--_---- _-- a ------ : Cocoanut Oil Fine For Washing Hair If you want to keep your. hair in good condition, the less soap you use the better. Most soaps and prepared sham- Pbos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brit- | tle, and is very "harmful, Just plain mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and entirely greaseless), is much better than soap or anything else you can use for shampooing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your Hair with water and rub it in. One or two teaspoonfuls will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair dnd sealp thoroughly. The lather {inses out easily, and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil, The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves .c fine and -sitky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage, You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at most any drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounces is enough to last everyone in the fam- ily for months. ee A A AA AAA lt eat trata THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1915. A KINGSTON SOLDIER OCOAXED YOUNG GIRL AWAY WITH HIM. TO. .GO » Arrested at Trenton by Chief iGra- ham, Napanee--The Accused Said To Have a Wife in Kiugston. A Napaffee despatch to the Whig says: Thomas W. Foster, a soldier be. longing to the 38th Battalion, Kings- ton, for whom High County Con- stable Van Koughnet has been look ing for the last few days on a serious Charge, was arrested on Tuesday by Chief Graham of Napanee about five miles east of Trenton Foster had coaxed a girl of about fifteen years Of age to go away with him on July 1st, and has been wandering around the country sleeping in the open or in shacks. He forced the girl to part with some of her clothes in a second hand shop in Belleville, in order to get him a suit of eivilian clothes, and his uniform was found near Belleville, When arrested ac. cused was working on a farm for B i Meyers, and the girl- was picking a fruit, having passed themselves off nae | as brother and sister. With 4¢he assistance of Chief Mof- fat, Trenton, Foster-was located and placed under arrest. It is un. derstood he has a wife and two chil= dren living in Kingston. The ac- cused wil] be brought before Police Magistrate Rankin to-day, TO HAVE NEW SERVICE 1 iy Napanee | July 7.--At a meeting of the Town Council Monday night, the tax rate was fixed at 31 mills which includes the special tax imposed by the Pro- | vincial Government for patriotic pur- poses. A deputation of residents { Bridge street waited upon the Coun? cil to ask that repairs to the street ment is made to-day. The Domin- | be made between the intersections of ion is to have a new service between | West and East The Couneil grant- | Eastern and Western Canada. ed the request provided there are suf- Fast Passenger service is to be ficient funds. ) inaugurated on July 13th between{ That Commissioner J. Lowry has Toronto and Winnipeg over the Can- | commenced to lay a sewer on Bridge adian Government Railway, (The|street from Robert street, west two Transcontinental), the Grand Trunk | blocks. System, and the Temiskaming and| J." Watson, G. Watson and T. Northern Ontario Railway. ! Brooker, - transient -horse traders," These three railways are combin- | were up before Magistrate Rankin in {ing to make this new service of athe Police Court yesterday charged | | superior class in every respect. "The | with committing an assault on G. B. { National" is the appropriate name | Curran on Sunday morning last. It { which has been chosen for the prin- | appears that the defendants' horses | cipal train on both its east and west | wandered into the premises. of Mr. | bound journeys. { Curran, and in an altercation be-| { 'This train will leave Toronto each | tween the parties the alleged assault | Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, was committed Both were found {and Winnipeg on each Sunday, Tues- | gyiity and allowed out on suspended {day and Thursday, Its equipment sentence by paying the costs. consisting. of colonist sleeping cars,| James Duffy, Kingston admitted | electric lighted first-class coaches, | having too many drinks the previous Fast Passenger Line From Toronto To Winnipeg. An important railway announce- : J KINGSTOK STORES CLOSE AT 5 P.M. JULY AND AUGUST Young men don' t know what co mfort they are missing, when not wear- ing Low Shoes. Yoadu RANGER ' $4.00 Ee = : Get fitted with a pair of our Low Shoes and enjoy solid comfort. We have a swell range of Dark Tans; Velour Calf and Patent Colt, swell models --light weight soles. Best range in Kingston at $4.00. Abernethy's TRUNKS, BAGS, SUIT CASES. {tourist and standard sheeping cars {and dining car, which will be operat- | ed through without change. | { The mileage by this new route be- evening, and was fined $5 or 15 days. | Not having the money, he was sent | to jail. J. MacCullagh 'was also] fined $6 for being drunk in a public { tween Toronto and Winnipeg is 1, | | 267 miles, and "The National" will | was assessed likewise, ! { make a fast run, covering the dis-| 'The schooner Keewatin is in the | tapce in forty-two hours. Westbound | harbor w'th a cargo of coal for P.