pecan I ------------ : CONESE. TEE "~. "a, bi EE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1915. in PAGE THREE HOW YOU MAY REDUCE YOUR WEIGHT, GAVEST IN EUROPE mer { WAR HAS. BEOUGHT MONEY. TO ROUMANIAN CAPITAL Very Fasy To Spend Money In That City--Women Are Lavishly Dress. ed and Are Much Given to Rouge Peer ber eee | Told In. Twilight «TEFL PTRRR EHP E DeLee b a + + ss At the charity bridge and tea at Yacht Club on Tuesday by the Salle Chapter of the' Daughters Empire of which Mrs. Hugh pherson is Regent. The ladies n charge of the tea table are J. B. Carruthers and Mrs. Mal- Macgillivrgy. Bg. Judge Lavell and family have left Thousand Island Park, where they will summer for the next two months. DOSED Did Peer Et ree bb deere Probs: Partly fair to-day. Sunday fair and warm. WAR BULLETINS. f K o The British freighters Argyle Tunisian sub- ined, according inoffi- report Ben mmm From 7 Until 945 To-night 'Some Particularly Attractive Values For Saturday Night Shoppers / been to nd have and have 1 wel Th Jerkkn War Office ys the Germans captured twenty- five French officers apd 1,400 men in the fighting Thursday night. 5 e 8 and Powder, Bucharest} Juel long knowr 1 t »OR arest, Bg the gaye war has brought ney into Rouman have benefited pend their there is Htil ¢ to Par Much of of Rouma excellent ning with Au and Germany for her last wheat and for other arti of wartime need, It is sufliciently casy to spend mo ney in Bucharest, and it is part of: the cult of the city that pleasure can only be commensurate with outlay Most articles of clothing cost five times as much here as in Paris or London The hotels ask $6 a day for a- very ordinary room, and meals are correspondingly costly. The women of Bucharest model their style and carriage closely after the example of Paris, but not the chastened Paris of wartime. Temin- ine heels are higher in 'Bucharest than anywhere else in the world, and the Eastern temperament of Roum- ania allows more exaggeration in the use of rouge and powder than Paris would sanction The men--that is, the men of fhe fashionable set would be called too well dressed in London or New York . Society appears at its best in the afternoon, when everyone that as- pires to be anyone goes for a drive {lon the Chassee, The horse-drawn vehicle is still quite the thing, with coachman and driver in velvet livery and silken sash of gaudies} color | After the drive comes 5 o'clock tea, taken either at home of at one of the fashionable cafs. Tea is followed Fld ddd ddd a July he '"'pocke WER BRP PEs Pd be t cit now - Sir Thomas Shauvghnessy has aprived in New York from Eng and, after nia 18 arrange /ments for large munition con- tracts for Canada. French troops have captured another formidable Turkish po- sition in-the Dardanelles. oxygen and dis Le r are for ool Bl ea aD ult + * A British sgobmarine in the % rs 5a 4 Seca of Marmora sunk another Mrs. (Rey.) 8. Sellery, Napanee, Turkish transport filled with # will spend July with her daughter, | troops. Mrs. Charles Taylor, Johnson street, | 4 While Mr. Sellery is visiting in the] 4 West | ® Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Shibley, of * New York City, are expected in Nap- % ® ® * PEGS PRT ERP Ices LJ o" Summer Two German battleships were injured and a German cruiser is reported sunk in a battle with the Russians in the Baltic, Two British and two native officers were murdered by fa- natical Mohammedan privates at Calcutta. WOMEN'S STOCKINGS 196 pairs Black Cotton-Lisle drop-stitch Hose, in sizes 8 1 9 only; regular 25¢. To-night MEN'S SILK SOX 160 pairs Black and Tan Thread Silk Hoge-- quality. To night BARBERS' TOWELS 25 doz. Soft Huck Towels, size 12x18; To-night + 80c dozen. BATH - TOWELS 25 doz. White and Natural Turkish Towels--size 22x special value at 29¢. To-night.. Or 35¢ pair. . WHITE DRESS CREPE 200 yards best quality "Princess Crepe," full 27 reg. 20c. Tonight ........... anee Monday to visit relatives. »| Mrs. W. H. Penwarden and 'Miss| + Elva Penwarden, Cobourg have come 4 to Kingston to reside. Mr. Pen- 4 Warden has been here for some time * * + * i 4 4 