-- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1915. PAGE SEVEN é : = TERT J. LAL NOTES AND ITEMS or. TONIGHT ak tty ser. ARE YOUR | twine a won| ERE | | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM A) | DOG ; --What the Merchants Offer to the | Famous Players Films, 53 Reels. { PAPERS AND Readers of the Whig, An All-Star Cast In | VALUABLES | "Kodak Filmg' . Gibson's. "MAY BLOSSOM." - ---- SAFE? ey Mrs C. J. Clavp an) Miss Agnes! New Programme Monday and Thursday CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES. LOST. L FOR SALE. . Hanlon are visiting at Picton | Prices: Mat. 10e, any sent. . 2 roma : The use of one of our Safety Deposit Boxes will give you : Miss kdith Evans has returned Evenlag 10; reserved Sc extra. | Fitst insertion, le 8 werd. Each gon- | ON MONDAY AFTERNOON, A R AG. THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST tomfortable rance of safety from danger of fire, burglary or from a vacation spent in Rochester, Se---- at « in other los; A i » secutive ipsertion thereafter, half-| lan rain o Rawarg if returns ttle. Once, 25¢; three times, 800; 3 ur valuables, and .would also preve to be a great N.Y Lake Cntario! a word. Mislmam charge for! _ 0 MW ar une week, $1.00. convenience These boxes will be found very useful to all whe "Ive-Cream Bricks" at Gibson's. | a i . - have artfeles--of jowe . ivcrs such ae ESS ere one. insertion, : 23ei three insertions, ENGRAVED BAND BRAC ELIT. RAST, NCH Roum AND ICE CREAM PAR- § if jewellery or valuable papers, such as insurances; Miss Elsie Lowe, Toronto, former- keepsake. . Reward of Heraran 8 or. A bargain to, quick buyer wills, deeds, bonds and stock certificates to care for. The annual i 1y of Kingston, is visiting friends in 140 2 on ry abl } pply Box 123, Whig office rental of -the-boxes. is $2.00, and upwards, according to size. the city. i ' You are invited to call and inspect Giir Safety Peposit-Boxes. i 8 t----Frederick_ HB, Pense has returned Hours, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.nf,) from spending a few days at Bost Sc: six, $1; one month, $2 HELP WANTED, . , ----_---- i" , MSULKIES, GO-CANTS AND CAR- A RAIN COAT, BETW N KING. riages, at reasonable prices, at HELPER _WIANTED, EXPERIENCED ston and Glenburnie the Perth | Tr an Ever Nig ght at 3.30 ed AppTy David Marshall road. 'Finder will be rewarded hy| __ Turk's Phone 708 wick Island. TO-NIGHT and very at 8.30 preferred. Xppry ' wpa : Bix -- pe po ee sen plumber returning "to "WHITE office: ~IEASGLING LAENCH, 25 PP. LONG, There was a very good-sized mar-| MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT 330. | TY a - | fully equipped and In first ass y i elect aud vill Acts EAD BAKER, SECOND. v + FROM AUTOMOBILE, SOMEWHERE runhing order; also lease of boa pin grt morning with go FREE Show Si ¥ t le Ly ply at once to R. H. Toye & Co, 195 | vo prige $180.00 Apply WT A mi read between Oshawa and house ri H. Cuniogham. . plane tuner. 21 FEATURE PHOTO PLAYS Ontario street } * Kingston, lady's aw sultease, | Division street | Free Admission to Park by Street Cars | - pronll Name "V. Reid" on «¢ thing inside rr - i - rink King street. Leave orders at MeAul- only. