PAGE TEN -- - Po ------ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, x 1ST PRIZE, $30.00: Mrs. M. L. Gill, 8161 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, ad 25.00: f eves Ee -- ton, at Wesley Burleigh's. 8. As. : ; / gy 5 =} 2 +S suMs' of their recent Contest. The response has been very gratifying, a Poder. : ing. To all who sent definitions we wish to express our appreciation of the in- the Friends' Church on Sanday morn. | MYERS CAVE. thick on the trees simes the warm are visiting at 8. Leeman's, Mr. June 10.--The appearance of the at Tichborne, Tuesday night. Visitors J. A. Kennedy and Mrs. Stafford PARIS PATE PRIZE CONTEST ' * | areen's last week. Robert arr Front enac | selstine is kept busy driving travel. large number of correct definitions being sent in.. Acting in accordance with terest taken. The correct definition is: "'A Delicious FrenchCooked Meat Paste." ing. Walter MeNicolly had a stroke | June 11.--Everybody was glad to : weather has come. John Babeoek is and Mrs.-8. Leeman will visit with crops is much improved by the re- Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Robinson at spent Saturday in Kingston; Mr. and -- ize Wi Announcement of Prize Winners | Tichborne, is visiting his brother, SR RL he a have sure i Sunci a - | James Curl. -- Dunean Nesbitt Kings. T HE Proprietors of Paris Pate have pleasure in annc uncing the following re ng J. 4. Wells has returned from the conditions of contest and methods of judging (the answers being opened in . GUENDOWER. . baa re Ae or a Juror last the presence of a Justice of the Peace), prizes have been awarded to the follow- Jude 11. --Mrs. Goudy preached in | last week. The meadows are very { see the rain on Wednesday, as it was § Bf , 3 ~ light. The caterpfllars have been | badly needed. The rangers are quite i ; p doing some carpentering for John MeNicolly. A Timmerman and wife Allan Snider, LOWER TICHBORNE cent rains. Some of the young peo- ple from here attended the dance D. Stafford's; Mr. and Mrs. John Steele, Jr., at Joseph Steele's; Mrs. Mrs. A. Kennedy Sr., at Parham Sun- day; L. Wilson at T. McEwen's Jr., on June 3rd. Master en- | nedy entertained & number of his friends at a birthday party. CANONTO June. 11.--On Friday evening at Canonto, Miss Mabel McGonegal was united In marriage to Michael Mabo. Rev: W. Ferguson, McDonald's Cor- ner's, officiated. The bride is the youngest daughter of Adam McGone- al, Canonto. alking beside Her ather, by whom she was given away, the daloty bride entered the church attired In a gown of gray silk. While the bridal procession came in the wedding 'march was played by Mrs. Davis. After the ceremony the guests and the happy couple re- paired to the home of the bride's fa- ther where a sumptuous supper was Keved from a artistically decorated e. VERONA. June 11.~Mrs., Archibald Mec- Naughten, Montreal, has lately been the guest of Mrs. W. D. Percy. M. @. Vandewaters has opened an exten. sive boat livery. Rev. Mr. Lurbrigg will be in Kingston over Sunday. "Sandy" Chariton, Belleville, was here for a few days last week. Rev, Mr. Leach has returned from Confer. ence." Mrs. Charles Stover, Wilton, Visited at Joseph Percy's lately. Ev. ery one 1s pleased to see John Green able to me his work as carpen- tor," after 'being laid up so 1 James Curl has painted bls house. Levi Brown 1s going to locate in the 4 ortly. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Clow," Sydenham, visited at John ry ST it v 5 ona Amel and Sombietaly, derange the livia! system when Stern throu t mueous- surfaces. . articles should ne on prescriptions f bt ly 1 ou can po - m Shem. Hans Catarrh Cure, ured by ¥. J. Cheney & OCo., y Meron no EY and X r actin rect i 4 oti of the Lin bi ying Srp Catan Cure sure you get the genuifie. It is taken Pay, ands Go. anda, Dhic, bY "Sold by Druggists. Price f75c par t | Noble Ellerbeck and party motored h | to Yarker on Sunday. { busy throughout the vicinity as fires | are quite numerous. Percy King | made a business trip to Arden last | week. 