Ce PAGE SIX - THE DAILY BRIIISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1915. WEAR id SHOES ° for every SPORT 'and RECREATION i a L, SOLD BY ALL GOOD SHOE DEALEss ABION ER SET ! pons | Promotions In the Public Schools | Louise School. Junfor IV to Senior IV.--Honors, Florence Purdy, Dorothy Newman, Jean Lowes, Alex. Turner, Lionel Mc- hay, Ethel Sloan, .Fred. Smeathers, Miriam Osborne, Opal Sharp, Doris Fowler, Charles Burns, Rita Prettie. Pass, Hilliard Amey, Henrietta Gra- ham, Harvey Graves, Francis McMas ter, Lilian Turner, James Elmer, Caroline Bajus, Elsie Harper, Ed ward Hunter, Mildred McAdoo, Ruby Monerief, Mildred Black. ~ Senior II to Junior IV.--Honors, mma Brown; Clara McQueen, Lloyd Lemmon, equal; Fred Burns, Evan Parker, Charlie Turner, Bennie Kari, Muriel Reynolds, Lloyd Paterson, Roland Hewgill; Leonard Thompson, Ray Martin, Eldred Saunders, How- ard McKoen. Pass, Isaac Yampol- sky, Willie Cruse, Martha McKinley, Marjorie Gorrie, Helen Ferguson, | Leslie Gorrie, Willie Sears; Georgina Morton, Hilda Cattermole, Willie ze sams | 110d, Eddie King, Anna Mouldey, | AND. | LasTING cual THAT TRADE MARKED WOAD 'THERAPION' IS OF L GOVT. STANP AFFITED TO ALL GENUINE PACKRDS GET OUR PRICES For plumbing work, or gas piping Have your repairing done by us. Sat- Isfaction guaranteed. A. AND J. JAMIESON, | Plumbers nad Ganfitters Vivienne MeCartney, Fred Mouldey, Robert Shepherd. Eva Newell, Vic-| tor Hogan; Irene Roddy, Russel | Aylesworth, equal; Mabel Smith. Junior IIT to Senior III.--Honors, | Jean Simmons, Lillian Clow, Harriet | Rounds, Norman Way; George Ander- son, Serena Snyder, Alex. Jamieson, {James Ramsey, George Richardson, | Anita MeMahon, Gordon Crawford. | { Pass, Julla Walker, Joseph Crawford, | TY Edgar, Charles Rider, George McMahon, Vera Gowsell, Wil- | Jackson, Morden," Frances Belwa, Melville Mayell, Merton Francis, Fred. Nan- carrow, Sidney King, Harry Orser, Edith Allard, Maad Bryant, Albert Kelso, Nettie Cherry, Olarence Fran- cis, Phyllis Potter, Lillian Arniel, ran Pollitt, William Leeman, Vie- tor Tidman, Cecil Allan Rose Brown, Dorothy Rawiey, Archie Gough, Mil- dred Davis. « Junior Third to Senior Third-- Alfred Hallam, Mabel Clark, Pearl Reid, Russe] Patterson, Arthur Lennox, Ernest Alen, Osborne Bear- ance, Elmer Conley, Marion Black, Minnie Botting, Manuel Marsh, Mar- guerite Jackson, Kathleen Arm- strong, Marion Smith, Cecil Pearn, Ethel Pringle, Dorig Smith," May Frost, Florence Pollitt, John Hag- garty, Gordon Rawson, Marguerite Lyon, Thelma Hoag, Andrew Ben- nett, Flossie Dean, Amy Tidman, Howard Gough, Alex. McMahon, | Hewitt Williams. Honor certificates -- John Hag- garty, May Frost, Thelma Hoag, Ma- bel Clark, Manuel Marsh, Alfred Hal. lam, Minnie Botting, Marguerite Ethel Pringle. Junior Third to Senior Third-- Gretta Moon, Doris Hartrick, Wil- liam Hunter, Harry Lawrenson, Hy- men Yampolsky, May Nancarrow, Katherine Miller, Sarah Richardson, Josephine Leonard, Roy Stone, Har- Robert Percival, Harry Gough, Harold Han- | Ham Jamieson, Margery Thompson, | 500, Fred. Ruffel, John Leronge, Ger- ARR of the } BLADDER relieved in { In Bulk or Bricks. and delivered the city. GEORGE MASOUD, |} Phone 980. 238 Princess St. Packed to any part of A AN IN rit ti ita IQ ERENCE rei. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS kt | gulating Pill for Women, $5 a box or three for $10, id at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any Aadaress on receipt of price. Tur SBooBELL DRUG Co., Bt. Catharines, Ontario, Wari PHOSPHONCL FOR MEN. ¥iviors * Vim and Vitality: for Nerve and Brain; increases ' 'grey matter'; a Tonic--will bufld you up. v & box, or two for $5, at drag stores, or by mail on receipt of) Jrice, Tue ScosELy Dave CO., St. Catharines, "dold At Mahood's Drug Store." mm, MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE. 2-cylinder, 8 h. p. en- ine. Good family boat. Ps W.H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 424 89 Broo" St. a ---- Action of Single Spoonful Surprises Many. Kingston people who bought t simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, ete., known as Adler-i-ka, are surprised at the INSTANT effect of a SINGLE SPOONFUL. This rem- ady is so complete a bowel cleanser that it is used successfully in ap- pendieitis. Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel apd ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, sour or gassy stomach. ONE MINUTE affer you take it the gasses rumble and pass out. G. W. Mahood, druggist, cor. Princess and Bagot streets. Ar men BUILDERS !! Have You Tried It Saves, Time P. WALSH, Barrack Street. The xind you are look- ing for is the kind w other countries involved attempt Eleanor Murray, Carolyne Patterson Ruth Gamble, Edith Allen. Hugh Fraser, Kathryn Hayward, Ross Gra- ham, Roy Sharpe, Sylvia Brunke, William Banks, Eva McCullough, Hu- bert Baird. Promoted to Junior Third.--Hon- | ors, Jennie Tupper, John Quirt, Gol- | die Hazlett, William Manahan, Fred | Cobet. Pass, Katie Tweddell, Claire Monk, George Ferguson, Edgar Bat- ten, Willie Graves, Lillian Newall, Elizabeth Kennedy, Helen Cobet, Earl Pigeon, Willie England, Harold Montgomery, Kathleen Guild, Mabel Oakes, Mabel Oakes, Dorothy Dyde, Blanche Lyons, Edward Bailey, Clemens Craig, James Bews, James | Sands, Dorothy Graves, Gladys Rich- | ardson, Thomas Fowler, Ross Turn- | er, Stuart Whitty, Orval Hutchin, Willie Patterson, Jack Lawrence, William MeCullagh, Stanley Norris. Honor Certificates--Second class: James Bews, Dorothy Dyde, Aileen Gould, Willle Graves, Thomas Fow- ler, William Manahan, Claire Monk, Mabel Oakes, Agnes Trotter, John Quirt. Junior I to Senior L.--Madge Ja- mieson, Delta Rodway, Frances Lam- bert, Edith Todd, Thelma Reid, Mar. garet Hunt, Olive Baird,Cleon Wood. side, Jack Bruce, Mary Lehmann, Nelson McCartney, Phyllis Clayton, Norma Baird, Muriel Gowsell, Les- lie Guy, Willie Coffey, Robert Frink, James Ferguson, Hugh Veale, Honor centificates--Edith Todd, Margaret 'Hunt, Delta Rodway, Nel- son McCartney, Leslie Guy, Hugh Veale, Willie Coffey. Junior to Senior Division of Junior I--Marion Birmingham, Er. land Sharp, Lilian Thomson, James Fowler, Dorothy Lowes, Malville Campbell, Géorgina Todd, Hilyard Kelly, Doris" Mercer, Emma Murray, Carmel MeKeon, Edward Mirray, Thomas Tupper, Thomas Banks, Lil- fan McCullough, Gladys Smith, Don. alg Sherman, Henry McNeely, Elva Rescorla, Fvang Norris, Deloss Mec- Gregor, Winnifred Thomson, Marie Gowsell, Irene Trotter, Honor certificates Georgina Todd, Lilian Thomson, Winnifred Thom. son, Hilyard Kelly, Erland Sharp, Melville Campbell, Thomas Banks, Annig Britten, ! , Lauretta Veale, 1 = Macdonald School. Junior Fourth to Senior Fourth,-- Frank Chapman, Walter Compton, Louls Wartall, Henry Lyons, Archie Mulligan, Henry Cohen, Ruth Wal- lace, Daisy MeCammon, Eleanor Me- Auley, Frederic Davidson, Vera Campbell, Isabel 'Kelley, Arnqgld Clenahan, Muriel Kennedy, May Mul- ligan, Gladys Armstrong, Lorraine Irwin, Eva Brightman, Melba Hoag, Madeline Rawley, Henry ould, Har- old Falsbury, Henry 'Murray, Helen Bows; $ Honor certificatés-- Henry Cohen, Eleanor M¢Auley, Frank 'Chapman, Isabel Kelley, May Mulligan, Melba Hoag, Eva Brightman, Helen Bews, Henry Murray. Senior Third to Junior Fourth-- Mary Handler, Edmund Wilson, Em. ma Gough, Willlam Bartels, William Newman, Sarah. Moncrieff, Annie Abramsky;, Lilian Davidson, Tessa i tn i nn aldine Francis, Orlando Simpson, Winnifred Young, Florence Ed-- wards, Rupert Moncrieff, Robert Mc- Uen, Edward Peters, Evelyn Dum- bleton, Frank Wilkinson. Honor certificates--Beatrice Mar- tin, Daisy Campbell, Géraldine Fran- cis, Harry Laurenson, Howard Rider, Charles Rider, Robert Percival, Harry Edgar, Laura Morden, Gretta Moon, William Hunter. Senior First to-Second-- Gordon Davis, Glenna Aylesworth, Joséph Fox, Edmund Jenkins, Leah Palmer, Lawrence Brown, Daisy Hunter, Edith Aisner, Ora Lyon, Hazel Brightman, Gertrude Aylesworth, Neata Bauder, Georgina Robinson, Olive Farmer, Edna Chapman, Win- nie Ruffell, Florence Rawley, Emily Hughson, Mary White, Ithel Bright- Ethel Clarke, Grace Orser, Rodrick Davy, Grace Aylesworth, Annie Arm- strong, Olivia Babcock, Walter King, Joseph Gatchell, Harold McCutcheon, Harvey Heyman. Honor Certificates -- Lawrence Brown, Roderick Davy, James Mc- Queen, Jack Tweddell, Ithel Bright- man, Hazel Brightman, Ethel Clarke, Edna Chapman, Emily Hughson, Florence Rawley. Junior I to Senior I.