Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1915, p. 2

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PAGE TWO New Fur - Skins New Satins. Silks Expert Fur Craftsmen Complete Your Orders Satisfaction and Des- patch Guaranteed Summer Prices ADVICE FREE Consult with our Expert Designers John McK Limited INSURANCE Weal Estate Investments J. 0. HUTTON 18 Market St. CURTAINS TO TERM ON_PRISON FARM FOR STEALING CATTLE James Morahan Was Given Months and William Mcilroy Months. James Morahan, not less than nine and not more than fif- t months, at hard Jaber, on the son farm-'at Guelph William Mcllroy, net less nthe and not more than tw cn prison farm Nine Six nonths een pr than elve at Xn y months Guelph. These sentences were imposed by Judge Madden, in the County Court at noon on Friday, a jury on Wed- nesday having found the two men guilty of stealing cattle in the town- ship of Storrington. Judge Madden remanded them in order to give them time to .cansider thé inatter of mak- ing restitution. Jorahan who is 42 years old, was sentenced first, and in addressing him Judge Madden said: "Your counsel says you have ar- ranged to make restitution for the value of the cattle stolen find that: you have also made arrangements to meet. the costs of the Crown in conducting the prosecution Hav- ing done so, I think you have shown |the first signs of reformation, "I eannot lét you go free. The laws of the land have to be carried out and you have to suffer for the offence against society. Society has to be protected against such things. In fmposing sentence upon Wil- liam Meliroy, who is but nineteen years of «ge, Judge Madden said: "I think that perhaps you were | led into this by the other man who {is much ~older and should have known better. You are a young man and have a chance to make good." Morahan and Mecllroy were fbund { gullty of stealing a 'two-year old heifer, the property of Irwin Card. | The. two were tried last Décember but jon that occasion the jury dis- agréded on the case. T. J. Rigney acted as counsel for | the two men. J. I,, Whiting con- | ducted the prosecution. "ther Cases Heard. The case of Jan Laskowsky vs. Petar Meltz and Julia Meltz, was an actidn for the return of $517.70, | balance claimed to be due for mo- ney 'loaned with interest. A. B. { Cunningham appeared for the plain- tiff and Messrs. Nickle and Farrell {for the defendants. Laskowsky, ac- | cording to his story, stated that he {had been hurt in an accident at Perth, and had been laid up in the | General Hospital. He received $600 | a8 a result of the injuries he receiv- {ed., After coming out of the hos- {pital he became acquainted with | Peter and Julia Meltz, He said later {on he kept company with Meltz's | daughter, and that it was his inten- {tion to marry her. He swore that =====| he gave Mrs, Meltz $500, but Mrs. BRUSSELS NET DUCHESS POINT. IRISH POINT In white, ivory, ecru, or two tone. Many exquisite designs, manuiaciar especially for us in Switzerland, hy with heavy applique borders, others in dainty, lacey effects: and the prices wers never so low, $2.75, $3, $3.50 & pair upwards, Now is the time to make your selection of window trimmings while stocks are large and many styles to choose from. --sssseeseess-------- R. McFaul, KINGSTON CARPET WARE- | Méltz denied receiving any money. | This case was dismissed, but Pet- er Meltz laid a eounter charge, for | slander, but this case was dismissed upon an apology being given by the accused. Karl Goldman acted as interpret- jer in the case. | The case of Nicholas Amey vs. | Margaret Johnston, action of $500 damages for slander, was dismissed | without costs. | When the court adjourned for | lunch at noon on Friday, the case of { Annie Duffy vs. D. L. Babcock, an | action for $300 claimed to be due | for wages was being heard. The plaintiff. is suing for this amount as | housekeeper for defendant at his home In Sharbot, Lake and in Kings- | ton. {| T. J. Rigney is counsel for the | plaintiff. G. M. Macdonnell is act- {ing for the defendant. | 1 ------------------------ { Last Day To-morrow. | Big Street Fair, auspices 14th | Band, twice to-morrow, 2 p.m. and | 7 pm. Follow the crowds te the teorner Union and. Alfred streets. CEFIC IEP CIP LIER EP OS® pt THE DAILY BRIfISA WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1915. A REAL GOOD POINT On Sending Missionaries Abroad And Neglecting Home, At the concluding session of the Presbyterian General Assembly on Thursday, whea the feeling: seemed to be against granting the request of the Synod of. Alberta regarding the Ladies College at Red Deer, which the westereners wished to retain for the church, an Alberta delegate re- marked that a good many people wondered why it was that the church could serd mifsionaries to far-away fields and at the same time n st fields of work right at home. The westerners had their request grant- ed. They wanted the recognition of the Assembly of this Ladies College, which is doing a splendid work, and which will receive some large con- tributions