ARI Ng PAGE EIGHT - THE DAILY BRITISH == REPORT ON THE RM.C. «We are just now after the summer man--the man who wants cool, com- fortable, stylish looking Clothes. These - summer comforters are just right for staying at home or for going away, or for any- thing you have slat- ed for a summer outing. They're sensible summer in- vestments, SUITS, - $12, $15, $18 & $20. Then don't over- look "our summer toggery in the way of Soft Shirts, Cool Underwear, ete., ete, Our Haberdashery is always choice, exclusive and dif- ferent, Remember we are always pleased to show. Livi vingston's Brock Street. A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk. PURE BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK, guar- if anteed all pure linen, in the newest and best desigus, N\ ] : SILVER BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK -- 168, 70 and 72 inches wide, at 60¢, 75¢c, 90c and $1 yd. f Will laun der white in a short time, the kind for real if bard wear ........36c, 40c, 50c, 60c and 75¢c a yard SETS OF CLOTHS AND NAPKINS to match, in all sizes, at special prices. een + ODD CLOTHS AND NAPKINS in various if sizes from broken sets, at 20 to 256% off regular prices, Professors 'Martin and Lanos have BY THE ACTING COMMANDANT, | LIRUT COL PERREAU. i | ----------y i Prof. W, RB. Butler Retires From Civil. Staff--The Professors Have | All Bone Excellent Work. | The report of the acting Com- | mandant, Lieut.-Col. C. /N. Perreau, | read at the closing exercises of the | Royal Military College on Tuesday | afternoon, was in part as follows: ! The discipline of the College has | been excellent. The present exeit. ing times, new conditions and eftra work called for from the Gentlemen | Cadets have not made the slightest | difference to their general behavior. One and all have shown the finest | spirit and discipline and worthily | kept up the high tradition of their | College. On January 4th, 1915, an extra batch of twenty-eight = candidates were admitted to the College to | | { make up the number depleted by war ! 4 A A A A iin. | LIEUT.-COL:- 0. N. PERREAU, Ann conditions. They were selectéd from candidates who had been un- successful at the entrance examina- tion in 1914, and the balance was made up by accepting matriculants | the College has been singularly free from chartered universities of Can- ada. Although the twenty-eight go ad- mitted have done their best, they have been greatly handicapped in missing five monthg of the College term, At the beginning of the year, four members of the College Military Staff, Major A. Bryant, General Staff; Major Hammond, R.E., Cap- tain Meldon, R.F.A, Captain Hey- mann, R.E., were on leave in Eng- land, and asked for and obtained permission from the Commandant to offer their services to the War Office, This reduced the Military Staff to a very low minimum. Ma- jor Ker, D.8.0., General Staff, at tached to the College, was called upon to help in the training of the cadets, but he, too, was recalled to | Eugland in November. In Decem. | ber, 1914, Colonel L. R. Carleton, | 1D.8.0., was also recalled, and resign. ed his position as Commandant, and on January 1st, 1915, I was 'ap- pointed acting Commandant, and at the present time there are only two other members of the original Mili- tary Staff, viz.,, Major Thompson, Northamptonshire Regiment, and Captain Plummer, R.A, On these (wo officers has fallen practitally the entire military in- struction of the cadets, and thé man. ner in which they have answered to the call of duty is beyond praise, Prof. Butler res. At the end of the College term I regret very much to say we are to lose th services of Professor W. R.A little snow fell here this morning. Butler, professor of Civil Engineer. ing, who is retiring. Professor Butler has been at the College for eighteen years, and during the whole of that period he has devoted him. self heart and soul to further the in terests of the College. He will take with him the best wishes of every member of the staff and the cadets, O. T. Macklem, instructor in Civil Engineering, was permitted to offer his services with the Second Over. seas Contingent, and joined the Cy- clist Section of that . There have been no other changes on the civil staff. J 1. would like to bring to notice the excellent work done by the members of the Civil Staff" during the last year. They equally in ¢ommon with the Military Staff are respon- sible for the magnificent showing the College has made during the present crisis, ~The admission of twenty- aight chndidates in January last add- ed very much to the work, and both re WHT? WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1318. Signalling 'and Orderly Room Ser geant fos the: past five years, and uring the whole of that Period he | has performed his duties in an ex-. | ceptionally able manner. It will be | difficult to replace him with an equally good instructor. The Col- lege servants were recently placed on a fixed schedule of rising pay | based on length of service and pro- ficiency. . Grounds, Messing, Riding, Much credit is due to Sergeant. Major Vokes, R.C.E, for his untir- ing efforts to beautify and improve the College grounds. The Messing was taken over by the College authorities at the be- ginning of the term. This ar- | rangement has proved much more | satisfactory, and the messing is bet. tor in every respect. i Bergeant-Major Kerrison, C. P, A. | 8. C., is the caterer, and has proved | very capable, hard-working and sat- | Isfactory. The Civil Staff under! him, too, have done good work. i The actual cost of the cadets for | messing per diem for each cadet is 60 per cent. { The riding of the cadetg i very | satisfactory. The riding magter, | Hon. Lieutenant W. Rhoades, R\C. | D., was taken for duty with the Fi th | C. M. Rifles, and Captain Plummer, | R.F.A., took over the riding instfuc- | tion in his place, and in addition to | his other dutiesh f To Captain Plummer is due the | credit of improving the conditions of | messing of the riding establishment | staff, : At a time like the presént, I re-| frain "from making any suggestions for new buildings for new buildings | or improvements. They have beeu | very fully stated in the Comman.- | dant's reports of the last few years, | and whilst there is still very urgent | need for increased class room ae- | commodation, I guite realize that] nothing can be done this year. | ZN Musketry Training. The musketry training continues | to be satisfactory. Quite recéntly | a machine gun wag allotted to the College, and it is hoped that every | cadet will soon obtain a practical | knowledge of its mechanism. | Owing to the exigencies of the] service, the eighteen-pounder guns | on the College charge had to be withdrawn, This has naturally in- | terfered greatly with the practical | artillery. instruction of the cadets. | Arrangements, however, have been | made for all eadets taking artillery | commissiong to be attached to the Royal School ef Artillery for short course early in July. The medica] arrangements of the College under the care of Major R. K. Kilborn have reached a very high state of efficiency. With the ex- ception of a féw cases of measles, from disease, Several improve- ments, sueh' as: additional electric lighting, ete.; have been carried out this year in the hospital, BASEBALL RECORD. Natiopal League. Philadelphia; 1; New York, 1 (called.) ria . Boston, 3; Brookiyn, $row d Pittsburgh; 8; Cincinnati, 1. Se American League. * Chicago, 9; Oleveland, 6. Washington, 7; Boston, 4. 8t. Louis, 18; Detroit, 9. SP ---- Federal League. St. Louis, 4; Brooklyn, 3. Chicago, 11° Baltimore, 4. Newark, 4; Pittsburgh, 2. International League. Montreal, 6; Toronto, 2. Providence, 7-5; Richmond, 3-1. A COLD 23RD OF JUNE In Toronto It Was 48 Degrees Early m Morning. (8 1 to the Whig.) Toronto, June 23.--According to the observatory records this is the coldest 23rd of June on récord. The temperature in Toronto was down to 45 this morning and was only 61 at noon and at ite River, Ont. it was down to 26. It may be a little warmer to-morrow, but the weather man does not make definite promises. Prof, A. P. Knight reports that the minimum temperature registered in Kingston on Wednesday morhing was 52 degrees. CHARGED WITH DESBRTION. Private William Dogherty, a mem- ber of the 39th Battalion, Belleville, was placed under arrest on Wednes- day on a charge of desertion, and will be taken back to Belleville. on as Dog! from the ranks, the local police were notified, as it was thought that he would come to his old home 'in Kingston. - The local police looked for him, and in a very short time he | 24 Now On Sale A FINE collection of the most wanted corded ef- fects; now in such demand in shades of Pink, Blue, Tan, White, Navy, Black. ] INEN SUITINGS in clear shades of Light Blue, Pink, Sand, White, Navy, Helio, Black, 2 5 Tan. Price is, yard Cc S PECIAL value in White Piques, fine, medium and wide cord 20c, 25¢, 35¢ Double Width White Piques, that cut to "uch an advantage in present style skirts; inches wide and the price, yard W EITE VOILES at 20c, 25¢, 35¢c. Also Flake a? Voiles and Marquisettes, in a number of novel- es. : B LACK VO and Black Lawns, and a great collection of Black Cotton Goods for summer Joa: Many of these it will be impossible to secure r on, a ma sins + + S140