--Kenneth Bews, Willie Burke, Eldon Boyd, Hel- ena Connor; Helen Christmas, Elsie Cassell, Sarah Connor, Anita Com- per, Ralph Conley, Vera Dorey, Mil- dred Ferris, Albert Gatchell, Phillip Gough, Kathleen Gould, Reginald Holland, Francis Hyrds, Georgina Horne, Charlie Moulton, Hilda Mec- Camm®n, Angus Monk, Howard Payne, George Pickering, Kenneth Pickering, Alberta Rawley, Minotta Reynolds, Ruth Skinner, Letitia Saunders, Hewitt Smith, Lyla Sny- der, Alice Simpson, Isabel Wallace, Leona Wilkinson, Honor Certificates--George Pick- ering, Kenneth Pickering, Kenneth Bews, Ralph Conley; Howard Payne, Sarah Connor. Junior Division of Junior 1 to to Senior Division of Junior I.--Mar- ian Allen, Muriel Arbuckle, Gerald Armstrong, Jeffrie Armstrong, Hor- ace Austin, Nora Aylesworth, Alice Baker, Gratton Botting, Myrtle Dorey, Norval Birmingham, th- leen Campbell, Gertrude Gatchell, Margaret Gough, Bernard Harte, Gladys Hill, Ritchie Hunt, Ruby Hutchins, Marjorie Kingham, Edith Lawrence, Aubry Miller, Edna Par- kin, Arthur Pollitt, Gladys Potter, Gordon Prowse, Cecil Reynolds, Louis Richards, Mary Rodger, Dor- othy Salsbery, Norman Smith, Max Smollack, Marjorie Sudds, Thomas White, Evelyn Whitty, Beulah Zinn. Kindergarten to H Time Class --Gwendolene Allen, Harold Bailey, Thomas Beyd, Dorothy Clugston, Robert Dickson, Jennie dds, Kathleen Drysdale, Kenneth Eng- land, Clarence Honne, Géorgina Hunter. Elsle Hilton, Albert Hugh- son, Alice Hill, Vera Ireland, Bea- trice King, Henry MéGranahan, Florence Marsh, Edith McGill, Bthel McGill, Jack Monk, George O'Maley, Iva Peters, Reginald Pearn, Lillian Smith, Allefta Suddard, Marjorie Storms, Dorothy Tulloch, Carl Vinee. WOULD TAKE COLOSSAL BUM +. TO PENSION WAR VIOTIMS, Europe Will Have Tremendous Task As She Attempts It--U. 8. Paid Out $4,600,000,000. Washington Star. European nations at war have from: tithe to'time made estimateg of the stupendous costs involved, but none of them has what the probable cost to the people in years to come will be if pensions of the question for Ad te of the amount of money ! evident that ie Great Britain, Germany, France, Russia and the to gone far enough to figure | been for some time, according to the Commissioner of Penstons, thé Unit. ed States last year pafd out in pen- sions, fifty years after the close of the Civil War, more money by $12, 000,000 than ever paid out in any other year. 'The total payment for nslons for thé year amounted to 174,171,660, an increase over the preceding year of $21,000,000, There are to-day on the rolls the names of A rector of a fashionable church could not be bafhersd with the tn: RE man, Edward Harte, Jack Tweddell, |o THE BLEEDING VEIN BOSPORUS, LIKE DARDANELLES, IS RICH IN ANCIENT MYTHS The Word Itself Means Passage For Cattle--Ancient Lore Says lo, When Tumned Into A Heifer, Swam Strait To Escape The Gad- fly. J Youth's Companion. The Bosporus, no less . than the Dardanelles, is rich in classic myth and ancient deeds of valor. The name that the Greeks gave to the strait means a p © Or Cross. ing for cattle--Oxford the exact English equivalent for Bosporus. Did they so name it because agricultural knowledge there crossed from Asia into Europe, or because the Phry- glans crossed there when the oracle told them to follow a route that one of their oxen would take if driven to the water? Or was it because the Phrygians first crossed in a vessel that had an ox for a figurehead? Or 'because Io, when Zeus had transfor- med her into a white heifer, swam the strait to escape the tormenting gadfly? You may take your choice, for ancient writers give all these