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, REF. Finder please advise S. 5. Corbett. [A 18 H.P. MARINE GASOLINE EN- ey's Boek Store. Wedneaday, Chilcren le on Cars. | erences required: three in family, 248 Princess. street, Kingston, or gine, Magneto equipped. In rst [HE neto William Hamilton and bride, have ~ ~-- mm - Apply Mrs. Scott. Qfieen's Univers- phone 143, or house 215 class condition Will sell cheap , B | 1 ounds ---------- ------ N Am putt in bigger power Ap- Prin. Sm Am returned home from a trip to Rech- ul. aroun Er, hee FOUND. bly Box 237, Whig office F l ester and Buffalo. - {A GOOD SMART LADY Jen Fon Sima . cua T-- ------ --- EE OR SA E Compare the kodak prints from grocery story, one g« at figures; ighe e 2 fin A BABYS COMFORT ON SILVER | oA SNAP FOR QUICK BUYER--THAT Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store with | i highest Pg SR A py ! chain, bétween Ontario-and King valuable property with all. coms ~-9 roomed, solid brick k n 1 1t} f ; Wyhton 10 Jox | streets, on Earl, Sunday eveming. veniences., Earl awd Welling. 1 » iouse, all modern, with work from other stores. =e INTRLE IGENT PERSON MAY. Owner can have same by calling ton Streets; must be sold Ey $3,500 Mrs. Pringle and daughter Phyllis, bia { TREN A nly corresponding | at Whig. office and paying for this | ulice. Apply 72 Karl street 2,200 | Picton, are spending a few days with ¢ <4! . for newspapers; no canvassing. advertisement | Mrs. Mackenzie, Division street y 3 i Send for particulars. Press Syndi- | S_--. LIFE PRESERVERS FOR ADULTS THE J, K. CARROLL AGENCY, - Mr. and Mrs. BE BE. Leach "Toron- A : } cate, 3.968 Lockport, N. i Ee TO LET. and children; folding boat seats; - Block STRERT, J. DRIVER, Representative. Phone 68 or 874! to. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leach, | ' y ; ef et isan TWO MAIDS, ONE FOR COOK AND I GIGRAGE FOR FURNITURE BTC clalty. Frank W. Cooke. 39 Clar- {220 Johnson street, for a week, ! i 3 % " FRONTENAC ST. camp outfits; fishing tackle a Spe one or second girl, August and . i] ". | clean and dry. McCann, 82 Brock | Shee treet' Thone 38) . "Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's. { ls / | September, Sharbot Lake. Good | Street. 3 | [TE ay. In applying, state wages re- | a MOTOR COyOL WITH SIDE CAR . | Acknowledgement is made of $5] H . a od: give references F. wl . complete ectric light and hoen; | T { H ! Re . "New Y DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES. Mec- vervthing in first class order. from Mrs. Jane R. Henderson, Clergy | J LE} Shidiek #9. Wall street. New York Cans Real Estate - Agency, §2 Your Chonn. pital Garage Go. gh Hr the horse ambulance fund. | «1 ; Brock Street. w» Ltd, Wellington street Phone 454. hoe | Mrs. H. Baken, and two chilren, ] - # ct ~ i Albert street, left on Monday for a| -- { TEACHER WANTED. (SUMMER, SOTTAGE, . FURNISHED, ALE om JOTOLEN scour 2- 2 M you intend buying Silverware for a Wedding | week's visit with friends in Napanee. | L - | ' : , 4 : Gift or for your own household nse-~youn will do well } i 5 | " { Brock street. v §otfece Rigid Frame, $40; Perfect "Developing: and Printing" from | " (FOR _SS. No, 8, 080, SALARY 8333, ushion Fram, $50; fitted with 3- to inspect our clean and up-to-date stock, which you Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store is the! E | Female Jrolerred jputes to com-|orricES IN CLARENCE ST. OMaM- Speed oar $60. Geo. Muller, 378 will find complete. --SUMMER VISITORS are invited best in Kingston. ! » Archie "Campbell, Secy.