Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jul 1915, p. 5

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CULE T 117988100 CONTEST | When you purchase a pair of Dunlop Heels, ask for the Pink Slip in the box. Then examine both your rubber heels | carefully. ; Prizes for phrases | | run from $1.00 to $10.00 monthly. . i { When You Need Electric fans | ----eeeeeee---- Irons, Toasters, Mazda Lamps, or anything Electri- } | cal, phone 94. Halliday's Electric Shop, | Phone 94 _ .2- -2- 345 King Street | v { At A A PP mati For Infants JL I HE Aon atosl Mothers Know That | Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Derk im; Ting the 8} OTIC. Leegeat, ti 4 || Opium. Morphine NOT Na Use For Qver Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUN SUMSANY. NEW YORK eIve. Aperfect for Constipa fi. Sour Simian, Worms,Convulsions Feverish The Centaur CaMPANY MOXTREZLANEW YORK § | | Upholstering 10 per eent. at any other time, : | of battle at night there is {mior major's position vacant, THE TROOPS IN THE CAMP The 38th Will Be All Called tut Shorty SEVERAL PROMOTIONS HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED IN THIS BATTALION. \ Major C. Ferguson Beécother Senior Major, Capt. J. E. McNeil Junior Major, and Capt. J. H, Glass Adju- tant, Practicall> all tlie meving of the troops at the front is dohie at night, and the soldiers at Barriefield Camp are to receive as thorough a train- ing in might work as they have re- 'ceived in day work. On the field if pos- sible, no shouted orders whatéver, As soon as a battalion or other unig' decides to rest at night, the first thing to see to is placing the outposts. These are an absolute necessity to avoid a surprise at- tack. Men must. be placed in such a way that should an attack be made the main unit can be made ready for its reception, There is first placed an outer guard, which is always on the alert for the least sign of danger. It is 80 placed that should an attack come, a second line of men immedi. ately behind can be made ready. These "in turn engage the enemy or defend the position until the main body can be drawn up into position for defence or attack, On three different occasions com.- panies from the 38th Battalion have remained out all night on duty as outposts. The schemes were all worked out very near the camp. It is being planned to have an ex- tensive series of night attacks for the different units in camp: The 38th Battalion is now quite capa- ble of doing the work, as the re- cruits have all been drilling steadi- ly. Lieut-Col. Edwards, officer commanding, is planning to call out the whole battalion in the near fu ture to see how the officers and men would do on active service. Three worthy officers of the 38th Battalion have been on their merits promoted to. positions where their superior knowledge will be of more value, To date the 38th -has had no senior major. On - Wednesday it- was announced Major C. Fergu- son had been appointed to that posi- tion. The promotion left the ju- and the honor of filing this fell to Capt. 1. MeNeil. Major MeNell is well - known both in social as well as commercial circles all through Ontarf®. He is a highly respected and influential real estate merchant of Ottawa, but left his business to don the King's uniform. His. pro. | motion made vacant the position of adjutant, and his assistant, Lieut. J. | H. Glass, has been advanced to it. This promotion carries with it the {rank of captain, and there has not | beeh a more popular promotion than {this one in { Glass was in the Civil Service i | tawa before the wa the battalion. Capt, 0 Ot- r broke out, but, having seen service in all parts of the world, and always been consid. {ered a splendid soldier, he was of- | fered and acce pted the position: of Regimental Sergeant-Major for the battalion, After holding this posi- tion for a short time, and proving himself capable for a better posi. tion, he was given a commission and appointed assistant adjutant. His many friends not only in Ottawa but in this city will congratulate him on the appointment, and it is certainly deserved. All of the promotions date from the 19th, Sergt.