THW NATTY RRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1915. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY GRAND jit |L)OAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF TONIGHT And "Every After a fe | GENERAL INTEREST. | compares rat Seen LADIES | Happenings in the City snd Vielslty| FEATURE VAUDEVIITE BANKING --What the Merchants Offer to the Famous Players Flims, 5 Reels. ACCOUNTS A ------------------. -- DUSTIN FARNUM in | A "CAPTAIN COURTESY." Veterinary surgeons in the district] a. Programme Monday and Thursday |. i , | report that there is a mild epidemic, 0 po Oy 1 ay ane 7 coNpEXSED ADVERTISING RATES. of "milk-fever"" prevalent now. H, Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street, . Leave orders at McAul- FOR SALE. nk of Terente: cient officers, Receive careiul attention at all Branches of The D: Every courtesy and assistance is- rendered by eff : Money may be deposited or withdrawn as desired, and interest is paid on balances. LOST. i y 10¢; reserved Se extra. os t Tveiiog, ! | Pirst hisertion, 1c a word. Each con- missin FROM THE PREMISES OF | mecutive Insertion thereafter, Balt-| BR. Boyd, 7 Colborne street oughbred fox terrle | raESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS, COST , & thor. Uttle. Once, 26c; three times, 600; INQUIRE AT AND CAMN- prices, at Reserved Funds ......, . Te | BANK or TORONTC TTT RIICIN WAGSTAFFE'S | 'There was & yery large attend- BUSINESS FOR SALE {ance at the Yacht Club dahce on ge Store, 'Bakery and Dwelling combined. Two horses and waggons for Wednesday night. Many of the of- bread delivery, good stable, drive house and large lot, a good paying busi- | ficers of the camp enjoyed the ev-| ness; must be sold, eerer-lcaving ety. This is worth investigating | ent. | EK. CARROLL AGENCY "Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's, | iL 4 ee | 5 Cape Vingent, N.Y., ratepayers] = A DRIVER, Representative. 3 { i bitch, An- | one week, $1.00. e ntario! cent 8 word. Minimum charge for 3 . Fi : Anysg " "i ey's Book Stere. SHAE So Aame-of -iddin ~ A call is solicited ut any time you have money to deposit or other C. '4. Southgage pugchased the { ) = he DAchering Jame. 8 Mir this ne a Goon BARN, ey banking business to transact. | Ann Gibson property at Portsmouth, { | = . - 8 f B 0 ims, He he | |SULKIBS, GO-CAR Capital $5,000,000 held lor sorpamjien claims | HELP WANTED FOR CHARTER. | ais. 1 Cessenabie . : i i $6,102,810 [AN ADP DF 25 WORDS OR LESS, - i - 1] 252 for one MOTOR-LAUNCH + ML PO-NIGHT and Evary Hight at 8.30) nno=r chia head. "costa 252" tor ond MOTOR. LAUNCH | first defeat in Syracuse, N.Y., | . ing L ARPLY George Allan, experi- enced pilot, 79 John street. ne 1 > 127. Special rates for evening par- | 232 T Apply at the Randolph Hotel "G ina , Sh FEATURE PHOTO PLAYS ties. Grape Juice" at Gibson's. ° | medal awarded him by the Institute ear | Gihgon's Red Cross Drug Store, FOR .. CHARTER. | - : - p . SUMNER WOOD; 2 SHORT CORDS comfortable sent pine and cedar, $8, delivered Ap- ply east end Cataraqui bridge, or Phone 1079. FIRST Wil de- "AZ," care CAR, IN elass condition, for $30Q Box FORD TOURING i { | monstrate. Apply { . 1 TO LET. | of Wh g office, [OPERATORS FOR FINISHING UN-|~ ee i derwear. Apply Kingston Hoslery STORAGE «FOR FU RNITURE, ETO, SNAP 70 QUICK BUYER-HORSE, Co, | clean And dry. eur 3 Brook | wagon, buggy and harness for 1 a s owner has no use for same, -- i s 48 Stanley street DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES. Me- Cann"s Real Estate Agency, 52 {STODDARD DAYTON AUTOMOBILE, Brock Street in good condition; reasonable price. Owner JeaVing city Ap- ply. Box 78, care of Whig office PRESERVERS FOR ADULTS and children folding boat seats; camp outfits; fishing tackle a spe- clalty Frank W. Cooke, 39 €lar- ence street "Phone $91. AT ONCE. AP- George Hotel. ¥e | Wednesday, Children 1¢ on Cars, | rn i a' + { Turk's. "Phone "Buy Face Creams" at Gibson's. The Havana Red Sox had their] Mond Tl 19 § | MATINEE Ey AT 3.30, | ! Monday. 