THY NATL.V RRITISH WHIG FRIDAY, JUNE 25, o15 PAGE SEVEN INCIDENTS OF THE DAY GRAND i L)CAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF TONIGHT a LADIES' GENERAL INTEREST, | conmiu vous _rEREORMANCE: © BANKING . . har in "the Ci City and Vieinity FEATUR RE Var DEVE LE --What the Merchants Offer to the ~~ PTous Flavers Film, 3 Reets: ACCOUNTS Readers of the Whig. copy, Villiam Farnum in i] 75¢ corset, 50c. Dutton's. The Sign of the Cro::. Radeive careful attention at all Branches of The Bank of Toronto. This is the 321st day of the war. |New Programme Monday and Thursday coxpmusen ADVERTISING RATES, ST, | FOR SALE. Bo " b- Prices: Mat. 10¢c, any seat. Every courtesy and assistance is rendered by efficient officers. Eo and Shaw Sweets" at Gi Evening, 0c; reserved Ge extss. Pp Each con- " E : ay be deposite i rawn as desired, and interest i 2 i t---- First insertion, lc a word. {LADY'S SILVER WRIST warn, | PHESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST ey Tay. be deposited or withdrav n as desired, and 8 The Utilities Commission will . secutive insertion thereafter, kalf- | "une 22nq, betwee n the op al Httle. Rho ae three times, 50c; y balances, | iouse and corner ing and Kller- one wee o ng 3 5 oil. at any 6 ave money posit or other [jl Meet on Monday. | Lak Cn cefit a word. Miftmem charge tor k - Cala oan pull ia solicited any i you have money to deposit or othe "Huyler's Week-End Sweets" at € " tario ome lukeftlon, 23c; three lmsertloms,| oCK streets Finder kindly re . Bg siness ansad } | | 5 turn of Whig office and receive re- GER 100 CART LOADS OF EARTH. . | Gibson's, | Capital » + 3 Brno Pepe $35,000,000 For everything you. require in| | muste call Dutton's. Phone 270. 1 Reserved Funds . cee... $6,102,810 | The Kingston Presbytery 6K will] Bbc; six, $1; one month, $2. ward 3 d $1 per week. C. V Jdndsay, | meet at' Napanee Tuesday next. | | MOTOR-LAUNCH FOR CHARTER. i d, p Ti AN ADVT OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, Full equipment, comfortable. seat- | mited, 121 Princess street. William Swaine, piano tuner. a | TO- NIGHT and Every Night at 8. 30} under this head. costs 25¢ for one | ing. A p George Allan : WANTED. i FOR CHARTER. | Vie AND ™ ELVE "EL EC. tions for $28.50. Te { i Inquire 340 Barrie street pply , experi- | | oii at McAuleys. "Phone WEDNESDAY MATINEE AT 3.50. night, or 50c for three. | enced pict, 79 John street. Phone SULKUES, GO-CARTS AND "Page and Shaw Sweets" go Civ | : 27. i riages, at reasonable prices, | son' 8. FREE Show Select Vaud: ville Acts| SECOND COOK, WHO MUST BE GOOD . { Turk's. Phone 705. T | » ders and pastry. Also i . The Islands at their best Satur-| FEATURE PHOTO PLAYS HORNE and past Apply | TO LET. [SUMMER WOOD; 2 SHORT CORDS 8B lang per SS. Thousand Islander.| Free Admission to Park by Street Hotel Frontenae. i : 17" "pine and cedar, $3, delivered. | Ape . OF | Band on board. Cars Only. Wed. Children's 1c. Day. ply east end Cataraqui bridge, or [A SIX ROOMED FRAME mov USE, | DE ast Au Ee inns | Angus Macdonald, 15th Battalion, pee {A GOOD, PRACTICAL MAN TO MAKE with water closet, 43 Division St | is a prisoner at Gottingen. His|=-- stam = bologna, sausage, cooked meats, | TO WIND UP ESTATE, A FEW AN F | home is at Gananoque. and all In that Hne of work. Also STORAGE » RE NNO, {To tique, mahogany pieces, inciudin BUSINESS OR SALE { ~Vialet Glycerine Soap". at .Gib-| THE BELVIDERE, i to cut up pork.. Good wages, and | Sean ang = ann, Bowel mM a finely carved table. Apply 7 141 KING STREET. | steady work, Anderson Hros. { Wsselstine, Court House, Store, Bakery and Dwelling combined. Two horses and waggons for |" uh Hodge, certificated piano | Single and double suites with [ | 3 Mf | DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, Me | bread delivery, good stable, drive house and large lot, a good paying busi- | tuner, 273 King strect, West. Phone | private bath Transient, month |AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY Cann's Real Kstate Agency, 53! orriGHe WALL SHOW CASE, TENTS y gs ly and permanent rates, | $100 thly corresponding | Brock St wings, fishing tackle, ete. ness; must be sold, owner leaving eity. . This is werth investigating 1868 Phome 1743, farm open od aE . Every Mag must be soM by Nh 4 An overseas mail will close at the 18 aie Send for particulars. Press Syndi- summer COTTAGE, FU RNISHED, | Bs Tires Tan THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, post office on Sunday night. A Brit- | cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 83! 58 BROCK STREET, J. DRIVER, Representative. Phone 68 or S74 ish mail arrived Friday afternoon, | Brock street. [SALE OF BICYCLES «= SOOUT Ri« Y's ew "Page and Shaw Sweets" at Gib- WANTED 1 i cycles, $27; Pastime Bicycles, 38} : FOR THE PICNIC 4 w GENWRAL A SIX ROOMED FRAME HOUSE; Perfect Rigid Frame, $40: Por -- = ee | SO on P ; 4 ; | rent 49.00. "Apply Isaac Asselstine,| ~ Cushion rem Wg ated vita 30 3 - elena ---- 500 Johnson stre » fe elen Purvis passed her examin or WE WANT TO BUY SECOND RAND 00 Johnson street heed Sear, d bd n 2lius tom 5D 10°1D in the Col AFTERNOON TEA tires Comping, Sb friingston| ppyons IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. "yr i i ber pply to Cunningham & |GASOL INE LAUNCH, 25 FT. LONG, Violet Glyeerine Soap" at Gib- | Use the Dainty PRO Biycuit | Mudie A Cl ce 8 fully equipped and in first class Mi itary Watc Wrist ets son's. | PEER __ Mudie, 79" Eiaren fe Bt running order; also lease of boat The police wish to return thanks! HORSE de ANTED, Soy WP AND Sv AE LARGE BRIC HOUSE AND BARN, | house, price $150.00. Apply 147 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF MILFTARY to R. Uglow & Company for a fine fol particulars to Box 434, Whig| and 8 acres of land, on Alfred neas Division: aiveet, mii WRIST WATCHES AT PRICES FROM $2.73 UP. contribution of magazines. { office. { session, at, once. Apply to J | ALL OUR WATCHES ARE SOLD UNDER GUARANTEE, AND "Page and Shaw Sweets" at Gib- 4 [A COMFORTABLE, NEW, FRAME ARE RELIABLE TIME-KEEPERS, son's. | ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD SEC- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | cottage: all modern conveniences; 1 © Lieut. J. P. French is one of the! ond-hand furniture and stoves 10 | dry. airy rooms; your own lock and x88 and electric Hght. Reason ke ' for quick sale Apply Box lucky officers with the Princess Pats. | dispose of, let me know. I will! Frost's city, Storage, 29 452 Whig office R J. RODGER, Jeweler & 0 tician He is still in the trenches. SHORTCAKE pe good brices. 