PAGE TWO THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1915, 1 | | | | OF QUALITY Made to Special Order John McKay Limited, 149.157 Broek 8t., Kingston, Ontario. A Ap Cook's Cotton Root Compound, | A , reliable regulating medicine. Bod in_three de | of strengih--No. hal fio. 2,83; No. 3, $5 per x. | Rotd all dri; , OF Pend el on J re¢ pamphlet. I THE COOK MEDICINE CO. TORONTO, ONT, (¥ermerts Windase.' er » THOMAS COPLEY | | Wylie of the Children's Aid Society Telephone 987. Drop & card to 13 Pine street when wanting anything doné in the ca tery line. Estimates given on all of repairs and new work; also hard- wood floors of all kinds. | will receive prompt attention. Shop 40 Queen Street. SKIMMED MILK ( | n- Kinds | All orders | | where she will be allowed to locate. STRANGE PREDICAMENT OF A WOMAX AND HEHE! TWO CHILDREN, { She Belongs to Watertown But Fs Refused Admittance at Cape Vin- cent----Her Husband Sold Out and Disappeared. | A woman and two children have been travelling back and forth on the steamer America since last Saturday, the immigration officers ~n each side of the border refusing to allow them to land On Sdturday last the wo-| man and her two little children left! her Husband in Watertown, N. Y., came to Kingston and left . on the! train Saturday noon for Napanee After a visit with friends there over Sunday, she returned to the city and bought a ticket to Watertown. When she arrived in Watertown she found! that her husband hdd sold out every- thing in thé house and left for Can-' ada, s0_her neighbors said t Accompanied by hér two childfen,' she again' boarded the America but! the immigration agent here refused | her admittance as an undesirable as | {she had no means of support and | might become a charge om the mu- | nicipality. | <The only other course open was to| return to Cape Vincent but here the, American Immigration agent, Mr. | Lewis refused to allow her to laud? as she could not prove she was an| American or had any money. Since then she has been living on the steamer, unable to land any- | where. On Thursday morning Mr. | treighng the local agent, took her| to the Clty Buildings where W. H. will look after her for the present. In the meantime the authorities of both Governments are endeavoring | find out her nationality, whether a Canadian or American, te decided OVER 150 STUDENTS Are Attending the Queen's Summer School, A general meeting of the students of Queens Suntmer Schoo] was héld BIG FAIR ATTRACTIONS, R. the Arrangemetity. R. J. Bushell, the energetic' and popular Sééretary bf the Kingstén Industrial Pair, is very hitsy making arrangements for the big fall exhibi. tion. a balloon ascension with a triple drop, in which a man and a women will "figure. The Havana Red Sox baseball team, which made such a bit hit here a few weeks ago, has also been engaged, and wil] prove a big drawing card, Althotigh this is war year, everything -points to a big fair. The directors of this fair," who from a very small beginning made it the success it is to-day, are. deserv- ing of all the support possible. The bulk of the work, however, has been on the shoulders of the secretary, hut he mw never happy unless he is work- ing hard, and from now on until the fair of 1915.18 over, he will not allow any grass to. grow under Gig feet in making way for the biggest exhibl tion ever. ' THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. A General Review of Country District and Local News: '""Nellson's Ice Créam" at Gibson's. John O'Donahue has sold his farm | in Kitley Township to Nelson Nib- lock, Smith's Falls. '"Witeh Hazel Cream!' at Gibson's, The grandest sight in the world. Thousand Islands by searchlight, to- night, per 8S. Thousand Islander, 7.45 sharp. 'Grape Juice" at Gibson's. A chimney on the dwelling owned by James Foley, Athens, was struck by lghtning and considerably dam- aged. "Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's. To-néght. Thousand Islander for 60-mile searchlight trip through Thousand Islands. 38th Battalion band on board. 