4 Are sure to be good if finished st Best's, More amateur finishing is done here than all other places put togethier--the . reason is quick service at low prices and #IWays good resulis, Remember, we Rent, Repair and Exchange Cameras and sell all makes of Film, For satisfactory results, have your Films finished At Best's The Satisfactory Drug Store. Open Sundays. q fast colors--; -- + Mrs. Basil Baker and her baby| Sir Thomas Shaughnessy 4 With Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, Bagot says that most of the CO. P. R. # Street, this week, will return to New- shops will be turned into ammu= # boro ah Monday. nition factories at once. Austin Gillies { few days. BPP EP PEPE PEPE PEP IPE PEs Misses Etta and Kathleen Kirk-| HELPING THE HOSPITAL, TERE L PEERED > + | # is in town for g! a regular 10¢ quality, i } * patrick went to Bowmanville to join a party of campers fof the summer. Miss Helen Lyman and her niece, | Miss Eleanore Lyman, have arrived from New York to spend the sum- mer with the Misses Lyman, King | The Gifts of the People Are Com- ing In. Leicester Lodge, No. 33, Sons of st eet. | England, ia sending a donation to" the Mowat Memoria) Hospital, said it Wag to help 'the grand work the of institution is engaged in." The or- der appreciated the great benefits de- rived by sufferers, and the only re Stuart, is visiting friends there. followed by a leisurely promenade | 8T€t was that the donation Was | Miss P. Branigan, staying with | down the Callea Victoria, which is Small Substantial reasons, keep- | Mrs. 0. J. Chedik, 192 Division the riverside drive of Bucharest and | [n8 members at the front, Was given tgiroat, for the past three weeks, re- like it the starting point of many a | [Or the smallnesg of the gift. It is turned to Ottawa on Thursday, af romance. a pleasure to hear the lodge say: "It yap a very enjoyable visit among her The evening is taken up with din- | is the most worthy institution we many friends in Kingston and Qan- | ner and the theater. Then at mid- | bave, and should be given every as- anoque. ' | night, when the concerts and thea- sistance by ali classes." The hos- Misses Charlotte and Adelaide | ters are finished, the night cafes| pital wag wished every success | Howigon left to-day te spend tho! open. There are cabarets and dance| The good work of helping is pro-| summer in Montréal and Otfawa halls by the score, and everywhere | ceeding nicely, and the citizens are Misses Helen and Anna Corrigan plenty of music, Prices are on a |expressing their belief in the insti- | yohnson street, left to-day to visit scale which it would be hard to beat | tution, as the list will show: friends in Watertown NY in New York. The, best. supper Previously acknowledged, $50. Miss Ruby 'Lunn, Toronto, who las | places offer customers a varied en-| = $100--Thank offering. just returned from an extended trip tertainment--the lattest tango dan-| $25--Dr. J..C. Connell, Mrs. Gil- [15 Chicago is the guest of Mrs E 1 the newest, wildest Hungarian |dersieev, Mrs. Glidden, Dr. Bogart, G. Barrett, Stuart street, for a few In music from zimbals and pan pipes, | William Jackson. days yo ' | | LI { Lieut. Cecil Stuart, Kingston, 'son | Inspector Stuart, is taking a course of the School of Musketry at | Rockliffe, and his sister, Miss Mary inches wide 12}5c IN "PEERLESS" UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN q | IAL Values : rrr csr oe emis SPEC REET Sk C08, TO-DAY What a Difference | Spectacles were invented by Alexander de Spina, a monk in Italy about 1285. Pictures of them appear as early as 1417, \ and vaudeville numbers of many! $10--R. Meek, Prof. M. Baker, D. types, | B. Murray, D, Couper, Mrs. C. A Flower women and child beggars Macpherson, Archdeacon Dobbs. in great numbers haunt the neigh- $5--G. A. Bateman, Mrs. J. C. borhood of the cafes until almost | Connell, Mrs. D. E Mugdell, Mrs. J. dawn. They are allowed to enter | A. Hendry, Dr J. ¥. Sparks, Dr. R. even the best restaurants and circul- | i, Sparks, Rev. G. I. Campbell, Lei- ate around among the tables, where | cester Lodge, No. 33, Sons of