'Dr, and Mrs. Howard have | Bolle to Toronto, and expeet to re- |: |fturn im a few days. Miss Mollie | MacGregor spent last week with Miss Madge Weese, Arden. Miss Laura Young and Oscar Huffman i called at Hillcrest on Sunday last. | Mr. "and Mrs. Joseph Perry spent {Sunday at F. Grey's. Mrs. J. Del- {Yea 'and son Leonard are visiting in den. - BATTERSEA, 11, -- A memorial | was held in the {dist Church on Sunday ing, May 30th, for | nest Huntsback, who wi at the front, but dled a week later in | hospital. Tho Ladies' Aid meeting Was held at the home of Mrs, Bethul Clark on Wednesday, June 2nd. | There was a good attendance. Rev. | Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Ferguson, | Muriel and Ferguson Stewart, and Mr. and Mrs. William Ormsby are in Gananoque attending Conference,and will return Tuesday, A number from | Here motored to Gananoque and spent Sunday attending Conference. Miss Curson and Mrs. Thomas Hogan spent Sunday at Lou Dixon's, Mill- burn: Leonard Vanluven 18 build- iig a new verandah in front of his house. Mrs. 'Herbert Duoette ig in | Kinston: General Hospital: She is doing nicely after an operation for appendicitis. Miss Evelyn Kirkpat- rick fell on the pavement and injured her army very badly, It will' be some time before sho has the use of | it. Be. J. W. Campbell and family { have arrived at Battersea and taken { up residence at Dr. Mackie's cottage { for the summer. Mrs. Eby and Miss | Bessie 'Eby were in the city attend- {ing the Dunlop-Lamson wedding. Mrs. Moreland, Sunbury, was in the village Friday renewing old acquain. tances, © Mrs. Thomas Hogan enter- tained on Friday evening. | June i ser- | viee Metho- even- the late Er- PLEASANT VALLEY June 11.--A number from here attended the raising bee at 'W.' H. Kerr's, on Wednesday. Mr. Kerf is building an up-to-date barm: *T. Cowdy and son, Harrowsmith, have the contract. Mr. and Mrs. G.-Hughes Spent a recent Sunday with friends in Harrowsmith. "Miss 'Anna Belle Toner, Kingston, is'the guest 'of Miss 'Lillian * Ellerbeck, Miss. Vida Genge was #& week-end guest of Miss Violet Sigsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Mabel Gorslin was a guest at T. H. Wat son's. IM#s. Folkes is a visitor at Edward Whitty's, Clarence Eller- beck and Miss Lillian also Miss A. B. Toner, visited friends in Syden- ham on Tuesday. Miss B. Free- man was a Sunday guest of GG. Barr's; Mr. and Mrs. F. Ellerbeck at Harrowsmith; Mrs. E. Whitty the guest of Mrs. G. Barr; Misses Lil lian Ellerbeck, Anna Belle Toner ke Hall's Family Pills for constl. 3 | y Ought to be, Toa 2 Wheel Rudy The Bell, and Rae Gallagher guests of Miss RP A es ¢ on ught to 'Jer-of J6hn O'Driscoll; was united in OBJECT OF GE submarine. to Keep afloat. The Norwegian oil tank. steamer Belridge, The explosion occurred well forward, RMAN TORPEDO. ' by a German enabling the ship and son James, Verona, at G. Hughes'; Edward Whitty visited the city recently; 'LaVerne Huffman, Moscow paid a flying visit to friends with 'friends in Verona; Slyde Eller- friends in the eity. ton has purchased, an auto . which ong recent callers at G. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harrowgmith, GODFREY June 12.