f THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JULY 15. 1915, Going Away Soon For Your Summer Outing ? If so, don't forget to take along the things that's made for comfort. Don't spoil your va- cation by wearing. un- comfortable outfitting. The house of things to wear Vour service. Weight Sum- mer Suits... .$12,.$15 Duck Trouserings, khaki and white, $1 up Flannel Trousers, :ll $3.50 up- and Soft handsome cood is at Light colors Soft Shirts Collars, in new patterns, $1, $1.25, $1.50 up to $2 Cool Underwear, Neckirear, Hosiery, ete. ete. We've a regular store house of Summer Comfort and not a price we name will prevent your indulging in every- thing vou desire to freshen up vour ward- robe. 's, Brock St. Wey, But It Will Pay You To alk | A Little Qut of the . esses --_ eee We close every evening during July and August at 3 o'clock, Saturday excepted. Halt Price Sale Dresses Saturday Morning, 8.30 O'clock All our Summer Muslin Dresses, all our Palm Beach Suits to be sold Saturday at Half 75 { Price F rench » Chambray Dresse sizes in the lot. $1.4¢ Saturday price ; | | { donations SPLENDID AID * GIVEN THE GOVERNORS ARE HOPEFUL OF RAISING NEEDED FUNDS, The Monthly Meeting of the Sir Oli- ver Mowat Memorinl Hospital Board--The Donations Have Been Generous, The monthly meeting of the gov- ernor the Sir Oliver Mowat Me- morial. Hospital was held in the Board. of Trade réoms on Wednesday afternoon. , It was reported that the received for the past month totalled over $1,020. The governors were much please with the response to their appeal nd the manifest interest in the they had every hope that their re- quest for $2,000 would speedily be answered, It was pointed out that the people were much concerned re- garding the work of the hospital and many Kindly eXpressions accompan- ied the generous gifts The resignation of Miss Bass was accepted and arrangements were made for carrying on the work dur- ing the snmmer. There are, at present, eighteen patients, four of whom are -on their holidays. Appli- cations for several more, oné of them by the Militia Department, were made for admissions. The resignation of C, Birmingham as a governor was regretfully accept- ed and a resolution of appreciation for his wise counsel and beneficence was passed. Regret was expressed that he found it necessary tg retire, but it was hoped that his interest would be as marked'in the future as it has been since the inception of the hospital. The Daughters of the Empire were very heartily thanked for their zeal and interest in the work and for the large gifts that they were able to make to the hospital as the result of a recent sale and a garden party. Dr. Macallum reported that every- thing was moving satisfactorily at the institution; that the patients were hopeful and happy, and that the grounds were looking the very best. Visits by interested citizens just now would be of very great pleasure to themselves and to the staff and pa- tients. Plans are under way for several special features that is hoped will add considerably to the funds of the institution. In the absence of the president, J. G. Elliott presided. German Kaiser Looks Very Old, Gray and Nervous 3l--German (Special to the. Whig.) London, July 15, -- The Evening Star's Petrograd corespondent to- day cabled that the German Kaiser, in addressing the Landsturm regi- ments leaving Frankfort for the Rus. sian battle front, declared: "We have staked our all IT the enemy i3 vietorious Germany will no longer exist. Perhaps the war is mistake on our part, but the present is not the moment to say it, We must save our country." The Kaiser, the correspondent re- of ported, appeared 'aged, nervous and | gray.' dedeidedeodr fbr Fbdb bbb bb * * BRITAIN'S WAR COST. * London, July 15.--"A war # costing a thousand millions a # year is bound to be of compara- # tively - short duration," ex- claimed Chancellor McKenna in the House of Commons last evening. "If the war were to last. thirty-six months it would be. impossible rationally to esti- mate its cost." The Late John McKee.' John McKee, carpenter-contractor, passed away at his home on Plum Street early on Thursday. Sixty-one years ago the deceased was bord at Lansdowne aud for the past forty or more years he had been a resident of the Limestone City, Up until recently Mr. McKee had enjoyed good health but a week ago he was stricken down with a paralytic stroke. = Whe second stroke occurred on Thursday morning and deah resulted. In religion the deaceased was a Presbyterian and member of Zion Church; He wits & Liberal in poli- tics. A wile, three sons and five daugh- ters survive: William and Jonn re- siding in Saskatchewan; Robert at home; Mrs, R. J. Clark, Kingston; Mrs. Willlam Scott, Korea; Mrs. (Dr.) M. Ofdham, Desboro; Miss Liela, Toronto; Miss Lulu, at home. Two brothers and two sisters also Rubee, Kua, Rochaster, N.Y. obert, Kingston; wa. ~ nett, Portla Mai