i PAGE TEN Casfing a A & - ne in the - Laurenfi ans. a 8 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1915. Established over Forty-one Yeers STANDARD OF CANADA "THE! B Get the Savings Habit. chest Current Rates Allow- ed, and Jorerest Compounded Half- Yearly on Deposits. 17% We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT KINGSTON BRANCH H. E. Richardson, n ------ The Key To Success 1 5 Many a man owes his start in life to the purchase of an endowment policy. This has proved the beginning of many a fortune. Start a good thing going at once by purchasing a policy in the Mutual Life of Canada. . Rates on request. S. Roughton, Phone 610 or BEL. GENERAL AGENT," 60 Brock St, Kingston. Office Pho 610; Res, 561. Harry Sharp, Specin Agent. ot A in F resh" Columbia Ig- 1 nition Dry Cells 2 9ckac KINGSTON FOUNDRY Buy Matches as you would any other household commodity --with an eye to full value ! (1) LAKE BAYMOND, (2) CAMPING. REATHES therq a @evotee of the rod and fiy with soul so dead that he the truin and in three or four hours return with. a Yeateh' and Nomining in the Laurcotians, Province of Quebec, color shading® apd speckling, To call this region "fshermen's paradise," is the lakes and streams of the Laurentiios, will aver "uw {he Takes and streams of the St. Agathe, Label) ths of placid lakes ahd running strearns, trout fishing in the world, both with rc and its myriad lakes--eand streams a indulge in a hackeyned truism, naistently that no other waters and Nominin, stricts For this region of the Lai id and fly and with troll and spoon bait Three distinct phases of this region combine fo make it absolutely one day and none at all another. The 1 may be shy or more than usually make a decent catch within g few hours To make thie plain, aff one has {o 46 is to conéider that the fotal run north from Montreal starting at Montreal one reaches St. Agathe i Ye Rovrs, Labelle in 5 hours, and Nomining in 6 four miles, except at Nomining, wheré the very romotest lake tes 12° miles distant from the ( Secondly, another important feature that makes this splendid trout fishing region absolutel trout are wholly unsophisticated," which 1s another vay of saying that they wil rise and sn those who love to go, as it is called, 'pioneering' in untested witers--sedking new adventn "'salitary" fishermen, plying the rod with no r near them sve the creatures fing dshing in the unexplored Jakes ana st without cost or social encumbrance, and are Finally, the most unique feature of #11 the necessaric drop off 4t St. Agathe a r god an eighth of o wile away is Square Lake where the trout, though not large in size, re, where good fly-fishing obtains. 'A couple of weeks at those waters will suffice. Now pre fishing with fly ; you can prolong yout stay in the Labelle district by a week's fishing in Lakes expert fisher with rod and fly can desire, Mere is 8 series of small lakes--Petit Nomining, St. Jc and tricky as the black bass, and exceedingly beautiful differences in sire, shape, color and faste. So expert ho prides himself on his ability: to cast a fly with, as it were, Two months' fly-fishing having been thoroughly. enjoyed, Commandant and Louisa ; y found practically ineficctive. The reason is that in Mag, when the fy, unless, In very rare instances, he is voraciously 'hingry 10 May (the trout season opens May 24), fall season opens in September when thé weather being to cool, taedts which this fisherman's parddise in the Canadian Laurentiang ea NHUNTER'S BLUFF By M. QUAD. Copyright, 1915, by the Newspaper Syndicate, minnows, with the surety and accuracy new "adventures provides { a rapid pace, but at about that {left no trail, and I went ahead | random, planning MeClure tance from the river. It. was to be {4 starlight night, and as soon {dusk came I urged my beast to a faster pace and. bore .soeré to the left. When I believed I had gained a quarter of a mile I swerved sharp- thitty entered the elbow of Texas, ly to the right, rode for forty rods) between New Mexico and the Indian | and then dismounted and gave Cus-| territory. { ter the word to lie down. We were! While the Comanche Indians were | both flat on the earth when the party bitterly hostile at that time they had | Of pursuérs swept by and the thud, been sadly reduced by small pox and | thud, thud of their ponies' feet came driven to the north, and