Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1915, p. 6

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PAGE SIX 8, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1915. Notice ! To The Public Finkle & Company having installed | ic 8 new engine in their Motor Bus, | will runs it fn connection with trains | No. 6, 4, 1, 7 and 15 for Outer Sta- tion, leaving Bagot and Princess streets at 12.15 pan., 1 pi, 8 p.m., | and 7 pam. Fares each way, 10c. «Any part of city, 25¢ each. Cars will leave 120 Clarence street | 2 p. m. for Cataraqui Cemetery on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri- day and Sundays. Return fares, 25¢ Orders for Cabs, Taxi Cars or Bag- gage Transfer promptly attended to, Attentions to weddings and fun- erals a specialty. Finkle & Co., 120 Clarence Streex. Phone, No. 291. | I, bod rh [ir der | rees of strength--No. 1, $1; Nr St on - on notiph ree pamphlet. 4 a THE COOK MEDICINE CO. | . TORONTO, ONT. [rg o | tent Says No One Need Remain Thin Now Physician's Advice For Thin, Unde- veloped Men and Women. Thousands of people suffér Ifo ex- thinuess, weak ve r having ness and think noth fat. - Yet their case 1s not hopeless re ness, and ls als pairing the waste of digestion and fo streagty nerves. 'This r arkable called Sargeol trength-giving producing elen of } merit have beer lows preparation ciinent ph people Jutely harmlgss n A month's systematic use of Sargol sho wWuce flesh and strength by ligestion and by supplying tdghly concentrated fats to the blood. Iwereased nourishment is obtained from the food eaten, and the aiPiomaT fats that thin people need re provided. Leading druggists supply nd say the which is « joians aud everywhere inexpensive, It is abso. and effic- re is a Jarge demand for it While this new preparation has giv- en splendid results a nerve-tonle neFyous. poop le unless they wish to gain and-vitalizer, it should not be used by at least OUR FRESH GROUND OOF. FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. 1, a sample order and be convineed : « NOLAN'S GROCERY Princess se. Phone 720. - Prompt Delivery A ttt A Pl tg PN HN AM Fresh Columbia Ig- Cells nition Dry MADE - IN -CANADA ere Is no institution in the Domimon more Canadian than The Th Mutual Life It "was "Intario Assurance Company of ineorporated under the Mutual Life was given received & new name by an the year 1900, and has since been ance Company of Canada. Canada statutes of Ontario. in 1869 as The Assurance Company. t a Dominion charter by an Act passed was still known as The Ontario Mutual Yife §n 1878, but Company. Act of the Federal Parliament jin known as The Mutual Life Assur- Assurance Its dnvestments of nearly. $25,000,000 are exclusively Canadign: the livés insured are Canadian only. It ssuring Made-in-Canada contracts. . 8, ROUGHTON, Agent, THE ONLY- Victtola nowadays. MADE-IN-CANADA MUTUAL is strictly a Canadian Company Ser, EET, PHONES 610 and OCK STR LIFE COMPANY, ww un 'e Jcepting en pounds of flesh # ~~ J 30cEach KINGSTON. FOUNDRY, FS WOULD BUY BELGIUM IN ORDER TO rT iT . ON FEET AGAIN, iTS John Wanamaker's Scheme -- Says United States Could End War by Putting on Prohibitive Import and Export Duties, Philadelphia, Pa, July-24.--In ac- the chairmanship of the Philadelphia branch of the National Security League, John Wanamaker made his hearers gasp by proposing that the United States raise an enor- mogs sum---$100,000,000 if neces- sary--to buy Belgium from Germany. "Understand me, we are not to keep or hold Belgium," he said, "but merely to gain freedom for her and let her work her way back unmolest- ed. Belgium can pay us back when she gets on her feet, so to speak, and in good time, "1 think that the United States owes something to poor Belgium," Mr. Wanamaker said. "Our big mistake was in not being the leading pation to protest against the unneu- tral action of Germany. Belgium has no meney with which to pay the indemnity which will be asked of her. Let us pay for her. 1 doubt if France will be able to pay any- thing if another Alsace and Lorraine is taken from her." Mr. Wanamaker proposed that the United States act to end the colossal conflagration on the other side by de- claring a prohibitive tariff on im- ports, and at the same time a pro- hibitive export duty, so that nothing from these shores could go out, par- ticularly munitions of war, "let us keep our cotton, let us keep our iron; let us keep our ammu- nition," he said; "so that the warring nations can have nothing of them. They are killing off their artisans, so that it will take twenty-five years before they can train new artisans. When they realize that they are at the mercy of the United States they will be forced to stop fighting." "I believe that if the country we live in is not safe from attack, we should . make it safe from attack. We dare face to face with a serious condition, and we should have en- jough good sense to realize the -con- dition, At the same time I believe sipnceraly that it is time for a sane and intelligent movement on the part jQfs the men of Pennsylvania, on the part of the men of the United States, to. do something that may contrib- ute in a general sense to a great sen- timent towards. stopping this awful war." erm GIRL BURIED IN DEBRIS, Miss Buby Peach, Orillia, Lost Life in Explosion. Orillia, July 24.