Mrs, David Harris, Ki ; The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon but po arrangemenfs can be made until the sons arrive home from Saskatchewan. . COMPLETE HARMONY o th hig. a po reports of the that wax { rmony. The the Prime Minister and - Lloyd- George continue to be what they have s 'been institution; | *| vhatever differences may existed there is now complete relations between | CITY AND VICINITY, B0c Exchesion to Ogdensburg On SS. Thousand Islander, Friday, 8.30 a.m. calling at 1000 Island points. Str. Rideau Queen. Beginning Monday, July 5th, the Str. Rideau Queen will leave. Swift's Wharf Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day, 6 a.m., for Pertland. Friday trip to Rideau Ferry. , } Calling For_ Help. Theifarmers are beginning ta eall for help and two men who arrived in the city on Wednesday, looking for work, were placed on farms within half an hour by Immigration Agent George Hunter. A Boost For Kingston. Capt.' John Donnelly, well-known lake skipper, returned to his home |at Kingston, Ont, after a week's | UuSitiess" visit, says the Canadian. | American of Chicago. He reported | trade more lively in his home town than in Chicago. ---------------------- Attend Recruiting Meeting. Every citizen should turn to the {big meeting to be held at Artillery {Park on the evening of July 21st to stimulate recruiting. Dr. Michael Clark, of Red Deer, Alberta, will be the speaker. He will have a stir- {Fing message for everyone. i CUA RE Stricken: With Heat. Z. Prevost, Brock street tailor, was overcome with the heat mear the corner of Johnson amd Wellington street shortly" before 3 o'clock this | afternoon, while Feturned to his shop {fram his home, and was assisted to his home. | let mteumstpe: | Post Office Jobs. | At a meeting of the Conservative | executive on Wednesday night, Har. | old Hunter was recommneded as as- | sistant clerk in the post office, to | take: the place of Edward Hiscock, who is going overseas, and Charles Herbert was recommended As assis- | tant transfer man, | Thursday's Market. There was a very small market on' Thursday morning with: a small | quantity of butter -and eggs offered. | Butter was offered from 32¢ to 35¢ fa pound and eggs from 20c to 250 R dozen. Red currants and cher- | ries sold at 10e a box and'strawber- {ries from 12¢.to 15¢ a box. | This Is Your Fight. Young men, have you given the | 8reat war your best thought? It is j your fight, the men are putting up {at the front. Get in line and do your "bit." Hear Dr, Michael Clark, | M.P., Red Deer, Alberta, at the big recruiting mecting on July 21st at Artillery Park. ". PasSed Entrance At Ten. Two Frontenac pupils, one living gn Howe Island and'the other in oughboro fownship, have passed the | entrance examinations to the high schipol at the age of ten. These young people, are a credit to the County, and should receive some spec- dal recognition. 1 ---- | Approaching Marriage, x Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Robins, late of | Brockville, and now of Ottawa, have | Issued invitations for the marriage { Of their eldest daughter, Gwendoline |L. R., to Lieut. H. L. Mainguy, of {the '8th' Canadian = Mounted Rifles, and youngest son of P. Anstruther | Mainguy. The marriage is to take | Place on August 2nd at Ottawa. A Benefit Game. The City Basebal League has very generously offered to provide a game the Proceeds from which are to be devoted to the Sir Oliver Mowat Me. morial Hospital. The Havana Red Sox have been secured, and the game will 'occur on Wednesday, August 4th, on the Cricket Field It is probable that tickets will be sold for the event. The Leaguers intend to make it a special event. Inspected Milk Dairies. Sanitary Inspector Nicholas Tim- merman was on the war path Thurs- day morning for vendors who sell dirty milk. He visited seventeen | inspector said that on thé whole the places, and made an Ingpection. The places were fairly satisfactory. How- ever, he is going to visit them again in the near future, and if those that did not quite come up to the mark during the test summonses will be issued. Helpful Entertainment. A delightful entertainment was tendered the soldiers at Barriefield Camp on Wednesday night by a choir | of 'the Salvation Army. The large Y. M. C. A. tent was | led to capa- | city. Mr. "Pugsley, was the 8 er. - The latter's théme was based upon religious principles and | as usual the speaker secured consid- | erable applause. An assault-at-| arms will be held in front of the Yy M. C. A. tent Thursday night. Two hundred and twénty-seven miles from Montreal, nestling in a {charming valley amongst the New 'Bugland hills, is of the prettiest and h New England vilages on the mala line of the Grand Trunk Railway. Owing to its high altitude (800 feet), the air is and _ +The prin- wtiractions 2 r cipal boating fishing. The Bethel Inn offers the best of 'mccommods- tion, * be ! 