germans were beaten off with severe losses, is featured in the despatches from the front to- day. Several German regiments participated in an attempt to capture the mill by surprise. crawled forward in an mn attempted The Experience (Bpecial to the Whig. Ottawa, June 1h. -- troops training in the various camps | throughout the country are to have the benefit of the rience of of-| ficers who have already taken part in the gigantic fighting in Northern | France. General Hughes 1s arrang- | ing to bring to Canada, Tor a short period a number of these officers of the First Canadian Contingent who | June & | + Canadian ! +> | land and provinee of Kovno. sian troops has halted Gen. Von Lin. singen's advance At certain sec- tions Slavs have taken the offensive, says the German official statement. i | South and south-east of Lemberg | the arrival of strong bodies of Rus- | FOR "COLLEGE MOTHER." TWO. ENENY AIRMEN BEATEN BY ALLIES LIEUTENANT GOSCHEN ~~ | -- | believed to be imminent. | To the north, in the fighting on THE CREW WAS LOST. | HAS BEEN RELEASED ........ Torpedo Boat Was Hit in Motored to Battersea And Tendered One Machine Destroyed By Gun-|Was One Of British Prisoners Piac. | EE , Around Szawle the Russians re] Gift To 2 Very Kindly | stubbornly resisting the German at- | Lady. tempts to force their lines. "Near Souchez, the French have gained a minor advantage, and in the forest of Le Pretre French troops occupied a section of our trenches," | sald the official statement. "Else- | captured the enemy's trenches." 244 PP PEPE PEPER PR bOe GIFT OF AMBULANCE. ILtd., Kingston, have donated, through Elmer Davis, a motor ambulance to Queen's ' Station. Hospital. The machine of Can- adian manufacture will be at once sent forward to Lieut.. Col. Etherington. It is a most + valuable gift and ove that has + been accepied with sincere grate + itude. * PITH OF THE NEWS. have been wounded and are conval. | Condensed Items By Telegraph and escing. » | From Exchanges. J. B. Fielding, Barrie, has been ---------------- BANFF TAKES THe LEAD, | appointed fisheries engineer by the | Thirteen Per Cent, of Population of | Village Enlisted. Ottawa, June 10.---~The record for a charge of highway robbery, escap-| Canadian enlistment is claimed for i Ontario Government. Henry Jackson, colored, in Wel- | land County Jail, awaiting trial on {ed by beating the assistant turn- Banff by Dr, Brett, of that place,who | key. is here attending the Dominion Medi. oal Couneil, Dr, Brett states that thirteen per cont. of the population of the village have gone to the front, the exact number being 141. Is no trouble securing men 'in west. Undersen Boat Victims, (Special to the Whig.) London, June 10.--Five fishing trawlers and one collier have been sunk by German submarines in the last twenty-four hours. this afternoon added the trawlers Tunisian, Castor and Per- simmon to the list of undersea boat | victims. Two British torpedo boats were torpedoed this morning off the east coast of England by a German sub- marine. Both were sunk; forty-one survivors were brought to London. Join the R. A. M. Corps. London, June 10.----The favorable | terms offered by the Royal Army Medical Corps are proving an attrac. tion for Canadian graduates, who are offering themselves on a large! scale, ' In addition to taking a num- ber of men from the strength of the Despatches | ing officer of Bridgeburg in Grimsby | | wleven hundred coal miners at Fernie were virtually on strike Wed- i nesday, refusing to work with Aus- | trians and Germans. The aliens are There | being interned. the| PF. C. Bishop,a Norwich hard- | ware merchant, was fined $10. for | selling a revolver without police per- | mission, the purchaser being Em- 'ory D. Shelley, held at Simcoe, ac- cused of murdering Christopher Schoup of Walsingham. Edwin Coulthurst, deputy return- the [Canada Temperance Act election in | Welland county on January 29th, 914, was found guilty of tamper- ling with ballots, and fined $1,000 by Judge Livingstone at Welland County Court. Major A. Bruce Powley, com- from 30th Regiment to the 7th Bat- talion, and was ia fight at La Bas- see, writes a stirring letter home. He is a son of Joseph Powley, To- Grand Master of the Oddfellows Or- der. - FIVE PERSONS DROWNED, Poet eeee EEE mamding reinforcements which went ronto, formerly of Kingston, and ex- A very pleasant event took place Wednesday as one of the by-products of the General Assembly and the re | union of Queen's graduates in the city. Bight Queen's men, some of re-| where, notably in the région of Sou- them from the west, motored to Bat. They | ain and north of Le Masnil, we have | Jopsen and made a presentation to Mrs. J. Eby, whom thay call their | "college mother." Over sixty men | who had boarded with Mrs. Eby at | her fome on Union street contribufed | towards the purchase of a fine fumed #.