Eng- | where ghey gather a. few coins and | land. | many bits of food. $1--J.W. and E. Clarke, Ross Mc- The afternoon promenade on the ae, | Callea Vietoria strikes the foreign vi- Another much appreciated gift! | sitor as a little freer and more un-| was a cheque from Mr, and Mrs. Cor. | conventional than anything of the | nelius Bermingham for $250, their same kind to be found in European | annual contribution to the institu * _¥ { Mrs. James Fenlong, Lanark, is in | Kingston, where she intends visiting for some time. H. B. Smith and wife, Kingston, | spent the week.end with Mr, and | Mrs. N. E. Smith, Lanark. | H.Bongard, Standard Bank, Kings. | ton, is taking holidays with his mother, Mrs. Capt. Bongard, Picton. Mrs. Baker and daughjer, Kingston, | are visitors at the same hospitable home. | Mrs. Maybee, Kingston, was the Fresh Columbia Ig. nition Dry Cells KINGSTON FOUNDRY DAVIES SPRING LAMB, Mint with orders, CHOPS, LOINS, LEGS, STEWING CUTS. . Those were crude, ungainly things In heavy, queer iron frames, Since then eyeglasses have been constantly improved, | ! |® | or American cities. The man who smiles at a Jady he does not know is | not considered a person to be frown- {ed upon, but is rather regarded by | the majority as'a commendably dash- ing and gallant fellow. OUR GLASSES are the glasses of to-day--not yesterday -- and reveal the very latest improvements in lens and frame. KEELEY Jr, M. 0. D. 0, OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 226 Princens Street 3 doors above the Opera House { | SPER P EEN =Ty [the track at an early hour yeste { { Broken Lines Full of surprise in Men's Suits AT QUEEN VICTORIA OF SWEDEN. | 'Who has been visiting her mother in Germany. Germans gave her & good time and ghe has expressed her sympathies as being with the Ger- mans. I i H The Officers Chosen. | At the twenty-ninth annual con- vention of the Lennox and Adding- ton Sunday School Association, held | June 26th, in Napanee, the follow. | ing officers were elected: || Hon. Presidents--Dr. Nash, Bath; Mrs. Alf. Amey, Bath; Rev. J. Gan- | diér, Newburgh, {! President--T. A. Dunwoody, New: | burgh. tion. i PEPPER E PEP BR PEP Pld ddd | 'To-day the Whig launches #| the biggest movement yet ate | tempted for the advancement & of the city. Read the opeming "anmouncement on Page 9, and 'be sure to fellow the series as it appears éach Saturday. Lend % it your support, and so discour- age the knocker. * Bb ddd bbb bb dd bbb bb bib ddd ~ Br Be GG en July 3.--Whilst wandering down | rday morning, James Reddick, Napanee, | Was struck and badly injured by the | bassenger train arniving here at 26 am. He was picked up and | sent on to Belleville Hospital, ac. companied by Drs. Cowan and Simp. son, How or where he got on the track is not known. He is suffer- | oF from severe scalp wounds and a | bFoken rib, besides other minor cuts | and bruises. A number of drunks w gather. ed in by the police on Thursday, and appeared in the «va Court vesterday. W. Caanift wag fined $5, James Hockins $4, add Robert Burns was sent up for twenty-one days to sober up. Phil. Woodcock, who was found lying near the G. T. R. freight sheds at two o'clock yes- | terday morning, and had evidently | been robbed, ag he had lost "his | money and a new pair of boots 'and some clothes, was sent up for twenty. ono days, The schooner William Jamieson arrived with a cargo of coal for the Napanee Gas Works, and the schoon. er Newlands is unloading coal at F. { guest of Mr. and Mrs. McCornock, Picton. Mrs. MacDonald, Kingston, is the guest of Mrs, Sidney Warner, Napa- nee. Mrs, L. BE. Manion; Almonte, is here for a few days with 'her daugh ter, Miss Katie Manion, at the louse of Providence: i | Mrs. Felix Shaw and family have rented a cottage from R. W. Marks, at Christy Lake, and have taken pos- session. i Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Campbell and Mrs. J. MacGillivray motored to Perth to visit their parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Campbell, Miss Marjory | Campbell accompanied them. Mrs. Charles O'Connor, Ottawa, comes on Monday to visit Mr. and! Mrs. C. Birmingham, Barrie street. Dr. R. K. Kilborn, Mrs. Kilborn, and Miss Kilborn, King street, have left for Old Orchard, Me., to spend the next six weeks at The Abbott Cottages, le Miss Edith Stark, Gananoque, is! vith Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Barrie street. rs. R. Carr-Harris, Mack street,' left to-day fer the Bay of Chaleurs, New Brunswick, where she will spend the sumaeér with her family. | Mr. and Mrs. William Ada and Miss Ada, spending some time in| Kingston and neighborhood have left! for Ottawa. 