old fron-| Very plainly to my ears. | tiersmen stated their belief that the! I had a cold bite in my haversack, | party would not even see one. {and after disposing of it stretched! I had been invited to make one| Out and went to sleep, hoping I had! of the party, but was detained for a given the red men the slip. 1 opened | couple of days. I then mounted | My eyes the next morning in aston! my liorse and picked up the trail and | Ishment. Seated in a circle about] followed after, havigg no fear that| me were the five Comanches, while | I should run aiy danger in thus rid-| their ponies were feeding with my | ing. | horse, I lay on my back with my It had come noon of the second hands clasped undef my head, and day, and 1 baited and watered my | such Was my astonishment that I wi and was ready to move on, could npt move. Fortunately for me & 3 In the spring of the year 1868 a party of sporting huntefs numbering when I heard a "Yi, yi, yi!" on my | they took this for nerve. 1 looked right, and I turned around to see|from mian to man, and finally said in fiva Comanches coming out of the| Comanche: timber on their ponies. They were just half a mile away and had evi- | ches I should not have run away, I dently discovered me. { thought you were Chickasaws on When 'a man rides for his life the stolen horses. I shall be ready to greatest fear is in overdoing the mat- | 0 as. foon as I have eaten. I want ter. I had beeu five years on the|to see the Comanche country---the plains and had & pretty fair stock, vast plains----the Canadian river -- of nerve, and I rode to favor my|the mountainc full of caves and wa- ; terfalls--your chief, Thunder Cloud." One of jthem asked me if I be- longed to the party ahead, and I told him no. e asked me how I dared start out alone for the Comanche country, and I told him that I had trapped the mountain lioh and cut hate counted out and eaten his liver while still : | alive, and therefore feafed tothing living. 1 could see that they were badly puzzled, and I increased their wonder by saying( as I finished my | breakfast: "Come. It is time to go. We have a long ride, and I am anxious to Joe your country." * en we set out, two in front and three behind, and no Indians 'were over more puzzied. 'In later years I met one of them and he told me that Shots plan was to torture me as soon as I awoke. They were beat olit of this by ny queer remarks, in- tended just for that purpose. Sey. eral times during the day I expressed my impatience at our asked them to get on faster, v Fent camp I Th Te Sh Td eating I sat ap rom them to 'Smoke and iin : an opportunity to compare notes. Just when the fiva got their heads Holle 8 'the sun began to sink in the west they sought to shorten the dis- tanté between us and bring me into rife shot, but a word to the mustang cheekmated this BL Had 1 been able to keep the trail after 3 o'clock:l should (8) LANDING A BEAUTY. would not sit up and take notice weighing 50 to 60 Ihe) of tKOs finhy mau que as the tront-fisher's paradise. wary in a particular Jake or stream ou p at a fly 's With the rod and fly of woods or wilderness, andl those who do not belong to any of the fish enabled to prove that the are of Isaac "Walton really i art 2 - pre oF inlet "ro 16 yor want to have the best three. months' trout fishing with fiy or troll that this continent affords, then, uffice it-fisher's paradise fn the Laurentiang 1a its infinite or endless variety ed to Lake Manitou where the speckled trout are specially plentful and game nd pleasures may be obtained by & but the first 18 the best and most popular with the devogeof this kind of sport trout season opens, few winged insects are séen on the big lakes, and the grey June, and July, there are scores of lakes dnd streams in the St. Agathe, Labelle, and Nomining 2 t Four mouths' of the very finest and most entertaining trout fishing the continent aflords--is not that enough to incite increasing f |on finding the party by sundown, as | we were getting over the ground at} as! tree. 