-Major Godson is the Structor for the physical drill the 59th Battalion, at 6 a.m. daily , in for which is held Pte. C. R. Lawthrop, 59th Battal. lon, has been transferred to the En- gineers' Training Depot, Ottawa. Ralph Fish and J. G. Bvan two recruits that were Capt. Trousdale, 47th R the 59th Battalion, are enlisted by egiment, for Lieut. Cunningham Tho wit and Lieut, Pson have reported for duty the 59th Battalion. There is still a scarcity of maga- zines for the soldiers who are de- tained at the Field Hospital. Any citizen who has some that he wishes to give away should phome No. 431 (the Military Ho: 1 on Queen street) and they will be called for. with ney, 9th is. $ There &ré now Atiyitwo. paticats at the Field Hospital and about for- ty in the city hospitals. through- | eral prised at the quality of the men be! ing trained.at/Barriefield camp. After the parade the soldiers were dismissed for the day and the visit- ors, after motoring "through the grounds, visited the fort. They ex- pressed themselves as highly pleas- ed with their visit. Capt. W. 8S. Wood, 43rd Regi- ment ,who is seconded to the 38th Battalion at Barriefield camp, has, been awarded the Colonial Auxiliary | Long Service Medal. IN MARINE CIRULES. Movements of Vessels Reported | Along the Harbor, ton mill with a cargo of coal from | Fairhaven. t Schooner Abbie L. Andrews ar- rived at Crawford's wharf with coal from Fairhaven. Charlotte with coal Crawford. Robert for Oswego, awaiting orders. barges; will clear to-night for Pres- cott, light; tug Bronson is due to arrive to-night, light, from Mont- real; and will clear to-piorrow with one grain barge for Montreal. The Canadian Stéamship steamer City of Hamilton, Lina tert on Thursday morning. report is that the steamer will be laid up in the course of a few days, and will later undergo a remodel. ling. ken off and the steamer made into an all-round freighter. During has fallen, and ther® is no prospect | of it-ever making any further gain. falling off, and other boats are like- ly to be laid up until further no- | tice. | a.m. Thursday; barge Reid due down Thursday af-| ternoon, | Visiting Hereabouts, The Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Evening | Star says: | Dr. and Mrs. J, BE. McCambridge, | Mill street, have arrived at Jones! Falls, Ont., for six weeks of fishing | and- touring "in their car. To-day | | Steamer Jeska arrived at the cot Steamer Hinckley is in port from | M. T. Co.'s Bulletin: Tug Hall ar- | rived from Montreal with two light | which | went into the Kingston Shipbuild- | ing drydock on Tuesday morning, | The | The entire cabin will be ta- | the past season thes passenger trade | Every day the passenger trade is | f { ' Steamer Fairfax passed down 8! dai p S steamer Lomnic and | ig Brand' | sPorRTING SHOES. Steamer H. N. Jex arrived from | PAGE FIVE : This is the season for Sporting Shoes | Our stock of all kinds of Outing and Sporting Shoes is complete. See our window display of Maltese Cross and Lig Brand Sporting Goods. Boating Shoes--Tennis Shoes--in White and Black This year we can supply. your wants to per- fection. ria . Sporting Shoes, from size 4 for the Baby to size 10 for Men--at the Right Prices. -Abernethy's.. | Shoes -- Vacation in many styles, Summer Hats Are a splendid example of creative hat making that cap- ture "the fancy of young men who value real style. or Sr rage Our Ice Cream is the best and by. Government Test. We deliver to all parts of the city in bulk or bricks. . finest in Kingston I | Next Opera House, wwe Bring Your 'Car Here When it needs nny repairs or supplies. Our mechanies are ali first clogs and stand A-1 in their trade. No repair too small or too big for us to handle. We also have here AN UP-TO-DATE GARAGE, Where you enn Keep your ear in perfect confidence and where you will receive courteous treatment at nll tines. OUR TERMS ARE VERY MODERATE, PORRITT GARAGE CO. Limited ecessor| AUTOMOBILES 210-212 Wellington St. Telephone Repnl Kingston, Ont. 45 4 nd REO CARS, br: McCambridge had an engage-| ment to instruct his friend Dr. F.| H, Marks, of this city, in the mys-| teries of fishing for big-mouth bass and the delights of a shore dinner cooked by a Canadian guide. Dr.. GENUINE BANGKOK STRAW SAILORS SOFT STRAWS PANAMAS At surprisingly low prices, | | | | I | } | | Automobile Agent for CADILLAC a | tonsilit- | will do slack wire work. There will Marks is touring Canada in his car.| Dri Marks expected to bring back at least- one large sized fish--story.| He and Dr. McCambridge, | commissioners in the Board of Health also planned to run to King= ston and inspect the garmage dis-| posal plant 'of that bustling city. Dr, Mol { McCambridge, 384 Princess street. | ---------- Thousand Islander's Specials Saturday--Famous 100 mile tour] of the Thousand Islands through the Canadian and American channels. The ideal trip for visitor~ Queen's summer students and home comers, Leave 2.15 p.m. sharp. Home at ramble through the 1000 Islands by searchlight. In all the world no trip like this. B. 8. M. Lowry Promoted. Mrs. Lowry, 259 Montreal street, has received a letter from her hus- band, B. 8. M. W. Lowry, Ammuni- tion Column, R.C.H.A., stating that second class. = The letter told of the funeral of Driver A. S, McCullam, "B" Battery, who was killed on July 1st by being thrown from his horse. His brother is with tHe Ammunition Column. The Ideal Vacation Route. The. Canadian Pacifig convenient- ly reaches Point Au Baril, French and Pickergl Rivers, Severn River, Muskoka Lakes, Eowarhs Lakes, Rideau