abled Dany and Semi-Week THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED. J. G. Eilott ........ President Leman A, Guild wee Managing Director and Sec.-Treas. Telephones: sessseveses 343 vasesses 392 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Dafly Edition) One year, delivered in city . One year, if paid in advance .... $5.00 One year, by mail to rural offices $2.50 One year, to Dnited t 3.00 1.00 1.50 1.60 one of in Canad. REPRESENTATIVE 32 Church St. ATs ce th Ave. R. Northrup, Manager ribune Bldg. nk R. Northrup, Manager, . NO MONEY TO SPEND. The Mayor is to be thanked for calling the attention of the Bogard of Works to the untidy condition of Princess street on Sunday. It can he madc presentable every day, and cepecially on Sunday, if two tkings be done: (1) a by-law passed, and enforced, making it an offence to throw paper and waste on the high- way; (2) if waste paper boxes or ro- ceptacles be placed at the corners of certain streets for the reception of this waste, One thing is certain: the main street of the city cannot be kept as it ought to be while pres ent conditions prevail. It is a sur- prise to have the Chairman of the Works Committee declare, with his usual unction, that Princess strect cannot be maintained free of litter because ha has no money for this purpose. * Yet his committee is said to be #0 flush of funds that it can spend hundreds of dollars more on asphall thin it need spend by accept ing a higher and rejecting a lower tenders. This is the way the Council would havé run the Utilities had the peonle been foolish enough to vote for the abolition of the Commission. -- The Conservative party of Mani- toba has, through its executive, re- pudiated the men who represented in the Government. Roblin, oldwell, Montague, et al were wise in announcing their retirenrent from public life. Attached fe t printing offices ihe best job ANTICIPATING COMING EVENTS. The voters' lists in Manitoba are being prepared as a necessary pre- caution. There is no apparent de- sire to use them in a provincial elee- tion, since the Norris Government dolls not want to go to the people until the political house-cleaning has been made complete. A session of the Legislature cannot be held with a menibership so evenly divided that business cannot be done, and a ses- sion is really not looked for until the scandals have been thoroughly ex- posed. e The voters' lists may be wanted for a Federal election, which is still under consideration by the Govern- ment, notwithstanding all the pro- tests that have been offeféd against it. The old voters' lists were notor- fously incomplete, and notoriously . unfair, so far as the Liberals were concerned, and the Norris Goyern- ment while probing the scandals to the end will see that the Hon. "Bob." Rogers does not ge} any advantage by the use of them. The Manitoba voters' lists have no special significance so far as the lo- cal Legislature is concerned. Tray have a serious significance only so far as the Rogers' machine is con- cerned. A Winnipeg K. C. has it that $50, 000 were paid to the Liberals after the last election by the Government in order to escape election protests and elec trials. Assumption is one thing and evidence another. Let us have the proof. : ACCEPTS THE HIGHFR TENDER. % Some criticism has been offered be- | . cause the Board of Works has ac- cepted a high tender for asphalt in ; Dreference to a lower one, and with the result that the order calls for an ~~ expenditure of several hundred dol- 'The Texas asphalt would have cost 6.84c per imperial gallon, while the Atte cost 13 8-10¢ per imperial gal- it might have been. For financial | reasons, the lower tender submitted | by a citizen, and with a guarantee of | his company behind him, should not | have been rejected unless the Com- | mittee had the most positive proof | that the asphalt he had represented | was inferior in quality. Granted | that the evidence was not present as | to the satisfaction the Texas asphalt | had rendered elsewhere, the data was | | available, or it could be had by the | writing of a few letters. Why should an offer which involved a large sum] in a war year, and suggesting a large saving, be declined 'without the | fullest consideration? The Committee's defense, as stated | by one member, is that the cheriical analysis of a Kingston man favored | the asphalt that was chosen at the] higher price; but on the next marn-| ing the chemical analysis of a New York firm of chemists came to hand, and nothing could bé more favorable than it to the Texas asphalt. The Committee and the Council may be. able to defend the transac- tion, but it will require a lotvef ex- planation before it can be fully en- idorsed. The local Y. M. C. A. deserves the support of our people. The cause generally is worthy of assistance, but the institution that specially | serves the young men and boys of the city appeals to the heart and pocket. 