A ovo et THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, PAGE SIX THE COUN _-- i ---- -- all of this city; Thomas - Randall Feronta; Mrs. F. Collins, Clayton. Two brothers and three sisters also survive, Thomas and Wesley, Poth "of Battersea; Mrs. Emily #acs, Batterseaj Mrs. M. Lake, 1-0y, N.Y.; Mrs. Edward Lake, Holyoke, Me. On Wednesday afternoon at 1.30 [ o'clock, service will be held at the | residence of Mrs Newman, Barrie { Blreet, at which Ensign A. J: 2mith will officiate. The remains will be taken to Sand Hill cemetery. for burial. | Frontenac KEELERVILLE. July 156 Social held on J Ang lin's lawn Thursday . evening undef the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the! Methodist church was a success. The | large crowd wa pleased with the lengthy programme. Visitors: Her i bert Simpson at E. Caird's; Lloyd Baxter at William Dixon's; Leonard Patterson, Sunbury, at D. Sleethis; Milliard Simpson, Jou Falls, at Sherman Norris'; Eddie Andrews spent 'Sunday at Lyndhurst D. Ang lin, at William Ormbsee, Battersea. FAST DAY FOR JEWS. . JULY 19, 1915. Will Be Observed All Over the Coun. to oe ce GERMANS MAKE BOAST BU {XY WILL GET Oe | The Jews the world over will ob-| UT THEY iam A HOT RE i Men Draw Lots To See Who W ill Be! Given Few Days Leave Of Ab-| sence=--Another Letter From Pte. : Edward McDermott. . | The Late Mrs. Sarah Randall, Pte, Edward McDermott, attached | Having taken seriously ill while to the Motor Transport of the First Visiting .at the home of her daugh-! Divisional Supply Column, C.E.F. ter, Mrs, Richard Paynter, York writing under date of July 6tp, street, on Sunday afternoon, Mrs, states that there are now only eight Sarah Randall was removed in 8. 8, Kingston boys left of the original| Corbett's ambulance tp the home of number who accompanied the First| Mrs, William Newman, 366 Barrie Contingent overseas last summer. | Street, where after a few hours she | These Pte. McDermott, says came|Passed away. Death was due to a out of the trenches, July 5th. A [paralytic stroke, large percentage are amoung thé! The late Mrs. Randall was bern wounded, . lin the township of Storrington sev- Continuing, Pte. McDermott sta-|enty-four years ago, and had resid- tes that the Germans are making|ed in Kingston upwards of forty-two some big statements these days as toj Years. In religion she was a Metho- what they are going to do. He says | dist and formerly a member of Syd- they will get a warm reception, and |enham Street Church. Of late adds: | years, 'however, she attended the "There is a lively scrap going on,| Salvation Army services, on our right wing. We 'are now To mourn her loss there are six pretty close tp the' line." sons and three datighters: Henry The soldiers draw lote to see who James Randall, . Richard Randall, | will be co will he given leave of absence. The Roc. ster, N.Y; John, Seeley's Bay; | dence, 10 writer ago asserts that he drew No. | Willtam and Gordon, Mrs. Richapd cemetery, 124 and is sure te get se illilam Newman, | buried, ven days| Paynter and Mrs. W leave between now and Clfistmas. | 1 Just when will depend on ho BLY | veering Bo are allowed to go at once. me of the boys who drew large fiumbers | - 5 we» Je bdry & Practical | Homé. Dress Makin g eg 3 _ Lerrong serve Tuesday as a fast day. Spe-| cial services will be held in every! Synagogue. The ninth day of Av in the Hebrew calendar is commem- orative of the destruction of both the holy temples in Jerusalem. The first temple was destroyed on that date by Nebbuchadnezzer and the Second templé, many years later on the same date in 1492, 200,000 Jews were driven fram Spain by King Fer- dinand and Queen Isabella. Tishabav, or the ninth day of Av, Is one of the nhjor fast days and be- gins at sunset Monday night and lasts until sunset Tuesday night. During that time those who fast must net taste of 'ood or drink, | | | { =e ; Aid of Sunbury met at the parson- age on Wednesday afternoon, There was a good. attendance. Congratu ations are extended to Misses Paul- Anglin and Ethe) Hartley, who Were successful in the recent En- rance examination. Prof, and Mrs N. F. Dupuis, Kingston, called at the | parsonage om Thursday afternoon Miss Scharf, Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs. (Rev.) A. W. Stewart. SYDENHAM, June 15.--A wedding of interest took place at five o'clock -on Wednes- day afternoon, June 14th at the home T. F. Lawrence, when their only daughter, Lulu was united jn "mar- riage to Roland Henry. Ne cere- mony was performed by Rev.