1@ Score was to } i " C > 5 i | {TWO EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES, | ere (FREE Show Select Vaudeville Acts | Professat Willett G. Miller, Pro- Pree Admission to Bark by Street Cars (yy yp WOMAN, vincial geologist, has received the! ply at the Prince {of Mining and Metallurgy, London. } © $1.25 Fountain Pen tor $1.00, at! | APE ------------ IA FEW GIRLS OVER 14 YEARS, AP i, ply "Dominion Textile Co. Catara- Gui street : Street, sale, Apply | TWO BOYS, OVER 14 YEARS. APPLY | Dominion Textile Co. Cataraqul | gummER COTTAGE, FURNISHED. street. | McCann's Ree' Estate Agency, 52 -- { Brock street. | LIF APPLY, IN| { Get. Mahood, gpFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM-| { bers Arp to Cunningham & 1! } - fe, 79 C St. [A GENERAL SERVANT, FOR FAMILY | Mudie, 79 Clarence | of two, no washing. Apply Miss fs | THE STREET, A COMPETENT COOK. the evening to Mrs. 107 Gore street. } Phone 88 or 874 voted to sell its entire plant to Nor-| {thern New York Utilities, Inc. The | | ine' will be extended there « : {Chawmont, N.X. | $1.25 Fountain Pen for, $1.00, at| 86 BROCK Gold Necklets mn FIOR CYCLE, WITH SIDE AR complete. Electric light and horn; everything in first class order; very cheap. Paorritt's Garage Co Lid, Wellington street. Phone 464 from i i | se LARGE BRICK HOUSE AND BARN, and § acres of land, on Alfred, mear | Concession, at once. Apply to J. | D. Boyd, 106 Pine street. ------------------------------ Te : STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, SALE OF BICYCLES « SCOUT Ary, 'ajry ropms; your own Jeeck and | cycles, $27; Pastime Boe, i key: ~ Frost's City Storage, 299 Perfect Rigid Frama, ; Perfeci Queen St. Phone if x Cushjon Frame, $50; Need with 3. - | ®e ear $60. Geo. Muller, 378 ing 'atroet. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT AFTER September 1st Convenient to street car and Queen's University. GASOLINE LAUNCH, 25 FT. LONG, . For particulars apply Box 68, | fully equipped and in first class Whig office | running order; also lease of boat Patra --; house, price $160.00. . Apply . 147 Division street. MOTOR-CYCLE, "4 Run only 3,000 miles I good condition, having Just bean thoroughly overhaule New tires Also side-car dttachment. Just the thing for a mail carrier. $200 cash takes it. Can be seen .any 2 time. Apply 436 Princess street... King, Alice street. HOUSEKEEPER OR CAPABLE MAID | for a family. of two. References required. Apply to Box 16, Whig office. | INTELLIGENT PERSON - MAY | earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no canveasing. Bend for particulars. Press Syndi- cate, 3,989 Lockport, N.Y. Now that the fine weather In with Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. i The list of -men who will go over-| {seas as reinforcements for No. 6/ | Stationary Hospital (Queen's) has! | not yet been completed. There i¢ [a waiting list of a large number. ! { "Grape Juice" at Gibson's. t Fire Alarm box No. 28, formerly | | located at corner of Barrie and Prin- | cess' streets, has been shifted over | |to the southeast corner of this sec} { tion. | 'Yce Cream Bricks" at Gibson's. |! John Draper, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gra- | {velle and Mrs. R. Draper, Glenbur- | | nie, returned home after a splendid | motor trip to Toranto in Mr. Drap- | a i SALESWOMAN *"$1/00 Fountain Pens at Gibson's ) I]. Wanted. Apply to ausa es Red Cross Drug Store. | " , 7 ; C. J. P. Collins, Toronto, has pur-| Lo John Laidlaw & Son. us, it Is time to eall your attention te { our stock of Necklets for the Indies, which you will find complete, nnd they { -}AN | will add greatly to the appearance of 1 | i summer dresses. 