| passengers leave Toronto at 10.45 p. | Gleeson, | {m., and travelling over the .Grand| Miss Arnoldi of Taronto, Canadian | Trunk lines ate at North Bay at 7.| Field Comforts Commissioner, gave | 0'clock next morning. A splendid | an address before a large audience in | daylight run is then-made over the | the Town Hall yesterday afternoon | | Temiskaming and Northern Ontario! under the auspices of United Empire | | Railway, through the scenic beauties | Loyalist Chapter I. 0. D. E. with ref-| | of Timagami and the interesting Co-| erence to providing extra comforts place. ~ John Woods another drunk! Sakell's Pure Ice Cream Our Ice Cream is the best and finest in Kingston by Government Test. We deliver to all parts of the eity.in bulk or ~ bricks. Mid-summer Furni- ture Sale Mid-Summer Carpet and Curtain Sale Your time to save money. We not only reduce the price down, will store Carpets, Curtains, Linoleums, Draperies, all in this Hot Time Sale. Phone 91. ' Yours Se. 1.F. Harrison Co. Neat Time You' Think of Underwear! or Hosiery Think of the "Imperial" | Brand Trade Mark. Made in Kingston for Discriminating People Everywhere. Sold on Their Merits. Inspect them in the Local Stores ; note their fine quality. Build up a home in- dustry by 'wearing them. Kingston Established 1880, s White Canvas 'WEAR WHITE CANVAS ed for the se % 'We are prepared TA pm . selected range in all the new styles desu Ee ' || Buests wore | Previ 071.21, a* | balt district, ! Cochrane is reached at 4.25 p.m.,| {#nd "The National" there begins its | | journey over the main line of Can- | ada's Transcontinental with its solid | | roadbed, little curvature and no no-| | ticeable gradients, all contributing | {to the greatest degree of comfort by | | of wonderful possibilities in wh #h | | tens of thousands of settlers | tractions for the sportsman as well | | a8 the settler, for here are situated | | some of the finest fishing waters on big game! i the Continent, while abounds in the forests. There is an |ever changing panorama of beauty. | Great rivers, flowing north south, have their source In and | | height of land country and here the! civilizagion, | | Indian, unspoiled by | still makes his home. It is indeed | virgin territory, for its natural love- | linedés has not yet been marred by | fire or the lumberman. { Before entering the Province of | | Manitoba the train runs through the | | famous Nibigami (country of lakes) | region, another of Canada's magnifi- | cent holiday resorts, reaching Win- | | nipeg at 3.50 p.m. { | Eastbound "The National" leaves | | Winnipeg at 5.15 p.m., arriving Coc-{ | hrane at 6.15 p.m., next day and Tor- | onto eighteen hours later,--arrival {in the Queen City being timed at | {12.05 noon. | { At Winnipeg the Grand Trunk Pa-| | cific lines afford splendid connec- | | tions for all important points in Wes- | | tern Canada, the Pacific Coast, Cali- | fornia, etc., and alsq furnish a new | short route to Alaska and the Yukon, | traversing the Canadian Rockies and | other marvels of scenic interest. The opening of this new service | | makes an epoch in the history of Ca-! | nada -as the new service will provide | | for fast through travel from Halifax i to Prince Rupert, Vancouver, Victor- | ia, and other Pacific Coast cities, via lan All Canadian Route, the Canadian Government Railways (Intercolonial Railway) in the East connecting with the Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem in a Union Station, (Bonaven- ture) Montreal, thence Temiskam- ing & Northern Ontario, Transcon- tinental Railway and Grand Trunk Pacific connecting in-the Union Sta- tion at Winnipeg, forms a continu- ous band of steel from peean to ocean. Publications pertaining to this new route with ocean to ocean map may be procured from dl principal ticket agents and passengers repre- sentatives of the adian Govern- ment Railways, and' Grand Trunk System. : MARRIED IN OTTAWA. Miss Lilian Taylor of Kingston Was the Bride. The marriage took place in Of- tawa, on Saturday, of Miss Lilian Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Charles Taylor and grand-daughter of Mrs. Hugh Fraser, Kingston, to W. C. Carrier, Ottawa. The bride was giv- 2 away by his cousin, Wentworth dgley and was most becomingly gowned in Copenhagen blue with smart white hat. The bridesmaid was Miss Goldie Cranston, Araprior, and | Miss Yea rkect, ae of the was flower girl. t. Reifen- stein, Ottawa, acted as best man. The bridal party drove from the church to Mrs. Fred. Birkett's home, and after a buffet luncheon Mr, and Mrs. Carrier left on" the afternoon train 'for points east. rs. John] ristine and acknowledged, $132,- $61--Women"s Institute, Burns- town. ue. will | | carve out their homes in the future. | The region between Cochrane and | Winnipeg is one possessing great at- | Eo Hew for the soldiers in the batgle front. AN APPEAL IS MADE. On Behalf Of the 8t. John Ambu- lance Association. | The St. John Awpbulance Associa-| tion is facing increased demands and! 8 making another appeal for com-| fortable bedding, healing 'dressings, | clean and cool clothing, air cush- ions, invalid foods, long chairs, toilet requisites, stationery, etc., for the! 