'THE DAILY SENSATION. The Conservative members of the Manitoba Legislature have become impatient of results so far as the Royal Commission is concerned. It was appointed to investigate all the facts in connection with the Parlia- ment building contracts, and it has by no means exhausted the enquiry. It has been hindered in some ways; it has been delayed in other ways; so that all the truth with regard to the scandal has not been learned. Enough is known, however, to sat- isfy anyone, Liberal or Conservative, that political conditions in Manitoba have been very bad. They have surely been without a parallel in Can- ada. That is saying a great deal, conveying some idea, though an in- adequate one, of the depths of the iniquity, and the disgrace into which the Conservative leaders have fallen. The fourteen members of the Leg- islature, who are now in action with an intense passion for purity, were, while - the Roblin Government reigned, willing enough to profit by their associations. They stood by the Government in the face of the fiercest charges. The present At- torney-General in the Norris Govern- ment did his best to make clear the wrong-doing of that Government, and they would not listen to him, It was only when an appeal was made to the Lieutenant-Governor that the Royal Commission was appointed and the fate of the Government was sealed. Now it is charged that the Liberals entered into an agreement by which the change of Government was to take place, with resignations from the Conservative side to permit of the new Government carrying on business, and with election scandals hushed up on payment by the Con- servatives of $50,000. It is suffic-- lent for the present to know that the Attorney-General® denies the whole story and declares it to be a fabrica- tion. That, of course, does not dis- pose of it. The Royal Commission must be enlarged to cover these new charges, or a new Commission must be appointed to investigate them. There is not a decent Liberal in Can- ada who can wish or want to white- wash the Liberals of Manitoba -- it is not a tittle of evidence againe: them thus far, and the man who fyled the charges on behalf of the fourteen Conservative members of the Legislature admits that he may find it dificult to prove them. Asa sensation, they have probably served their purpose for the day, EDITORIAL NOTES. Russian failures to advance in Germany are due to two things: the activity of the German spies, and the lack of ammunition., Of the two, the spies create the greatest anxiety, ------------ Montreal taxes every patron of the theatres and picture shows a cent each per evening in the interests of the charities and hospitals: One way of making 'every one contribute to a 'worthy cause. with an election because the Liberals have fot been muzzled during recess, and the noisiest an s they be guilty of wrong-doing. There | ers suggests must be pure and unde- filed. Henry Siegel, formerly mopdhant | prince of New York, has gone to} State Prison for a period. He would! not settle with the depositors in his! bank. He offered to pay them a| certain proportion of his indebted- | ness. They = diffefed as to thé | amount they should receive, and got | nothing. | a The local Patriotic Fund collec-| tions are now slow. A small per-| centage of the subscriptions may be | lost -- on all subseription lists, there are certain amounts untollect- able -- but it will be very small the signers of these lists remember the sacred nature of the trust. The Mayor says there is a missing | link between the Commission and the Council. Not if he does his duty. He represents the Council on the Commission, and should be able to give the Council all the information it wants or needs with regard to the Utilities. Yes, he is "the missing link." | KINGSTON EVENTS 26 YEARS ACO The furnishings at the police sta- tion are incomplete. Locks are needed for: the cells. At present handcuffs are used in the cell doors in place of locks, Trinity College defeated R. M, C, cadets at cricket to-day. MADE THEM NOTORIOUS, And Mrs. Pipe Sought and Obtained a Divorce, Ft. Scott, Kansas, June 23.--Mrs. Mary Pipe was granted a divorce here from Harry D. Pipe on her alle- gation that ghe received undesirable publicity when her husband made his way into Buckingham Palace in London, England, several months ago, Pipe scaled the walls of Bucking- ham Palace, and, eluding guards, en- tered the building, where he remain. ed several hours before his presence was discovered. Elections In War Time. London News and Leader. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has intimated his readiness to support, from patrio- tic motives, the Government of his opponents, provided there be no at- tempt at a dissolution of the Canad- jan Parliament during the war. In Australia and New Zealand, whose patriotism is as little suspect as Can- ada's, there has already, on the oth- er hand; been u general election since the declaration of war. In this country the problem is complicated by the Parliament Act and the poli- tical truce, and it is true, of course, that there is a difference between a change in the Imperial and a change in Colonial Government. But it is in essence the same. "The real ob- jection to a general election here -- as presumably in Canada--is the con- siderable proportion of electors who could not owing to the war record their votes. Even if it were not the farce that those opposed to it maintain, the defeated party would be sure to claim that it was, and the utmost rancor of party conflict would be excited at a time when nothing but evil can result from it. Which? A little man with a little brain Went forth in his little car, He hummed a song as he bowled along, Content with the things that are. A mighty man with a mighty brain Whizzed past on the swift highway Too spent and old to enjoy the gold Exchanged for his youth's brief day. The rich man's car was an eager thing Which leaped to a hireling's hand, The poor man steered down a road, unfeared, Through a kind and a joyous land. Oh, who will say which the wise man was, And which was the fool of the twain The one grown old with his bags of gold, Or the one with a little brain? --H. 8. Haskins, New York Sun. The Spanish Cabinet has resign- ed, the Government considering the failure of the recent loan to be equivalent to a vote of lack of con- fidence. The Prince of Wales attained his majority on Wednesday. There was no public celebration. The Prince is in France. Mrs. Lucy Freeman, an elderly and esteemed resident of = Athens, died on Monday after an illness of several weeks. 