7.45 p. m. sharp. "Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's. Rev. R. B. Cichrane, Woedstick, has accepted the call of the congre- gation of College Street Presbyterian Church, Toronte to become pastor of that church. An eight months old baby is be ing treated in the Metropolitan Ios: | -------- Ya J. Bush#ll #8 Very Busy Making | Amang the attractions will be | MORE AUTOISTS FINED FORE DRYING Cad AROUND HOUPNEOFSSARY LIGHTS. { f fo 5 ! Five Prominent Citizens Walked the Carpet on Thursday Mopping-- Magistrate Collected $37.50 in| | Fines in Three Minutes, i The automobilé drivers are cer- | | tainly paying their share of the cost of oiling of the st¥eets Their con. tribution is not a voluntary one," {however," but it is boing secured through Police Court fines for vio- i lating rules and regulations. | Magistrate Farrell collected $37.50 | in fines in less than three minutes, | at the session of the Police Court on | MThursday morning. Five very pro-| | minent citizens walked tho carpet. be- | eause they drove their car" around the eity without a light. Fach one | pleaded gailty, without a murmur, | and was called upon to cover a fine of $5 and costs; : ! Myles Knight, who was left in the | | cells an extra@night, in order to sober | { up, admitted being drunk. Yester- | | day, when he came before the Magis- | | trate, he was "too full for utterance.' ! | However, his stay in the 'cooler' | {turned the trick, and he was eager | | to plead his own case and ask for a | pass, However, this was not pass | day with the Court, and unless. he pays a, fine of $5 and costs, he will do a month in the jail. °° FIRE IN A DWELLING. Lively Blaze at Home of Thomas | Boyne on Wednesday Afternoon. | A two-storey dwelling, owned and | occupied by Thomas Boyne, at 114 Patrick street, suffered damage by fire which broke out a few minutes after four o'clock on Wednesday af- ternoon. The exact amount of dam- age is vot known, bit. it 18 covered by insurance. " Neither Mr. or Mrs. Boyne were at home at the time the fire occurred. 'Mrs. Boyne was down town, and her husband was engaged whitewashing a fence near his home, but did not know his house was on fire' until some of the neighbors gave the alarm. People living close by ino LATEST POPULAR MUSIC NOW FEATURED BY THE LEADING BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS AT THE LEADING SUMMER RESORTS When I Was a Dreamer When Johh MeCormack Sings a Song Rufus Johnson's Harmony Band San Jose Oh, What a Beautiful Baby ---- vor My Own Venetian Kose My Ship O'Dreams My Skylark Love McCarty - Mother, May I Go In To Swim? In Old Ireland Talip Time In Holland I'M Going Back To the Farm Hicky-Hoy I Didn't Raise My Ford To Be a Jitney Gasoline Gus and His Jitney Bus § Jane Betty's, Basting Belly Bands for Belgians My Little Girl Elaine, My Moving, Picture Queen My Little Dream Girl Dancing Neath the Irish Moon My Bird of Paradise Sprinkle Me With Ki Sweet Kentucky Lady SPECIAL: 1, Just reduced from 35¢, Al Jolson's TENNESSEE; Sister Susie's Sewing Shirts for Soldiers. SPECIAL: 2, Now 15c, after August 1st 40¢, Where the River Shannon Flows, LATEST LITTLE WONDER RECORDS. Played bn any machine. EVERY. " THING IN MUSIC. : THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE 160 Princess Street Phone 919. For the Va OWNERS OF AUTOMOBILES 4 WE STOCK EYE PRO- .TECTORS AND GOGGLES. We. stock the best lines right prices. The new (Night and Day) Goggle, is an -insurance against a = & =a = Girls Middy Jerse; ris" Middy Jerseys With Laced Collar and short sleaves, © White and Navy--White and Sky-- White and Cardinal 39 : --Navy and Sky--also all White--all sizes. . C at accident at night. Have the 'hauffeur use a pair, i Middy Blouses of heroin, received from the mother, The cause of the fire is unknown. {in Convocation Hall on Wednesday | pital New York, as a "dope." Phy- | helped to get out a good deal of the FOR SALE {afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. The work | 0 ) [sic the child's system is full | furniture, fof the members of the Association Sigiahs say tid s oy ; Just the thing for || cooking, feeding chie- Kingstgn Dairy Co. | Phone 649. (r RUGS At before the war {the | students have pursued their | tendance this year is even beyond | for the past year was reviewed by president, J. T. Curtis, The usual system of advertising, and have met with surprising success, as the at- their éxpectations. There have been added to the curriculum of previous years classes in mineralogy, philoso phy, and. in. the -Faculty of Educa- tion, Queen's