- F. Reid, pastor of Sydenham Methodist Church. A dainty supper was | served, after which the bridal couple motored to Kingston enroute to Mon- treal and other eastern points. On their return, they will take up resi- | dence in Peterboro where the groom is engaged as principal of the Peter- boro high school. The out-of-town guests were Mr: and-- Mrs. T. M. Henry, Miss Singleton, Montreal, Miss Inda Lawrence, Bath, Mr. and [ Mrs. Hunter Henry and Lawrence McMillan, | © The village side-walks are being repaired on several streets, while {new concrete walks are under con- gtruction on the main street. Henry Guess.and S. Alport are grading the | new public school yard. The new building will be opéned in Septem- Brooklyn, N Y., where she is a pro- fessional nurse, is visiting her moth. er, Mrs. Pdtrick Evans. Keith Johns- ton, Napanee, is holidaying at his un- cle's, Alfred Lapum's, Mrs. Hud- son is ill. . Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald, London, and Mps, Mason, Chicago, are guests of Mlss Annet Donoghue. A fancy cement walk and new fence are being built at the Roman Catho- lie Church. James B, Weese, rural mai] carrier for No. 1 Route, has a new route added to his contract, and now delivers mail on the Lake Road @irenit-in the evening. ---- -- ine The Late Mrs. Flanagan. At the Hotel Dieu, on Saturday evening, after a brief illness, Sarah Ann Appleby, widow of .the fate Patriek Flanagan, passed peacefully to rest. Eighty-five Years ago the deceased was born at Halifax, N.S., antl for the past filty years had re- sided in Kingston. To mourn her loss there are two sous and one daughter: Janies and John Flana- &an and Mrs. A, Foster, all of King- ston. Two great grandehildren Kathleen and John Harrison, also survive. On Tuesda SOLER UNDER ARREST Leeds POOLE'S RESORT. July 16.--The stone crushliers are making a marked improvement in the roads. William Poole Is suffer- ing from rheumatism, and is not able to be about much Mrs, Thomas Laney and son, Rochester, alsa Mrs, Anson Andrews and daughter, spent Tuesday the guests of Mrs, R. Salter. Robert Vanstone has purchased the property recently owned by Mrs. Lu: theria Andress. Mrs. Andress has taken up residence with her son Hd- ward, Carey Point. Mr. and 'Mrs. Hoffman, New York, are on an ex- tended visit with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poole. The Grant party have arrived at thelr of With Serious Against Little Girl. Owen Thompson, a member of the 59th Battalion, who gave his home as Ottawa, was placed under arrest on Monday by Constable Samuel Arpiel. He is charged with an of- fence against an eight-year-old girl, aud will come before Magistrate Farrell 'Tuesday morning. TOTAL 42,431. Charged Offence BARRIEFIELD, July 15.--A good many Orange- | men from this locality attended the celebration in Gananoque, Quite a number attended 'the lawn social Wednesday at Mr." Wilmot's. Mr and Mrs. Brown visited with Mr. ana Mrs. Nathaniel Stanton, before re- turning to their home at Utica, N. ¥ St. Mark's choir is having another picnic' this week at the rectory grounds, The rain was welcomed The gardens look well The pota- to crop is good Mrs. Redman, Portsmouth, and little son are visit- ing with her parents, Mr and Mrs, H. Knapp. Mrs, Grimshaw spent Sunday with Mrs. Hutton. Mas- ter Edward Roy .and Perey Murray Y morning the funeral nducted from, her late resi- Raglan road; te 8t, Mary's where the remains will be. *P will never get leave as the war will be over long before their turn com- es. (Special to the Whig.) London, July - 19.--British losses in killed, wounded, and missing at the Dardanelles since Operations began total 42,431, Premier Asquith stated in the House of Commons this after- noon, "Principall Gordon's Alexander: M. Gordon, addressed us after supper last night, He is a de- lightful speaker and very earnest in his work which never ceases as he takes a great interest in the welfare son, Capt. also Lorne Stanton are spending their vacation up the Rideau Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith and family spent Sun- day with her sister, Mrs. W.' Hunter, Cushendall. I it i F 1 IR f c OAK FLATS. July 15.