hm FI ESO 16 PAGES PAGES 1-6 he Baily British Whig ona < aromescerna EE YEAR 82 NO 136 LAST EDITION Win A Glorious Victory -- ------ AUSTRO-GERMAN LOSS REMELY HEAVY 's Battle the Dead, Wounded And Mr. Thompson is a son of the late In Thursday S e y ou Sir John Thompson aud is a leading |: - uber of the ar 48 Eutiet Prisoners Numbered Aboot of Commons, but sittings are also to | fo y 10 al . be held In New Brunswick and in the | i West; { Z Less Than Half the Foe That Crossed the River Escaped Slaughter or Capture---Another Army Being Rolled Back---The Russians Have Taken the Offensive. (Special to the Whig.) Petrograd, June 12.--Unofficial despatches: from Lemberg to-day estimated the Austro-German losses in dead, wounded and prisoners in Thursday's battle at Zur- vano at 40,000. Less than half the enemy's forces who crossed the river at that point escaped slaughter or eap- ture. Under heavy General Linsenge KINGSTON ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1915 Russians Again LIKELY TO ENCIRCLE GIVES HIS SERVICES : UusS-S Of Ot Rr : 1 A John Thompson, Of Ottawa, Will As- | sist In Enquiry, | Ottawa, June 12.--John Thomp-| son, K.C.,, of Ottawa, has been offered | , AWA and has accepted the position as Gov- |. N ernment counsel, to assist Sir Char-| i . : les Davidson in" the war M contracts investigation on which IA Mr. Thompson i has stipulated, however, that the po- | i jd ¥ sition is to be an honorary one, that! i opens next week, Ales Are Fighting in The Region of That . Town---Occupy Two Hills Near A Thick Fog Causes Cessation of Military Operations North of Arras---The French Make Progress North Of Lorette And In the Lahyriath District. (Special to the Whig.) tha Athens, June 12.--The Allies are. now fighting in the | regi f the y ' Gallipoli, having arrived within | | region of the town of Gallipoli, having : The extreme, Belated Message Tells of Distress In | four hours' march, after terrific fighting. I$ eX Teme; Constantinople. { He had just entered - Warrington left of the Allied forces threatens to encircle the enemy! ions June 10. (Delayea in in the entrenchments to the north of the town. | sion oii lung contivues| 3 1 r vals € ' i A great battle has been in progress since Thursday | sq advartape for the Any. Don around Maidos. The Allies ocgupied two hills near | Maidos. A Senegalese regiment took seven hindred | | Ontar- NY Us zon fy, DOHA gimaad PASS ition NADWORNA: KEY - * DELATYN Pinkie, | 0 ---= Battle Line Week ago. Most of the sittings of the com- | mission will be held here, in the Rail- way Committee room of tha House BLIND FROM HEAT. Sight Of Youth Who Fell In Street Is Gone. Pittsburg, June 12. --Prostrated by the heat, George Hulse, aged thirty, was stricken blind while walking near his home in Knoxville. Hulse over a year ago had some trouble with his eyes, but thought medical aid had full recovered his sight. Last evening, being oppressed by the terrible heat, Hulse decided he A Tory Paper would take a walk to a nearby park. WHERE MACKENSEN'S ARMY MET DEFEAT. The German army moving on Lemberg from the west was defeated and | driven back four miles tdward Przemysl. On the Dneister, near Zornova, | the Slavs also threw back Linsingen's army. Village of Ragzewko and | others captured in successful Russian offensive. | i | FORCING THE STRAITS. 1 that he had been stricken blind. Physicians say he can never again see. when he collapsed. Asks Clean-Up troops, There was severe firing on | Srv---- He was picked up by friends and Tuesday morning. The bombard-| Winnipeg, June 12.--The Winni- taken home, where it was found pressure from the Russian left wing, Maidos, | ment of the Asiatic shore) of the|Deg Telegram, n's Austro-German army, that attempt- In Manitoba avenue, a few blocks from the path, fleet is covering and assisting the Turks prisoners on the heigh Teh authorities at Constantinople have commandeer- ed forty ships as floating hospitals. ts of Ortakeui, near | straits continues. i The effect of the appearance British submarines of ! in the Sea of | Conservative, pub- lished a special edition, yesterday, largely devoted to the evidence of Horwogd and Sait before the Royal | Marmora has been that all transport | Commission in Minneapolis and edi- Pog Stops Fighting In West. {Special to Paris, June 12.--Official).--A thick fog curtained the battlefront north of Arras to-day, and. official des- patches repprted a complete tions. Diving the night, the French carried a section of C 4c 2 Lorette, a tri Elsewherp there has been no change. the Whig.) cessation of military opera- nches in the region of Fond de Dubal, north of ret made some progress in the Tabyrinfl ais] ee Dr. Dernburg Has Sailed - | . For Germany 1 to the Whig.) | (Special to { : a orks sine ia fe a | dt abe. 