RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRUN Local Branch Time Table. | IN EFFECT MAY 30TH, 1915 Tratos will lea Depot, toot of Jo Gofag West. Lv ity ve and arrive 'at hnston street Mall 12.20 a.m ) ann pm al to ville 6 Gulag Fost 58 por 6.58 p.m 6. 1%, 19 Chi » Bay City, gin Ottawa, "Quebec, Portia Halifax, Boston and New For full particulars. apply J. P. TAN. LEY, Raiiroad and sgeamship Agent, €or. Johnson and Ontario street Pre ct CANADIAN PACIFIC GREAT LAKES STEAMSHIP SERVICE, Steamers leave Fort MeNieoll Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for SAULT STE. MARIE, PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM, The steamer "Manitoba" sailing from Port MeN'eoll on Wednesdays, will «all at Owen Sound, leaving that point 10.30 p.m. STEAMSHIP EXPRESS leaves Toronto 12.45 p.m. daily, ex- cept Friday, mak'ng direct connec- tion with steamers at Port Mc- Nicoll on sailing days Particulars from F. Conway, C.P A., City Ticket Office, corner Prin- goss and Wellington streets. Phone 97. J GILLETT'S LYE CLEANS ano DISINFECTS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, r ~y | SOME OTTAWA GLIMPSES | | Special Correspondence by H, F, Gadsby. A Barker For The Big Show | | | i Ottawa, June 24 The Hon, Ar- THIS LYE IS ABSOLUTELY PURE THEREFORE TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM THE IMPURE AND HIGHLY ADULT- ERATED LYES NOW SOLD. thur Meighen, who was ¢hosen Soli citor-General by a partially dumb Government because it had need of his gift of speech, goes on acquiring merit at headquarters for his good work on the stump. It is conceded { ssasscns | | Summer Snaps ! Are sure to be good if finished it Best's. More amateur finishing is done here than all other places put together--ithe reason is quick service at low prices and always good results. Remember, we Rent, Repair and Exchange Cameras and sell all makes of Film, For satisfactory results, have your Films finished rr ct sn CANADIAN] PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS Liverpool Montreal G--Metagama we.eeeeJuly -Missanabie +s Sep Particulars from F. CONWAY, O. A. Oty Ticket Ufhice, corner + ris ea. and Welllugton Streets. Phone KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCTS Jan supply Cement Blocks, Silla Lintles, Bricks, Flower Vases, Tile Caps, P'er Blocks, etc. We als manufacture Cement Grave Vaults Estimates given for all kinds of Ce ment Work, Kingston Cement Prod H. F. NORMAN, cts Office, 177 Wellington Street. Phones: Office, 730; Factory, 1204 NO PLACE LIKE HOME--IF YOU OWN IT. Six room brick vemeer house on the west side of city, for $2,130 for quick sale. rr room rare AIR near ntenne rl with im ve- ments, for $1,850, ny Solid Brick house Street, with hot wi all improvements, on corner with ood stable, suitable for earter, must be sold by May 1 $1,200, Rough east house, six rooms, OR very esmy terms, $1,300, _ESEesesss---------- HORACE F. NORMAN Real Estate and Insurance Office 177 Wellington St. TT ------ GREAT VICTORY The résult never in doubt. GAS versus COAL dur- ing the summer months. Unanimous Verdict in fa- vor of GAS. FOR COOK- ING. "Phone 19%, or drop a card to the Office of the Works, on Queen Street, Light, Heat, Power and Water | i B every man and bo At Best's The Satisfactory Drug Store. Open Sundays. that he is performing his task well. The Solicitor-General who is nota member of the Cabinet but in close touch with it, being just near ene ough to eateh its whispers, enjoys the privilege of irresponsible statement' at Conservative nomination conven- tions and other places of party re- | sort, He is a sort of barker for the, big show with this peculiar modifi | cation, that while he stands for al the big show does, the big show needn't stand for all he says. | In a word the Solicitor-General | bandles the arguments the Cabinet | Ministers do not care to risk, makes | { use of the by-products, throws the | poison bombs, and earns his money a | | dozen times over by giving unofficial | circulation to the things the Govern- | |. ment would have everybody say but themselves. Somebody has to do | this touch-it-and-get-away stuff and | the Solicitor-General is just the man | for the job. The Hon. Arthur is | young and ambitious and when thé | present Minister of Justice retires | { from public life through. sheer fati- | | beloved country, there is no doubt | that the Solicitor-General will move { up and come into the reward. 