PAG pecs ee E TWO _ ITEP Ae Ae THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. JUK_ 19, 1915 The latest nove ty in White, Silver Cross,, Grey, Black, Red. Bring vour visitors to see our beaun- tiful Furs. John McKay SES0PP PEEP II000FTIIIIP Told In Twilight vhbbboveire Miss Dwyer and Miss Mazie Dwyer, Barrie street, entertained de- lightfully at an informal tea on Fri- day afternoon in honour of the Miss- es Aileen and Geraldine Regan, Lon- don. The tea table, which was mast artistically arranged with yellow and white flowers, was in charge of Miss Flanigan and the hostess aad the other guests included Misses Etta Ward, Loretta Hanley, Florrie Stew- art, Jessie Diekson, Isabelle Wald- ron, Elda Maedonald, Freda Burns, Clara Sicolari, Kathleen Ryan, Eleanor Phelan and Marjorie Gams- by. » * : * - Miss Jean Young, 'Union street, was hostess at the tea-hour on Wed-! nesday in honour of Miss Marjorie Limited -- Sate _---------- SPINAL MENITJGITIS CURE. INSURANCE Real Estate Investments J. 0. HUTTON 18 Market St. SKIMMED MILK FOR SALE At 1c A QUART Just the thing for cooking, feeding chic- kens, ete. Kingston Dairy Co. 306 University Ave. Phone 649, GURTAINS REI EEE EEEErEm------ BRUSSELS NET DUCHESS POINT IRISH POINT In white, ivory, ecru, or two tone. Many exquisite designs, manufactured especially for us in Switzerland, Some with heayy applique borders, others in dainty, lacey effects. and the prices were never so low, $2.75, $3, $3.50 a pair upwards. Now is the time to make your selection of window trimmings while stocks are large and many styles to choose from. R. Mcfaul, KINGSTON CARPET WARE- HOUSE. The best way to teach your children to appres ciate a good home is to own it, We have some gnodf bargains in Real Estate. | How many years back | would it place you? | We can proteet you | against loss by fire, in ompanies. A Cheap Spray Effective dn Its Early | Stages. It is generally recognized by medi- eal men to-day th#t spraying the nose and throat with one grain of Per- manganate of Potash to one ounce of water 'will cure epidemic cerebral spinal meningitis in the early stages while the germ is still to be found| only in these situations, and will al- 50 act as a preventive to those who have not been infected. The above is a very cheap preparation, and eas- ily within the reach of every parent. In this connection the interésting statement is made that the germs of spinal meningitis cannot live longer tban half an hour in sunlight. Mrs. four years is N.Y. One Newburgh. dead at Watertown, san is Robert Martin, A tet A gin Agnes Martin, aged eighty-| Herrington, Picton, when her guests, included the Misses Aileen #olger, Helen Bethel (Pembroke), Miss Freda Burns, Anne Minnes, Helen | Uglow, Nan 'Saunders, Marjorie | Gamsby and Mary Stewart. . Invitations are issued for a series of dances to be held at the Yacht Club every two weeks during the summer months. ' { - » - I The tea at the Country Club this! afternoon is in charge of Mrs. Jeremy | Tayler and Miss Bessie Smythe. * * * * | The L. C. Reading Club met dt] Mrs. H. Tandy's cottage on Wolfe! Island on Friday when the after-| noon was much enjoyed. { + + so» Ww Mrs. Andrew Fleming and her| small son and Miss Florence Mac- gillivray will leave next week for Craigleith to visit Mr. and Mrs.! Fleming, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lockett and their two sons, Sydenham street, are now at their summer cottage at Stella. Gordon Smith. and F. Laturney mn r CHURCH SERVICES \ St. Andrew's Church--Rev. S. .J. M. Compton, B.D., minister. Ser- vices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday {School and Bible Classes at '3 p.m. Strangers cordially invited to all the services. St. Paul's -- Holy Communion, 8.30 am.; morning prayer and Holy Communion, 11 o'cloek. Preacher, Canon FitzGerald. 7 o'clock. Preacher, Canon Gerald. | | JFitz- { Union Street Baptist Church -- | Rev, Mr, Bell, Sailors' Missionary, | wil], preach at 11 a. m. Rev. C. J. | Cameron, assistant superintendent of | Baptist Home missions, will speak at | the evening service. Cooke's Presbyterian Church -- Rev. J. W. MeIntosh, M.A., minister, will preach at 11 a.m. and 7-p.m. 3 p.m., Sunday Scheol and Bible Class; mid week meeting, Wednes- iday, 8 p.m. Strangérs cordially in- vited to all services. | Princess Street Methodist Chureh, | corner Princess and Albert--Rev. H. {| B. Curry, pastor, at both services, {11 am, and 7 p.m. 2.45 pm. | Sunday School classes; Epworth Lea- | gue, Monday, 8 p.m.; prayer meet- | ing, Wednesday, 8 pm. A cordial | invitation 'to all. | ------" { Chalmers, Preshyterian, Barrie and | Barl-----Rev. M. Macgillivray, D.D., | minister. . Services: 11 a.m., "The | Finest Sight in the World;" 7 p.m., "Laws 'of Religious Growth, With | Hiustrations From Nature and From | | Thought." Sunday School, Strangers cordially invited to all the | services. First Baptist Church--~Rev, Doug- {las Laing, pastor. Services at 11 iam. and 7 pm. Rev. C. J. Camer- on, B.A, Toronto, secretary of the Baptist Home Mission Board, will preach in the morning and the pas- |tor in the evening. Bible School at {2.45 p.m. Strangers cordially invit- {ed to all the services. First Congregational Church, cor- | ner Johnson and Wellington street. {--Rev, E, LeRoy Rice, B. A, pastor. | Residence, 281 Alfred street. Phone | 1068. Morning worship at 11 | o'clock. Rev. P. V. Samson will | preach. Evening worship at 7 | o'clock. Rev. Mr. Chambers will | conduet the service. Strangers are invited to worship with us. | First Church of Christ Seientist, | --Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington streets. Sunday ser- Evening prayer, | 3 p.m. |®@ vice, 11 | verse, a.m., subject, "Is the Uni- Including Man Evolved By | Atomie Fo ce." vednesday even- ing, testimonial hein Public | | reading room, salne address, open | every afternooon except Sunday, 3 to | 5 o'clock. | | . | | 'Bethel Con 1 = Corner | {Barrie and Johnson streets. Acting | pastor, P. V. Samson, B. A. Address, | 330 Brock street. At 11 a. m., Rev. | | Mr. Chambers; at 7 p.m,, P. V. Sam- | | son, 'B. A., subject, "A Good 'Promise for Everyday." Sunday School, 3 Pp. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Friday evening, Christian Endeavor Society. Strangers -are cordially invited to all the services. _-- i | Queen Street Methodist Church -- | Rev. G. I. Campbell, B, D., pastor. | | Annual sunday school flower day ser-| | vice. 11.a. m., special music by the| | choir; programme by the school, ad- | | dress by the pastor. Subject, "Build- | | ing up a Family Tree." Home de- | partment, parents and friends of the! school urged to be present. 7 p. m. the pastor will preach, Subject, "A | Soldier's Request." = Strangers and | soldiers of Barriefield Camp specially | invited. | ' -- | St. James' Church, corner Union and Arch "streets--Rev. T. W, Sav- ary, B.A., rector. The rectory, 152 Barrie street. Third Sunday after Trinity. 11 a.m., morning prayer and Holy Gommunion. Sermon sub- ject, "Girded for Service." 3 p .m., Sundiay School and Bible Classes. 7 pam., evening prayer and sermon. Sermon subject, "A Faithful Broth-| r.' { i { Calvary Congregational Church, corner of Charles and Bagot streets. 11 a. m., spgaker, Mr. Pound, sup- | erintendent ilors'. Mission. . 3 p. {m., Sabbath school and Bible class; {7 p. m., service of song, entitled, "Pilgrim's Progress in Story and Song." Monday, 8 p. m., Guild meeting; Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer meeting and choir practice. A hearty welcome to all who have mo church home. Rev. J. Lyall pastor, 180 Ri- deau street. Brock Street Methodist 'Church, corner Brock and Montreal streets-- 11 a.m. preacher, Rev. John Web- ster. Last morning service with re- tiring pastor. Anthem: "To God Be the Glory," solo by J. 