- Treas, Moai ACRE » Bel aga ' Lx : to look over our stock with no obligation to buy. | William Wiskin of the Whig com- | s | ° Clarendon Sta., Ont. { Mudie, 79 Ularence St. » - x iw 5 ) | » | G HAT TRE BOARD AND ROOMS. . » {POSIing room staff, visited Henry | 3 PD TEACHER WANTED, HOUSE ON CHATHAM STREET; IM- E R J R D E { O'Connor, Newburgh, Satu . | QUALIFIED in 1 . provements Apply David Mar- | "Var OL GER, Jeweler & Optician R. J. Bendely Toran aug. Hinchinbrook. ~ Apply George A og ASS oMOARD AND ROOMS, . / . " wie ' ' i " shall, 101 Queen street ¢ { Hinchinbrooke. Apply George A.| __Shalh . " G 1 : wi OQ] | avs ' 4 - 3ood location, mod conveniences. "Where the Clock i : KINGSTON Whig composing room staff, is gue ABSOLUTELY PURE] Smith. secretary," Parham, Ont. LARGE BRICK HOUSE AND BARN, Apnly 243 Broanodarn conve ¢ ie og s on the Walk. of the homecomers from Toronto : Stating salary. { and § acres of land, on Alfred, near --- tte states din Amber. Ae eee | , "Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's, | [QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR SCHOOL Concession, at once. Apply to J | > OVATERING ------ Heary O'Connor and sister, Mrs. | Section No. 1, Township of Port- | D. Boyd, 108 Pine street. Rr | Gannon, Newburgh, spent Sunda | -- | land. Apply, stating qualifications |---- | Ty RR [ and salary,' to OB. Henderson, (STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, NEW CART STAND, NO. % COR. * | with 'their sister, Mrs. D. Bowman. | ! Sec.-Treas., RR. No. 2, Harrow. dry, airy rooms; your own lock an Johnson and Ontario streets Phone Brock > p Fabeto : . { mith Ot. TE, { key Frost's Aity Storagé&, 299 | 1502. Orders promptly attended to | eéarc 1 gs ws ¢ | * ive sen emer -------------- Queen St. I'hone 526b, et tte we The county caluators have. om-| appas ros. {av Atri STANT THACHER [WE CATER 70 PARTIES, BALLS i fo v - pets v menced their work and were busy in| > TEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, ALL wedding breakfasts, banquets, eto, o ' i Fe A Port Pwo miles modern improvements; ' furnace, also rent dishes. table linens and the County Clerk's office on Tues- | - nh NON | cast of Yarker; y $100.00 to oy orn SRDS art Posaraace, sliversare Reid and Hambrook XCUrsion day morning. , N | { $450.00 Apply . Lake, Sec. | about August. Ist. Apply to 2 M. P. heid. 30 Union Street; F. C "Kodak Films" at Gibson's. 1 ' Treas, R.R. No. 2, Harrowsmith, 1 ont Sydenham street { Hambrook, 176 Alfred Street. STR. NEW CASTINET, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pound have! et EE i hee---------- hones 843 or 303 : teen Atmigtteic ~~ EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, WITH MOD- _ TO CLAYTON, STOPPING ONE HOUR, returned from their honey moon and | Shoe Shine Parlors, | NORMAL TRAINED TH ACHER FOR ern improvements. corner vision wk ' » ¢ . a Jy have taken up resi en 437 : 8. 8. No. 12, Rear, Leeds an Ans- | and uebec streets. pply Jn TUESD Princess a esldence at x Hat Cleaning of All downe. 