--Farwers have commen- ced haying., Bérries are scarce this season. The Misses Lillie and Katie Jeffrey are attending Summer Mod- el School at Sharbot Lake. A few from here attended the Orange cele brations at Tichborne and Belleville on_Monday. Miss Nellie Snider en teriained a number of her friends on Thursday last and all had a pleas- ant evening. The K baseball . team played its first game at Hinchin- brooke on Friday. Bert Snider and family, Kingston, visited relatives here last week. G. Smith spent ov- | er Sunday at his home at Parham. |® Miss Lillie Reynolds and B. Davey, | * Verona,at J. Genge's; Mr. and Mrs. | B. Genge, J. Jeffrey and Miss Geor-|T gina Jeffrey at W. Wagar's, Echo!® t 8 8 $ It f Lake; W. Snider at A. Bishop's; Mr.|and Mrs. W. Knapp. and Mrs. D. Robinson and Mr. and | Chester Davy, jr, Mrs. G. Brown, Godfrey, at J.|C Genge's; Mrs. 8. Asselstine and Mrs. | t F. Amey at R. Botting's; Miss Elsie | © McEwen has returned to her home| L at Tichborne after visiting friends a here. LAKE OPINICON hear of his recovery. | mother's, Mrs, OC. Lake's. | Shorty w |ily, Ottawa, accompanied by the Rev. { Mr. McVety and family are at the McVety Co her, A new barn is being erected at he parsonage. The Epworth League ntend holding a social on Mace's *oint on Tuesday next. The lawn social held by the Angli- an Church was a decided success. 'he proceeds amounted to $130. much credit is due the ladies who aithfully worked to make it a suc- ess, Lewis Clow, has taken a trip to he western provinces, intending to tay several months. F. M. Law- on's many friends are pleased to Miss Giles is pending a week at camp at Charles- on Lake. , Mrs. H. Dowsley, pro- essional nurse, Toronto, is at her Miss Susie is out of town for a few reeks, Mr. and Mrs. Pope are pending their vacation at the Swit- er Hotel... Herbert Woodruff is 'siting his mother, Mrs. J. Wood- uff. Mrs. (Dr.) Wilkins, Harrow- mith, is visiting her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. and familly are amp'ng at Perth Road. Many of he tourists -have arrived at their ottages. Among them are Rev. uther English and family, Catar- qui. Rev. Mr. Runnells and fam- in ip, wo at ter Ga dil en fal Mr on Re € in lin En ttage, ---- ---- July 16.--The hail storm, on| Thursday last was the worst ever seen in these parts, Lightning struck M. Hughson's. barn, doing | considerable damage. The crowd of | herry pickers which went t~ Russel | wa Prince Edward | a ¢ Lake on Wednesday were successful | in finding some lovely huckleberries | but had the misfortune to have part | of them stolen unknown party. ¥. Smith and M.| Hughson are improving the school | house with a coat of paint. Born, | to Mr. and Mrs. C. Ennis, a son. Lyman has secured a position at) Chaffey's Locks. A. Darling, Sr., in| convalescent. A wee girl has come! to stay at C., Tolson"s. Mr, Mrs. 8. Lyon, Latimer, paid a fl visit at A. Darling's, Sr's, on Wed nesday. Hilda Alexander has turned to her home at Kingston af-| ter spending the past three weeks With her uncle, E. Alexander, Willlam Lyman made a business trip to Perth Road on Monday. Visit-| Ors: Mr. and Mrs. J. Banks and] Baby, Leland, also Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith at ¥. Smith's; Mrs. William Ritchie and son Robert, Perth Road, | at A. Darling's, Jr's; Messrs. H.| Smith, K. Darling and A. N. Shatp| at Chaffey's Locks | son is spendin her son, v |e 8 & few weeks with O. Cumpson. ---- BATYTRSEA. July 12.--+The Ladies' met at the home of Mrs. lin on Wednesday after 7th with a very large atte Pleasant time was spent. cial that was to have been h evening on Mr. Anglin's law count of the weather was p until Thursday evening when a large number attended. The beautiful lawn was elaborately decorated with flags, Chinese lanterns and ever- greens. A good programme was given, consisting of choruses, solos, Sislogues, ete, Refreshments 'wer: served at the different canteens. About $75 was realized. _ The Orange Order attended church on Sunday eveping. ev. Mr. Stew- art give a splendid address. A num- ber from here motored to Belleville to attended the Orange celebration, Dr. Hurd and a few friends mo- tied ga Kingston on Sunday ald u _ excursion among . the d de. Miss D. Max- bas retu >. th So athe visiting M : on & Pa ) ndance. The so-| eld that | n, on ac- | ostponed | to the w- Keeler @ few days. 3 x kbd is wisiting her sister, § . Blgin. Blwood "is attending summer school at Shar- e. bot Lak July 16.