--Through an ex- plesion which wrecked Walker Bros.' garage on West street early yester- day afternoon, Miss Ruby Peach, aged. 19, a stenographer and book- keeper, lost her life, George Fra- ser, another employee, was severely burned, and J, Traganza sustained serious injuries in an effort to rescue Miss Peach. 'The building and its contents, including about fifteen au- tomobiles, were entirely destroyed. George Walker, one. of the ro. oll. jprietors, and Robert, Jackson, a Boats of tyery kind, from the modest canoe to the palatial steam yacht, carry a Delightful music--particulady, beauti- : ful on the water. = pe If you have a boat, you'll want a Victrola, And you can get one easily -- A 33 to $255, and on easy terms if desired. : Come in any time and hear your A ! favorite music. C. W. LINDSAY, LTD, 121 Princess St., Local Representatives. # that section o known lumberman, who were at the rear of the building when the exple- son . occurred, escaped. The cause of the explosion is a mystery. It appears that the gaso- line tank was filled a short time be- fore it took place. The force of the explosion shook the town. Glass in the windows nearby buildings was shattered. The report was followed | sby flames which shet high in the air and filled the building. It was all 80 sudden that Miss Peach had not the fpintest chance to escape. She Was at work im the office when the firemen and rescuers arrived. For a time it was feared that the {flames could not be stayed, but even. tually they were. got under control after the Walker building had ocol- lapsed. © It is thought that. the floor on which Miss Peach was standing blew up. The young lady was a daughter of Mr. J. H. Peach, and the family is highly regarded here, CONTINUE SEA OUTRAGES, tania Verdict. London, July 24.--The Hague cor- respondent of, the Evening News says: "The Taeglisch Runbsehan +f bublishes a violent tirade by Admiral Kirchoff denouncing English offi- cial verdiet on the Lusitania case and '| unarmed merchan will be con- nued, regardless of the fate of neu- Bl "Adwniral Kirchoff says: 'Me { the German Admiralty and the crews of the sub- B marines will sie i One Lot Men's Tan and Gun Metal Oxfords, : One Lot of Children's 5 ( pat 712) values up to $1.90. 8 German Admiral ia Fury Over Lusi declaring. that submarine attacks on} A THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. | -- A General Review of Country Dastrist and Local News. "Road Joy Peot Tablets" at Gib son's. Peter Munroe, Maberly, is recov ering nicely from his recent illness of appendicitis. "Tread Easy Foot Gibson's. J. C. Forrester, Westport, has his new summer cottage at Bob's Lake nearly completed. Good baseball, Ponies vs. Victorias, Powder" Civic Holiday, Monday, July 26%h. Mrs, Alexander Moore, Kitley township, died on Tuesday. Shé was over ninety years of age. . Special 50-Mile Ramble of Islands, Monday, per SS. Thousand Islander at 2.15 p.m. sharp Band on board. Hundreds of customers save mob- ey buying their Drug wants at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Stere. Laura Beattie, daughter of Major and Mrs.. William Beattie, Cobourg, has been threatened with appendici- tis in England. Hundreds of customers save mon- ey every week at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. : | Mrs. (Dr.) Mather and daughter, Miss Apa, have returned from: Teor- onto and taken up permanent resi- dente in Tweed. : "Buy Drug Store Waals" at Gib- son's. - . Mrs. Thomas Warner, Prescott, died on Monday, She was barn ia the towmship of Wolford seventy- three years ago, a "Tread Easy. Foot Powder" Gibson's. The motor boat owned by George Costish, Rockport, is being held at Alexandria Bay for violation of regu- lati re landing. : "Nellsgn's Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's, ~~ The Westport Manufacturing and Plating Company has received an or- der for the manufacture of the brass parts of shells. i ' "Neilson's Jce.- Cream Bricks" Gibson's. 1 James M. Sullivan, American Min- ister to the Dominican Republic, has tendered his resignation to President Wilson, and it has been accepted. Your doctor will advise you to take the Thousand Islander"s G0-mile Ramble of the Islands, Monday, at 2.15 p.m, sharp. "Old Boys and Old Girls" will en- Joy Page and Shaw Sweets, Huyler's 'Sweets, Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks from Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. James Tovey, Bathurst, near Perth has bought the Creighton farm, ad- 'joining his own, and wil} operate both, : "Kodak Films" at Gibson's. Spenll the afternoon of the holiday on the water. 