quality of Home-made Bread without trouble - Breed made with Royal Yeast will kecp fresh and moist longer than that made with any other. MADE IN CANADA Spectacles were invented by Alexander de Spina, a monk in Italy about 12865. Pictures of them appear as early as 1417, Those were crude, ungainly things in heavy, queer {rom frames. Since then eyeglasses have been constantly improved. OUR GLASSES are the glasses of to-day-----not yesterday -- and reveal the very latest improvements in Jens and frame. KEELEY Jr. M. 0. D. 0. . OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN +, 2326 Princess Street 3 deors above the Opera House Drug Store is open all Sunday to accommodate the many customers who find it necessary to use a drug store m Sunday. OPEN 9.30 to 12 1.30to 5 6.30 to 9 SUNDAYS In case of sickness keep this in mind. : day BEST'S Push Along 2 Good Thing ONE MORE WEEK} oT. $12.50 Suits The great success at- tending . our sale -of Sammer Suits compels THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1915. PAGE THREE tt aud! former eater for peg, are Mrs. . the "Among the guests at the Yacht Misses Doris and Margery, spe nding Club dance on Wednesday evening the past two weeks in town left for | yore Mrs. R. S. Waldron, Misses. their home iu Kingston yesterday: Doris Kent, Gladys 'Burton, Jessie Rev. Melvin. Taylor, 8 the ickson, Anne Minnes, Helen Uglow, pa a sew Sarp ks 4 Shes . PA al Marjorie Uglow, Veta "Minnes, Lucy | ersea, has retu B( y : Fre .d_ J. Miller, Brockville, is spend- Wadaell, SweRioline Bgadden, Ras: ing a short time in town, guest of her Mel ell a 3 McLelland 8 . 5 Mrs. E. H. Hurd, «elland, Jean McLellan orothy patents, $v. 0d Chown, Helen Campbell, Marjorie Br be ae Salvation Army Corps Campbell, Margot Fraser, Isobel Fra- held Tes annual picnic at Gordon ls- | S€T Isabelle Waldron, Grace Morris, | land Pavilion yesterday. (Pembroke), Bessie Robertson, | The following pupils of Ganan- Edith Fraser, Christine White, Flora | oque High School bave uccessfully | Helen, and Edith Rees, (Gananoque) | pagsed the Lower School examination | Kaihleen Kipp. Miss Nell Jewett, for Normal Entrancé: B. E. V. Al Marian Macdonald and Edith Mac kens, A. O. Bradley, G. E. Bradley, donald, (New York), Violet Britton | Loretta Donovan, Jessie Gordon, Hel- and Chrissie Wright (Gananogue); ena Goodfriend, Gerald Pauley, Nor ma Toner, Ina Wright, and Fanny Twilight ote Povese dau Px er, Mis residents of this town, | several years past at W visiting with local * frie Frank H. Hurd and dat 11ers, spendin w | deaux, Messrs, E. C. Gildersleeve,| Zivian Twelve candidates wrote | Walter Compton; George Driver, | and ten were successful. Stanley Driver, Dick Elmer, Leslie Alexander Amo, Wellington street, Smith, Sherman Hill, Carroll Ashby, who has been confined to his home [Ted Rogers, Ayerst- Macgowan, Doug- for the past week, is able to be out las Anglin, Ress Livingston, Kenneth once more, { Taylor, Charlie Livingston, (Teron- Mrs. (Senator) George Taylor,who io) Edward Ryan, Scott, | hag been quite seriously ill for some | ang 3 number of officers. time past, #3 reported as making fine | progress towards recovery. | Mrs. Herbert Dawson, King Mrs. (Dr.) Bedell, Merrickville, | poet was hostess at a delightful wis in town yesterday settling ihe prigge on Thursday eveming in hon- affairs of her father, the late George | or of Mrs. Leonard Jones, Roches A -Whitharsh. ter. _ There were three tables in Miss Muriel Churchill, Brock | giv ¥ha guests including Mrs. Frans street, i3 spending a short time alicis HiH Macnee, Mrs. R. D. Suther- Elgin, the guest of her aunt, Mrs.