holds the unique po- sition of being the omly university in Canada which offers in its summer session the same line of studies which is offered during the regular winter session, and enables the stu- dents to pursue their course for a degree of B.A, Prof. W. T. MacClement gave a | short history of the summer school from its-beginning in 1910, In that year 24 students ware enrolled. In 1911 there were 37; in 1912, 48 Then 1a 1913 ihe attendance fell down to 43, and it was feared that the summer session would be discon- {tinued. The students, however, or- | gafrized a campaign, and hy adver. tising and personal appeal sought to incrense the attandance. It would seem that their efforts met with sue- cess, as last year, 1914, there were prices. We have been preparing for the advance in prices for six months. You get the benefit. All the best English and Canadian makers represented. Every Size, Every Quality, Sy Make. __ r---- R. McFaul, Kingston Carpet Ware- house. * $300 Cash Secures a new room frame dwelling; furnace, B. and C,; ver-| andah, and nice lot In central location. 73 students. This year, 1915, is | better still, the attendance being | more than double that of last year | The senate of Queen's has decided | that the summer gesion shall here- after be a permanent institution, HIRED MAN DISAPPEARED, | N And At the Same Time Farmer Miss. ed About $200, A farmer who lives on the Front Road is minus a hired man, and he is also minus about $200, which he had | stowed away for a rainy day. Wheth. ler the money went with the man is not known, and no ¢harge has been laid as yet, but the farmer i& mak- ing a search for the missing man in teh hope that he might get a clue to the missing wad, 'Hires' Root Beer " Gibson's. King George's cousins, first and second, nuniber close to 300. "Buy Face Creams" at Gibson's. ' : How's This? We offef One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catar that can- not Be cured by Jala Catarrh Cure. F J CHENE & CO. Toledo. 0. 'We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney. for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to earry out any obligatibns made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- any, acting directly upon the blood an mop Surfaces of the System. Testimonials sent free. Price 15 cents per bottle. Sold by. all Drukgists. . Take Hell's Family Pills for consth. pation. 5 ii = an invetaerate usér of the drug. '"Hazeline Cream' at Gibson's. Lightning struck the large barns owned by W. 0. Eaton, Lyn, and completely destroyed them, togeth- er with about twe tons of hay and a number of hens. Mr. Eaton saved his horse and a number of pigs. The { building was insured, BASEBATL RECORD, National League. New York, 6.1; Chicago, 5-3. Brooklyn, 2; Cincinnati, 1' Philadelphia, 6; St, Louis, 3. ------ American League. Cleveland, 3-1; Boston, 2-7. Chicago, 5; Philadelphia, 4. Detroit, 12; New York, 3. Washington, 2; 8t, Louis, 1. Federal league, Pittsburgh, 8; Kansas City, 4. Buffalo, 4-4; Newark, 1.9. Brooklyn, 9-4; Baltimore, 7.5, Chicago, 4; St. Louis, 1. International League, Providence, 1; Toronto, 0. Montreal, 2; Jersey City, 1, 'Harrisburg, 8; Rochester, 2 a. 'Buffalo, 5-9; Richmond, 4-12. LIGHTNING DID DAMAGE. i ------ Barn Struck, and Wheat Crops Pam- aged 'Near Wilton. The lightning storin on Tuesday 'kftéridon did serious damage in some parts of the county: The barn of Walters Sibley, near Wilton, was struek by lightning and one 'side of it was completely tora out. ham was also struck but mo dam- age was done. Around Wilton, there was also a very heavy hail storm, whieh did serious damage to the wheat crops. It was one of the worst storms of the season in this distriet. ht ca Help thie New Line: Kingstonians até evidently not aware of the unusual service offered by the steamer New Castenet to spend a day among the islands, is trim steamer, with al] the speed and comforts of the private yacht, leaves daily. It gives two hours at Alex- Andria Bay, and a return throligh en- tirely new chanfiels to most Kingste- nians, reaching home aboiit 5 p.m. This is a new. steamer. service out of Kingstof, ahd is a véry gefietous fifty cents' worth of pleasure dn the St. Lawrence. - would be a pity it Kingstonians should lose this ser. Ratoutess. 