--The recent frosts have ard-Judge is still suffering from the effects of the poisonous gas, used by the Germans, and all sincerely wish for his speedy recovery. C. G. Mc- Knight has purchased a new auto. Miss Maggie Howes spent Sunday at J. McMahon's. Mrs. C. and Mrs. KE. Campbell are with parents here. Migs Hollahd and ¥. Quinn visited friends B. Shea, also Miss Reid, were Sun- day visitors at W. Clark's. C. Ken- nedy; spent the week's end at Harrow- smith. Clifford Hamilton spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mr, Levi Storms held service here on ing conference. Mr. and Mrs. W. Campeall, son Earl and also Miss 1. MéMahon were 'recent visitors at A. Kennedy's Mr. and Mrs. F. Leslie Long Lake on Sunday last. F, Good- fellow, teacher fs preparing a class for the entrance examination. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Godfrey paid a short visit In Parham. Mrs. C. Lake has been called to attend her mother who 'is seriously ill. ST. LAWRENCE, June 12.--The opening services of the St.Lawrence, Wolfe Island, Meth. odist Church were held last Sunday, June 6th. . Admiration of the inte. rior of the church was expressed by all who were present. The church has been entiraly remodelled inside. New light oak seats of latest design gare been put in, while the beautiful ulpit is a gift of the Woodman fam- ily in memory of Mr. and Mrs.George Woodman. The interior is painted white and trimmed with light buff, | the panelling also being of the same | color." The old square windows are replaced with stained glass ones, the colors 'of which give grace and dig. nity to the. church. Mr. Reid, Kingston, presented tho pulpit chairs, ns services. were well attended, especially the morning service, when 4 'great congregation listened to a fine sérmon by Rev. Dr. Tanner, Montreal. ; The preacher in the eveniiig was Rev, W. ¥. Perley, Cata- raqui, and after his ' well-delivered sérmon, the congregation enjoyed the reiarks of the Rev. Dr. Topping, a former pastor. The collections amounted to $40. A word must be said about the wonderful zeal 'and 'onergy shown by the Ladies' Ald of thé church, which is working so nobly. Thé renova. tions cost about $850. ! HOWE ISLAND June 10.--8St. Philomenias' Rom- an 'Catholic church, Howe Island, 'was the scene of 'a quiet wedding on Wednesday, June' 9th, at' 9 o'clock, when Miss Katié O'Driscoll, daught- AH uloty 'to John Pactiotald, son Ap Veep, Sation. ; Sp RT Cy ora beck recent week-end visitors with! Elmer Charl-| gives better service to his patrons. | Miss A¥berta Hughes and Miss Marie | Watson, 'also 'A. 'Ashleigh, were \am-| Itland. Hughes". | Hughes dre at| discouraged many of the farmers in|" this locality and rain is needed. We | are all' sorry to hear that Pte. Rich- in Sydenham recently. Mr. and Mrs. | also Miss Giles visited at J. Smith's | ed to the home of the bride where the wedding breakfast was served, otily the immediate relatives™ being prefent. The dining room was beau- here; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hughes tifully decorated with festoond = of | wild lace and white toulon blossoms, caught "with patriotic colors. The bride received' many beautiful pres- ents iecluding a substantial cheque from her parents. The happy young couple will reside on Wolfe Leeds LONG LAKE. June 11.--A pleasant time was enjoyed on Saturday evening, June th, when a number of subscribers of the Long Lake Rural Telephone {line gathered at the home of Miss Jennie Cronk and presented her with a handsome arm rattan rocking | chair. An address was read by | Henry Drew and the presentation made by George Drew. Miss Cronk | has resigned ' her position, having | been telephone operator for several | years, * { fees | CENTREVILLE. June 8.