--Rev. Melvin Taylor and Mrs. Tayler, Gananogue es Sr ar in the bush by some, farmers are busy in their hay, which is a light crop in this vicinity, Straw. berries are about done. | only an average crop. Harry Hawkins have re their wedding trip, | their reside and | Bongard is Ying | with Mrs, w "| Kimin is re-| Royal street, Mrs. |» | & Mrs. J. Cump-| never was better, {on Wednesday last. 8 Ald Society | have John Ang-| Westbrook, who has bee noon, July Charles A | héme. Kingston, and Mrs. Ande -real, are visitin Mrs, Bartie F Montreal, lock's, attracted a lar, ,| ball matoh between Odessa Iwas very exciting, win for Odessa hy ladies sold ie lemonade at grounds. was given by Richar ported by several ¥o village and some drills and patri sons. the Smith, visiting at COHERRY VALLEY, July 15 --The recent rains have ade the country look fine, The ma No civ, of Mr There was |a Mr. and Mrs. turned from and will take up nce here, Miss Gladys spending a féw weeks Minaker. Mrs. Mac- visiting at Strikr's, ; w. cla tio Lennox & Addington | Mi -- MILL HAVEN, July 14.--The crop in this locality he yield will be Quite a number attend- at Mrs.Fairfield's grove Miss Gretta Kingston, who a few days at Oscar Amey's, returned home. Miss Yorke, n visiting at Collins', bas returned Miss Edith Henderson, rson, Mont. & at Robert Rickey's. ranklin and family, are visiting at Harry Bul. gu to ery large. d the picnic nd Mabel Milligan, pent A at Jo . -- ed - ' Al July 1§,-- at th ge Crow vg and Bath resulting in a y g The and ¢ on the ing a concert d Vickers, sup-|al Ung men of the school children in otic songs, Te- day amounted to Webster and Mrs. William Kingston, who have been D. H. Robinson's for a few days, have returnéd | ls ©. cream, tf in In the even Mrs, summer cottage here, the storie crushers, met with a pain- fu] accident to-day. great: force, hitting Mr; Matthews on the right day for a, visit with his grandpar- With the abundance of rain that has Promised tv be an Junetown. daughter, Montclair, N:J., are spend- ing the summ A very enjoyable day was spent in . Hamlin's grove, it being, the Ath- ns Methodist Sunday School out- &- Friends here of Keith McLaugh- teaching ear; he is safe Miss Jean Karle the pils, scholarship. Soperton, Word was received here home fr and Mrs. Robert Preston visited the former's parents on Sunday last, July 1 der the direction of Miss Ushe ded to the hi Nichol, Cobourg, is said to have engaged as gina, were rece; Mrs. (Rev.) J, E, Robe: Shannonville, points. ing a basket picnic a tended the celeb: City, iner, Lyn, alone by tra; Mrs. R. B. Conne Meyers, Lyn, the Methodis evening, man accompanied h Gouveneur, N.Y., where spend a: few weeks. who resigned from the . stall of the A. .H. S. to take being » jo & Athens torious in game week. . Thomas Matthews, engaged with A stone lodged a wheel that was revolving rapid- and the stone was thrown with leg, inflicting - an ugly und He was taken to his home Escott shortly after, WASHRBURN'S CORNERS. July 15.--A number from here at- 1ded the Orange .celebration at hanoque on the 12th. Glen Ma- 1, Lakefield, arrived here on Mon- ts, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Washburn. len recently, oats in this vicinity abundant crop. s. G. Taylor, Winnipeg, arrived Thursday to visit her parents at Kinch Redmond and er vacation with James dmond. » who enlisted at Winnipeg while in the west, are pleased to at Shorneliffe camp, gland. . ¥, a graduate of A. H. S. and teacher at Lyn, 8 successful with her entrance pa- one of them winning the county Mrs. H. McKroaky, has returned home after visit with her daughter at Win- LE EET PEI EPPO P ID | | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Local Notes and Items of General Interest. A. W. Wheatley is in New York on business. of the men regardless of their ure | gion. | "Two Belleyille boys, James Scott | and David Yofing of the Motor Trans- | port had a pretty close call yester- | day. They got their car on the | wrong road and were peppered with shrapnel. The car was riddled pret- ty well but served as a protection A. B. Kingsbury, wife and family, of Rochester, N.Y.," are visiting in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Staley and Mrs. T. J. Dolan, all of Syracuse, N.Y., arrived in Kingston Saturday for a visit. They motored here via Buffalo and Niagara Falls. As the result of a broken wire, the west end of the city with the exception of a few lights, was throwa into darkness on Saturday night. Mrs. William Jarvis, York street, will leave on Tuesday for Medicine Hit, Alberta, to visit a brother she has net seen in twenty-five years. The funeral of the late Mrs. (Dr.) 0. M. Madden, who was drowned at Deéseronto, on Thursday night last, took place at Deseronto on Sunday. A number of deceased's friends frof Kingston were present at the burial, KING EXTENDS SYMPATHY To Wife of Kingston Soldier Who Died In Hospital, On Friday, Mre. Billings, wife of the late Pte. James Billings received official word from Ottawa of the death of her husband who died in a German hospital of wounds received in battle. Mrs. Billings . received the following message from ' Lord Kitchener: of the rriage on Tuesday morning at rth Augusta of Migs Gladys Per- al and W. G. Davis, both residents North Augusta. Born to Mr. and 8. 