5 hom aon, 333 Queen St. Phone 526b, am---- A Tae: y 8 » pF. . rincess street, phane g res ------ | TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING A vHuyler's Week-End Sweets" at See F. F. on each, [BIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, WITH MoD. Bath, Ont. y rooms, bath Q Ar bson's. | 4 ern improvements, corner Division well, large verandah, front lawn, 317 KING ST. KINGSTON. "Where the clock is on the wat [Nene oo i] ee | pices or new. And asco pana And Globee atrecta Abo 3D frame ng corandah, front lawn: " ; Ethel Davis are attending the Y.¥. WT Trem urniture. All kinds of futpiturs,| BOY. 106 Pirie, or Mr. Pringle next| - full view Bay 5f Quinte Wood { { door, Division street. | also make excellent summer resi. C.A. Convention held at Muskoka. | | Po go ale. To sell i dance on elub house Apply to ya! 414 Shaw Sweets" at Gib THIS iS HAT Shapiro, 45 Princess street FURNISHED HOUSE, AT 130 F. J. Davy, agent, Prescott, Ont sAAAaaasaans son's. Union street West, 10 rooms, all | American Consular Agent S. J. Soaern, Conveniences; splendidly | oo BUILDING LOTS ON UPPER 3 fe situated ear rate 'ossessior Young, Trenton, is reported to be | TEACHER WANTED. - ina 188. hy oN 5 Te lsession | William, on Garrett street,on Fron- | very low as a result of a paralytic on premises. , tenac street, on Albert street, on ' ou Ir stroke. QUALIFIED TREACHER WANTED, | Collingwood street. oriole' Giscerne Sono at Git y Hinchinbroke. - Apply 'George 4% file YISH 8 79.1 R0OM BUNGA. | puavi movsH, BARMIE STREET. | som's. Don't Smith, secretary, Parham, Oat. | "Eastview Park," «f les f | put off getting your -hat stating sala ' | SIX miles from |g pp ime COTTAGES, JAMES STREET Fresh Stock Just In. 58. Thousand Islander among the | cleaned until the warm weather. BNE Salary Kingston, on Si Lawrence; god | access and conveniences b, land |Tusteand Islands, Saturday, June Get it done now and have it and water. Anply J 5 Boya, oe 1 FRAME, DU REAM STREET. 26th, Royal 38th Batt. Band on ready to put on any day you re MUSIC i Pine. Kingston. 2 BRICK MONTREAL STRE | board. | ; » nik i A 1 y from $7 30. 200 Ibs. Royal | Lieut. Howard Tayl a _ quire it. We are not "Hatters, i ouses to rent from $7 to 330 Chicken, 200 1h. { ldeut. ylor, Ganan GRACE E. CLOUGH, LT.C.M., PIAN-| ¢ Qeerge. A, Bateman, "67° Clarence Fatted Fowl, Ab hotee Wil- |B | Oque, forwarded home a German [Jf Dut our reputation proves that we ist and teacher of pianoforte play. | DENTAL street. Phone 396 know how to clean, bleach and re- ; won Berrie, Banana and helmet which he secured in one of | Ing, member of the teaching staff tt nocd He re { Or vale les of Cooked M. the trenches in Fo block ait kinds of hats." All work Mysle iy ate t puri oR: SE arr. nA, Ap 3+ DDS. RE Da, a 00 variet eo eat. rani < ccept pupils in ng- | moved to rincess street. a Brush, may Soups, or Complexion | All kinds fresh Vegetables, |§ | HH. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 guaranteed or money refunded. re I ston for the summer term. Those | © ® to remove tan and sunburn, | §| SPF" Lamb, Mutton and Veal. | King street. Leave orders at McAul- | Wishing instruction . should apply | DR, ©, NASH, DENTIST, DR. T. Rn. | For Sale at once at 28 Pine street. n Our wi 3 . ey"s Book Store. | P B aon, assistant, 133 Princess | ndow tells the story. [COME AND SRE. The case of Lemon vs. McGrath to | a as ros. . Street. Phone 73s. ! have been heard in special sessions | AROHITEO? 