'Had I known yon were Coman-|. and to give thém | at thers is in Fvery one of those hundreds of knights of the rod who have, with the feathered counterfeit of the Id entice them away from these incomparable abodes of t will decling the region to surpass all their precuticeived ideas, dreams, bf rentians hot only ranks among the most charming wooded lake and mountain section of the Great Dominion, but its munifold lakes and streams afford a particular (1) MANITOU CLUB AND GROUNDS, 2s ame da Lhe biscx ha abound with grey and speckled trout, which, according to many the grey and First, there is no such experience here Cay, but there are s WHEN YOU BUY EDDY'S MATCHES YOU RECEIVE A GENEROUSLY-FILLED BOX OF SURE, SAFE, LIGHTS, --ASK FOR-- EODYS' "Silent Parlor" Matches (5) ST. FAUSTIN, as the heavens are strawn with stars, where.one can drop off That region is the district which lies between St. Agathe and variations in gaudy-winged fly, lufed myriads of "speckled beauties" from , those who come, for the first. time, to "try their me of happiness ih enticing the wary trout from the dar) the very 'fisherman's luck" <a poor catch one day and a good one another, or any kind of a catch any streams and lakes within easy reach of otie another that, rain or shine, one can easily ida a region strawn with lakes, tnd as beautiful ax the rainbow. experts with the rod, have no equal elsewhere for size, o speckled trout. And, t « paradise dor him who finds t} as Nomining over the Caradiin Pacific, which is the railway that traffies through (his district, is enly a 6-hour ride; or, to put it another rs, one-eighth while th ue ig that a score of lakes, the moment they Moregver, these unexplored lak and as many spot the gaudy counterfeit A week there will "little fellows, whicn 1ik® to rise to the fly, and 23 miles distant, apd, at Lakes Caribou d not be disappointed t fi Sucrerie---all o articularly intere as he jy in 'lake to lake in the of a crack marks anather month's trolling for the The trolling must be done with spoon bait or the fire, and I believe I was a hun-| hour | dred feet away when they missed me. ! President {1 came to a rough, steamy district, | where the passage of the horees had | at! to kéep my dis-| I heard them scatter and beat about | and whilé they were hunting for me I crawled along and got my gun. I crept away from the circle of the fire and then got the shelter of a The Indians beat about for a good half hour, and then all came in, chagrined and disgusted. I lifted my gun and took fair aim at the leader, He went down as my rifle cracked and was followed by a see- | ond and a third before the surviving twa could comprehend what was go- ing on. Neither stopped for' his gun. I stood guard all night, and when morning came was satisfied that the two who had escaped had no idea of returning. After a scanty break- fast 1 caught up the six animals, packed up everything of value, and then I headed to the southeast for the river, and at 3 o'clock rode right into the camp of the party, which had settled down for sport and had | given me no thought. Next day a | party of us rode over to give the bodies a more careful inspection, and | we foundl on each one a silver Gov-| ernment medal, given them durin Lincoln's first term, as "good In- dians." | J i Cheese Markets. | Belleville, July 10.--At the cheese | board to-day, 2,195 boxes of cheese | Were offered: Al sold at 15c. { Cowansville, Que., July 10, -- | Cheese offered at 14 5-16¢; no sales. St. Hyacinthe, Que, July 10.--At | the dairy board held here to-day all offerings sold, butter at 27 1.2¢, | cheese at ldc. Se distances from, these asd other stopping points to the adjacent or near-lying lakes and. streams varies from streams,' ar V ha large grey trout trout, being a good student of nathire, seems 10 know this, and will not be foo! districts abounding beyond all fancy in the largest and most beautiful of a mile to one expert with the rod and fly put it, "the y « undiscovered and untried lakes und streams offer | vo other classes of trout-fishers. namely, those who like t6 be | riers dt the explored lakes. This second class find free access to | and _the and days t vet totally lectable mom will appeal to s which, bave qu explored ; t wins re club af a Prelintd with Next, ¢utialn for St. Faustin, only 15 miles distant from St. Agathe. Dwop off at Faosti you can £1 a creel in a very short tite. [no the same area are two other lakes, Levesque and Labelle, 2 and 4 miles.away from the station, you can get a week of good speckled trout | #5 in the lak r Nomining, 24 'miles distant from Labelle, that you will get all that the n in speckled trout, varying in size from 1 1b. to 8 Ibs. They