--Thomas Shannon has op- Sunday, as Rev. J. Leach was attend- | ened bis residence on Main street. | Mrs. Ira Thompson, Roblin, was re- | newing old acquaintances in the vil- lage on Wednesday. The young | bachelors of Croydon held a success- | ful party in the hall here last Fri- day evening. Alfted Milligan's | raising bee on Wednesday was well attended. Some from here went to Tamworth on Wednesday night to the kitchen shower held there for Miss Pearl Richardson previous to her marriage. James B. Weese has the contract of keeping the village hall again for another year. The agricultural department gent a Gov- ernment representative through here last week inspecting the bees in the ; vicinity with orders to do away with { diseased hives. WASHBURN'S CORNERS June 10.--Pastures are getting very dry and the rains were much appreciated. The large road roller and engine, owned in the vicinity of Kingston, crashed into a bridge near Soperton on Monday, but was extri- cated without any serious damage. being done. James McClean, Athens, who has been studying medicine in Richmond, Va., has returned home for the long vacation. Miss Emma Derbyshire has returned from Mani- toba to her home in Athens. Dr H: R. Bright, honor graduate of Toron- to, University, has arrived in Ath- ens with his family. On Monday, June 7th.a large num- ber of friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Carss, Athens, met at their home to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Carss were the recipients of many expres- sions of good wishes and congratula- tions. Mr. and Mrs. David Cavan- agh, Spring Valley, visited frien in this locality on Sunday. Large cdngregations were present ens and Lansdowne on § when the Bishop of Ontario made an official visit." "Dr. Hilliard Lock- wood, North Western University, Chicago, 'was a visitor in Athens en- route to his home in 'W rt. Mrs. John Richards, Chantry, is tak- illiam Earl. ing eare of her father, Friends here of Keil received word that he is on L 'England. He enli last 2ND PRIZE, SRD PRIZE, Quebec. 4TH PRIZE, 10.00: 5.00: Mrs. F, A. Venn, 362 Lisgar Street, Gitawa. Madame A. Labranche, 280 Rue Beaudry, Montreal. ~ Madame Arthur J. Dugal, 87 Rue Desfosses, St. Roch, § A | lal IMS One hundred Prizes of $1.00 each have been awarded to:-- Mde. Joseph Dionne, 179 Lere. Rue, Limoilou, ob usbec. Miss Ella Munro, 11 Atkin Ave., Toronto, Ont. Mr. Francis Louis Le Conte, Brigden P.O., Ont. . Wait, 319 Prince Arthur St. West, C, E. Knowlys, 'Box 410, Cornwall, Ont; Mlle. Adrienne Maureis, Ste. Pocatiere Co.; Kamouraska, Que. Miss Alda Michaud, 1948 Hutchison St, Mont- real Miss V. M. Schutz, 12 West Ave. North, Hamil. ton, Ont. 8. H. Gillett,' P.O. Box 1142, North Bay, Ont. E. B. Reid, 130 Beatrice St., Toronto, Ont. Mde. M. D, Picard, Bienville, Levis, /. A. McMullen, 506 2nd Ave. Bast, Owen Sound, Ont, Edith Thomas, 1046 Jeanne D'Arc St, Malson- neuve, Mrs. F. Willlams, 57 Frank St., Ottawa. Mrs. E. L. Wing, 7 Bonstead Ave., Toronto. Mrs. Violet Bronskill, 28 Rideau Terrace, Ottawa Karl Christman, 120 Windsor Ave., Windsor, "Ont. Marie Claire Brasseur, Laval des Rapides, Que. Mlle. Angeline Denis, St. Raymond Co., Port- neuf, Que, D. R. Harvey, Dorval, P.Q. ie . D. Scott, 196 Cowan AV. SOTOnts. t Eliz. Sager, R.R. No, 1, St. George, Ont. Mise Alma Martin, 62 Durham St., Guelph, Ont, Hector Charbonneau, 100 Rué Water, Ottawa, Samuel Brent, 25 Pryor Ave,, Toronto. T. Henry, 241 Wortley Road, London, Ont. R. P, Culver, 141 King St. East, Hamilton, Ont, Genévieve de Lery, Bexuceville, Que. Allan M. Brock, 15 Ainslie St. South, Galt, Ont. Madame Leonce Plante, Boite 61, St. Jerome, ue. Mis Sarah K. Shaw, 46 William St., Brockville, Ont Mrs. Arthur Spragge, 17 Wilcov St., Toronto, Mrs. K. A. Baker, Postaffice 'West, Sault St, Marie, Ont. i, ; Miss G. E. Armstrong, 19 Wiley St., St. Cathar« ines, Ont. Alberta Jobin, 9 St, Augustin, Quebec, John Macdonald, 346 