'Wellington Earl on July 13th son. Starley Ross has returned om Barriefield Camp. Mr. ATHENS, 5.--A young girls sewing ss has been organized in connec- n with the Women's Institute un- r and ss Berney. Miss Allen, Toronto, has been ad- 8h school staff, Mr. § been public school principal. r. and Mrs. W, Niblock of Re- nt visitors in Athens, their cousin, Miss Hayes. son has gone h relatives at Toronto and other The W. M. 8. purpose hold- t Delta Park. Athenians at- ration of the Twelfth M ests of spend a month wit} large number of Gananoque. Mrs. Smily Blackwood, New York is visiting her mother, Mrs. nas Steacy. Mrs. Richard Gard- aged eighty-six, came in to visit her daughter, Il. Rev, (Dr. occupied the pulpit of t Church on Sabbath July 4th. Miss Olive Free- er sister, Miss Freeman to her home at she will vira Miss Leita Arnold, B.A, Athens, has gone to Teromto to take a course physical culture. 8. A. Hitsman, teaching a speci- course in mathematics, left game here on Saturday, , the score was also vie- with Jasper last ---------------- The Goverament here on y, and is creek so that all beats can take ry Mrs. J. F. Everson and Selby, are visiting friends fuge in case of storm. Spiga -- 1 CENTRE ; July 13.--a passed over the panied by rain in torrents, tened a lot of grain . f alk ™ rge crowd f hi | at Relief Bai: seed, tb pend the Twelfth, The remains of late ili Lewis mare buried | § ae emi \ "The King commands me to assure you of the true sympathy of His Ma- Jesty and the Queen in your sorrow." The following message was algo re- ceived by Mrs. Billings: "The Prime Minister and members of the Government of Canada send deepest sympathy," -- | for them, although I think they were extremely lucky, "We are now. enjoying 'fine wea- ther. Of course the side roads are quite dusty. The main roads are paved with stone blocks. We are al- 80 having a very easy time now as the closer one gets to the firing line, the shorter the run. One of the lads dug up a camera to-day and we had several pictures taken." Distan To fall out of a third story win- dow to the ground, thirty-five feet below, and not break a bone was the experience of nine-year-old Harold Hartley, nephey of Mrs. R. H. Steven- son, Barrie street on Sunday even- ing. The little fellow was leaning out of the upstairs window when he became dizzy and fell out, striking on stones and boards. He was car- ried into the house, and a doctor af- ter an examination pronounced the little fellow none the worse: for his experience except for the shaking he received. His ankle was sprained but this is not serious. PITH OF THE NEWS, Despatches From Near and Distant Plae John R. Davis, Customs officer at Port Dover for twenty-five years was seized with a paralytic stroke Satur- CANADIAN CASUALTIES. &, " 3 +, * * + *| + Ottawa, July 19.---Canadian casualties, not including pris- oners, now total 10,273. This includes 1,772 killed, 6,601 wounded and 1,900 missing. Prisoners captured it is said to- tal nearly 3,000 and this would place the number of Canadians &! put out of action at some: &' There in the neighborhood of # 13,000. » ! LE EE ° hdbdb bbb re -- DID "PICKET DUTY." As Result Of the Clash Between Sol- diers and Police. As a result of the clash between the soldiers and the police, on Fri- day night last, in which Constable Truman Cherry had his left leg frac- tured in two places, a strong arm squad of soldiers did "picket duty" on the down town streets om Satur- day night. There was no further trouble, The soldiers came over to the city early in the evening and patrol- led the streets until midnight. Constable Cherry is doing As well as can be expected at the Hotel Dieu. He was alone at the time the assault was made upon hinr, and as his as- sailaats struck him down from be- hind, be could mot recognize any of em ; SOLDIERS