Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jun 1915, p. 6

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_. PAGE SIX THE HORRORS OF TE DISTRICT News CONSTIPATION Bowels Almost Paralysed "Fruit-a-tives" Relieved Sr. Boswpace ve' Saawinioax, P.Q. February 8rd, 1914 "After suffering with Lerrible Consti- pation for over 2 years, 'Fruit-a-tives' relieved me. While a student at Berthier College, I became very ill and was foreed to leave. Severe pains across the abdomen continually tortured me and my digestion became paralysed Some one advised me to take 'Fruita tives' and af once I felt a great improvement, After taking fonr or five boxes, I was completely relicrcd and have never had any return of this trouble." MAGILOIRE PAQUIN 0c. abox, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. A: dealersor Fruit-atives Limited, Ottawa. AA mit N, EST ITT ------ SMADE IN CANADA" CLIPPED FROM THE MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, In Brief Form the Events In the . . Country About Kingston Are Told --Full of Interest to Many. The Roman Catholi¢s of Marmora are to establish a separate school Ered. Yorke was arrested at Dese ronto on a charge of the theft of a boat from A, H Kerr, Bellevilli Pte. Charleg Brown Forward, Ches terville, belonging to the 16th Bat talion, C.E.F., is reported killed in action. Miss Grace E. has been accepted as nurse-in-train- ing in the City Hospital, Watertown, ~~ T N. : J. J. Lappan, Lyn, had a valuable horse killed by ligiitning during Fri day's storm The animal was valued at $250 : C. Hopkins Ould, organist of the First Presbyterian Church, will short. ly leave Brockville to become organ- ist of St. Andrew's Church of Scot land, Montreal, The marriage of Miss Phyllis | Thorne Brown, daughter of Mr. and { Russell, Montreal, will take Mrs. W. H. Brown, Brockville, tn Thomas Russell, son of Mr, Hugh place | quietly this week. WHIG'S | Chapin, Brockville, | { Charles McAllister, Belleville, a | | middle-aged man, was found guilty | | of committing a serious offence on i his young daughter Judge Deroche | | sentenced the accused to one year | fin the Provincial Reformatory and | to receive five lashes one month after | | entering upon his sentence, and five lashes one month previous to the ex: | | piration of his sentence. IN HANDY ORIGINAL PACKAGES MADE FROM PURE CANE. "Foot Powders' at Gibson's { Many a man who is brave enough | il to beard a lion in his den may be shy | | when it comes to facing the cook in | | the kitchen. | "Beef, Iron and Wine, 50." Gib- | son's. bs i -- But a man never realizes what fool | For Use By Wounded Soldiers As A | { ideas he has unti] after he builds a Convalescent Home. Pure house according to his own plans. John M. Theobald has offered the in London, the guestion arises "Can rrr An o | pe -- aie a greater efficiency be secured at Ot: ; (fan soldiers. It is splendidly situat-| - { Ice Cream || CASTORIA fan aoiders 1 lo soendidly sit | eee op Meat v LS {stone hotel at Collins Bay as a con-| awa?" J . ' \ IVE X Gases | valescent home for wounded Canad- | the orden See Reed. Turge, that / : 5 - 1 Slieien That is not \ / 3 | This is NOT the kind we are talking } necessary. © ere never was a about. In Bulk or Bricks. Packel - Children more rooms, good grounds and every Gov and delivered to any part of For Infants and Fume to give comfort and pleasure vernment on Parliament Hill os at 2 ] Have yon 'phoned in your ho rae : + A io yhich could not, by change in per- yet to have the Gas Meter instal he oity. Always Bought to the men seeking recuperation ie . . u ¥ fhe Kind You fave The property will be inspected by the sonnel and change ln policy, increase GEORGE. MASOUD, Bears the its effici 4 S80 you may enjoy the many benefits military authorities who have been Hz. cE: ie lew Govern. Sve the' wig of GAS 'FOR | Phone 980. 238 Princess St. Siguature of iv appointed fer that purpose. months would have directed much inn, Parker's Specials Mass For Late Capt. McGee national affairs which has gone into office of the works, Queen street. Just Arrived. A requiem mass whs eelebrated i arti t 3 St. Mary's Cathedral on dh Jartisen Bsfivity and partizay soutro Light, Heat, Power and 'Water Depts. Yearling Lamb, Spring Lamb, Finest Beef, Pork and Veal. 2 for 25 ecnls Sloot, Peabody A Co., Inc, Makers, Sales Dept. Montrez| -- OFFERS AN HOTEL Efficiency At Ottawa. Canadian Courter. Now that the British leaders have come together for greater efficiency ra {morning by Rev. Father Hanley for The British Empire is passing | the late Capt. Charles McGee, Oft- through its greatest trial and Can- tawa, recently. killed at the front. ada is part of that Empire. There The mass was sung at the request of | is much that Canada can do to bring some Protestant friends of the dead that trial to a speedy conclusion, and officer. it might be advisable to put the work ; in charge of a national rather than All week music sale, College Book a party administration. Store. ) The greatest effort is needed to se- A safistoctory arrangement has cure