'Mr. Ada while in Win-| nipeg was attacked with illness and from which, with rest, he has hap- pily recovered. Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKay, New York, have taken up residence at 96 Bagot street for the summer. Mr. | McKay is publisher of "The Spur." . Mr. John McKelvey, Bagot street, | and grandson, "Jack," left to-day for Old Orchard Beach, Maine. | . i i Mrs. Charles G. Duffey, Chicago, | announces the marriage pf her daughter, Daisy Love, to Edward R. Pound, formerly of Rideau street, LI i Kingston, the marriage to take place a SPECIAL PICKLED HOCKS 7c Lb. The Wm. Davies' Co. Limited. "HENDERSON Have your repairin isfaction guarantee CHARM CEYLON TEA 35¢, 40c, 50¢, 60¢, Lb. Charm Coffee, 40c Lb. For Sale at All Grocers. ey A ly Fresh Fruit & ' Vegetables GET OUR PRICES For plumbing work, or pipiag. iy done us. Sat- A. AND J. JAMIESON, Plumbers and Gasfitters. OUR FRESH GROUND OOF- FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Try a sample order and be convinced. GROCERY : Princess St. Phone 720. Prompt Delivery Meats. Campers' Supplies. Order Early, at C. H. Pickering's | Fresh, Cured, and Cooked STUDIO (G. KE. Marrisos, Prey, ) June DODGE INHERITANCE TAX Waldorf Astor Transfers $8,500,000 To His Son. New York, July 3.--Willlam Wal- 490 PRINCESS ST, PHONE 5% A a No Epidemic of Disease | Nn The Has ever been traced to Pasteurized Milk. only Pasteurized Milk in Ki on is *~ $12.30 Every one worth much more than youn will be asked for it. Values run from $15 to $20 a suit, i Napanae. || den East. { Napn I Vice-President--0C. D. Eyver, Na. panee, Recording Secretary -- Rev, E. Farnsworth, Newburgh Corresponding Secretary and Trea- Switzerville. Departments: surer--C. Superint Ww. Npvile, Elementary~----Miss Mata Mellow, Adult Bible Class--F. L. Hooper, B. A. Parrott, Cam: , LG. 8 Me Mrs. M. S. Madole, Napanee. Home--Miss Temperance-- Mr. ; James Moftatt Coun Cragg, Na To Be Sold By Auction. Estate of Front Gs Town ah, Represitative--Rev. C.E. Napanee. Mrs. Ann Gibson, cos ting of steme house, and two lots, will be VanLuven's wharf. ¥ W. Taylor, Woodstock, editor of Rod 'and Gun, jg visiting friends in town. - Mra: Dr.) MacCormack and children. left for Saskatoon to spend the summer. Mrs. R. G, H. 'Travers and son 'Dickie have gone to Providence, R.1, for a visit, 5 * $ nun joix As LEADER. $ : Winni, July 3.--It is al : * toRethor arobutin that wie PPP EPPI IETS * Wi ses00vs000 Jug 7th Miss Duffey ig a niece of M. Claxton, William street. : ontinued on page 190.) Miss Joan Arnoldi will give a free ure on her experiences while stributing field comforts to the soldiers, Wed afternoon, {duly Tth. The hour and place will | be published Monday i 5 Fs? gE he oe Eaf2 FH # Price's :: Phone 845 dor! Astor {transferred downto 2 real estate worth $8,600,000 to his youngest son, John Jacob Astor, a captain in the Life Guards of the British army. : Included in the property is the site of the Astor house, the Exchange court office building and an office building at Nos. 9 to 12 Wall street. By transferring the property to his heirs Astor will protect ' his ' estate from inheritance tax. The Ontario Medical Council de cided to ask the Proviacial Goy- ernment to equip an expedition of the best doctors and nurses for the i § £ & V 7 > ~ a a - - TTT Hot Weather Speci ot Weather Specia . 'Men's Tan Oxfords .... Men's White Oxfords .. 'Men's Tan Oxfords .... Only a few pairs of above le BRITISH MADE- BAREFOOT SANDALS. cia. i al 1. Riichio, Tunciies at Ska. . , a severe spurr from an EY ir followed by . blood: