Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jul 1915, p. 4

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TH I EU ANE RE FE ROO SR Se THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1915. HIGH SHURE TTT BARGAIN = KINGSTON SHOULD SUPPLY Th | Ottawa Ladies College New Building : ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF PERFECTLY SANITARY FITTED WITH EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. | RESULTS OF THE JUNE EXAMIN. | ATIONS ANNOUNCED. Ernest Gill Stood Highest and Re-! Academic work up to the first year University. Music, Art, Domestic Science, Physical Culture, etc. The Capital offers exceptional advantages. For Calendar apply to JW. H. MILNE, BA., D:D, President JAS. W. ROBERTSON, LL.D.,C.M.G, Chairman of Board = "Automobile For Hire (1915 REGAL) Special Rates for all Kinds of Drives, WEDDINGS. A SPECIALTY, Prompt, Attention' to Boat and Train | Calls, Service and "Efficiency Guaranteed. R. J. Allen, Phone 300. 340 Johnson S!-eet Canvas Men's Canvas Lace Boots Boys' Canvas Lace Boots Youth's Canvas lace Boots .... 65¢ Outing Shoes, many styles to choose from. The Sawyer Shoe Store 212 Princess Street. Phone 159, 100 MEN; Too Many Idle Men Are Walk- ing the Streets. 00 NOT THINK ENOUGH OF THEIR (COUNTRY TO FIGHT FOR IT Lieut.-Col, Dawson Scores' That Class Of Young Men Who Have Not {Come Forward When No Ones Dependent Upon Them. { "Kingston is able and should sup- ply the hundred men of the base com- |pany of the 569th Battalion," said Lieut.-Col H. J Dawson, . officer commanding the 59th Battalion, to {the Whig on Wednesday morning. {- There are too many men walking the streets of Kingston out of a job and no chance for one, and yet they are afraid to volunteer for overseas service. In every pool-room in the city are men who should be thorough ly ashamed of themselves. They are not working, therefore not sup- porting anyone, and there is absolu- tely no reason why they should not volunteer. Wien Lieut.-Col. Daw- son took over the command of the 59th Battalion he thought as did oth- ers, that with so many Kingston of- ficers the battalion could be called a (Kingston one as enough recruits could be secured in Kingston. This city has fallen down through no rea- son except that there are men in the city who do not think enough of their country to fight for it. Col. Dawson in speaking of the re- jcruiting meeting which will be ad- {dressed by Dr. Michael Clark said: "Just watch the so-called men who | will not attend that meeting. They should not be allowed to remain in the country which they are afraid to fight for.' | Every officer of the battalion is of the same opinion and thinks that the great number of mén who are loaf- | ing about the city should join and {make up the base company of the 59th Battalion and have at least one {company representative' of Kingston. Q. M. 8. Hunter of the C.M.8.C, who has proved himself such a {splendid clerk at the headquarters here for the last two years, will go overseas with the 59th Battalion, {and reports this week. He is an | ex-member of the Gordon Highland- | ers and has kept up the good reputa- {tion that he made in South Africa {all through his military career. The 8th C.M.R., was engaged In squadron' drill an Tuesday morning {and in troop drill in the afternoon, i This week the 8th C.M.R., will re: ceive 100 horses from Toronto, and Niagara, which will bring the num- Mid-summer Furni- ture Sale Mid-summer Carpet cand Curtain Sale ' Your time to save money. We not only reduce the price away down, but will store your purchases until needed at our risk. Carpets, Curtains, Rugs, Linoleums, Draperies, all in this Hot Time Sale. 91. Yours 1.F. Harrison Co. ber of mounts up to 263. a ae ltt ttt tt i, . FASHION SAYS: WEAR WHITE CANVAS FOOTWEAR. We are prepared for selected range in all the your seléction early. an & PPh hans {5 the season with a carefully new styles and las Prices... ii. 8 JEL no x » Kin aio . il . Make 0 to $3. gt A FOR THE 53TH Capt. Archibald lectured to the 8th C.M.R., men on Tuesday after- noon on simple sanitary ' measures for the prevention of diseases which are liable to come to a.soldier. Capt. Membery, Medical Officer #th C°M.R., returned on Tuesday night from Adolphustown after spend ing a few days with his family. A large number of the soldiers in camp have forwarded applications to take the machine-gun course which starts in a few days under Liéut, Stethem, late of the Princess Patri- cias. Arrangements are being made for | the granting of a month's leave of absence to men from the camp who | relative standing is indicated. ceives A Wrist Watch Presented | By a Generous Friend Of the Schools. | Below are given the results of the! recent High School entrance examin- ations. i The names are arranged in both pass and honour lists in order of merit. In the honor list the exact The six candidates first named will be] awarded McLeod scholarships if they comply with the conditions of attend- ance in the Collegiate Institute. , Ernest C. Gill, who stands highest, ! if sds0 the winner of the wrist watch, presented by a generous friend of the: schools. This lad was a pupil of | Miss Hentig; Vietoria Schoel; and ist twelve years of age. He is the son of William Gill, University Avenue, | Successful candidates will be sent | $2.95 Fyery pair of Men's Low Shoes in our store must be cleared out at once, so we have placed onsale every pair of $4.00, £4.50, $5.00 Low Shoes (excepting rubber soled goods), this week at $2.95. These are all 1915 styles. ---- $1.95 Sale of Men's Lew Shoes<=Black, Tan and Patent, some button styles in this lot--odd sizes, ete.--but reg- ular $4.50 values. These are real good values, but carried over from last season. Save a couple of dollars, oe a PR '| the officers of a board which will con- | wish to work on farms during the harvest season. Only men of good conduct may go and during that time | they will wear civilian clothes, their uniform being left at camp. Trans- portation up to 300 miles from the camp will be granted. a certificate of standing and unsuc-| cessful candidates will receive a! statement of their marks. These | will be sent without application. The! regulations forbid the giving out of} marks taken by successful candi-! dates. Honor List. Ernest C. Gill. Edwin Minnes, Kathleen Lockhart. Barbara Bidwell. Pte. Goedfellow, 59th Battalion, has been removed to hospital with measles. | Tpr. T. P. Smythe, 8th C.M.R.,| Pte. C. W. Lewis, 38th Battalion, | and Tpr."W. Doherty, 8th C.M.H.,| were removed to hospital on Tuesday. Pte. F. R. Wes, 59th Battalion, | was transferred from the Field Hos- pital to the Hotel Dieu on Tuesday. We have the .dool, comfortable kinds, -the Pass List. : kinds fashion demands. Mary Sheeran. George Tetro. Eddie Anderson. Nora Wright, Wilna McDonald. Pearl McPherson. Hew Duff, Willie Gallery. Arthur Lawler, Miriam Bruton. Estelle Caswell. Patricia F rster. Harvey Sugel. | Mack Lennon. Douglas Derbyshire. Astonishing Values In Straw Sailors, Pan- amas, Bangoks, Soft Wilhelmina Nobes. fast, Wii | Headease Rose Robinson. the detention hospital on Tuesday. ig A Campbell's The first of thd tactical schemes to! Gardon Quirt. | ing. About two o'clock on Tuesday | Elizabeth Walker. in the battalion lines and was sup-| Reginald Sawyer. Gananoque road and about four miles | parties of different strength, the idea | the rear. The country was ther- warfare. The signallers were placed, Straws, ete. could be sent back immediately. The Wiiliam Daykin. Margaret Graham. . Sy Clarence McCann. | Applies to be worked out at night by the 38th} Lily Saunders. S ummer Hats alterngon "B" Company of the 38th Gladys Montgomery. plied with food for supper. ° The Vivian Sills. from the road the plan was worked | being that they were out-posts pro- oughly covered for some distance and | in position so that in case the imag- officers were highly pleased with the | i Frank Williams. | Marion Kirkpatrick. Eleven patients were treated at| Helen Gardiner. | | Battalion was held on Tuesday even-| Mary Hickey. Battalion paraded with its equipment| Verna Telford. = route of march taken was down the Robert Anderson. out. The company was divided into | tecting the battalion bivouacked in everything carried out as in actual | inary enemy should appear word! work. If you want weeks of solid hat-comfort, get one of our nobby Sum- Marion Seale. mer Hats. Vera Turkington. i . | - Oswald Stickney. | - Lieut.