ships to carry our food-stuffs been niade for the operation of the and other products across the ocean: Grand (Trunk Pacific line between The people have been asked to Winni eg and the head of the lakes produce more, and right loyally have by the\G. T. P. Company for the Goy- thay responded. .. But are we cor ernment. tain that having produced the great- est crop in our history, we shall be DR. A.W. CHASE'S able to ship what we have grown for 'CATARRMN POWDER the benefit of the people of Great ' 9 8 | Britain and the armies that are fight- is seat direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ing for us in France ? Phone 3 got Bt. clears the air es, stops drop. 2 This problem is the greatest that > ---- in the throat and permanent | Canada has ever faced. Would it ® Turks Cataerh en Fever, be the part ¢f wisdom to emtrust it substitutes. All dealers or Bdmangon, | 10 a national administration, know- ens Al dcaiors ot Sain Fortified Tires FORTIFIED AGAINST em -Cots--by our No-Rim-Cut feature. re. «| ing no party politics, not interested in maintaining political power, but absolutely devoted to woing the best that can be done in a moment when | the most vital interests are at stake? Rlowouts by our "On-Alr" cu joes Treads by many rubber rivets. by 128 braided plano wives. by our double- thick All-Weather tread, Pure -- ParaTasLE -- NUTRITIOUS ~~ BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE asp SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION --Residents in the local eption districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to 4|' JOHN LABATT, Loaten, Lovo, CANABA -------- Electric Carpet and Vacuum Cleaning, Sewing and Cleveland, Standard and Falcon Bicycles, Special Picnic Hams Special Cottage Hams Ham and Tongue Sausage . . Brookfield Butter Parker Bros. 217 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 16838 8c 20c¢ 1b. (sliced 25¢) CY a oe This is a question whieh public opin- ion must answer. uth Washes p The Mouths Wash / % Suppose We Pared This Goodyear Fortified Tire Suppose we pared the Goodyear All-Weather Tread. There still would be a fuli- built tire left. For this famous tread is double-thick, and the "'carcass" is made extra-strong to support it. That's what men mean when they tell you that Goodyedrs are built itt perfec? balance. For what is the good of a heavy tread that you have to'discard when the tige beneath gives out prematurely? This fault, in many rival tires, is avoided in Goodyear constriction. . Because G 's BratdedWire flat bans Goodyears Rule ------ of i ad pone rn Ax beads of Good: vital features have put these tires on year tires. make to force the Mr. Bryan has played many paris. in fouf short years. = But these five ed tire from the rim. He has instilled into the mids of control, Aad no rival has them, . Prices ---------- Yet despite these extra features-- the '| millions of His countrymen danger Goodyear's "All «- Weather Tread « now ous economic fallscies, his agita- doublethick, *with deepocuts close-set, t ited aslo shh ha grt | | | SERS Bh the mE 1 pte fo ? On February 18th we made « radical price 5 reduction, This was our third in less than two years. sav- ' pA, minimige' punctures and multiply No; it is not necessary that you chew Sterling Gum science has - I A Anan i ayeeaRe of 37 peresut. all day long. Twenty minutes or even less after each though wiltely copied. Ties ot he i : that our output and 3 's "On-Air" Cuore--t protects . f meal will be about right. : department Nr years We DAL protests ror 50 cost Last alons v against men Donn CS on many oR tires as = cure on bags of air. air, super-heated, ex- pands and "'irons out' any wrinkle the fabric there were cars in the Dominion. Join these contented motorists. Get our new ota tive ake to thi . So : wrinkled fabric in Ten cotta 8 elpepen.. Geudyear's Rubber Rivets -- of them v There are mouth washes and the mouth's own wash. The former are man-made substitutes for the latter which is a prescription by good Dr. Nature himself -- King Chemist of them all, Dental authorities agree that man's saliva in healthy quality and flow is the one best friend to the teeth. They also agree that modern diet too often depresses the normal moist condition of the mouth, It is here that the chewing of Sterling Gum steps in. as a right-hand assistant to oral hygiene. JI stimulates the healthy flow of saliva, neutralizing the acids of the mouth, and keeping the mouth moist, cool and healthy. 3 MA I APE Wo ci | Winter in these parts deserves a lot of credit for ome thing. What's that? . For reducing the mortality am- ong aviators, , A Life Of Mistakes. New York Times. Five price on your size from any dealer today The Goodyear Fire & Rubber Compan "of Canadn, Umiced y niged between the tread ar cass." The exclusive use of this me cost reduces loose tread 'of $50,000. It risk by®0 per cent. 4 tndidy LT YT Angrove Bros., Kingston, Ont.; F. A. Bibby, Kingston, Ont.; Len nox Automobile and Motor Boat C o,, Napanee. Ai h---- --

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