Lakes, Lake Ontario Resorts, ete. If you contemplate a trip of any nature consult Canadian Pacific phy, District Passenger Agent, To- Ticket ronto. At Lake Ontario Park. { An entirely new programme will be presented at Lake Ontario Park is evening and Geoffrey O'Hara will sing several new selections and no doubt his many Kingston friends will be present to hear him and Ed Raymond and her company also 'be 3000 reét of new pictures. Oapt. Reid's Condition. Capt. Frederick Reid, of the fire department, who was seriously: in jured 'at a fire last Sunday after- foon, is doing as well as can be ex. pected, but it will be many weeks before he will 'have sufficiently re. covered from 'his injuries to be around He is in the Gen- 'Eel flies are appearing in great swarms at the island resorts. The: fellow | 8.00 p.m. i To-night--Grand special 50 mile| Agents or write 'M, G. Mur-| CAMPBELL BROS. For Snaps in Sqmmer Hats, | is a son of Mrs. | rt ng rime. R. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS 5 $5 a box or three for | R. J. Allen DRUG | OSPHONOL FOR MEN, friars ulating Pill for Women, 10. "Sold at all Drug Stores, or mail sadyesson receipt of price. Tug SoorEL PHOSPHONO Ontario. | Vitality; for Nerye and Brain; increaces 'grey | matter" 'n Tonle--will build you up. \¥ a box or mail on receipt to any two for $5, at drug stores, or hy of jhxics. Tus ScoueLL DruG Co,, Bt. Catharines, TiO "Jdold AT Mahood's Drug Store." 1 Mrmr, comm i ri isan ---- ---------- {| OUR FRESH GROUND Cow [|] WEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. t Try a sample order and be |] Gouvineed r NOLAN'S GROCERY » Princess St. ' Phone 720. Prompt Delivery { he had been made a warrant officer, | Beware of counterfeits No increase in Price, -- ld A UNIQUE MENU { At Dinner Given By Canadian Ser. { geants, At Hautot, France. The Whig has been shown a meni at a complimentary dinner Kiven by officers and the officers and N.C.0's of the 22nd and 23rd Imperial Re- mount Squadrons, at Hautot, France on Dominion Day. On, the upper Jért hand corner of the printed sheet Was a crescent shape sheaf 6f maple leaves with a beaver, and scroll en- turning the shedl. ' Upon the seroll was "The Maple, Leaf Forever.", Embodied in'the space contained by the crescent of leaves were the words: "Hautot Remount Depot, Ca- nadians, "France, Dominion . Day 1915. : i "The King" was toasted by 8. 8. M. Knight; "Imperial Forces" by R. S. M. Macdonald and "Canada" by R. Q. M. 8. Kendal, A. 8, C, . The menu was _ quite unique and rare delicacies made up" the bill; which included: Walk March---Dixie Soup a 1a Hendrie, Poisson a la Cap" Smith Arnoldaise Sauce, Heel-peg cut veterinary pills, Pian Trot-- Feed--45 bullets cerise, Ia straw, wan Oe Ta: Green berries a the Canadian Sergeants Mess to their | For Hire (1915 REGAL) | Special Rates for all Kinds of Drives. | Wennings a SeeciaLry. ! Prompt Attention to Boat and Train | } Calls, | |. Service and Efficiency Guaranteed. | - ® Lh I BE J Cw wd wl ye FA ' Phone 300. 340 Johnson Steet | CLOTHES for YOUNG MEN | We have the natty, up-to-date | suits "that young men admire; made by the best' tailors, and of latest styles. Come in and see them. Blues, browns, greys; at prices | | $12.50, $15, $16.50 and $18. { Ht he equalled anywhere at oLD PRICES STILL PRE- Also Negligee Shirts, 75¢, $1.00,} VAIL IN i Arrow Collars, 2 for 25c., ete, ete. LINOLEUM,' | ISAAC ZACKS | OIL CLOTH, AND \ - I J 4 My a er LLL ARETE XY BIE NUT 271 PRINCESS STREET. CARPET SQUARES NAAN AA Aunben. { Notwithstanding the big advance THOMAS COPLEY | English market, we intend Telephone 987. jour present stock at old price No extra charge laying it Drop a card to 13 Pine street wher | Ranting anything done in the carpen- | tery line. Estimates given on all kinds | |X repsirs and new work; also hard. | wood floors of all kinds Al} orders | { will receive prompt attention. Shop | 40 Oueen Street. ~-- in running .. SAT JAMES REID'S, The Leading Undertaker, Phone 147, . " DrJ.Collis Browne's THE omens -- AND YU he Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. "The best known Remeady for * CouGHs, COLDS: ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Asts like a charm in DIARRHCEA, 1 DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effactuslly cols short aT attacks oi STASMS. Checks and shrests (hose too * often fatal diseases PEVER., CROUP asd AGUE © Whe only palliative is NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. 0 is graduated 1 Sonar RL ST thd deo, Ertaten a calm refreshing sec Wo bad effects ; 01 B¢ dake shew we Teme 21h a Toth: Ave Dr . COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY | 4 CHLORODYNE. 5 > : WITH EACH Sold by all Chemists Prices in England ; «1 T. DAVENPORT LONDON, Mh - according to the malady. -- ie '¥

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