60sMile Ramble per Thousand Islander, 2.15 p.m. sharp. "Tread Easy Foot- Powder" at Cibson's. : Miss Ella Locklin, who has efli- ciently occupied the position of or- ganist in the pubMe chureh services at Melville for some time, has pe. signed. om tr 75¢ corsets, 50c. Dutton's. ; Ernest A. Empey, wealthy Idaho Falls, #daho, rancher, kid napp d several days ago by bandits and held' for $6,000 ransom, has escaped from his abductors. } "Buy Drug Store Wants" at Gib- son's. i Ulysses 8. Ferguson, Piston, died July 11th, from thé effects of a fall dowpya stairway at his home. So serioys were t es that he nev- er regained conseiSusness, and only lived twp hours. y . "Read Joy Foot Tablets" at Gib- son's. The motor boat of J. } utler, a wealthy New Yonker, 8 cot- tage on the Cauadian side opposite Alexandria Bay, was seized at. the Bay for faking a landing without re- porting to the customs authorities. 'He was fined $40 and $5 costs. Thousands of people contract dis- ease every week from eating confec- tionery that is exposed to flies. Huy- ler's and Page and Shaw's Sweets 'are gold in sealed packages at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. The estate of Col. Birchall, com- Fmanding the 4th Canadians, who was ikilled at Ypres, been probated fat nearly forty thousand pounds. He leaves two ndred pounds to tho Western Canada Church Fund, and one hundred to the Children's Hos- pital, Halifax. = 'eek-end specials at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store: Page and Shaw Sweets, Huyler's Sweets, Nellson's Ice Cream Bricks, at discovery has just been made dn the central 2 nt the ch mbers " ; Col i . ies arto Government and thejCongo o 3 Face.of prgmies te totally unknown, the race are never to surpass ¥ height. they live en ritory of. ha aad haves LX ' : : Aikins wins | { i at! Oddfellows' Outing, Brophy's Poiat, | sald nev 1.5 metres, about A feet 3 Snchel. in to WV. y isolated in the ter: he up ls m . | 'er Wahconda = | { { | 1 } | | | | Ht | | + ! | I BY GERMAN AT SEA REGARDED AS UNFRIENDLY, ---- United States Government Warns Germany To Obey International Law or Take the Consequences. Washington, July 24.-- The text of the American note on submsrine war- fare, presented it Berlin yesterday by Ambassador Gerard, was made public here last night. It reveals (that the Jmperial Government has been informed it is the intention of United States to regard as 'deliber- ately, unfriendly' and repetition by the commanders of German naval vessels of acts in contravention of American rights. The United States announces that it will contend for the freedom of the seas "frem whatever quarfer vio- lated, without compromise and at any cost." \ in official and diplomatic quarters the communication was received as the strongest and most emphatic preo- neuncement that has come from the Washington Government since the beginning of its correspondence with the bdelligerents of Wurope. Presi- dent Wilsen returned to Cornish N. H. {ast night and will there await de- vélopments. On the assumption that Germany has already admitted the illegality of her practices by attempting to justi- Ty them as against Great Britain, the United States, in the new note, ex presses the belief that Germany will no longer "refrain from disavowing 'the wanton act of its naval command- er jn sinking the Lusitania or from reparation 'for the American lives lost, sa far as reparation can be made for a peedless destruction of human lite by an illegal act." { F to the German: Govern- ment's expression of hope in its last note that the freedom of the seas may be established in some measure before the énd of the present war, the United States declares that this object can be accomplished, and in- vites the practical ce-operation of the Imperial Government. The ir Government adds, more- over, that it "holds itself ready at any time fo met as the commen {Iriend who mey be privileged to sug- Sest a way," to assist in establishing. the freedom of the seas. Company, ar Montreal on - Saturda>, with . Inland, passed up 10.15 - 1m, F 3. Steamer Plummer, wo 11 9. m, + Steamer Na- . 3 Steam- h is due up from Mon- {from 7 mien ptturtay slsrnoen to so a | of" 5 " Lo he in Soi Siun more Domin- Je Works drodge: No 10s b erent manthe KILLING OF AMERICANS § * -_ es 25 Cent IN SMOKES FOR A WEEK It buys 50 Cigarettes and 4 Ounces of To- bacco, and every gift is acknowledged by the soldier himself, Send your comtribu- tion to the Tobacco Fund The British Whig, Kingston. AT TOP OF SMOKE STACK re] an NEE A Perth Man Who Has Pony Stunts. Perth Courler. It was indeed interesting to see Art. Drummond occupying a posi- tion in town this week that enabled | him, to look down ypon everyone in | Perth, to wit, the top of the power house smoke stack, which he is painting: This smoke stack, how- ever, is comparatively low consider. ing the eminent heights that steeple- Jack Art has reached during his car- eer as a cloud gatherer and star lisher; He