8 w Hoag' $ Drug Store ANDERSON BROS | of the "Division Court on Thursday Wand 20 PRINCESS STREET PR inte As AND SPARKS. | Cash Rogistup: Owner w tists, 159 Welll : was postponed to a later date. h WM. NEWLANDS & ARC Yoonard Walsh, DD& Lh FN iH has no further use for it Opp. Y.M.C.A. Phone 258. Princess and Division Streets. "Buy Talecum Powders" at Gib- : jects, gc. Omces, Ey "Bagot St. stant. Phone 346. li since he ceased hig news- n 7 Phone . KINGSTON, ONT. Phone 458. POON ait George, Belleville was WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE POWER & SON, | IT MER- PERSONAL, paper advertising, Price brought to Kingston and interned as chants' Bank utiding, orner Hit ver reasonable, A ) ol an alien, being a Syrian and econ- Brock and | Wellington streets, HALL ATOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS y PRY sequently. a Turkish subject. Drop & card. fahes Pertouod per macs hin with: "Broke," care of any Order your corsets now; Perfect : Baar; 20 Years Xperience, newspaper, A ' Elmer J. Exe. Ear, : fit, extra strong clasps, 16¢. Abdom- | CARPENTERING. h. s CHOICE GROCERIES ! inal supports, shoulder braces, etc. Throat dnd" CT Specialist, NY EE ---------- utton's. hoy ' "Violet Glycerine Soap" at Gib- : TRY JAMES SELBY FOR ALL KiNDs: And All BB son's, By | en Avenibenter work. '213 University MEDICAL BOARD AND ROOMS. - : } On Saturday last at Watertown | Seasonable Fruits RY, cerorres the Bart at | Se 5 ESTIMATES GIVEN 0 smw (0. EB BELL, M.D. CM. LM.C.O., SUR. | FIRST CLASS DO AND E jn ; Frank Barret, Cape Vincent, N. ¥., : ing buiia x: Rafer, on ella 1s fey ty Welllugion stresti' rind Roni 243 Bes ck treet. Souvenisices, : o : rd ita - App rock street. JOS. AHEARN, JR, § ; and Miss Bessie Jones, Bowmanville, Oa = fo fhe ings. C. W. Kellar, 10 Ey tor datesG d | RADNOR, the RO N.Y. H. A. BOYCE, M.D., CM., LATE MEDI. | FU Sorel ROOMS 10 Lut. win e----up-to-date Grocery and {| "Bu alc Powders" at THE RATIONAL DRINK, cal Superintendent Kingston Gener- gr. vithout board: also table boar Provision Store, on Talcgm =" at ap. BUSNIESS NOTICE. al Hospital Bu Birgery Wnd residence eardsell, 3% Ontario street. FENWICK "RRS DRY & co. 93 Wellington st Phone 9564. 2791 Montreal St. Phone 864 W. F. Inman, principal of the (Distributors). = Kingston Model School will again - ub Wh, BAY Nisuns ro ANNOUNCE TABLE-BOARDERS; ALSO HAVE FUR. ar, pairia vRoNTENAG Loan AN LAL Wellington. 'Hard water made soft" with vielet | 2- EXCURSIONS yA ant, 131 Brealey Colonel ony TR Smith -- IF YOU WANT THE a itomobil e Glycerine Soap. Sold at Gibson's | B Money "| y UPHULSTERING, For Hire hose, 26¢; brassieres; 5oc. ut- fl S98. Thousand Islander BUSINESS CHANORS joven" Ee a ert fusssont ir ross Tonovaling, : 'Drops chrq largnce Special Rates for all Kinds of Drives, | Shih: Twi boas, Insurance C Availab CATERING WEDDINGS A SPECIALTY. believer in, street asphalt and thinks | 1000 Islands and Return Peete 3 oder i fells Bow 0! ny. Available , 1 K. balogna, etc., lowest prices. 88. AMERICA 8B. CUNNINGHAM, BArnieTEn oy or. giv! new Dustriens © 8 Iv arware. 