1 R.J. RODGER, Jeweler and Optician 347 KING STREET, KINGSTON, "Where the clock Is on the walk," GOOD, COMPRTENT maid, one who understands cooking, to work for three of a family. Wpply in the gvening he- - tain arse seit emniges | tween 7 and 8 o'clock. Mrs. J. TEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, ALL Ewing. 34 Sydenham street. $e , modern improvements; gas and. electric light. about "August 1st. Apply Sydenham street. ONCE, A ge neral Summer furnace, | <5 Posgessglon EXCE to 230 EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, WITH MOD- ern improvements, corner Division | and Quebee streets. Apply J. D.| Boyd, 106 Pine, or Mr. Pringle, next | door, Division. street... - | 008 - BUILDING A FEW NICE 5 TO 7 ROOM BUNGA- | 0 wn wn lows, with furniture yet, at \ "Eastview Park," six miles from | ingston, on St. Lawrence; rod access and conveniences by and water. Anply J. D, Boyd, Pine, Kingston. DENTAL 2 A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS. rt LOTS ON UPPER William, on Garrett street,on Fron= tenac street, on Albert streat, on Collingwood street. and FRAME HOUSE, DARRIE STRER?. 3 FRAME COTTAGES, JAMES STRERT 1 FRAME, DURHAM STREET. BRICK, MONTREAL STREET. Houses to rent from. $7 to $30. George A. Bateman, Clarence street. Phone 396. chased the Beals cottage at Thous- | {and Island Park. He is having the place thoroughly overhauled before occupancy. . "Buy Face Creams' at Gibson's, | Owing to the rain there was only a small market on Thursday morn- ling. A quantity of wild strawber- ries was offered by an islander sell- ing for approximately 20¢ a quart. "lee Cream Brieks' at Gibson's. The sixty-foot .poles on King street, between Clarence and Brock | streets, to be removed next week, | were erected twenty-two years ago, carrying the first heavy power line here. "Bug Poison" at. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, Five poles on Barrie street, be- tween Queen and Brock street, ha been removed, a new fire glarm sys- tem having been placed on the Bell . Telephone Company's poles on the| _ ~~ J™% . TEACHER WANTED, - veer Te er east side of the street, HAIR, MOLES, W. ma d all ont ol a Rs "A guaranteed fountain pen" for QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER A lam. $1. at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, for School Section No. 2, Palmer- It sescmoved permanently, - with- . ' i; o t sear; 30 years' experience. Dr. sNext week a golfing tournament ston: salary $325. Apply E. H, Elmer. 7 Lake, Eye, EF Nos will be held at the Thousand Island mks, Sec~Treas, Ompah; Ont." Throat 'and SKin Specialist, 368 Country Club. Miss Molla Bjurstedt Bagot street, a noted Norwegian player will ap- FRENCH GENTLEMAN DESIRES pear. She has been undefeated since Tneet well Sducated naniHsn-speu - her arrival in the United States. 1.5. persons to exc rench "Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's. Private Sih, tuttion. W. H. Wyllie, agent for the 'Allard, B.A, 230 Barrie Children's Aid Society brought in Phone 744. three children from Perth Road on Wednesday evening to the Orphans' BUSNIESS NOTICE. Home. They will be taken care of "e . oo until Mr. Wyllie can Jocate Sil WM: BGAN WISHES TO ANNOUNCE lM VAN CAMP'S Cc H ILI that he has purchased the tallor . CORNE CARNE, by. (hem, and thas ari, courities eld |. Hear the new Victor records for | TRY THEM Administrators will distribute the as- July at our recital Friday afternoon, * sets of the deceaged the parti from 3 to 4.30, C. W. Lindsay, Lim-{ entitled thereto, avIng evard Pay to | ited, 121 Princess street. Your family grocer can supply you FENWICK, HENDRY & 00. (Dist the claims of which notice has been so | Mrs. Elizabeth Bal filed or whieh have been brought to|, MIS. E almer, Toronto, | thelr Nnowprdge Deen brought to, 4" of the Department of Modern tors.) ang saary. y . { gJPated this 28th day of June, A. D.