'Birch. 8 p.m., vice. Preacher Rev. John Anthem, 'Praise the Lord;" obli- 8ato duet by Miss Davies and Mrs. Drury; baritone solo, J. Birch; tenor solo, T. Auld. Miss Frances Davies will sing at both services. Monday, 8 p.m. opén League service; Wed- » 8 p.m., prayer meeting. fon Tuesday afternoon. | Kingston from Ottawa. - * - 1 | Sunday School; 7 p.m., farewell ser- Webster. have returned 'from their canpe trip yp the Rideau. George Bawden, Barrie street, is} in Ottawa for a few days. { - id { . H.W. Richardson, "Alwington," is in Toronto this week. Mre. Chestnut, St. Caibarines, is in town for the R. M. C. closing,! when her son, Cadet A. Chestnut,! graduates, b Miss Charlotte Fraser motored rom Ottawa to visit her brother, Alex. Fraser, of the 38th Battalion, for the week-end. She was accom- panied by Mrs. J. D. Craig. i Mr. and Mrs. ¥Fredéprics Macpar- land, Dr. J. J. Harty and J. Swift, } have gone to New York to spend the week-end. { Mrs. W. H. P. Elkins is the guest | of the Misses Elsie and Marjorie | Pense at their cottage on the Thames, Miss! 'Mollie Cartwright from Ottawa on Friday. - - - . returned | Stewart Anderson and family have | moved to their summer cottage at Stella. Mrs. Rankin Smith and her two children have returned home after a week's visit with friends in Collin's Bay. . Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson and family, Earl street, have mov- ed over to their summer cottage on} Wolfe Island. Mrs. W. J.. Chapman, Queen street, 3s visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. Way, Rockeliffe, Ottawa. The annual mounted sports atithe| Royal Military College will be "held | Mr. 'and Mrs. J. B. Halkett and || Miss Mary Halkett have returned wo, Mrs. J. PF. Sparks, Wellingtan street, entertained informally at the!' tea hour on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. A. P. Christmas and nittid | Miss Margaret, Montreal, are the guests of Mrs. H, J. Wilkinson, Bag- | ot street. | Mrs, Percy Chown, Frontenac street, will leave on Sunday for | Rochester and Clifton Springs. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Craig, Gore | street, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Christmas, | Montreal, and their families have | taken a house together on Garden! Island for 'the summer, and moved | over to-day. Miss Minnie Dodd returned to To- | ronto on Sunday, after a very pleas- | ant visit with Mrs. R. J, McKelvey, Bagot street. * = | Mrs. W. 8t. Pierre Hughes and | Miss Kathleen Hughes have arrived | safely in England and are en pension at "The Highlands," Hythe, Kent. | Mrs. 'G. 8. Bowerbank and Mrs. | Keene Hemming have taken a house | at Hythe in Kent, and Mrs. T. D. R. | Hémming and Miss Margaret will |, join them there. | Dean and Mrs. Cappon, Barrie | street, left on Wednesday for Little | Metis. Mrs. F. Brownfield and Miss Mar- | 4 YOU OWN A FORD CAR A New, Complete Book for Every Ford Owner, Dealer, Salesman and Repairman THE MODEL T FORD CAR, Its "Construction, Operation and Repair, by Victor W. Page, member of the Society of Auto mobile Engineers, author of "The Modern Gasoline Automobile." 300 pages (3x7). Over 100 spe- cially made engravings. Two large folaing plates. This is the most complete and practical instruction book ever published on the Ford Car, high grade, cloth bound book, printed on the best paper, illustrated by specially made 'drawings and photographs. All parts of the Ford ear are described and illustrated in a comprehensive manner-- nothing is-left for the reader to guess at. The Construction is full treated and OPERATING PRIN CIPLES MADE CLEAR TO EVERYONE. Complete instructions for driving . and repairing are given, Every détail is treated in a non-technieal, yet thorough, manner. * Price $1 per copy. Mail orders 12c for postage. The College Book Store 160 