1h they did not kuoy it. Bocourage the promoters, 0 are very courteous and obliging, by your patronage NOW 'when needed) to make it a i re Gave Him a Farewell. William Pagoat, Portsmouth, an Aftendant at Rockwood Holt i leay. of bverseas With 4 is Bin rh i we : Have. youk seen' them? Gold plated frame and drop amber lenses, 50c. Also amber sun glasses, Frank McRory's barn near-Syden- |. It started in a bed room on the seec- | ond floor and made great headway all over the upper flat into the attic | ana also breaking through the roof. { The fire was gaining when the | firemen arrived in responge to a tele- | phone eall. The heat and smoke | was terrible, and it was almost im- possible for tlie firemen to make their way up stairs. Two lines of hose were laid, one line being taken up- | stairs and played in the bed room | where the fire started. The other line was worked from the outside. A portion of the roof had to be chop- ped away to'check the fire. { ST. SWITHIN'S DAY. If It Rains TosDay Showers Will Contintié Forty Days. This is the day when automobil- ists; baseball loving smal boys and other folks who don't re for a rainy summer begin to worry, This is St. Swithin's Day, and if it rains, according to an ancient superstition, there will be continued showers for forty days. St. Swithin, Bishop of Winchester and tutor of ning Alfred, is said to have wrought many miracles, the most celebrated of which was a rain |of forty days' continuance, by which he testified his displeasure at an at- tempt to bury him in the chancel of the minster instead of in the open churchyard as he directed. Cape Vincent Blasts. Cape Vincent Eagle Clayton and Alexandria Bay. Up angler for the gamey bass So much as fo hook and bring to the boat this species of fish, Without the shadow of a doubt Cape Vincent has the largest and best fleet of motor craft on Lake Ontario or the St. Lawrence River, and more, doubted ability. ui pains 50c--To the 'Birg.---~50¢ On SS. Thousand Islander leavi g at 8.30 a.m. Friday for Ogdensbutg and river points. Fare 50e. 'Kingston's Famous Fur Store" §; They call pickerel fishing sport at. here nothing disgusts the genuine | 4 every guide is a fisherman of un- i | In a wide range of pretty designs from this season's best styles $1 and up $1.00 Will buy a chic style White Marquisette Waist About a 'dozen de- signs' in any size, 34 to 42. Special $1.00 WASH DRESS GOODS CLEARING AT GREAT- LY REDUCED PRICES. Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store. Smith Bros. IEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Issuers of Marriage Licenses. REPAIRED AND REMODELLED Gourdier's Phone 700, NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE A GOOD BUILDING LOT. WE OFFER: [Raglan Road (62x83) | Union St. 6x132) | Montreal SY. (66x250) North St. (60x90) \ | Ellerbeck Ave. (652x156) .... ress BUILDERS' SUPPLIESeeey | Earl St, (40x132 | [iviagnen Ave, two lots (66x | i 32), $1,200 for both. DARK RED PRESSED BRICK. 8 475 LL) 450 500 200 1,650 CLOSING OF MAILS, British mall closes irregular- ly. Information posted at P. O. Lobby from time to {lie. United States, dally .. 1.00 p.m. Grand Trunk, going OSL ......ic0i00000.1050 pom, Dé. (Includ'ng astern States) «.1L60 a.m. Grand Truak, going « WOBL .iueisiiiniayen 60am. Do. (ir:'uding Western States) ®ioovivniess 10.50 p.m. Grand Trunk and all west «f oity s.idvi.. 2.30 pm. C.P.R. 1015 am. and 4.30 p.m, CN. RR. iioiitivais 220 pmo | Earl St. (33x135) | Russel St. (28x120) | Garett St. (z5x125) A full list at office, | A new furnished house, in [locality, at a reasonable rent. | session at once, EW. Mullin & Son All Kinds of Real Estate, Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. ~ Phones 539 and 1456 SAG Sis obo 800 1795 750" good We have just received Pos- a choice consigninent of Dark Red Brick. ~® We are offering them at an attractive priee. S.ANGLIN&CO. ode. monkive, Ficront, Bdy and Wellington Streets. Pressed RUSSIAN WAS ROBBED Of Bait Case, $80 und Suit of ie (othes, To be robbed of his suit case con- talnltg a uit clothes. a pair of shoes and $20 wad the mistoriane or n who boards General fl 3"Ve Seve ie You know that, if " '. e Ve started scores of le of MAN Teams to Acaraniot people and have seem success crown 'S your turn now. 's Tee Cream" 45 p.m, Come at Gibson's. slander to-