has the record ef Nadine 'reached the highest point in the Bri- tish Empire, which is the tip-top of the 60-foot flag pole on the Reyal Bank huildipg, Toronto, and he says, "there was a 30-mile gale blowing at. the top when I was performing the stunt. and it felt like January weath- er." Art. Drummond has mever had a fall, although he has climbed the highest smoke stacks and steep- les ja Canada and the United States. He has beet at the top of steel poles] that would not bear his. weight in heavy winds, and has had them double under him, often leaving him suspended over the street, but he manages to come {hrough safely. He is certainly a world-beater at the light, fantastic. work ol-doing stunts at dizzy heights. Like all others in his profession he works by means of rope slings, which. he fastens about the pole or whatever it may be at infervals, to ald him in his climb to the top. He has also. a contract to repair the St. James' church od was to be seen near the top tft on Thursday morn- ing. §! f + Never Again. London Advertiser. Philip Gibbs, a brilliant young Eng- lish ne BA, "With resource that has won him fame om every great assignment (he unmasked Dr, 'Cook,) counts on every writing man with any soul, to force home the aw- ful side of war. Hig own plea Is strong: "More passionate than any other emotion that has stirred me through life is my conviction that any man who has seen these things must, if he has any gift of expression, and hay hunian pity, dedicate his brain heart to the sacred duty of pre- venting another mar like this. A man with a pen in his hand, how- "| ever feeble it may be, must use it 10 tell the truth about the monstrous hotror, to fetch its images of cruelty into the brains of his readers, and od i 10 tear the.veils-by which the Yeates te try to conceal it .obscemities. The conscience of Europe must not be lulled to sleep psa by the Barsolien of old phrases ut. 'the enn ¥ influences and its 'purging fires'. It must 'Cornwall, Ont. n Malcolm Munroe, 2707, 15th Bat- previously reported ffl sii The Late Mrs. Catherine O'Hara. At the Hotel Dieu on Thursday night, Mrs, Catherine O'Hara; fifty- nine years of age, passed to rest. The late Mrs. O'Hara had been an in- mate of this institution for some time. The deceased was also born at Cardinal. On Saturday morning the remains were buried . in St Mary's Cemetery. Accused Of Sedition. ' Paris, July 24.--Foyr anarchists were placed op trial yesterday before the permanent court-martial, charg- ed with the circulation of seditious matter. The defendants are an €c- centric millionaire, 50 years old named Prouveit, who owns a spac- Rous villa, Rockhill, at St. Raphael; . and Mme, Donnidier, and M. Hur eau. The charge is that they sent through the mails thousands of cop- jes of three separate anti- militarist, pamphlets. The pamph- lets accused the Government of de- ©eiving the people, pleaded for des- ertions from the army, and urged peace at any price. Hureau, who Is a poet, socielogist, psendo-scientist, and mystic, is alleged to have been the ringleader. bt, Death of Mrs. Sidney Warner. Minerva Clark, Napanee, widow of the late Sidney Warner, phi yd at Glen Island on Tuesday after a short illness, A couple of weeks ago Mrs, Warner, 'Harvey Warner Mrs. Eakins and other friends went fo Glen Island to spend a couple of months, says the Express, A few days after arriving Mrs. Warner was taken 111, too ill to be moved home, and despite every care continued to fai] rapidly until the end came. The remains were brought to Napanee to the residence of her son, C. M. War- ner, and a privaté funeral was held at Mr. Warner's residence on Thurs- day afternoon. Burial took place in the family plot at Wiiton.: 4 To Have Schopl Fairs, The dates set for School Fairs in Lennox and Addington county are: 8, Fredericksburgh, Conway...8ept. 8 Adolphustown, Conway .. . Sept. 8 Ernesttown .. ., .. .. .. ..Sept. 10 Amherst Island, Stella .. , Sept. 17 Camden, Centreville ,. .. . Sept. 20 Richmond, Selby .. .. .. . Sept. 22 N. Fredericksburgh .. ., , Sept. 27 Baladag _. .. .. .. i «0808 Newburgh. .... .. ... .. ..Oct. 16 Housewives, Attention ! Save the Red Ball Trade Mark cut from bag or top end of carton of Lantic Sugar, and mail to "Dept. L.,"" | Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Montreal, and they. will send you frée a book of 50 assorted Fruit Jar Labels, 1 To Locate at Clayton, N.Y, io 000 the Colonel John Jacob marry Made! to bad a charge in he lng, is now reported as killed in ac- "in April, 1892, and was educat- in Cornwall High School. He stad. | phy in the Cornwall office; ce of e listed 'with the 48th 'went overseas with the first con- Muar, + broth 17th. Munroe was born in Caray Massachusetts, has Sn, By? He Samet hareh Week-End * specials Gibson' Red Cross Drug Store: " Sree Kodak ans Wagt. to Torolte the company. Hel Highlanders na late - EE -------- Ce --

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