| oak dining-room set, which was de- : Of Officers k Messin, A. Davis & Sons' 3 . * To Be Given ; livered and presented Wednesday. For more than twenty years Mrs. Eby's home has been that of scores of Queen's men, and her own unfail- ing kindness and unselfishness _has | endeared her to all her "boys," and the very heartiest response was met with in arranging for this mark of their esteem. Mr. Eby has built a fine new home just outside the vil- | lage of Battersea, and after a visit | to California and their daughter and other relatives there, he and Mrs. | Eby will gettle down and.spend their | well-earned rest. A host of friends | in the city, as well as the "boys" scattered over the length and breadth | of Canada, will join in wishing Mr. | |and Mrs. Eby long years of health and happiness. i MAKING ENQUIRY f | Into & Fire and Explosion at Valley. | i field. Montreal, June 10.--The police are | | investigating a fire in the plant of the Valleyfield Iron Works on Welling- ton street, when $10,000 damage was | done. There was an explosion which | injured a fireman and a German em- | ployee named Frank Krahl | The origin of the fire si unknown, | an dthe cause of tho explosion is as | yet unexplained. "This, coupled with | the fact that about 100 bags of a | mysterious grey powder was discov- ered, the nature of which is un. known, and that the manager, Emil Stubner, is a German, has caused the police department to institute a rigid | investigation. NEW 0. 5. NOTE | © SENT TO BERUN Continue Is In Germany's Hands... ; Washington, June 10.--The note of President Wilson to Germany, which occasioned the withdrawal of William J, Bryan from the Cabinet, went forward its destination yes- Whether Friendly Relations Shall fire, the Other Dropped Af- | ter Duel in Air. London, June 10. --Field Marshal Sir John French, in a\report on the | fighting along the western line, says: "The situation on our front has not changed since the last communica- | tion of June 4. There has been less activity on the part of the artil- lery. On the 6th in front of the Plogsteert wood, we successfully ex- ploded a mine under the German trenches, destroying thirty yards of the parapet. "We havg brought down two Ger- ! man aeroplanes, one opposite our | right, by gunfire, and the other in the ; neighborhood of Ypres as the result of an engagement in their air with one of our aeroplanes." LOW WATER UNCOVERS SHIP. Stem of Boat Is Clear Of Water In Raceway. Ogdensburg, N.Y., June 10.--The | low water in the St. Lawrence river | has dheovered the bones 'of an-old- | time ship in the raceway at the rear | of the stave factory bordering on the mouth of the Oswegatchie. The ribs | were eight inches mquare and the planking probably was two-inch oak. Part of the stem, exposing a half-cir- | cle, where the bowsprit rested, is two | feet clear of water. About twenty feet of the craft from the stem back is exposed, but the balance is covered | by made ground, The ribs ana' planking indicate that the vessel was | a staunch eraft in her prime. Her length probably was about 120 feet, with breadth of twenty-eight feet. Some old-timers, living in that part! of the city, say that as boys they re- member playing on a hulk that lay on the shore and that at that time the legend was that it was once a French ship'of war. { An epidemic of cholera has broken out in Vienna, ciale, which published the attack on ed in yesterday's despatches, has been seized by the government. | gerous illusions of an early peace. { The likeliest result of the present { policy will be that the nation will | Vistula' river in Poland. | (Special to the Whig.) { Lugano, Switzerland,June 10.--An | Austrian torpedo boat was torpedoed and sunk by an Italian submarine in ed In Solitary Confinement But Health Suffered. | the Gulf of Trieste. The crew was | lost. _ Berlin, June 10.