6 | thoroughly. Peace Terms . ! Not Considered | By Britai 2y | (Special! to the Whig) ! London, July "15.--The Govern- ment at the present time is net even | considering the possible terms of an | early peace, Premier Asquith declar- | ed in the Commons this afternoon. The -Prime Minister's statement | was in response to a query put by D. M. Mason, Libéral member, who asked if the Givernment is at pre-! sent taking any steps to ascertain | upon what terms Germany would '| consent to an immediate peace. PITH OF NEWS, Despatches. From Near and Distant Places, Three heat prostrattons occurred Wednesday in Toronto. A Toronto recruiting league is to be formed to advertise recruiting on a large scale, The annual accounts of the Brit- ish navy show its cost to be upwards of $870,000,000. Petrolea ratepayers carried a Hy- dro-electri¢ by-law by a majority of 400. Austrians trying to cross the bor- der at Port Arthur and at Niagara Falls were foiled and arrested. Four young children were burned to death in a fire which destroyed turee Quebée houses, rendering nine families homeless. Philip Stevens, an eleven-year- + old English boy, was killed by a horse's kick. on a farm in Logan township. Dr. Dandeno, Bowmanville, has been appointed inspector of elemen-! try agricultural classes, and Dr. O. J. Stevenson assistant master in the To- ronto Normal School. Alfred Dutot, sixteen years of age, only son of James Dutot, was drowned .at a Presbyterian Sunday sch picnic at Stony Point, Lake St. ir. Eleven Port Arthur Austrians made an attempt to escape to the United States in a gasoline launch. | Provincial Constable Symons and | Sergeant Burleigh of the police force hired a tug and overtook them in| Thunder Bay. An order for $80,000,000 worth | of shrapnel for the Allies, the larg-| est order yet placed in the United|| States by the warring countries at || one time and with any one company, has been closed with the Baldwin || Locomotive' Works, Philadelphia, A Berlin telegram states that the | Prussian Minister of the Interior || last week visited Louvain and ex- amined a German architect's scheme for rebuilding Louvain. Interview- ed, the Minister declared that the Government intended spending 30,- 000,000 marks in the reconstruct- fon of Louvain as a modern town, Private Goodsall Killed. Reaboro, July 15. <Word has been | received that Private Goodsall of the! 14th Battalion has been killed in aec- tion. He enlisted with the 45th || Regiment at Lindsay only last Janu-, ary, and went to the front with them. He 'was employed on a farm here. Marmora Teller Eunlists. Marmora, July 15.--Mr. Dowling, teller at the Dominion Bank here, has left for Kingston, where he has! been given a commissign as lieuten- ant in the 59th Battalion, and willl £0 to the rout: aan Weather Record. i At 3 o'clock this afternoon the thermometer at Best's druig store! on Princess strédet register 82 1-2! degrees. The . official record taken | at Dr. A. P. Mnight's, on Wednesday | was 83.2 and on Thursday 80.2. meridian Mrs. E. 8! Eiliott Seriously 11. R. F. Elliott, Division street, left Chicago on Tuesday. Word was re- ceived that Mrs. E. S. Elliott, widow of the late "Chaurer" Elliott, was seriously ill there. Mrs. James Clark, Battersea, was removed to the General Hospital by | Dr. C. K. Robinson to undergo an |; acute operation. { RHEUMATISM GOES | IF "HOOD'S IS USED The genuine old. reliable Hood's | Sarsaparilla eorrects the acid condi | tion of the blood and builds up the | whole system.dt drives out rheyma- | tism because it nses the hlood It has been success fully used for forty years, For rheumatism, stomach and kidney troubles, general debility and all 'ills arising from impure blood, Hood's has no equal, Get it from your nearest druggist today, ". I | ti We have just had delivered to us a most attractive range of New Blouses A ------ These come in all the latest summer designs. ir WHITE VOILE WHITE NEIGE VOILE EMBROIDERED VOILE And other equally materials, Differefit styles of new Collars, some with the Pilgrim Collar, others with Quaker Collar, and others with the smaller turn-over Collar Prices from $1.50, $1.95, $1.25, $2.25, $2.99, $3.50, $3.75. 3 SEE THE NEW BLOUSES TO-MORROW, ~ . oh Whit | di i d For Skirts, for Suits, three speciil makes just received at . . .16¢, 20¢, 25¢ fashionable white \ \ J ---- Arn Pry f Whit Di it For Waists and Dresses. This mater- ial has become verv fashionable lately and gives bxeellent wear, Four makes now ready, 18e, 20c, 25¢, 35¢, in firfe cheeks, in fine stripes. All white, ~ Black Victoria ~ Lawns One of the most comfortable mater- ials in Black for Summer Wear, as it washes perfectly and is sheer and fine. Prices « i J John Laidlaw & Son x ' INDIAN WA ; On F | one, an INDIA 5 s "fo w, WAR BONNET FREE. hn TT As BONNET FREE Mornii 'we will give away FREE to ocalls at our store and asks for _ Come.in Friday and get your War Bonet. |