4 WISE AND A man always feels contemptible! when he lets a girl kiss him against | his' will. { "In union there is strength'--so a meek and lowly man with a stren- | uous wife says. | i Lawyers are the people who work | with a will after doctors go ahead | and prepare the way. | But it {is human pature to desire | to be equal to your superiors and superior to your equals. Unkindest Cut. | Harduppe-- "Flubdub is pretty! mean, isn't he?" . i Borrowell--' Mean? Why, say, that fellow is mean enough to have his name engraved on the handle of his umbrella." Defined. "I feel like a Chinese junk," re- marked the guest at a Southern win- ter resort. Politeiy we bit, "I am boarded by pirates," he an- swered to our query. Try This. "Does your wife ever scold when you have been out late at the club?" Dibbs--*"Never! She merely gets up at four o'clock the next morning and practises on the piano, and I daren't say a word." Gems Of Thought. To speak wisely may not always be easy, but not to speak ill requires only silence. Self-conceit blinds; self-will des- troys; self-oblation consecrates; self- sacrifice saves. A wise man sets his face accord- ing to his time. Early speed gives margin for slackening toward the end. Aim at perfection in everything; though in most things it is unattain- able; however, they who aim at it and persevere will come much near- er to it than those whose laziness and despondency make them give it up as unattainable.--Chesterfield. The presence of religion in politics might be salutary. The presence of politics in religions is a menace to morality. NEW COLLARS, 2 FOR 25c. BIBBYS, LTD. © BOYS' CLOTHING AAA AA ede Cash buyers save money by trading at a cash store. We buy for cash. We sell for cash. 'We have one price and that price is marked in plain figures. Our $12.60 Suits for Men Classy style, as well as the more conger- vative models. Navy Blue, Grey Home- spuns and Cheviots, English Worsted in Browns and Green. Splendidly tailored, good trimmings, good style. Sizes 33 to 46. No better values to be found anywhere. br Sale of Genuine Panama Hats $7.50, $8.00 Values for $5.00 Sizes 6 5-8 to 7 1-8. ~ Bibby rr. NEW COLLARS, 2 FOR 25c. ~ Gifts of money, articles of dress, flowers, food, souvenirs and the like, will wear out; but a lovely thought cast into the heart of a friend will abide, enriching the heart. -------- Commiseration. Regular Customer--*I shall want a large quantity of flowers from you next week for my daughter's coming out, 3 Flower Womah---*"Yes, mum. You shall 'ave the vePy best for 'er, pore dear. Wot were he put in for?" RAMANA Qualified. Billy Mooney, dfter running a bar- ber shop in Centerville for two or three years, decided to become a dentist. His uncle, Si, upon hearing of his decision, dropt in to 'talk it over. . "Yes, Billy," said he. "dentistry is about the easiest new job you could tackle. You know how to work the chair already, so the rest ought to come easy enough." The Price. Jean longed for a kitten, When ill- ness made it necessary for Jean to 80 to the hospital, her mother said: "I will make a bargain with you, Jean. If you wHl be a brave little girl about your operation, you shall have the nicest kitten I can find." Jean took the ether, but later, as she came out from under the anes thetic, she redlized how very wretch- ed she felt. The nurse leaned over to catch her first spoken word. For Sale The following are some of our farm bargains. 20 acres ......Price $ 000 esses. Price $2,000 «oss we Price $2,000 Price $3,900 w+ os. Price $3,500 esses Price $3,750 000 84, es, .s «Price $4,750 + ..e++Price $6,000 ws +o. Price $7,000 + «+s Price $10,500 Price $24,000 For parti ulars consult I. 1. LOCKHART, Bank of Montreal Bcilding, , Kingston. 114 100 120 150 150 ina Phone 1035 or 1029, "What a bum way to get a cat!" moaned the child. . Lucky Vietim. A "cub" reporter on a New York newspaper was sént to Paterson tog write the story of the murder of a rith manufacturer by thieves. He spread himself on the details and naively concluded his account with this sentence: "Fortunately for the deceased, he PHERABIBN 3 . PUAoE vuksey breasts. 3 had deposited all of his money in the bank the day before, so he lost prac- tically nothing but his life." The Danger Sign. Pretty Cashier--"You might give me a holiday. to recruit my health, My beauty is beginning to fade." Manager--""What makes you think Have your repairin isfaction ant GET OUR PRICES For plumbing werk, or Biping- ne by us. Sate guar A. AND J. JAMIESON, Plumbers and Guafitters. so?" Pretty Cashier--*"The men are be- ginning to count their change." : abnnme Oxfords and Pumps At a Big Saving to You We have decided to continue our Low Shoe Sale for a few more days, and 'we offer Big Bargains in this seasonable footwear. Men's $5.00 Oxfords . Women's $5.00 Pumps and Oxfords Women's $4.00 Pumps and Oxfords Special One lot of Women's Patent Colonial Pumps, with Grey or Sand color cloth back, the sea- _ $2 2 5 ; son's newest style. Special price ...... . One Tot of Women's Low Shoes and Slippers, odd sizes (mostly small) ....................$1.00 Rubber Sole Shoes not included in this sale. a Le J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. | ....Now $3.98 ...Now $2.98 The Home of Good Shoes. ETP vw We're Proof Against Base Hits as to methods of doing business. When we "play ball" it gets our rivals guess- ing. All our sporfing Goods and Games are the best offered and at the lowest prices ever put upon such high-grade goods. Baseball Outfits for Clubs, Schools or Associations. In-door and Out-door Games of all kinds. Fishing outfits a specialty. Come here and gef\ the best while paying the lowest. ~~ D.COUPER Use Crawford's Coal. ee W EE EA