'avelling under spe- cial safe condu teed by the Allies, a by his wite, sail. ed on Wi 'Am can liner " : Norway. Tho Kalger's unofficial resentative in this country, who for some months has carried on a cgm- paign favoring Germany's position in the war, declared that he considered his work highly satistactory. WHAT BRITAIN OWES NAVY, Foreign Tradé For Four Months Larger Than Year igo London, June 12.---During months of January, February, March and April of this year. Brit- ish ports show the following re- turns, - notwithstanding submarine 'blockades: Tips. £281,676,312; exports, £116,770,328; re-exports, £311729.002, 3 Foil JEtien trade for four mon 0 over billion dollars, although the chief European cus were invglved in war. The returns show an in- crease of $115,000,000 over the cor- responding period of last year. a -------- Pope May Get Nobel Prize. a ~._ London, t is. thoug probable that this the Nebel Peace Prize will be on the Pope for hi and his Sra dD role pence on f of war pris- oners. er A . A DANGER TO NAVIGATION Derelict Sighted Off Southwest Coast Of Nova Scotia. Halifax, June 12,~--Training her six-inch guns on a derelict which she sighted yesterday many miles off the south-west coast of Nova Scotia, one of the cruisers belong- ing to the 'Halifax Naval St#ition at- tempted to destroy the abandoned vessel, but was unable to sink her. This morning Marine Agent Har- dey received a message from the Cruiser saying that she had passed a derelict, Sangsrous to navigation in [42.44 north 65.00 west, and had fir- on it, but without success. It is : that the derelict is 'the three-masted schooner Harry, which was abandoned fifty-five miles south- west of Cape Sable on May 28th, and the crew landed at Shelbourne. The Harry has since been reported south of that position by passing steamers, BENZINE FOR SUBMARINES, Allies Discover German Cache at Lonely Spot. Rome, June 12.----A despatch the Tribuna from Athens says: "The Allies have discovered at a lonely part of the coast near Kalim- no (an island oft the ' southwest coast of Asia Minor) fifteen hund- red cases and 96 bareels of bensine with which it was intended to re- plenish the tanks of German submar- ines operating in the Dardanel les region. It is supposdd the ben- zine was shipped from Saloniki to Piraeus as kerosene and sent from there to Kalimme.™ | to and every communication 'by sea have ceased. Even small boats have | to obtain special permits. : The | wounded are being transferred from | the battlenflds by land and are dy-| ing in large numbers during the jour- | ney. Furthermore, in Constanti- nople there is a shortage of surgical instruments. The city is alse suf- fering from lack of flour, which is distributed only to Turks, not to Lhristians. Since the Appearance no ~ Constantinople 'is The entire Bosphorus is patrolled by armed motor-boats. of the Black Sea the Russian fleet has destroyed a newly-constructed r-ad, The fire from the Russian ships 'was directed by signals from Russian aeroplanes. Gen. Hughes Talks About the R.C.H.A. (Spécial to the Whig.) 3 Ot@awa, June 12,--General Hughes who , returned to the Capital from . Belleville, where he inspected the 88th Battalion, was asked the reason the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, which went to Eng- land last October with the First Contingent, are still in England' The minister said that until the time this matter was brought up in the British House, he thought the Royal Horse Artillery were in France. The only explanation pos- sible, said the minister, seems to be that they are armed with thirteen pounders instead of the regular eighteen pounders. He added that the matter is being inquired into. PITH OF THE NEWS, sed Items By Telegraph and Exchanges. Next the Congregational Union meet in Sherbrooke, oo Ra | Rev. B. . Pullenger, Saskatoon, | | the west a struction. cf the On the shore | sact! torially under the heading "A Plain Duty," has the folowing: If the evidence given before the Royal Commission in Minneapolis is true, a grievous outrage has been perpetrated against the people of Manitoba. Jin The evidence discloses that there Was a conspiracy to reb the people of this provinee of a Jarge sum of money in connection with the con- Parliame [ CO d keep from. prosecution .and ony those concerned in dishonest tran- : 8, i There is but one duty confronting those sworn with the administra- tion of law in this province This is to prosetute every indvidual impli- cated in this outrage upon the peo- ple with the utmost rigor of the law. 5 BAN ON "Z00" DANCES, Contin Dancing Masters Plan a New Combi. nation Of Steps. San. Francisco, June 12.