--The American| London, June 10. -- The small Embassy has been notified that Lieut. | Grimsby trawler Velocity was shelled Goschen, son of Sir William Goschen, and sunk by a German submarine the former British Ambassador. at|The crew reached . Hartlepool to- Berlin, and Lieut. Sanderson, two of | day, after spending fifty-two hours the British officers who were placed | at sea dn a small boat without food in solitary confinement some weeks | or water, half dead from exposure, ago, have been released. Both offi | apg were rushed to hospital for treat cers had apparently recovered from | ment wounds when they were selected ta | London, June 10.--The British undergo solitary confinement in re- | collier Ernadoldt has been torpedoed taliation for the treatment of the of- | 4nq sunk by a German submarine. ficers and erews of German subma- | rines by the British, but their health | suffered severely. Lieut. Goschen | and the other officers were visited recently by representatives of the American \Embassy, 'The former will be transferred to a sanitarium if it is deemed advisable, Two other officers will be substi- tuted for Lieutenants Goschen and Sanderson. : IN THICK OF FIGHTING ted Against Enemy. (Special to the Whig. _ Ottawa, June 10.---That Battalion, Montreal, and 7th Bat- talion, Victoria, B.C, France during the last few days Is indicated in the casualty lists re- ceived at the Militia Department during the last twenty-four hours. SEIZED BY GOVERNMENT. Swift Punishment for Offtiélsn of French Censor, cluding 1,255 killed, 5,446 wound- Paris, June 10.--The Guerre So- ed, 1,684 missing. TRIED FOR TREASON, General DeWet Must Answer to the Jrown, (Special to the Whig.) Bloemfontein, South Africa, June 10,--General Christian De Wet, the former Boer general and leader of the rebellion against the British last October, pleaded not guilty to a charge of 'high treason, but guilty of sedition." The court ordered his trial on the high treason charge to proceed at once. the censor by Gustave Herve, report- In hig criticism, after protesting against the policy of concealing the losses in the war, M. Herve said: "Frankness would obviate the dan. | cease. to trust the official commu- niques, It will be a fine achieve. ment for the government to kill the public confidence." Great qugntities of poisonous gases are Being used by the Ger- mans against the Russians east of the LESS SATISFAOTORY Is the Condition of the King of p Greece. (Special to the Whig.) Athens, June 10,--King Constan: The Kirk "Jesus, Thy blood and righteous- ness my beauty are, my glorious, | dress; midst flaming worlds, in these | | arrayed with joy shall I lift up my Rev. Alexander MacMillan is the official harper in our Presbyterian Specially Written For the Whig By "'Cleric." tine has suffered another slight re- 5 lapse. The official bulletin issued . . this morning said the King's condi- in oun tion was "less satisfactory." : d Women as Soldiers. ---- Berlin, June 10.--From the town of Brixen in the Austrian Tyrol, nu- merous requests have been received by the military authorities in Vienna from women begging to be allowed to serve in the ranks as soldiers. It has been explained that such servite less a man than a philosopher, would is impossible. o and sit on the bank. However, hen the game was about half over, a friend stepped on the greeh and let the secret out, that it was Dr. Watson, who had the young theologs in charge. A Body Found. {Special to the Whig.) ed to be that of Alfred G. Vander- 'Two Canadian Battalions Were Pit-| have been in| Pay. r the thick of the fighting in Northern | the British Columbia Chureh Society | London, June 10.--A body belev. | : treatment identical with all other German pris. oners in England. = ny OWE THEM A DEBT : The Bishop Of London Praises Can- adians. | London, June 10.--Speaking on | behalf of the British Columbia { Church fund, the Bishop of London i related how he recently addressed [10,000 Canadian soldiers at a cer- | tain market town. in. France. "AL | the end of a long day," said the Bis- | hop, "for it was my eighth service {that day. I had a great shout of | welcome from those 10,000 Canad- { ians. When I looked around I said {to the men: "This reminds me of | Montreal and Toronto,' Instantly |a voice said: 'Why not Winnipeg?' | He was right and I dare say some- | body else was ready to advance the | claims of Victoria. Out of sixty of- | ficers who stood around me that day, | 32 within a month's time were dead. | Six thousand men had also fallen | within a month. "It gives pathos to this meeting | here to-day such as nothing else | could give. To those six thousand dhe 14th | gallant gentlemen who fell that | month we owe a dabt nothing can re- Now, if at any time, should | show what it is worth." | REALLY EXTRAORDINARY! vial » ------ . 