when wealthy Presbyler- ans are assured that the General As- sembly is at the back ofthe; institi- tion, PTE. WILLIAM RAMSAY. A Kingston #oldier, who was twice wounded while fighting with the Can- adians. FPL SILI E EE She LETTERS APPRECIATED. Letters received from boys at the front or in the various train- ing camps are of great interest to the citizens generally. The Whig will be glad to receive for publication any and all such let- ters. Personal matter will, of course, be omitted and the let- ters promptly returned to those to whom they are addressed. Letters received by our readers in the country make interesting reading for the friends and rel- atives of the soldiers. When such are sent in they will be promptly returned. -* PERLE EPR RE SESE P IEP P PIE ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE The Young Men Whe Have Passed Examinations. The following Ontario candidates have successfully passed the en- trance examination of the Royal Mi- litary College. 1t is emphasized that the Mst is not given in order of mer- | it:----Donald Robert Agney, Toronto; | to; Gordon Ross Bongard, Toronto; Walter Donald Bethune, St. Cathar- ines; Frances Irving Carpenter, Hamilton; Maleolm Charlton Crer- ar, Toronto; Robert Leighton London; Reginald Arthur Harvey Galbraith, Toronto; George Seton Hatton, Toronto; John Walter ings, Toronto; - Archibald 0. Lapman, Lakefield, Ont.; Hugh Babingten, MacMahon, St. Catharines; Samuel Stanford MecNairn, Toronto; William Harty O'Reilly, Toronto; . Godfrey Allan Peuchen, Hamilton; PEPER EPSP PE FIRE PRD DR. DYDE WILL REMAIN PRINCIPAL OF ROBERTSON COLLEGE, EDMONTON. AS Befuses Offer From © Saskatchewan University--His Son 1s a Lieuten- ant With the Royal Field Artillery In France. Rev. Dr. S. W. Dyde left on Friday afternoon for Edmonton after attend- ing the meeting of the Presbyterian Assembly. He will remain the prin- cipal of the Robertson Collége at that place, the Assembly having become responsible for the finences of the College during this period of stress. | Dr. Dyde had a tempting offer to be- come professor of philosophy and English in the University of Sas- | katchewan, but his heart was"in the work of Robertson College, which he inaugurated, and he will hold the fort at Edmonton for the Presbyter-| ians. I Principal Dyde, before leaving, re- | ceived a letter from his son, W. Far- | rell Dyde, who is a second lieutenant | in the 51st Battery, 9th Division, | | Royal Field Artillery, Lieut, Dyde's | | battery reached France about a | month ago, and on the 14th of May | was within sound of the guns. This | | young Kingstonian first took a full] | course in England as a trooper, and | | then was transferred to the Royall {Artillery and given a commission. | Police Court Friday. | So that he eould have ample time | { to take an inventory of his personal! | belongings and the next time he is| brought up be able to tell the Magis- | | trate where he secures his money, | | Charles M. Lowery was given twen-| ty days or a five dollar fine on Fri-! day morning, Lowery it was brought | out has been walking the streets for | | some time past and as he had no | | visible means of support he was ar- | rested and charged with vagraney.| | In the trial, in an effort to show the! Magistrate a registered letter he had | recgived, Lowery emptied a' great number of papers and had them docket. | William Jackson was charged with being drunk, but when he pleaded fence he was allowed his freedom. BASEBALL RECORD. National League. Pittsburgh, 2; Boston, 1. St. Louis, 13; New York, 2 American League. Chicago, b; New York, 4. Philadelphia, 11; Cleveland, Washingtdn, 8; St. Louis, 2. Boston, 6; Detroit, 6 oO. 1. Federal League. - Kansas City, 5; Chicago, 3. | Newark, 9-1; Brooklyn, 7-2. Buffalo, 6-5; Baltimore, 3-13. International League, Providence, 11; Jersey City, 3. | Newark, 4; Richmond, 3. | Rochester, 12; Buffalo, 1. | Montresl, 3; Toronto, 1. | To-morrow Night. Is the last show at the Big Street | Fair for the 14th Band. Evening | performance at 7, matinee at 2 {p.m., corner Alfred and Union | streets. Fer- | rie, Hamilton; Humphrey Byron Gil- | bert, Toronto; Alan Ferrier Gates, | A field marshal never retires, but | rémains on the active list and draws | full pay till the day of his death. Sentiment may be at times called silliness, The genuine neighbor is never in- | quisitive. The unsafe place is sometimes the | office safe. h Roger | Hall Ptolemy, Welland, Ont.; Alex-| | ander Meredith Ramsey, Hamilton; | Charles Fountayne Saunders, ford; Frederick Alden Warren, To- | ronto; Edward Lamport Zealand, Hamilton; Herbert Cust Boyd, Bob- | caygeon; Percy Bidwell, Kingston; Ham Vrooman, Brockville; Stewart Lyon McClenaghan, Ottawa; Arthur Stanley 'Todd, Ottawa; Harry Bartram Wood, Ottawa; Howard [ Achievement] Through Glasses Ex-President Roose- velt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he discovered that he could not see as much as other boys. He tells us that glasses changed his ca- reer. .vitr efficiency