ex- planations. They also tell us that other straits bore the same name, notably the passage that connects the Sea of Azov with the Black Sea. The stralt that now has the exclu- sive use of the name Bosporus was know earlier as the Thracian Bos- porus, A modern writer has well called it "the bleeding vein of Euro- pe." There the crimson tides of conquest have ebbed and flowed for unnumbered centuries. More than five hundred years before the birth of Christ, the great Darius led his Persian hosts across the Bosporus on a bridge of oats, for the invasion of Scythia, as, a generation later, his son Xerxes, led his armies across the Hellespont. To the Bosporus, when almost a thousand yéars had passed, came Constantine from Rome to found the Empire of the East and to build the capital that has faced the fury of besieging armies no fewer than thirty-two times. There, like a succession of wen- derful pageants from Europe into Asia, aflame with zeal to rescue the Holy Sepulchre from the infidels. There, for centuries, passed the priceless cargoes that in the middle ages gave power to Venice and Gen- a. To the shore of the Bosporus, in 1453, came Mohammed II. with the strength and strategy . that finally wrested Constantinople from "the Christian dogs," that had long defied Islam. When the defenders check- ed the invading fleet by iron chains stretched across the narrow strait, Mohammed laid a chute of greased plans from the Basporus round be- hind the city, along which his men and horses dragged seventy of his galleys to the Golden Horn, where they could better bombard the Chris- tian fleet and forts. In May, 462 years ago, over the welter and sack of the fallen city, Mohammed II. spurred his horse through the doors of St. Sophia. Since then the waters of the Bospor- us have reflected a trescent above the dome. of the ancient church; it may be that the reflection is now about to give way to that of the crsos that the waters knew for more than a thous- and years. VALUE OF VEGETABLES, They Are Excellent Food for the Growing Child. Woman's World. Carrots have long been advertised as beautifiers of the complexion, and the advertisements are not wholly misleading. Carrots, parsnips and turnips have a laxative effect on many 'people, and so assist in elimi- nating waste matter; and an internal bath Mke an external one improves the appearance of the skin. They also give to the system eéalcium and phosphorous, and so aid in building it up. in the light of these facts it is easy to understand why vegetables and cereals are recommended as food for the growing child. In this connec- tion one should not overlook the value of some of the dried vege- tables. Beans and peas deserve special mention, because while of the fresh green vegetables many are 90 per cent, water, these two dried onés have about 90 per cent. nutritive ma. terial and only about 10 per cet. water. 'Here dgain chemistry shows not only the qiantity but the quality of the nutritive material. Dried beans and peag differ from most pe tables in having a larger propo of protein, while mos{ other vege- tables have-relatively Httle. Tt is well to know that one Send wot buy expensive steaks in order to secure protein, but that it can be obtainod at much less expense from that very satisfying dish, baked beans, and also to know that the wheat grain is rich in both profein and 'phospho- rus, » SEND DOWN JACKIES cts To Care For Americans In Yacqni al Bivge. "i. June Twit rapid frets * and me of ammuni- | to WIPING OUT REGIMENTS, German Morale Weakened By Ter- | rible Shaughter. Paris, June 17.--It is certain the morale of the German troops has béen seriously affected by the French attacks north of Arras, from the in- cgessant pressure rather than actual attempts to break the ° line. The latest copy #Y the Army Bulletin con. tains extracts from a German pris. oner"s note'bock, saying: "Our regi- ment has been almost annihi'ated by the continued assaults day and night. On Saturday, June 11th, the Twenty- second Regiment had terrible losses, In a single day over three thousand men were put out of action. 