2 Total casualties to date, 8,285; nd Claim God and Gases on Side of Ger. many. x Petrograd, June 10.---Following is the text of an extraordinary staff or- der to-the troops on the Baura, which exhibits the Germans in their true | light: "God Himself is on our side, and fights for us in the conflict against the whole world We, by the will of the Almighty, have had put into our hands a new and mighty weapon --those gases wherewith we have de- feated our enemies. Tha power and domination of Germany over all Europe are our only aims n this war, and we must allow nothing to stop us in gaining final and now as- sured victory. Ere two months have past our fees will he beaten in the dust." DAILY MEMORANDUM. Bee top of page 3, right hand corner, for prpbabilities. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Is on Sale at the Following City Stores: Bucknells News Depot HH King st. & Co. suns went navies Prin. & A | Fron el ...e0n Hammar EL | 's D Store .. Marke Do 8 Grocer can . Portsmouth McAuley's Book Sto | i's Cigar Store, | Mc! 's rooery eesBl | Medle ore, | Paul's sae | Prouse's Drug Store™... | Valleaw's Grocery ....«.308 Montreal IN MEMORIAM. TYSIOK--in loving memory of our dear mother, Lizse! od Jreoa \ th Tysick, be- McGill General Hospital, the indute- Israel:, He gathered into his band | perceptibly improved. Bilt, drowned in the Lusitania disas. | {ola "Wife ot Jomeph. Tysick, Ciar: ments held out by the R. AM. C. have resulted in numerous applica. tions being madc by Queen's men. A Disastrous Fire. (Special to the Whig.) London, June 10.--Fire of a mys. terious origin to-day destroyed three acres of army supply buildings © in Park Royal, West London, at an ag- gregate loss of $500,000. One hun- dred Red Cross motor vans and 200 Aurora, - Saskatoon, Sask., June 10---At | Outlook last evening James H. | Thompson, general merchant, of Ar- dath, his wife and two children, Mar. garet, aged eight, and Herbert, aged four, and Mrs. Herbert Coleman, of Toronto, were drowned. The party of five had reached the Saskatche- wan River at Outlook in a motor car. hers W _ From | t¢ It will be published in the - Went 10 The Wem sevipijars of Friday morning, by which e it is calculated it will. have renched Berlin.' 'While details of the note are being carefully, officials have permitted it to become known that the chief feature of the communica- tion is & second summons to Germany to state her intentions as to the ob- servance of the principles of interna- tional law, which the Government has 0 for the protection of lite and The approach to the ferry had not been logked, and when the car struck its apron fit slid away. The car turn- ed turtle and sank in twenty feet of yet recovered is i + Mrs, Cole- army service vans were destroyed. A] The Gift Of Ontario, Montreal, June 10.--An offer of six motor fro Ame roperty on the high of to-night from . Pyne, Acting | Her Prime Minister. ~The offer will, of course, be accepted gratefully, + Great Name J10.--A letter re- Canadian officer at the Canadians are 'name in the army. "The White Gurk- monton. Mr. trom Aurora, Ont., four years ago. MUST GO TO PRIZE COURT pi , "Such contentiong of Ger. to a score of commissioners who can sing the praises of God "with a sol- emn sound." They have assisted him loyally at every morning wor- , and sang the above words, ter, has been recovered off the Clare "game of their life" "and. all felt : honored to play the game of bowls with one who had let them into the deep things of reason, back in the good old days of long ago. Fine Places The General Assembly at times moves foward like a great . Wh ere Soldiers 5 May Tarry £ shiz: Sg3gangRit FA t endon Station, The departed this + Hfe June 10t EE 0 ly r mother, Oft we think of you, dea ther, el ace. ur oa -t tamily. ROBERT J. The Leading Phone 577. JAjezs REDD at sg 256 - STREET But you left us te None on earth can. i { ' : i y i § (i

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