1a ues i CO INeee Seped Boyd, BF, Line, or Mr. Pringle, next | FINA CIAL - UR S . | : *mbe bt. y, stating experi- | vis pt. PE Ww Ki AND EATIRD SDAY Compare the developing and print- | : Kinds, Gil Line Tei. | DUT. vision fest - [FRONTENAC loan AND, AV HE €@ are making a special offer to | ing from 'Gibson's Red Cross Dryg-} ing references. to A. Moulton, Sec.-| ~~ ment Soclety: 'ncorpora i Indies who are desirous of preserving AY, {Store with work from other stores Panama Hats Our Tee, Seelevs E Sealers Bay, RY ers AY gp eet: | poner ren on, Henry a : : didly ec Ypres y ros \ . | " their complexion. Leaving CPR. Doel. § pom. Sharp. | and see the difference. Specialty. . TEACHER FOR CLARENDON SCHOOL University Avenue. Every convenl- | properties, munic'pal and country We are giving away a regular 10¢ { Mrs. Blyth and daughter, Miss! Section No. 8, at a salary of $325 ence; modern furniture Near | depeéntures; mortgages purchased; Face Chamois with every 135¢ tim of . Pearl Blyth, Divisi hr 3 ee == = & Vveéar. Duties to commence ist Queen's University Apply at 125 | deposits received and Interest al- « 's Bor: [ . 0 AF yih, vision street, have re- September, 1915 Apply, stating William street for terms, etc | lowed. 8. C. McGill, Manager; 87 arleton's Borated Talcum, every 20¢ C turned from Bostwick Island, where! ° experience and salary required. | ---- am St a Clarenes Street tin of Floral Boquet and every 23¢! : | they spent a few days. | and giving references to Ervin A FEW NICE 3 TO 7 ROOM BUNGA- | tin of Palmer's Violet. Our stock of gi vg ra ezandrin Bay, tous. | "lee Cream Bricks' at Gibson's. | Martin, Sec.-Treas., Fernleigh, Ont. | lows, wh Juraiture ot, at | MIVERPODL, LONDON AND Siok a A " >» leaving + deck 8.30 a Ly AR RS sree | "Eastview Park," six miles from re Insurance Company, Ava lo fine Talcums is unsurpassed in the 3% Stopplug two hours at Bay, home | The Rideau Lakes Navigation PROTESTANT ASSISTANT TEACHER | Kingston, on St. Lawrence; god | usnets $61,187,215, In addition to city. 5.30 pam. Fare Soc. Company, Limited, beg to announce for junior department of Ports | access and convenlences by land | which the policyholders have for 9 | | that they will have no boat leavin | mouth Public School. Initial sal- | and water. Anply J. D. Boyd, 106 security the unlimited Hability of - a or H 3 Eg : | lary $400 Applicants to state Pine; Kingston. i cliy property, insured at ow | Kingston after July 27t} b . ngston after July : i } qualifications andl experience on OP | Slee tense te 3 possible rates. Before renewing 0 Y.MCA: Ph | 'Wood's Phosphodins, | For the first time in history Can-| Mefore August 5th Thomas F.| Fu HED HOUSES, GOOD Loca. | PP. XY. MCA: one 258. | The @ ion | adian money is being refused ai Clay-| ~--C Graham. Secretary, Portsmouth, | tion, $35 and $40 per month rates from Strange & Strange, KINGSTON ih fremtdy. | ; nt. A : , ONT. | Tones and invigorates the whole | ton, N. Y., and other border foyms| \ old or giving new business get { cs A ts. Ph i {UNFURNISHED HOUSES, at $7, $10, Ser one 3 RANA NANA AA mn | Jueiryinds nay taakes pew Blood {or else accepted only at a discount | : POSITION WANTED. { $13. 