'men at the front. "The Association! is doing a double work, and the ap-| peal should be met with a ready re-| sponse, Clothing and comforts of{ all kinds will be gladly welcomed. | Since last fall a vast new army has come into -being in England, while this | other armies have converged from | the dominions overseas; fleets 'are! fighting not only in the northern | séas but in _the Mediterranean; troops are waging war on the African and Asiatic sands as well as in the trenches of France and Flanders. | The casualties are very heavy, and | the sick and wounded need a prac- tically unlimited supply of every-! thing for their comfort. fee pet All contributions will be thank-| fully received and atknowledged by | the chairman of the St. John Ambu- lance warehouse, 56 St. John's! Square, Clerkenwell, E.C. { -------- Brickman Family Reunion. Picton Times. | The Brickman family, the: descen- dants of the late wird James Brickman, of | Ameliasburg, who was one of the | early pioneers of Prince Edward county, are among the most progres. sive, hospitable and 'Sympathetic in Ameliasburg. The late Mr. Brick. Man was a brother to William A | Brickman, of Roblin's Mills, who was for a number of years treasurer | of the township, and the reference | in this sketch more particularly con- | cerns the family of the late Mr | Brickman, After an absence: of twenty-four "years, Joseph, one of the sons, visited the scene of his childhood and early manhood days, much to the joy and pleasure of his | relatives. = On the 20th inst., previ- | ous to peturning to his home -at Gilbert ' Plains, Manitoba, 'where he owns about 400 acres of the choicest of farm lands, his brothers, sisters and other near relatives to the num- 1d of about fifty, held a family pic. c in a beautiful grove on the pro- perty formerly owned by Mr. Brick- man's mother, dn honor of his visit, and the day was spent in talking over many incidents of days gone by. It Wag a day long to be remembered by those present, and a most affec. tionate testimonial of a united fam- ily's love for a long absent brother. Since Mr. Brickman took up his resi. dence in the west he has held several responsible positions of trust and honor, and is regarded as one of the most successful men in his district. His many friends were pleased to meet hil and congratulate him upon hig splendid success. Vaudeville at the Grand There was a very large audience at the Grand last evening. pro- gramme was thoroughly enjoyed, especially the feature photo-play of "Pretty Mrs. Smith." g in the vaudeville act was delightful. The same bill will be "On Th gramme will be FH presented. e feature will be Dustin "Captain Courtesy," p The Pathe filnis will also be Dresented, yr : The singing | tific &iven to-night. mens ursday an entire new pro- ir ? The Most Dressy of Summer Ha * Straw Sailors We have your parti- cular width of brim and height of eréwn, at prices to suit.any purse SEE OUR BANGKOK The hat that rivals the Panama. CAMPBELL BROS. Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers, | | | is "Sterling purity" --there are six more in Sterling Gum PEPPERMINT ed MADE IN CANADA AN EASY WAY TO INCREASE WEIGHT Good Advice for Thin' Folks. The trouble with most thin folks w wish to gain weight is that they insist on drugeing their stomach or stuffing it with greasy foods: rubbing on useless "flesh creams." or following some foolish physical culture stunt, while the real cause of thinness goes untouched. You cannot get fat unti) your digestive tract assimilates the ood you eat. di & i fi | ! i | | | HORACE F. NORMAN SAKELL'S Next Opera House. Phone 640 Bring Your Car Here "When It needs nny repairs or pplies. Our mechénies are all first class d stand A-1 in their trade, a © repair too small or tee hig for us to handle. We nino have here AN UP-TO-DATE GARAGE, Where you can keep your ear in perfect confidence and where you will recelvetcourieous treatment aut all thm en. OUR TERMS ARE VERY MODERATE. PORRITT GE CO., Limited + Accessories AUTOMOBILES Repairs 210.212 Wellington St. Telephone 454 Kingston, Ont. Agent for CADILLAC and REO CARS. NO PLACE LIKE HOME--IF YOU OWN IT. SIX room brick veneer houne on the west side of elty, for $2,150 for quick sale. Six room frame house, mear Frontenne Park, with improve- ments, for $1,550, Solid Brick house on Clergy Street, with hot water furunce, all improvements, stable, $3,250. Frame house on a corner with good stable, suitable for carter, must be sold by May 1 $1,200, Rough cast house, six rooms, on very etsy terms, $1,300, e | Lawn Settees and Folding . Chairs. Real Estate and Insurance Office 177 'Wellington St. BRITISH WHIG KINGSTON, ONT. THE CHURCH} ZI: di EST WORK A large ammunition factory at Dresden, Sgxony, was destroyed by fire on Sunday. Eight women and children were burned to death. Barriefield Camp Military Tailoring, T | Military Supplies On the Grounds Next to YMCA. Tent. Crawford & Walsh | Four or Two Passenger Lawn 8 and Hammo Couches JAMES REID'S, Leading Undertaker. Phone 147. Bnglioh wo Corner of Princess and AO : :