1 When it came to selecting a talent. | ed young man who should be the out- | { ward and visible sign of the Govern-| ments underground arguments, | Two' What a Difference Spectacles were invented by Alexander de Spina, a monk in Italy about 1285. Pictures of them cppear as early as 1417, Those were crude, ungainly things in heavy, queer iron frames. Since then eyeglasses have been constantly improved. OUR GLASSES are the glasses of to-day--not yesterday -- and reveal the very latest improvements in lens and frame, KEELEY Jr, M. 0. D. 0. OPTOMETRIST AND. OPTICIAN 226 Princess Street 3 doors sbove the Opera House Holeproof Hosiery For Men SIX PAIRS GUARAN- TEED FOR 6 MONTHS No More Holes Comfort and economy combined. Colors black, gun metal, tan and blue, $1.50 and $2.00 per box. Boys' Long, Wear- well Stockings, 18¢c, 3 for 50c. SE . 3 Boys' Scout Stock. ings, 25c | We would like to sock in ie BW | there was considerable delay. | points had to be considered--could | | he do it if he would, and would he do | it if he could. There was another prodigy from the West who had just | as great as, if not greater, oratorical claims that the Portage la Prairie man, That was R. B. Bennett of Calgary, whose eloquence is known | from sea to sea. The stumbling | | block in R. B. Bennett's way was that | he could do it but wouldn't. He was | young and full of fire but he had had | a career full of success, was rich ep-| ough to be independent, and had ac-| hieved a frame of mind in which] ideals were more to him than politi- | tal preferment. This he promptly proved by forming 'caves' and lead- ing rebellions against the Govern- ment for handing over the rest of Canada to Mackenzie and Mann. So far as party purposes were concern- ed D. B. Benpet was a mauvis sujet, So they passed him up. . Not so Arthur Meighen. He was young, had his future all ahead of him, needed the money and the glory and had a mind open fo current im- pressions. Things could be put into him and ground out again with con- siderable advantage. His acute angled intellect made punctures in almost any subject and he was a hair-splitter without equal In the | House of Commons, Specious was | about the mildest word one could apply to his reasoning. The harder his case, the better Arthur Meighen could plead it, He would even call on the higher mathematics of Ger- man metaphysics if that were neces- sary to confuse the issue. His wit was sharp at all points, and one way and another he was a mighty handy young man for a Government with a dull edge to have lying around. Most of the Solicitor-General's "| well known methods were in eviden- | ce at the East Middlesex Conservative Convention in London a fortnight ago.= One of these methods jis te overlook the unanswerable. For in- | stance Mr. Meighen spoke about rail- ways, He denied that there had | been any degrading done on the Na- tional Transcontinental Railway, al- A tnough the Staunton-Gutilius report, | full of unscrupulous misstatements, | is regarded as one of the most de- | grading exhibitions in Canadian his- tory. He also said that the Grand Trunk Pacific refused to take over | the National Transcontinental be- | cause it €gst too mueh money, 7 | gue at drawing two salaries from his | | The truth is that the G.T.P., re-! negged because ever since 1911 the Conservative Government has been creating flaws in the contract by | meddling with its terms--furnishing | excuses, in short, for the G.T.P to) draw out and dish the Liberals. When the National Transcontinental | Bill was bgfore the House, Leader | Borden had.an alternative policy for every day in the week except Sunday. | These six policies ranged from al crazy quilt railway made up of pat-| ches from a dozen different systems to an all-water road that wouldn't] need any rails whatever. Not one of ; Leader Borden's altersative rail-| wiys began and ended in Canada-- somewhere or other they turned the! traffic over to the Unjted States, A | seventh policy toward the NT.R.,| has been adopted since the Govern- | ment came into power and that is to! knock the thing whenever possible. Premier Borden's coneeptian of wai | all-water road takes in the Canadian Northern which has an ap pointee in the Cabinet in the person of Finance Minister White. The Gov- | ernment may not have all the water | there is in this road but it has a good part of it. Whenever Mackenzie and Mann need more cash or credit! or guarantees from the Government, | they pump that much water into the | stock and pay for it in that way. At one time it looked as if the C.N.R.,| { would have to build a siding into the! East Block to carry away the subsi- | dies. Owing to these efforts on the part of Mr. Meighen's colleagues the | people of Canada are now involved | in a partnership with two railway promoters who have let them in for obligations amounting to $380,000, | 090. For all this Pesponsibility the | people of Canada have $40,000,0vv | | cf watered stock and Mackenzie and | Mann hdve the railway. Every | lamendment to increase the people's | control or better its security in this | railway was ruled out by order of | the Speaker. Dr, Pugsley's calcu:- | ation fs that, win or lose, Mackenzie | and Mann stand to make $60,000, | 000 out of a railway in which they | did not put a cent of their own, Mr. | Meighen also dealt in a casual way | with "the fractious Opposition," | "the Laurier Navy," and other mat- | ters, but as he will probably use the same arguments again the answer can be kept for another time. ---H ¥.G. Gananoque June 24.--Walter Halliday, buteh- | er, King street, met with a serious | accident yesterday forenoon, which | came near. having a fata] outcome. | While engaged in cutting meat in his. back shop the knife slipped and penetrated about four incheg into | his thigh, severing the femoral ar- | tery. 'He pulled the knife out and started out of the back door for Dr. | Davis' office, but, feeling himself | growing weak, turned back into the | shop and called to his 'hired man, | Joseph Charbonneau, who immedi: | ately ran to him and caught him just | |A8 he dropped unconscious. Char- | bonneau ran for Dr, Davis, who was | fortunately at his office, and who ran through the back way and | found the man in a poo} of blood, | and with no pulse, He immediate. | ly summoned assistance, Dr. Sinclair | arriving in a few minutes. tween them they managed to com- of him being rushed to Kingston by | auto, both doctors attending. At operated on and the severed artery | tied up, and when the doctors left! was doing as well as could be ex-| pected. If further complications do | not arise they will be able to save hid lite, although the loss of blood | was excessive. | At four o'clock yesterday after. | noon, at the Methodist parsonage, | Rev. Melvin Taylor united in mar- | riage Miss M. Alicg Bevins, daughter | of Mr. and Mrs. Bewins, King street, | to William E. Jones, son 1 Jones Charles street. The bride | was attended by her sister, Miss Maud Bevins,. while her brother, Claude Bevins, assisted the groom. After the ceremony the bridal party ve. paired to tho home of the bride's parents, where a dainty luncheon was served, after which they left at six o'clock for Toromto and western points. On their return they will take up residence on Charlss street. The bride for a number of years has conducted: a ladies' tailoring estab. it on' King street, and the groom a tonsoria) po The steamer Ramona took out quite a e number on her trip to Alexandria "at one o'clock yesterday, Sageth with the C. L. A. G. baseba! or 'The half holiday was yesterday afternoon by tho merchants, bankers, printers 0 tists and Jawyers, their places of n "being closed up. 'were held at near-by points. street, local THURSDAY, Be. |} press the wound sufficient to allow ||| British | take over control of al market, 3 JUNE 24, 1915. Trimm mm mp si mn i Special Sale New York DRESSES T0-MORROW 28 of charming the most sy Willow Taffeta and and Charmeuse Dresses -- all adap- tions of the latest Paris models." Here- tofore priced at $14.50, $16.50, £18.50, $19.50, $22.50, $25.00, $27.50 up to £37.50. To-morrow Less 1-3 10 BLACK AND NAVY MESSA- LINE, reg. $17.50, TO-MORROW, $9.95. Jellied Pork 25¢ This is a delicious meat, wholesome and satisfying. TRY THESE: Jellied Beef Jellied Hocks English Brawn Jeollied Tongue Compressed Ham, favorite 25¢ Pickled Pork, useful cuts The Wm. Davies' Co. Limited, the General Hospital he wag at once ||| ers EERE Se ry Phone 1318. 00 PRINCHSS ST. RIGHT ARM BURNED OFF From Live Wire, * Stratford, Ont., June 24.--Jjoseph Dililon, aged 25, a local hydro line- men, had his right arm almost eom- pletely burned off at the elbow, and the ribs of the right side of his body laid bare, when he came in contact with a live wire working on the high 'tension line on the Huron road near here. He is in hospital in a critical den- condition. Pheor . e announced that the hs Eh 'might hy Probs: Westerly winds, fair and cool most of Friday. Taffeta, | Crepe-de-Chene, Pus- | PAGE THREE _ + | dé 3 SEMI-ANNUAL || I oe Rt mgm ee or pt 5 To-morrow ! REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS WASH GOODS SILKS LINENS LININGS CRETONNES LACES CURTAIN NETS TRIMMINGS EMBROIDERIES SHEETINGS PRINTS PILLOW COTTONS 0 COTTONS FLANNELETTES SHIRTINGS Etc, etc., in lengths from 2 1-210 10 yds Priced at 1-3 to 1-2 Off their regular value ~T ON SALE AT 9 O'CLOCK CASH -- NO APPROBATION. Steacy's We have pleasure in announcing that: your Electricity Bill for use of light in your home will be reduced at least 26 per cent, in the whole year under the new rates. Let us explain. rr, ep H. W. Newman Electric Co: 'Phone 441 79 Princess Street, No Epidemic of Has ever been traced to Pasteurized Milk, only Pasteurized Milk in Kingston is ¥ Price's Phone 845 | The hd i eo o oo The Key To Success Js i o1s Ne sg othe Fda codon sod thing at once by purchasing a policy Ti the Matus) on request. ; WH x " Broek TN IAAL AGE, "ny $105 Ren, 51, Hinrey Sharpe Sperid. | Irons, Toasters, Mazda | Phone 94 ! anything Blectri- cal, phone 94. .... Lamps, or ine . Hallida s Electric : 345 LON: TEA ~ 3B6,40c, 50c, 606:kb. |