-Col. C. M. Edwards s pre-| Myrtle A. Sharpe. sident and Major G. H. Gillespie and| Jack Emery. | For Great Hat Values, | { t 1 1 Sergt. W. H. Lloyd, A, M. C,, has returned after spending a few days | in Belleville, i | Capt. W. S, Wood are members of a| Donald Robinson board of officers which will examine Mary 1. Jamieson the officers of the 38th Battalion for| Lachlan McKinnon promotion to captain. James McAuley Arthur Lovick May Goodearle Dorothy Compton Edith M. Healey Edward Fowler May Shepherd Victoria. Ufford Evelyn McFaul Flopence Kilpatrick Major W. J. Brown, Major D. Bar- | rager and Capt. R. L. Parkinson are | . Irene Hartman, . Mary Taylor. Addie Graham, Hilda Selby. Pear] Vankoughnett | Garrett Ennis, | Howard Hazlett. { The Department of Education also | | | | i duct examinations on partion "B"| Provisional School of Infantry. | Lance-Sergeants T. E. Harris, J. C. Birnétt, W. D. Mills and Cpl. W. | t+. Riley, 38th Battalion, have been| Mary Clarke~ promoted to the rank of sergeants, Jack Wood provisionally, | Bessie Lentz -- | Frederick J. Miller Provisional, .Sergt. J. L. Perrin,| Moses Circle "C"" Company, 38th Battalion, has| Freda Graves been appointed armourer sergeant! Donald Nickle provisionally, | Harry Pollie | Vietor Lloyd Willa Dusty Isabel Hamilton Malcolm Macgillivray Harold Morley Vera Frizzell Celia Zacks Reginald Ralph | Marjorie O'Driscoll Marjorie Thompson Bessie Bell | authorizes the admission of Edith Handler. Lance-Corpls. R. C. Jeffrey, S. Tyres, E. Marchand and J. H. Pil-| grim, 38th Battalion, have been pro- moted to the rank of corporal. Lieut. R. H. Waddell is now on duty with the 59th Battalion. | Letters to the Editor | | University Avenue Petition. 13.--(To the Edi-| petition for the] pavement of Uri i Avenue fis "being circulated. It comes out now, | | that the former petition for a pave- | ment of this street was signed by the | great majority of the property-own- | rs at the request of one, or more, | Pte. L. Gardiner, 38th Battalion, has been discharged from hospital. | Harry Orr Lieut.-Col. W. @. Ketcheson, 49th | Gertrude Jarrell Regimen, Belleville, was at the camp | Leah Buell t uesday. r eaton | Fred Clarke Harry McQueen Earl Stroud Everett Rees | Charles Stone { Hilda Franklyn Lona Watts Joseph Westcott Jessie M. Richardson Edna Davy Mabel Dowson Amie Perry | paid canvassors who were employed | i necessary signatures, to put the mat- Jer through. | Thursday will Pe pay-da thr - out the camp. y ogre | A high-pressure water-tank is be- ing installed, which will protect the | administration building in case of ae, | ao Lieut. Fisher, 41st Regiment, has | reported for duty with the 59th Bat. | talion. | of the 'property owneri cencerned,! | back of it. | moters were behind it | the property owners would probably | decline to sign it. | | . The new petition is' not open to| | any such charge, but in view of the! | fact that the taxes stand at 25 mills | | (having been 19 mills a few years| {'ago) and that war-taxes and war-ex- | penses of all kinds are now the first! claim on our resources, and that the| prospect of better times is doubtful | and distant, it is not the fime to in-| eur any expenditure that is not an absolute necessity. 4 As a resident of University avenue, | 4 think it advisable to let the pave- | ment stand over until peace is de-! clared, and I think that view will! prevail if the matter Is carefully considered. | The autgmobiles have plenty of! 