315, $18 and up. UARPENYERING. vo |} Deb Mental and Brain HY ore: Despon. | "The only place in Kingston" | | : PEE [FOR SALE--RRICK HOUSES 100, | eee | dene, Hous of Energy, painitation of the | where up-to-date developing and | La ri coe on EDIT | $3300: 32.000, $2,700, 33.100, ptr econ KELLAR, 10 PATRICK sv. CHOICE GROCERIES, §|| firta" 'ous shi sicese tx wits: "Sobyey as | Printing can be procured" thbsend |B Nimbry Roverness Miss tars | M00, $5000 ° |" nan" panting, rarmentec. wark ' ¢| druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on teipt of | Red Cross Drug Store. ' { Deseronto, Ont, . GOOD FRAME HOUSES, GOOD LOCA. | one ag ya 3 he TEAS & COFFEES | Esc Ca toaduta, oer. rock Beary | Lieut. Morgan M. Johnston is in| m-- { : tion, $2,500 and $5,500, A | tity." Brana iie Jobler a - amma on, R and , 1 eo, A. rpecialty. Phone . { Montreal from Kingston, the .week- WANTED GENERAL | Bateman. 'rel estite- and - , {end guest of his parents, Dr. and | insur. | { ance, 87 Clarence street, Kingston / i» { Phone 396, . MEDICAL. | Mrs. T. F. Johnston, ""Stlvancrest," | [WE WANT TO BUY SECOND HAND | Cooked d Smoked | Bellevue avenue, | | sea Feathers ARR Kingston DENTAL 0. KE. BELL, M.D. CM, LM.C.C., SUR. | { t. Miss Cassie Fox, Picton, is visit-| eats. i | gery, 138 Wellington sireel; phone [Ing a short time in Kingston before . | | Lib by f any RERsoN HAVING GOOD sEC-|A & Kv PP. BA. LDS, DDS. RE. | 116 : : ¥ i 8 N.Y. | . nd rniture an mov. to 258 Princess street. JOS. A RN, JR Sofag © aratoga Springs, 1 3. hg ( Aizpose of. let me know. 1 rye WH. A. BOYCE, M.D, O.M.. LATE MEDI. . ' "4 | 3p Sque time at her brother's, { PAY, 800d prices: J. Thompson, 333 DR. ©. 0. NASH, DENTIST, DR. T. B cal Superintendent Kingston Gener- 279 1-2 Montreal St | [Rev. C." A. Fox, rincess strest, phone 1600. Renton, assistant. 133 Princess al Hospital. Surgery and residence 4 : { "Kodak Filrhs" at Gibsons. , i = We | Street. Phone 135. | Wellington street. Phane 964 Phone 866, p { Miss Bertha Nugent, Biock str.ci,| iy We ice) FAY nd 8 ala hand re {and her niece, Miss A na FHarlon, | ¢ " MABAMAAAALANAALLALLLCLALAL | TO-MORROW: y ' x . s'stant. Phone 8 | MDLLE, 0, WORLD'S GREATEST Good Stewing Beef: . . | . |B | Hotel, Wellington. | = : avira, 45 Princess Win,Li, WG, WoRL stopping in the Round Steak A cable despatch says Lieut. J. M.! " oC Ta | | W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS : f " leave and t v | | WM. NEWLANDS _& SON, ARCHI. y and y d skin blem- Try Gordon's Special PORK SAUSAGES | 1eaze ing te honeymoon will possib- | tones Ga as, 20 Bagor Ly pairing. and carpet work and and all growths and skin blem Ear, Nose, | K ARCH MER. N Ihroat Sha Skin Specialist, 258 by her niece, Miss Louisa Silver, left | National D ghants' Bank ullding, = corner BUSNIESS NOTICE. { BRO! Sirah. 30c, 35¢, 40c per lb. ANDERSON BROS | Monday to visit the former's sister, | gn Broek and Wellington streets, x | he GORDON'S GROCERY £ 5 NNINGHAS NR Pairing ay pressing. A m Be | a mall rider Business at domet no New York, is the guest of Commo- A. CUNNT BA STER up "suits from our own cloth. ! nvassing; e your wn hos, | dore Thomas H. Wheeler, at his! FOR THE HOME. 9 ahd chr Shu, Gfice, 78 C Fo ap arantead. \ { | 1 | 7 ; Eee a furniture. All kinds of Bo DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- RSO ee | | Division street, have left to s.end| PIE SGR3 4 clothing, boots, cot. eh yp ats, 108 oh ington street; J PERSONAL, { 46 | IF YOU WANT THE . | +eity. Readings 50c. Hours, 9 to | T NG 8. 