1 doubt if I shall get out ahve. Of our Ninth Company, of a hundred and sixty that made the assault, only forty-six came back. If we are not relieved we shall al] be lost. Everyone knows it." A recent letter from am officer on this front states: "German mordle greatly changed. Only yesterday one battalion that was broaght in motor cars as reinforcements killed (its officers and surrendered en masse. I don't think that ever happened before." oe song of me show With Apologies to Tom Hood. (The civil service examinations under the commission headed by Pro- fessor Shortt havé come in for con- siderable criticism of late.) With brains that are heavy tired; And nerves wrought; : The class sits wearily twirling thumbs, Singing the Song of thé Shortt: CONTAINS NO ALUM We unhesitatingly recammend Baking Powder Magic being the best. purest and most healthful baking powder that it is possible to produce Al ingredients are plainly printed on the label MADE IN CANADA EWGILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. WINNIPEG, MONTREAL and very much over- its Let's Settle It--By Telephone. ANY a business conference would have beenat a stand- still but for needed infor- mation secured by telephone. 4 The telephone, with its far- reaching long distance service, should not be overlooked when difficulties arise requiring exact and immediate information from afar. q Settle it by telephone--speak right to the ear of the man who knows. For its add, add, add: Divide and subtract again; Telling the age of England's Queens, And the weight William Penn; With copious notes about The history of Prescott Fort: These are the things they have to know-- That is the Song of the Shortt! of Wheti they have fairly passed They may get work for a while: At fifteen dollars a week mayhap: Learning the way to fyle: "~ Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station. - ER But it's grind, grind, grind: At Hordce and Cicero: Writing a thesis on polar bears That float on an Aretic floe: Telling the color of Shakespeare's eyes, The battles that Harold fought: These are the things they have to know-- When singing the Song of the Shortt! {a The Bell Telephone Co. OF CANADA. And oh, that the day*may some When the workshop of the State Shall open to more than the book- worm youth And the pallid young graduate. But it's cram, cram, cram: With ancient and modern lore, Knowing the wives of the Spanish Kings _ And the date of Quatre Bras; Telling the names of atl the Popes, And the favorites of Henry's court: These are the things they have to know-- This 18 the Song of the Shorft: J. Sydney Roe, in Saturday Night. Ottawa. Psychology Of War. At a peace forum banquet in Balti- more Prof. L. C. Courtney, the well- Known authority on psychology, said: "War psychology shows us--hide the truth as we will--that every sol- dier, in the long run, avoids danger, and, the more authority a soldier lias, the higher his rank; the more He uses this rank and this authority to save his own skin. 'Studying war psychology on the other side of the herring pond, I miet a certain officer. No use telling his nationality, for all nationalities in this regard are the same. Anyhsw, narrating his adventures, this officer said to me: " "The enemy raked us from .the front and both sides; aw enfilading | fire. 'Talk about decimated! Why, we lost 70 per cent. of our effectives. | There was no shelter at all excep- one little rock. Hundreds fell on ev- ery side, but I, as by a miracle, es- caped without 8 scratch.' ""'A8 by u miracle, eh?' I remark-| ed dryly. *And {tf there'd been more rock there'd have been more miracle, and then some of your men might have escaped, too--e what, cap- ins) "--Pittgburgh Chronicle-Tele- ph. » For Over ~ Thirty Years GASTORIA THE CENTAUR SOMPANY, NEW YORK SITY. No Cluinge in Mena. f sillenly, Track the ' godden | Pumps g ~~ ie Puts ith strap or a 'good Shoe for Summer, and good wearing, Woh For $2.00 gut »