are as game | of the lakes are the trout exactly alike, They show small, but # le, | It shold be added that the trout in these lakes will appeal ly to the | | These are fo Be caught in the bigger likes, especially Grand Nomining, { minnows, and from a slowly moving canoe. For variety one may try the fly, but this has been led by the artificial, | speckled and grey trout. The hundreds, year by year, to participate in the enioyy Nomining région. OR ee Pr aR er AAA a A a AAA AAA Aetna aration | | 'stepped backward out of the light of er Co., shows gross earnings of $28,- 1 361, as compared with $27,041 or} the corresponding month of 1914. Operating charges were reduced o x oi Toronto, July 12.--8hareholders of | om Jas ia Nay of las Fans the A. Macdonald Co., have received | 357 against $22,722 last year. a! a circular from President Riley ask- terest and fixed charges took $8,010, | ing their consent to a $600,000 bond |, compared with $7,363 last year | issue to provide funds to meet the {po pet surplus available for divi-| $200,000 note issue to be retired No- | gan qs was, therefore, about $1,000 vember 1st and the other $200,000 |yicher at $16,241. due to be retired a year later, and | enable the company with the balance | to reduce #s debt to the bank. Share- | holders are told that it is highly nee- tar 3 to ra essary that they agree to this Pre { bong sales vi [Sanaa i June, a8 sition, as otherwise the company may | ©©™P! 4 by 1 BS RE riary Maes be unable to pay off the $200,000 amounted to $2,664,7 + CONIPATEN notes in November, and it is further with $4,617,857 Jet the correspond- pointed gut to them that a bond issue | 'N& period of as Tear. i $872 retireable in 20 yearly instalments. | Ig. hie Paures $421 000: Nare B * with interest paid only half yearly, |'®%' Quehe a Nova Scotia $236. will be less of a tax on the company ¥00 FY > ' than the notes which it is proposed | : to. retire, and will consequently put| the preferred shares closer to a di- vidend resumption. NEED MORE MONEY of Company Informs Shareholders of Financial Position The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per + sonal supervision since its infancy. , , Allow 1:0 one to deczive you in this, All Counterfeits, Imitati ~g and "Jv e-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and cadanger the health of i Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, are goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. Is contains neither Opium, orphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee, It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it bas been in constant use for the relief of Constipation Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the FSiomach and wels, assimilates the Food, giving hoaithy and natural Pe The Children's P, The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Municipal Bond Sales. Toronto, July 12.--The munieipal Up-toedate Fiction. | "How's the story you are writing i | getting along, Bobbie?" Big Decrease In Earnings. | "Fine! Just now there's an aw- Toronto, July 22.--The gros re- | ful storm, and every one aboard is ceipts of the Street Railway Com- | afraid the boat'll go to the top." pany for June amounted to $450,582, | ou mean to the bottom?" ompared with $525,033 last year,a| "No, I don't; this boat's a sub- Joeratse of $74,451. For the first | marine,"--Boston Transcript. Xx months of the year the company's | gross receipts show a tremendous de-.! crease over the corresponding peridi | last year, the figures being for 191 5, $2,787,223 as compared with $3,034, | 30 last year, a decrease of $247. 78. ' [4 in Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought ( Net Surplus Higher. | © When looking for lodgings a man THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, Port | Arthur! 'July 12.--The May must either Inquire within: or go RR IRAN SA am, statement of the Kaministiquia Pow- | without. ' Plenty of Proof. "Did you water the ferns in the drawing room, Norah?" | © "Yes, mum, Don't ye hear the { water drippin' on the carpet?" -- ¥ o/ Boston Transenript. toge her to discuss someth A aid not' wish me ty pear BOR wy mn, kept clean and pen barrel may for the: LANTIC Red Ball on each package. bags, extra fine granulation. 100lb. bags coarser " Hi Sugar Refineries Limited, 'MONTREAL, QUE., ST. JOHN, N.B. Seb oggic pai gents 3