263 King street ' Macdonnell Who mar | ARCHITROT UPHOLSTERING. . | § PORK TENDERLOINS Sg hareied a daughter | | His, rons fe novating Drop a card! 1shes Femgyed permanently, . | "Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's. . oF 3 3 Bagot street. | Elttar fears sXperience Biend Teas and Coffea, | Mrs. W. Pridell, Carthage, N.Y, and | EVERYWHERE. oS > WN. EGAN WISHES 10 ANNOTNCE | : BUSINESS CHANCES 1p {other American points of interests, ; that he has purchased the tallor 149 Montreal St { Phone 458. | Robert Hobart Davis, managing ' B83 Send for free booklet; tell | beautiful island home, Wau-Winnet. | ; "Kodak Films" at Gibson's. ee --_----------------------------------] attress Company, Good Beet Roasts .... {two weeks holidays at the Alexandria || JERSE A) a Drop a "card will call. "8. Si0anrd Nralsh. LDA, u-/ BEST, ] of Dr. Parkin has only seven days ARKS { Elmer J. Lake, 'Eve, Mrs. Robert Henry, accompanied POWER & SON, | : : shop formerly run by Thos. Galle. | editor of the sun Sabha Buy it by 'the case LEGAL. way and will 6 all Kinds of re | ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START { © Munsey ations, ] ake Phone 88, | Abns8 nnn Maalsans i FEXWIOK, HENDRY & ©o. { On July 31st the Oddfellows of! : ji 9 DF! 4 { Central and Northern New York will | (strihhion) < ' . ¥ ho AE : Lig t or have an excursion to Kingston spend- r™~ -~ pr --- | i . Great Sale of |i mre on 1 come from the Thousand Islands. : xr eo i dma oie 300 WATER TRIPS] = es | 4 Summer 4 $ laxative. They are sold on a money - - ha 3 $ back guarantee by Geo. W. Mahood, The Rexall Store, 10c., 26c. & soc, 8S. Thousand Islander Furniture I | pons (SET $150 a Load Will preach in Queen street: Metho- | 1%: M13 Bum. Tome Rana ana - ------ h ---- dist Church on Sunday next. He is a brother-in-law of W. H. Worms OGDENSBURG, N.Y. with, : : 1 - be | i » \ ) » & * v EF "Found at last" a pliice where I|Leaves Friday at 5.30 wu. calling at 2 EE . IFT 2 0 can have good developifig and print- 2000 leiand yuinw. JAMES SW ng work finished," said a customer 88. CASPIAN = da ago Ppicai in Glbeon's Red Cross Drug Store on onday. : for 1 tour on Wednes- At Alexandria Bay, N. Y. on Aug- nr a nl 1040 am: ust 4th, outdoor performances of ' ond You Like ~ and "She Stoops to - 88. AMERICA onquer," will be put on under the Lesiven Clipe Vincent daily ut 7 | auspices' of the Thousand Islands oe Special Sunday in. Yacht Club, - at "afterncon. $a * Kodak Films" at Gibson's, W. H. Wilkinson, aged seventy- two, a trusty at the Guelph prison ; Fong was found dead in a quarry. Ppeared a th age and was 'to have esctped . He once | dia u tiary. * NY, son of Watertown, erty, Kingston, was married on Sat- arday to Miss Flora J. Catlin, of «He is & clerk in -- a as Pruyn's wholesale at Walg wn. ; \ : : | "Ky I's. rt J. Re giegah Pima" 2t Gibenns 9 TEE OW J race will " Robert B. Mantell has s.gned to Films at 5. ? a 5 TE FX begin | Pres 0 I taker a d F iture i " x pnd 'born ! 0 ) > Oy : fe ra ha Vili Fox Moy. ; re : i a Ki 2 4 . : in ture Company in & series of | and Furn ) 15 Samal ro es Rane |S take pea for Are He oe a a ees. ho : FREES Eads EF ag Cui F E { piaya . will' be presented with | meron fren gold discover! th occurred r wa next Sunday when! Deloro snd Shaw townships, Cobol: 4! i 10 excitz ine g