|jang Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Miss Jay Pennock, Miss Blanche Rog | Begsie Sanderson, Miss Lilian Kent, ers, Kalamazoo, Mich., is the guest! aio. Blanche Kent ( Montreal), Miss of Mr. and Mrs. George NRUat, Florence Cunningham, and Miss Bes Charles street. | sie Smythe. Miss Cook, Kingston, recently lo- cated at Elora, is the guest of Miss | Eva Glover, Pine street. The Misses Hazelle Kidd and Mildred Pettit, Kingston, are the guests of the Misses Kidd, King street Mr. and | Mrs, Joseph Courtenay and young | son 'Jack' 'spent the past few days | in town, guests of the former's par- | y ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Courte wr ednesday evening, after the Yacht Princess street. Club dance, for some friends of SPELLS ET EPEFEE ELIE PIPES | Miss Helen and Miss Marjorie. > Mrs. Grabam Bel and two boys are {in town from Ottawa to visit friends. Miss, May Macdonnell, University | avenue, who left for England about ten days ago, is expected to arrive at | Folkestone to-day. #+| Mrs, Allaire Shortt, "Otterburn," %| went to Lake George, N.Y., last Tues- +! day to spend a week. Miss Elspeth 4 | Shortt and her friend will return to #| town with her. * Mrs. James Crawford, Division #+ street, is visiting Mrs. W. J. Croth- 3 ers at her cottage on the River, . » Mrs. K. N. Fenwick is entertaining at tea this afternoon in her apart- ments at "The Belvidere," in honor of Mrs. A. H. Kohl, Brantford, whe is Mrs. Douglas Hammond's guest. » - - A jolly supper was given by Mrs. M. Campbell, Emily street, on WAR BULLETINS, The United Government warns Gérmany that further & acts against international law will not be tolerated." Ger- many is alse asked to explain the Orduna incident. Italian armies make steady gains in territory continue to Austrian The German Government has & given orders for repressing any peace - propaganda in all Ger: many. + Migs Marjorie Uglow, Barrie street, * |entertaindd informally on Friday in # honor of her guest, Miss Nan Rey- 4 Brockxyille, Mrs. A. M. Purdy and grand-daugh- & ter, Miss Marion Lawrence, Flint, #| Mich, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, John | Corbett, Barrie street. * Mrs. Arthur Lingham, visting her & | Parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, H. Toye, &* HGote street, returned to Montrea} to- Lieut'-Cel. Kemp, Rebel lead. # | er, sentenced at Cape Town to #+ Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Minnes and seven years and to pay a fine of | family have opened their summer five thousand dollars. 3 cottage at Murton's Post, Lieut. .Col. Dawson and the offi- PEELS LS IME IRIS sovesssns| of the 59th Battalion are enter- taining at tea this afternoon at Bar- riefield Camp. Miss 'Kathleen Sanderson, Bar< rie street, went to Montrael yester- The Berlin War Office admit- # tcd the loss of some positions in Alsace to the French. Warsaw is still firmly held by the Russians. BRIG FB LL 040s b SONS ¢4 TBE S40 Special Civic Holiday Excursion. The SS Thousand Islander will make a special 50-mile Ramble through the Admiralty group of the | | day Thousand Islands leaving at 2.15 5 | Miss Flora Stewart, Harrowsmith, pam. sharp, and returning at 6 p.m. | js the 'week-end guést of Mrs. H, E. A selected musical programme bY | Ric hardson, Johnson street, Canada's