| Language at Harbord Street Col- | Yr pd Try Gordon's Special jms. |legiate Institute is dead. She was QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR SEFAR. { sister of Robert Balmer, once teach- a or 1 Loboroush i ' v Blend Teas and Coffee, i WwW. 8. BALL, er in Kingston Collegiate but now a Hk Mp TI j SoMelrar for the Administrators, Leth. ridge, rin. 30c, 35¢, 40c per Ib. | Approved. diately after summer holidays. Ap- business man at Buenos Ayres. ply John 'A. Kom, See, R. M. D. Nd. 'Lime Juice" at Gibson's. . J.A 8, GORDON'S GROCERY e Disgrirt Court of the Dis- 149 Montreal St. Iriel af age. 1, Sydemham, .Ont. R. E. McCallum, auditor of the |g Hydro- Electric Commission, was in | SENN Phone 88. | British Life Insurance companies | have about 38,000,000 policies in Nothing but the best meat. and spices used, ! THREE GRADES, Beef and Pork Pork Bausages Little Pig Sausages . . . . MADE FRESH DAILY. WE. WANT TO BUY SECOSD HAND geass feathers. Ap 4 Kingston attress Company, 556 Princess St. A SECOND-HAND CANOE, TO RENT for three months, or will buy at reasonable price. "J. W. Patterson, iBarriefield Y.M.CA. Telephone 1317 icles you'll need for Vacation | - Days:-It may be a Hair Brush, Tooth | Brush, Toilet Soaps, or Complexion Oreams to rémove tan and sunburn. Our window tells the story. Hoag's Drug Store { ANDERSON BROS. | Opp. Y.M.C.A. Phone 258, {| Msnutactarers of Fine KINGSTON, ONT, Bug. Smee TT TTT b moved to 258 Princess street, DR, C, C. NASH, DENTIST, DR. T. B. Renton, assistant. 133 Princess Street. Phone 7365. ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD SEQO- ond-hand furniture and stoves to dispose. of, let me know, will ay good prices. J. Thompson, 833 *rincess &ireet, phone 1600. BOARD AND ROOMS, DEN- ' IFIRST CLASS HNOARD AND ROOMS Good location, modern conveniences. Apply 248 Brock street. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 159 Leonard Walsh, sistant. Phone CUSTOMERS, I PAY THE HIGHEST prices for new and second-hand urniture. All kinds of furmitur Dothing. boots, tools, ete, to se Drop ecard and 1 will call Shapiro, 45 Princess stre PERSONAL. OATERING MADAM IRO, WORLD'S GREATEST . mind reader, has returned for a few days. Readings 50c. Hours, § to 9. 263 King street. WE CATER T0 PARTIES, BALLS, wedding breakfasts, banquets, ete, also rent dishes, table linens and iverware, Reid and M. P. held, 80 Union Street; F. C Hambrook, 176 Alfred Street. Phones 843 or 30 ~Also-- VAN CAMP'S CATSUP VAN CAMP'S SOUPS VAN CAMPS SPAGHET- VAN CAMP'S HOMINY VANCAMP"S CHILI SAUCE CHOICE GROCERIES And All Seasonable Fruits JOS. AHEARN, JR, The and In the Estate of William Vanhom, late of the City of Lethbridge, in the Pro- vince of Alberta, gentle- man, deceased. up-to-date Grocery Notice Ja hot ehy given, that all yer, > song having claims upon the estate o Provision Store. the abote pamed William ¢ 'Rho, Who died on the 30th day of Oetober, 2793 Montreal St. Phone 866 : A. D. 1914, are required to file with the undersigned Solicitor for the Adminis- trators by the 28¢h day of August, A.D, 1915, a full statement, duly verified, of their claims and of any securities held NORMAL TRAINED PROTESTANT teacher for 8. 8. No. 4; Loughborae. Salary $600, Apply, stating sal- ary, to M. W. Spafford, Becy.- Treas, Sydenham, Ont. TEACHER FOR JUNIOR ROOM, S.8. No. 12, Portland. Salary $400, Duties to begin September 1st, 1915. Address Dr. enge, Secre- tary, Verona, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED Section eighteen, Ernesttown; Sal- ary five hundred dollars. Apply, stating ualifications and experi- ence, to W. C, Snider, Odessa. QUALIFIED TEACHER male, Protestant, Hinchinbrooke. FINANCIAL ™ FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment clety: 'neorporated resident, Colofiel Henry R. Bt oney issued on city and §roperties, munic'pal and cou epentures; mortgages purch deposits evade Interas lowed. 