20 Linton street BC. Dr. and . Mrs. Harry Hunter, Wo sn sir. a 320 § § d_ the t th 4 AR conduct the Summer Modiel School a}iop formerly run br Third Gaplor FINANCIAL i flehed roofs wills of without issued on city and farm Red Cross Drug Store. |} ---- roperties, muniec'pal and countr EST, 8 od ' 2 nager, § materess hes ng. . Drop a card i t .l Try Gordon's Special op yor, Sutherland says he Cou. | SAREHIAY, SUNK Sern ANTONE ANYWHERE CAN SPARE LR or call 316 Bagot street. the city should own the plant for | Heacoe! a n raddition KX: . - 30c, 35¢, 40¢ per 1b. Prompt Attention to Boat and Train laying and repairing it. |g Love Kingatofii® is 8 Home LEGAL security the unlimited UHability of WE CRIES, BALLS, 149 Mo ton's store. and r. Law rates tim Ee a . Phosyeal St. R. J. Page and Shaw's Week-End! yimesnt . ence : : "nr-} Agents. Phone a . Breaks, Fambrool, or if ified. Bus ne 88 Allen, Sweets, In sealed packages only, at|} passing . throukh oh Adis . : ensnnmsdiiio . - Brooklyn, who have been visiting | p.m, Eiving ome hour at Cape. ieee] his parents, Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. G. |} Fare Meals on Board. eaaStarAsssssssansan & Ca. Ine, Bakes, Soioe Dept, Mentos ut Snarbue Lake. It opens on July way fia Winds of re- veniences. hy 68 W Wiliam St, Vests, 10c; drawers, 25¢; two pairs | epentures; mortgages purchas w. Seg AVING, UPHOLSTERING, RE. Blend Teas and Coffev, | (1915 REGAL) pavement for all streets, He is THURSDAY, JULY 1ST, Nu at home: no POOL, - LONDON AND GLOBE GORDON'S GROCERY Service. und Effvimncy Guaranes a =~ Fresh vegetables, potatoes, han. city ambierty, insured at low also rent dishes, table linens and Phone 300. 340 Johnson 2 -eet. | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. |} Srouws om afternvon trip. Hunter, Collingwood street, left on | | Fridgy-morning for Montreal, where a AS ' > ¥ 'they will visit for a few days De- | fore returning Home. ; \ Running shoes, tentils shoes, ete. Dutton's. THE KETTLE ALWAYS HOT When you use the Grand Trunk Lake and Rail Route between Hast- Ella Wheeler W 0X. i y . u @ grin and Western Canada more than | There's many a hyuse of grandend; rel 3] Al five hundred miles of your journey With turret, tower and dome, } a oa is covered by steamship--a magni- | That knows not nor comfort, |} bo . ficent sail across Lakes Huron and And does mot ve a home, . y NO , , : Superior. No better summer trip I do not ask for splendor . : o &% could be planned. Throughout the! To crown my daily lot; | | J ! FoR TSE Nb = & 3 season there will be sailings Mon- | But this I ask--a kitchen, . 2 ---- 4 4 days, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Where the kettle's always hot. "Hot weather Speciale at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. i . 'tf things are not at all shipshapd® Face Creams, ' ajds not fume DOE fet; Florence Earle Coates in London An- th Grape Juice, : X Does nerves t To "the child in us that trembles: Lime Juice, But one thins 1 bine 3 pad before death."--Plato, Ice Cream Bric ie so to my thought, SERTEHRIT I |o e e ev CHARM CEYLON TEA Ir REMMI | Cont? ue agit sme * 35¢, 40c, 50c, 60c, Lb. oc of Nh ae Figs. [TNE rn ae pcb GRU oie, if Doge ee] : bh fare me bu wl wink neve, utr | ls Bu + ig he tea vee TET SW Charm Coffele, 40c Lb. ; t wig Rh Perms» pial Sout wi 10 SE SATIE TT pron fs vent and in swvienlfl op Sale at All Grocers. 'iin the wards of aga siderable time the clerk went up to "* he had called the rooms desig- "well, " sighed the new porter, whom he found on the third floor d "I've got 17 of 'em but I haven't started on the other four yet." ---- . A total of $1,600,000 damage was by a series of edrthquakes in