crack regimental band, the | Alfred Birch, Utica, N.Y. Royal 38th Battalion, will be given, spend the week.end with his moth- This group of over 1000 Islands is]er, Mrs. Samuel Birch, Bagot street. one seldém seen by Kingstonians, the| Mrs, Richard Pierce has returned steamer passing up the main chan-lto London after visiting Mrs King nels, and far excels all other parts|at the Y. W. C. A., Johnson street. of the river for scenic beauty. Allan Shortt and Guy Gamsly left Wednesday to camp for a few weeks on an island owned by the former near Chaftey's Locks, . . Week-end specials at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store: Huyler's Chocolate Creams, Huyler's Mixed Chocolates, Huyler's Chocolate Nut Bars, Huyler's Washington Taffy Huyler's Vanilla Creams. Mrs. A. T. Campbell, Mrs, Frank Kelly and Miss Molly Kelly came from Thousand Island Park and Chocolate | spent Tuesday with Mrs, Samuel Birch, Bagot street. A us io contintie it | | orp more week. When "vou feonsider the quality of our lines § amd. the fact that vou sve getting from $18 to. Suits for $12.50 you will easily understand it 8 worth while econ- Haz- | Helen Case, (New York); Major Pri-} Gianelli will | Mr. and Mrs. W. burned to Loudon, Ont. ter a visit with Dr. and Mrs. A, W.| | Winnett, Bagot street i | Mss J; A. Craig is expected from | | Hoboken, N.J., on Monday to visit] | her sisters, Mrs. S. Radeliffe and Mise | | Scholz, University avenue. Miss Mary Strange has returned to | { town after spending a week with Miss | Kathleen Carruthers. Mrs. 8. J. Horsey came down from | Toronto to-day, and 18 the guest 'of her mother, Mrs. Thomas Souley, Aberdeen street. { Alexis Leonard is in town froin To- | ronto for the week-end. Mrs. John Fairlie, jr., and Master | Billy, Montreal, are the guests of| Rev. Jolin and the Misses Fairlie, | Brock street. i H. Winnett ro} yesterday af- * Miss Clivisgie Wright and Miss Vio- | let Britton, Gananoque, "here for the | Yacht Club dance, were the guests | of Mrs. Ashby, William street. Miss Marjorie Macleod, visiting | Miss Alice Moore, Union street, will return to Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. K. M. Saunders, Alice street, | | retutned from Napanee on Friday, where she has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. D.. Hawley. Miss Alice Goodwin, Alice street, | visiting Miss Memel Macleod, Kempt- | ville, returned on Thursday. Mrs. Cameron, Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs' Alexander Mackie, Al- fred street. Miss Macdonald and Miss Mary white, Toronto, are visiting Miss Nan Skinner at "'Cataraqui Lodge," Gananoque. . Miss Louise Cunningham and her niece Miss Hilda Maclennan, arriv- ed to-day from Toronte to visit Mra. Henry Cunningham, Ear] street. Mrs. E. F, Sears and son, Master Willie Sears, are the guests of Allan Reid at his summer home. Miss Muriel Robertson, Ottawa, is visiting Mrs. J. Henderson, Clergy street, Miss Mary Maclennan is the guest of Miss Evelyn Nickle at "The Shiel- ing" this week. Miss Louise Maclennan visiting [her grandmother, Mes. Henry Cun- ningham, Earl street, returped to To- ronto this week. . . * - Miss Edith Hague, University ave- nue, is at Castine, Maine, with Mr, and Mrs. James Leslie and Miss Mar- ian Leslie. Mrs. L. L. Henderson, Mrs. L, B. Spencer, Miss Mabel Henderson and Miss Dorothy Beisy, Montreal, were in town from Thousand Island Park on"Wednesday. Miss Alice Reynolds, Brockville, is the guest of