8. C. M 1, Manage Clarence Btre shop formerly run oy Thos. Galle. " all kin IIVERPOO way and will do ds of re- LONDON AND © Fire Instrance ny. Available and pressing. Also make m assets 381.131 he Pn addition to 'Ww pairing up fults from yor own eloth, | orkmenship guaranteed, 131 ° ey' have for t. security the unlimited liability of city property, Insured at i Brock stree BUSINESS OHANOES possible rates. Before renewing new business old or Siving os ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN STA rates Tr trange a mail order FE at one Agents. one PY; \ canvassing; be your own boss. i | UPHOLSTERING. Send for free hooklet:- Heacock, 2.969 Laskport, tells how ------------ ------ W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- pairing and. carpet work and B. CUNNINGHAM, 'BARRISTER «mattress renovating, Drop a gard or call 316 Bagot street. and solicitor. Law ofee, 70 Clar- LAL Street. | th, m WANTED, Aix 8.8. No. > Pply Geor, "Farnam, be IF YOU WANT THE. BEST, ' SAR Pappas Bros. ~ ie | B8hoe Shine Parlors, YOUNG LADY DESH private tuition in public or high school subjects." Por further par- ticulars apply Box 708, Whig office. ™ GIVE a Kingston on Wednesday goihig over : | with General Manager Folger the preliminaries with regard to the billing of the lecal consumers under epee St, Kingston. io | foree. Ld, the new slectric rates system, McCallum also inspected the beaks of the Street Railway Company. a -------- Couldn't #o0l the Newsie. Youth's Companion. Slender. persons formed the sub- lect of conversation at a soeial gath. ering recently, when David F_ Hous. ARCHITRO? Hat Cleaning of All Kinds. _ Panama Hats Our WM. NEWLANDS ' & ' SON, 'ARCHI. tects, ete. 253 Bagot St. om Phong 61. on, VARPENYERING, : < TRY JAMES SEL a of carpenter work. Avenue. BY FOR ALL KINDS 212 University Specialty. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER< chants' Bank _ Bullding, ~ corner Brock and - Wellington 'streets, Drop a 'eard. . 3 i, KELLAR, 10 PATRICK - done, en . wanting carpenter Prices moderate. tory work. guaranteed. specialty. me 1258. work Batisfac- Jobing a D, E. BELL, M.D. CM, LM.C.C.; SUR. fer. 138 Wellington street; phone H. A, BOYCE, M.D, C, cal Buper ntendent n, n Gener» LATE MEDI. Great Sale of urniture + &l a). Surgery. residence bi ve lington "street; hone 4. Light Wood for ~~ $150 a Load problem for the motor-car ownmor Ae ea AS : £3 Whose residence is. temporary, or > In the Gu a wa % 3 : : : tow who desires an inexpensive, portable | : - x io . pry y : ER structure which ju also sightly, has ster-at-law, been foun man who construc af and fron built that it less than an sembled by a longer period ton, the Becretary of Agriculture, told this about a doctor: The daector was very thin. One afternoon a small newsboy entered his office, and on opening the door to the inner room he was confronted by 2 grinning skeleton. He gave a terrified yell and dashed for the mid- dle of the street, panting for breath. "That's all right, little boy," sooth- ingly said the daetor, who had has< tened to the ddor on hearing the yell. "Come in apd I'll buy one of your, papors." 3 "No, you don't!" was the rejoinder of the boy. "You can't fool me, even -if you have got your clothes bes on." . Garage Built of Tank Staves, Popular Mechanics Magasine, ' salution of the private garage 90 and 200 FURY's | Call Up Brown | Valuable Hotel For Sale By Tender. MAN, STUDEB. DATE Ju Bnpiad sows i For Hire rkman in a.slightly : 3 . ' (1915 REGAL) cal - a -- po Drips. Se - When She Would Succeed, Calais' my Sr raven 1a fail f % RR 2}