Princess Street ~~ Open Nights Phone 919 Ei A NN i KSsssssssssssssssssssssna OWNERS OF AUTOMOBILES : = 3 Specials in Corsets at 4% 63c and 83c a Pair Special in Children's Socks--white and colors, 15c a pair WE STOCK EYE PRO- TECTORS AND GOGGLES, We stock the best lines right prices, The new (Night and Day) Goggle, is an insurance against ficcident at night, Have the Jhauffeur use a pair, Smith Bros, TEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Isswers of Marriage Licenses. at Special in Ladies' Lisle Hose--white, sky, pink, tan, black Special in Ladies' Lisle Hose--sky, pink, cerise, orange, electric, lemon, white, paddy, cream, black, 35¢ jorie Brownfield expect to go to Hali- fax hext Tuesday to see Harold Brownfield 'before he sails for the front. Professors Craig and Laynge, of Queen's staff, are sailing. the end of this week for Scotland to join their regiments. W. Waldron sailed to-day from New York for England. Mrs. Ruffel and Miss Edna Ruffel, | Portland, Ore., are the guests of | John Strange, Barrie street. | Professor and Mrs.Hedman enter- | tained at a high tea half a dozen covers at the Country Club on Thursday evening. Mrs. Herbert Robinson and Miss Gertrude Strange, who have heen | 3 visitors of Miss Nan Skinner, Cata- raqui Lodge, will return to town on Monday. Mrs. H. F. Osler and children arrived from Winnipeg on Thursday to spend the summer in town. They will oerupy W. Harty's" house on Special in Hadies Silk Hose--lavender, reseda, sand, pink, sky, canary, grey, cardinal, white, black, old rese--all sizes . Special in Ladies' Puritan Neckwear Speeial in Ladies' Summer Vests REPAIRED AND REMODELLED Gourdier's Phone 700. A SINGLE Special in Children's Mddy Jerseys Special in Ladies' White Sarquisctte Waists, $1 7 Special in Ladies' Repp and P.K. Skirts ..98¢ Stuart street. ; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rees and family have moved to their summer cottage at Dead Man's Bay. Mrs, James Rigney, George street, entertained at a small bridge on & | FRAME DWELLING, i | Near Union street, 6 rooms, B. and Newman & Shaw, | mn A DETACHED : {On Earl street, below Division street » Thursday afternoon in honour of her mother, Mrs. Regan, London. J. H. Byrne, Ottawa, is spending the week-end with Mrs. Byrne who | is the guest of her mother, Mrs. G. S. 'Oldreive, Wellington street. 1 " ¥ - Miss Marjorie Herrington, wvisit- |] | | | i] ig i «for $1,500, A DOUBLE FRAME DWELLING, {On Raglan road, for $1,250, on easy CLOSING OF MAILS. | BUILDERS' SUPPLIESeeey ! British mail closes firregular- ly. Information posted at P. O. H Hemlock forme, Lobby from time to time. United States, daily .. 1.00 p.m, | | BUILDING LOT Grand Trunk, going jon Markland street, 26x83, for $250, ast is , . BUILDING LOT nématie Fasten im 5 We are quoting some {On Raglan Road, 62x83, for $525, A full lis 3. 8 Trunk, going at once. t of Bargains can be got | Houses to Rent, { Insurance, EEE very interesting prices Rents Collceted, Fire | Automobile Insurance, | E. W. MULLIN '& SON, i REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Cor. Johnson and Division Strects, Phones 580 and 1456, Do. (ir-'uding Western States) ++++11.60 pom. Grand Trunk and all 'west «f city ........ 230 pm. C. PR 10156 am and 430 pm, | C. N. R. vo 2.20 pam. | on Hemlock, and other Building Material. CesrudRannn § ing, Migs Jean Young, Union street, returned to Picton Fri 'guests of Miss Dunlop, street. nesday in town with Dr. and Mrs. R. J. 'Gardiner, Bagot street. Master Bert motored to Gananoque to-day "The Inn." S.ANGLIN&CO. WOOD-WO FACTORY, ARDS. Bey and "are the Maitland Arthur Tett, Newhoro, spent Wed- Mrs. Bicknell and son Home Wash We're home wash do the best lnnnder) you know that, if you in towne Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Winnett and | tried us. to spend the week-end at Mi Whi (Continued on page 8.) TLR