Rawdon St., Brantford, Ont. Mlle. Alice Sauve, Ville St. Laurent, Que, Mrs. Fred Capper, 632 Jones Ave., Toronto, Ont. R. J. Cronn, 346 Spence St., Winnipeg, Man. Madame C. H. Hamel, B.P. 44, Beauharnols, ue. Me John Granton, Paris Station, Paris, Ont. Mrs. J. Marsden, 1453 St. Urbain St.,, Montreal. E. W. Rutty, 263 Holton Ave. S., Hamilton. Ont, Mlle. Augustine Carli, 657 Durocher, Outremont, Mrs. Alex. Gow, 6b Baker St, Cobalt, Ont. Mde. Hermenegilde Chouinard, St. Jean Port oli, Que. Mr E. ry Wright, 1025 Logan Ave, Toronto, H. Camel, 328 Galt Ave, Verdun. Anne' de la- Mrs. B. Courier, 3 Gerrard Place, Toronto, Mile. Yvonne Labelle, 17 St. Andre, Terrebonne, Que. Stephen W. Smith, 573 Adelaide St., Woodsthek, nt Henri Ethier, 787 Demontigny, Montreal. Mrs, Fred Booth, Waesthoro, Ont Mde. Abert Forgues, 241 Rue Franklin, St. Malo, Quebec, Mrs. M. R. O'Shaughnessy, Cobalt, Ont, Mrs. E, Keffer, 256 owne Ave, Toronto, Geo. A. Baker, Dundas, Ont. Miss Kathleen O'Meara, 1621 Hutchison St, Montreal, F. B, Kland, P.O. Box 102, Buckingham, Que. Miss L. A. Watson, 219 Lockiel St., Sarnia, Ont, F. P. Vaillancourt, B.P. 64, Sherbrooke, Que. Stuart A. Dawson, 42 Rioomfield Ave. Toronto. Mrs. H. Johnson, 48 Centre St, Pt. St. Chas. Montreal. ~ Mrs. V. R. Claydon, 170 St. John St., St. John's, ue. N. L. Sylvester, York Mills, Ont. Herbert hls Simpson, 651 Grosvenor Ave., West. mount, Mrs, Mildred A. Ferguson, 109 Goulburn Ave., t wa. Ferdinand Daemen, BP. 162, Shawinigan Falls, un Que, R. W. Hall, Brampton, Ont. (Mrs.) Lorette Marchand, 61% Laval Ave., Montreal. Mary F. Galer, 72 Mountain Ave,, Toronto, Anne Marie Asselin, 343 Rue du Rol, Quebec, Mrs. 8, P. Rose, 692A College St., Toronto, Eva Teale, Carlton Place, Ont. I. H Fairweather, Po.O. Dept, Ottawa. WIS! Baried, 1084 Ouviller St, "Hochelaga. 8. R. Durham, Port Stanley, Ont. Mde. C. A. Carrier, 20218 Delaroche, Montreal. Mrs. Frank Ward. 97 Fourth Ave., Ottawa: Romeo Dupuis, 4372 De Vaudreuil, Tetraultville, Annie Taylor, 72 Ross St, St. Thomas, Ont. Thos. J. Hogan, General Delivery, Montreal, Miss Bath Orr, 304 York St, Hamilton, Ont, Miss Doris Hewitt, Grimsby, Ont. 4. A Yergeau, 210 Berri, Montreal Mrs. W. L. Vale, Box 703, Orillia, Ont Mde. Albert Bissonnette, 168 Dagenais, St. Hen. ri, Montreal Mrs. Reginald C. Witheridge, 1073 'Dovercourt Road, Toronto. Mrs. A. Semfark, Box 220, Gravenhursf, Ont, Mlle. Therese Bergevin, Chambly Canton, Que Miss Fidna Danby, 73 Ameila St, Chathain, Ont. Arthur Bonyun, 274 Woodbine Ave, Toronto, Mrs. C. J. Birchard, Box 314, Barrie, Ont. Rita Gardner, 1328 Verdun Ave., Verdun. Mrs, Wim. P. MeCarthy, Prescott, Ont. James C. King, 302 St. James St., Montreal, Wilfrid Boek. Preston, Ont. Miss Annie Brownlee, Box 807, Thorold, Ont. M. Ubald Marleau, Boite L., Valleyvfield. Que, Miss J. Galbraith, 166 Antrim St. Peterboro, Ont. Prize Winners will recéive checks for the value of the Prizes Awarded in course of mail. at all gervices in the parish of Ath: Sunday last Perfect Heat For Any Kind of Cooking TRIKE a match--in less than a minute the NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstove is giving full, easily regulated heat for any kind of cooking. kitchen. our hardware deal ROYALITEOIL GIVES BEST RESULTS L OIL COMPANY ited. No smoky, ne odor, no coal, ashes or kindli show you the NEW PERFECTIO in the 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes. 'If he can't supply you, write mE "NOW SERVING H. today, Falcon Bicycles, AUTO LIVERY Bibby's Garage A-1 Auto Mechanics Agents, Dodge Bros. Phones: 201, Garage; Regidence, Electric Carpet and Vacuum Cleaning, Sewing and | y ing. . The NEW met, noo gives you, too, a Sool, comfurtable Clev ol an d, Standard and Phone 542. 272 Bagot St.