--The In- ternational Association of Danéing Masters, in convention here, has de- cided to invent something tp take the place of the so-called "Zoo" dances, declared toboo. This, it was an- nounced is to be a medium between the fox trot, canter waltz and one- step on the one hand, and the old- fashioned waltz and two-step on the other. A demonstration will be giv- en next Thursday. . OALLS GERMANS TO RISE If the United States Joins in the pr otic Yin Philadelphia, June 12, ---' Letters purporting to bear the signature of Herman editor of the Staats Zeitung, of New York, in which eiti- zens of ti PULPWOOD LIMIT FOR SALE. Buyer Will be Required to Spend : $1,750,000, Toronto, June 12.--Hon. G. H. Ferguson, Minister of Lands, For. asta abd Mines, his decided to offer y tender the disposal another large pulpwood limit n LF Seul, north of the Transcontinental Rail- comprises . 2,600 i § way. The limit square miles. . Under tho terms of the Eo the successful tenderer will a Te- quired to construct a pulp and paper mill and \ d $1,750,000. On am Fin 3 LUSITANIA ENQUIRY Might Reveal Too Much Of Beltish Naval Plan. London, June 12.--The pastla. mentary correspondent of the News says: "Mr. Fell's Susstion to the Prime Minister in the House of Commons yesterday, asking 'Lord Mersey's inquiry into the ing of the Lusitania should be poned till the close of the war, utterance to the growing feeling this may be the wisest course to Mr. Asquith did not hold out Hopes for a postponement, but many tow hold the view that the inquiry t throw more light on our an position than is judicious in of war." ; Prisoners Saw Wood, Oswego, N.Y. June 12,---Prison- ers at the Oswego county jall are going to have a little exercise, and a pile of timber from the old" v now at the foot of West First street, is going to give way before their muscle and be cut in stove for the poor of the city. will start in a fow days, : s00n as axes and saws can hi ened up. The city will save g con siderablé amount 'of money and prisoners will benefit by plenty of fresh air and real work. W eigh was 'drowned in a rain front of her home here ing. The child was pl front porch and era : -one--end of it, where the rel stood. She sik: 31! S| SR J 10 have | 5p attempted to look into J 1 9 i herel. 1 ed to move on Lemberg from the back all along the Dniester. south, is being rolled An official statement to-day reported the ea ure of one thousand Austro-Germans Ottynia, twenty miles south-east of Stanislau. north, in the region of Shavli the Russians, after re have taken the offensi aah "i ob | A ve. Take the i ul President Will Bo In Race Washington, June 12.--The New York Tribune correspondent sent the following to his paper: "William J. Bryan will take the stump within a month against Pre- sident Wilson's policies of firmness and determination in international 8. He said to-day he would aay in Washington for a couple of , when he would go to Ashe- Wile, N.C., and then to the Chaut- auqua circuit. It is taken here as assured fact that Mr. Bryan in- tends to make it 50 emba ing for President Wilson that it will be practically impossible for him to be nated by the Democratic con- vention next year. The: ex-secret-|Sunday ary of state framkly confessed that his purpose in going on a speech- making trip was to arouse public sentiment "in favor of his views to such a pitch that President Wilson would have to capitulate. This anbouncement by Mr. Bryan Is taken to mean that he intends the pext Democratic candidate for president to he a man whose views on i al affairs are the same u Getting Ready For the War Contract Probe the scene of the unveiling 'several startling scandals ttle at To the last night in a sand along the Dubisea River pulsing strong German attacks, WOMAN GUIDED TROOPS. young woman, soldiers under fire of in the chief streets of her house and put head of the troops, them amid a hail of plaining the while to th best route to follow to. For eight hours, un in the hands of the mained. with the by her knowledge She now wears a8 & | Bersaglier! hat, press soldiers, but a more. ward is spoken of. DAILY Vaudeville, Grand, 2.30 Lecture, Jewish Synage a See top of page 3, right hand corner, for probabilities. ng Circus, corner Union. and Alfred streets, this evening. Don't forget the la n Social at Me- Ifren's, Wolfe Isla y, June nd 7.49, v1.9 m., @ liegh and Maldo! to Frederick James field. DIED, CRAIG--In Kingston, off June 1ith, aS a sen Sh sis , entys rs. Funeral he, y to Cataraqui ce IN In loving memory of don, who departed this fos pien One 'precious from our voice we loved The place made 0