'play-grou: on the streets already paved.--G. M. MACDONNELL. New Varnish Gave Trouble. New varnish on the seats in a Rockport church caused trouble on! Sunday morning. Members of the | Evangelistic Band of the Kingston Y. M. C_ A. wero present at the ser. vice. When the congrega arose to sing they met with much difficulty in freeing themselves from the seats. ' One of the speakers drew a lesson. 'He said of people stuck to the church as they did to the seats' great success would follow. Lillian Godwin, Nozville Curry, Kathiéen Miran Oscar Fennin ;, Stuart McDonald, Robert G. Gibson. "im, Gaiuvan., Thomas Connor. William McLaughlin. Donald Anglin Jennie A. Spence. _ Mildred Matters, ZFiurence Crus» : a: un gan, 'rede: McBratney, - Mary Keates, Band-Sergt. Blake, 59th Battalion is organizing a splendid Banas alfon, (Continued on page 8.) -------- VAUDEVILLE AT THE GRAND: : New Programme For Thursday, Fri. day and Saturda, ¥ For Thursday, day an excellent deville an y. Friday and Satur- programme of vau- d pictures has been secur. e Grand Opera House. On ee days the Famous Players 'When We Were Twenty. | * pular, youthful | tual) photoplay, a Keystone comedy, the Pathe News of the leading events of the war, and also the ous Pa- the colored picture will be grey performance. a worth vau i : days James Milne, T Abernethy's fl - handle. | 490 PRINCES ST. Am { | by certain contractors to procure the | | and that nd ulterior interest is at the | col in our modern refrigerator coun- | If they knew that pro-iter away from flies and dust. { who 'were mussing -- no handling. Orders sent Debility, Mental | pushing § for reasons of their own, to any part of city. | 1 At 5 0'Clock. FE NS] | We Close | Sakell's Pure Ice Cream Ee Our Ice Cream is the best and finest in Kingston by Government Test. sr We deliver to all parts of the city in bulk or bricks. LL'S SAK | Next Opera House. Pw ow Bring Your Car Here When' it needs any repairs or supplies. Our mechanics are all first clans and stand A-1 in their trade. No repair too small or too big for us te We niso have here » AN UP-TO-DATE GARAGE, Where you can keep your ear in perfect confidence and where recelve courteous treatment at all times. OUR TERMS ARE VERY MODERATE, PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited Accessories AUTOMOBILES ¢ 210-212 Wellington St, Telephone 454 Agent for CADIERLAC and REO CARS, you wit Repairs Kingston, Ont. a ea at tat at at A a ANN NAM i Fresh Fruit & 4 Dining-Room Vegetables 'Furniture Fresh, Cured, and Cooked Meats. Campers' Supplies. Order Early, at Pickering's | in HONE 8 EINER | KINGSTON, ONT. | This large Colonial solid Room oak Loose Leaf Supplies BINDERS TO FIT ANY SHEETS SHEETS YO FIT ANY BINDERS fumed Dining Sett, in eight pieces, Only $54.00 At the store with the Large Meats We have the very best in Cooked Stock and Low Prices. As JAMES REID'S, The Lending Undertaker. Phone 147. .- Pa. 30ent Snplish Rew Rervuus eystem, makes new Blood old Veins, and Brain When a petition of that sort is Hams; Jellied Tongue, Jellied Hocks, | circulated, the signers are apt {o as-| Pressed Ham and Veal, Bologna and sume that it is the spontaneous act Head Cheese. P.S.~--All our meats are kept ice No | | Heart, Fait for $5. One will J.R. B. GAGE, gPhone 549, Montreal Street. The New York Fruit Store. Red Cherries, 11 quart baskets Black Sweet Cherries, 11 quart baskets Cantaloupes Watermelons Grape Fruit Tomatoes ~........................ ...: Goods delivered to all parts of the Phone 1405 Be 3 for 25¢ and 4 for 20¢ Cadre 10¢c a 1b, city. For the Finest Quality Beef, Lamb, Mutton, Pork, Veal---try - Parker Bros. HONE 1683. OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE. 'Spring and Yearling Lamb in Roasts, Stewing Cuts, Chops. Best Sirloin Steaks . . 24s Steaks .24¢ 11-12 12¢

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