TO APPEAL TO MINERS ------ ¥ To Return To Work And Prevent (Spect o thi : London, July 19---Ae Forecasted on Saturday, Minister of Munitions Lloyd-George will Jeave for to-night to make a personal to Welsh coal miners, ven slackening of war tions. This was announced. & 3 peed Several ® stroyer. day afternoon while bowling, and died in a few hours. Gunner Edward Kennedy of Ham- ilton, 29th Battery, C.F. A. was drowned while bathing: in the Thames; he could not swim, and sank in a twenty-foot hole. The Rome Tribuna states that a large whale was sighted off the Is- land of Gorgana, opposite Pisa. It was mistaken for a hostile submar- ine, and shelled and killed by a de- During June 1,141 German and Austrian officers and 60,848 men ar- rived at Kiev as prisoners of war, ac- cording to a despatch from that city te the Novoe Vremya. Of the men more than 10,000 were Germans. The British Admiralty announces that the appointments to the Inven- tions' Board, established to asSist the Admiralty in co-ordinating and en- Sourasing scientific effort, have been completed, with Lord Fisher as chair- man. The cancelation of the Imperial conference of teachers to be held in Toronto in 1916 was announced at the annual meeting of the League of Empire London, on Saturday. This step was taken on the adylce of Hon. Dr. Pyne, Acting Premier and Minjs- ter of Education for Ontario. -------------- PUWIFE AND FAMILY OUT.' Police Called To Took After Drunk- en Hubby Saturday Night. There were "w on the green," t a home an Sith Reet Saturday Prepared Especially For This Newspaper by Pictorial Review IN THE CRISPNESS OF . Peach blow pink taffeta waist having a surplice front and back in which silk figured gauze is inserted. It is further decorated with folds of black satin. The balance of fashionable favor in- evitably leans toward this waist in taf- feta combined with gauze which has the floral design in it stitched with silk threads. The effect is very dainty and the expense Involved small, especially for the woman who is skillful with her needle. The surplice front has an in- sert* of the gause piped with plain black satin, and as the taffeta is a de licious peach blow pink the contrast is more than effective. Quaint indeed are the deep cuffs, with their fullness above the elbow taken in with gathers. The xodel in average size requires 1% yard 36-inch lining, % yard gauze or all over lace 27 Inches wide and 2% yards 36- inch taffeta. Many home dressmakers to save time and trouble use the semi-fitted lawn and organdy linings, which can be bought for a few cents in the depart- ment stores. It is easy, however, to make a lining by first taking up the darts In front as indicated, closing the seams and hemming the front. The Pictorial Review Waist No. 6282. Si GAUZE AND TAFFETA. lace yoke at the back is then arranged on the lining and collar added. The lace yoke at the back Is then arranged on the lining and collar added, if high neck ig desired. Close. seam of under body as notched; then take up the dart at the shoulder as perforated. Gather long sleeve on line of double "oo" per- forations, draw gathers to the desired size. Close seam as notched to large "O" perforation. Close seam of under- facing and adjust undersiceve; then Rather on double small Yoo" perfora- tions and % inch below stitch tape (about 4% inches long) under Bathers, Adjust as shown in the Mustratfon on underbody sleeve, bringing single large "O" perforations together and stitch along small "o" perforations in fancy sleeve, regulating fullness. Gather low - er edge of front and back between dou- ble "TT perforations and 2 inches above Arrange on lining, under-arm seams and lower edges even, crossing in front and back. Bring upper edge of dart to large "O" perforation in frent shield and tack, Pleat lower edges of outer- front and back, bringing "T" to cor- responding small "o" perforations, Close shoulder seam as notched. Front Indicated by large "O" perforation at shoulder seam. Lap back on front un- der the arm, matching small per- forations and stitch, Arrange on un. derbody, bringing large "0" perforation near shoulder edges together and tack Cross in front and back as illustrated and fasten at small "0" perforation Ip peplum Added to the dressy effect of the walst is a detail of cut and finish that weighs the balance of favor stils further, ses 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust. Price, 16 cerita. voest mer Kesort-- Grounds,