Miss Majorie Uglow, Barrie street. Miss Grace Morris, who has been the guest of Miss Eva Richardson, returned to Pembroke Saturday. Allan M, Reid and Miss Agnes Reid are spending the summer at their cottage, at Pittsburgh township, | Leonard H. Birkett, who has been J. H, Birkett, Bagot street, left on Friday for Valeartier. row to visit Mr. and Mrs. E, Moore, Union street west. Stewart Robertson, street, is in Ottawa for a few days. Dawson Cameron, Kingston, spending his holidays with his moth- er, Mrs; William Cameron, Lancas- ter. Mr. Stratford, Kingston, is visiting his sister, Mrs. J, Lowery, Cressy. Mrs. H, Myers, Kingston, is visit- ing relatives in Cressy. . = - - Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilmot, Otta- wa are in the city to visit Mrs. F, Wilmot, Clergy street, and Mrs. W. J. Mahood, Johnson street. | Dr. Charles Sherman, Toronto, is | visiting his mether, Mrs, John Sher- man, University avenue. Mrs. Odell, Ottawa, is with her sister, Mrs. H .D. Bibby, street. J. 'W, Corbett and family, Kings- ton, are spending the w. with Mrs. Corbett's father; J. N. Prescott. Miss Isabel Ross, daughter of Prof. Ross Queers, is 'the guest of Rev. any Mes, J. U, Tanner, South Lancas- er, Rodger's Farm,|| the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. G. F. Moore and two children | are expected from Brooklyn to-meor- || Sydenham | |} is |} Barrie |i Mr. and Mrs. G. Kent Martin are] | NECKWEAR, BELTS, only; reg. 85. ) EE ------ | } Store Closed Monday ALL "CLEARANCE SPECIALS" ON il 10 O'clock x Tr Wonderful Te for Thrifty Shoppers! LONG SILK GLOVES 15 doz. real French Silk Gloves-- sizes, in black only; reg. $1.25. all 'To-night 48¢c 2 SHORT SILK GLOVES A grand clean-up of 14 doz. pure Silk Glove es, in colors Black, White and Tan--most sizes--reg. H0¢ to Tc. To-night ETC. A table comprising 19-doz. Ladies' Collars, Belts, Ties Working Socks--priced from 15¢ to 50¢, MEN 'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, 5 doz. Striped P sreale Shirts, in sizes 15 1-2 To-night Civic Holiday SALE - ol UESDAY. . 54058 Fin "bc 1b, esr rerae- 1D, cinene..22¢ 1h . tann wv 20 TD, Cuts ..18¢c 1b. Mint with orders. Order early. This will help us to give you good service. The Wm. Davies' Co. back from. their hy luth. They Vil reside fa with HEE oni, The shores. of. Vang bank, resound ors from many parts, Yarker, New- burgh, Selby, Bath, Picton and Tor- 1 'onto. aus at Conualig +b abode for Abernethy, ud iniod tor Fragoss Leonard, Napanee; and in and Mrs. Waugh on a moter irip from King- As a visitor among the islands the first part of next week. Miss Helen Koen and Misses Hel- {Cooked il | cold in our modern refrigerator coun- | i [ter away Trom flies and dust. il {to any part of city. For One Week Only Cut prices on Auto Tires BIBBY GARAGE, Dodge Bros.' Agents, Tel. 201 and 917. We have the ery best in Cooked | Hams, Jellied Tohave, Jellied Hocks, | Pressed Ham 'eal, Bologna and Head Cheese. ! | P.S.--All our meats are kept foe | No mussing -- no handling. Orders sent | i F resh | Fruit & Vegetables - Fresh, Be and Cooked Meats. ores Supplies. in " 490 PRINCESS ST. Hes ever been traced to Pasteurized ii The only ied Milk in Kingston is - A CHARM CEYLON TEA! 135¢, 40¢, 50¢, 60c, Lb. Charm Coffee, 40c. Lb. « Ror Sale at All Grocers. Bost Bitiah Made. Barefoot, Bundalat's gap vs a ; B32... ieeiian ieee ne ONY makes from 90c¢ up. ' l for this week--Children's Cushion, oes and Boote, in tan and patent a