by wear- +g our "perfect visi "W388. oe i} west of Let us increase [i auring Beverley Thorburn, Ottawa; Albert Roy MacLaren, Ottawa; Ceeil Gra- ham Wood, Ottawa; Hugh Redford Dale Harris, Ottawa] . Grant Carr Harris, Ottawa; Bethune, Ottawa; William Hugh Desmond MaeMahon, Ottawa: Geo, Frothingham Benson, Ottawa; Regi- nald Lawrence Sladen, Ottawa; Rob- ert Schofield Morris, Ottawa. Weather Notes. The 'shallow low area which was fhe Mississippi on Thursday has moved into the lake region, while high pressure has passed to the At- lantic. ~~ Showers occurred Thurs. day inthe. western provinces and the night in Ontario. The weather continues cool in all the pro. vinees, with, however, a slight ten- 'dency towards higher temperature. : Beautiful New Stock To Choose. Prevost, Brock street, has this Norman Graham | Bur- | | | i | Percy | { 'Never in our histor spread over the rail in front of the | guilty and said it was his first of-| I Pictures of the Moment A Pt teat General Assembly Photograph Photograph of the General Assembly, size 39%10. Price, $1.50. Tipperary An authentic view of Tipperary, by J. Goz- zard, 18x14, in beautiful colors, Au Revoir "The Sadness of Parting Heralds the Joy of Meeting." The greatest picture issued since the beginning of the war. The College Book Store Open Nights 160 Princess Street Study of a Prussian Household Hav- ing Its Morning Hate Frank Reynolds' famous "Punch" A picture which everyone should possess: prices. Moulding Co., of the Picture Framing The highest class By arran Picture guaranteed. of this city, there is gt your Ser- vice a staff of 40 expert workmen in all branches P thousands of styles main Picture. lowest Reliance the the work at goments with of sclection of All work and a moulding, raming, in ANN ty (NNAN AAr ~~ Phone 919 mi A AA AAA At At ct tN MAMAN Mari # odtund A Clean Up In Ladies' White Underskirts & White Gowns cials Slightly counter soiled, and in broken only---to clear in two lots: -- Priced up to $2.00, for Priced up to $2.50, for Every garment a big bargain. me $1.50 sizes each 10 dozen Ladies' White Marquisette Waists, in a nice range of nobby styles, worth easily $1.25; all sizes 34 to 42. Our Saturday price A big variety of Ladies' Rain Coats ..$4.95 up A new lot of the latest creations in Wash Dress Goods received this week--popular priced . .15¢ up Excellent values in Hosiery, Gloves, Neckwear, wie Ribbons, Summer Underwear: The best Dollar Corset in the trade--six models, in all sizes, 18 to 30. & 3 v Girls" Middy Jerseys--with laced Sailor Collar --and short sleeves; pretty colors; all sizes ....39¢ Newman & Sh Pictorial Magazine for Julv ...... The Always Busy Store aw, CLOSING OF MAILS, British mall closes irregular- ly. Information posted at P. O. Lobby from time to time, United States, dally .. 1.00 pam. Grand Trunk, going Cemanne sessessa1L50 pm, (includ"ng Eastern States) ....ivi. ia 11.50 am, Grand Trunk, going ° west . ++»11.50 am. Do. (ir+luding Western States) crvarseesessIL50 pom. Grand Trunk and all west «f elty ........ 2.30 p.m. CP. R 10.15 am. and 4.30 p.m. CN Be vuvanvinuives 330 p.m. Nice. dry, Handbooks EE -------------------------- 3 Wanted His Pay. Soe time ago an old Indian § the West broke his axe handle, ang taking pity on him, fitted th a new one from Ls own Then noticing that the axe , Unele Josh decided to add to his kindness by sharpening it, and fresh Cement. containing formation, as to its use, furn- ished JON request. } in- | attached, in good lo: | bao Improvemen | mae, G6x132 each. AAA PP ASN OWNERS OF AUTOMOBILES WE STOCK EYE PRO- TECTORS AND GOGGLES. We stock the best - lines right prices. The new (Night and Day) Goggle, is an insurance against accident at night, Have the 'hauffeur use a pair, at J -- Smith Bros. IEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Issuers "of Marriage Licenses. REMODELLED Gourdier's Phone 700. If You Have a Business To Sell See Mullin and Son Three Grocery Stores with Dwellings ations, doing good ht at Jow Sgures, dwelling, on Karl vinlon street), 7 rooms ts, for $1,600, ing Lots on Liviegston Ave. buss hoth, Stone, Dwelling on King \street (near Portsmouth), wiik twe good buliding lots, all for $830, See us for bargning. EW. Mullin and Son All Kinds of Real Estate, Cor. Johnson and Division Sts, Phones 539 and 1456. Wash "re home wash Prople-wwe usiness, can he bow Detached Frame reet (below Di 2 Bulidi Home oy | an exira fine assortment of | order cheviots and serges for his ready-made clothing and gents' fur- nishing departments are well assort- ed with new goods. & have we shown: suc e Indian to turn the grind. splendid values as in our Straw Hats this season. i do the hest lauw in towne you know that, Ie ve tried us, U3 842 King St. Phoys '019 Er ------ ee ----------r---- . Is th lst how st thn i : 4 0 lag w at the AEE Sop 14th matinee 3 pm. roner Alfred an : : | _ Sate , Ly il long wanted. || till you see | 'Come in today and Tao me in to-day | them v win i co

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