Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jul 1915, p. 8

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ERT Yn i heme JR Smee weer orm We ; ; ie ~p - PAGE EIGHT | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1015. SATURDAYS BASEBALL™"™"" N¥idi2i2t2 cour RAGES FOR CHILDREN =. ( Continued from Page 5.) | : . ary ' y ) VICTORIAS DEFEATED ATHLEF-! A dosbateh hay Wiis roamed trom i HAD ON CRICRES FIBLD ON SPECIAL PURCHASE of Black Silks v ICS BY 8 TO 3. the Secretary of State for the Colon. | MONDAY MORNING. { secured from Yor ir ea rine o 9 - ies stating that Canadian soldiers in. | ---- | eadv on a Poronto firm requiring 1Céers } | Kelly Was Spiked and Had to Retire} terned in camp at Giessen, Germany, | There Was Also a Baseball Match-- ready money ha§ given us a chanee to offer you- ~--Park Nine Took Junior Game]had been directed to place them-| Ap Orange Anda Candy Scramble | to-morrow the follow ing Special Bargain : From Sapolis by 12 to 5. fClves in communication with Miss| yas a Feature, Pecia. Jurgein Arnoldi, Canadian Field Comforts, | oo. Zs ime ||P 4 The Victorias are still leading the care of Capt. Dowling, paymaster.| The "kiddies" had a great time City Bageball League. They scored No. 7 Millbank, London, S. W., at the Cricket Field on Monday Ee Ken "Fans tra, MEARS land, tn ander What hei wanis ay | OTIS. whom he Spore arranged the Athletics That the 1¢10T1a5 | he supplied as soon as essibie. | v "bi would defeat the Athletics was' ra- Ak Pp [Rairies ot; dae hog a bg al . . he iho oresone conclusion, but] _ A court-martial will be held in the| the various races, and the little ones | : neverthelss great credit must be giv-{ pear future on a private in the 38¢h | ARAR g ar" i {enjoyed the event very much. The | en to Manager Palmer's nine for Battalion, This private was select- races were all vil ln and | their work. At times the excite-| oq ag ong of the last draft for over-| y : ri it y ble was! ment was high land the veteran Vie- seas service but at the last minute age Jud Nady smamble was | . torias. had hard work in keeping|pe Bot "cold feet" and departed for | also a baseball game between boys | N their opponents in check. In the|pome. The officers are highly In- from the north and south sides of | third innings the Athletics made|gignant that such a thing should hap-| Princess street. The Cubs, repre. | three three-baggers in as many times | pon ona bring disgrace on the battal- | senting the south side, won the] | up at bat, and it looked like a victory | jon It is the first case that has game, - : for them at that stage, but they occurred, and came as a surprise as i i} The committee having in charge | !'broke. The score of 8 to 3 was not every other man was ankious to go | the arrangements was composed as an indication of the game as both overseas while this man proved what | follows: Deputys Chief Elmer, T.| | sides played good ball. The line-f. soldiers detest the, most, a cow-| Timms, J. Hipson, W. Twigg, . un: ard. He will likely be given a good | Boyd, Robert Bushell and Peter Dev- | Victorias-- Laird, . If; Pound; ¢; ) sentence and then be discharged. lin. Davidson, cf; Somerville, '2b; Dick, w | -- Mayor Sutherland and the mem- | * - ss; Schultz, 1b; Dick, 3b; Kendall,| apy Pequegnat, the representa-| bers of the City Council also took a rf; Gillespie, p. tive of the Militia Y. M. C. A. with | keen interest in the affair, and help. Athletics--S8. Toland, 2b; Spoor, | the 1st Battdlion, Ist Canadian Con- | ©d to make it a success. | ss; Cotman, ¢; Kelly, 1b; Coyne,"If; tingent, arrived in Canada a week| Following is the result of the dif- | Horn, p; FaHlon, 2b; H. Toland, cf. lago and gave an address in the Y. M. | ferent events: | Truckle. replaced Cumming who|c A tent on Sunday evening Boys' race, 10 years and under-- | took the place of Kelly who was 0 | e The speaker gave a resume of his William Lameron, James Nelson, | . 5] spiked in the sixth and had to be ta- | work since the war broke out. He 1 . A . , i ken te a doctor. George Sullivan|yag at Valcartier when the 1st Con- jsobel Gohneny, earl Mayell and | { Was umpire, tingent was formed and he did the Boye Face. 15 years and under y po 3 regular Y. M. C. A. work there. At Charles Crokall,"H. Minifie | 1 Park-Nine, 12; Sapolios, 5. Salisbury Plain he went through the Chant . 3 : . Girls' , 15 ee ° The junior baseball game on Sat-|mud and the hardships and gave a Girls' race, 15 years and under o nr ------------_-- a. - + Kathleen Flanagan, Lorrai +] I S urday afterrioon between Park Nine|glowing account of the material of Trier a, Lorraine lrwin n ummer eig and Sapolios resulted in a victory for | the Canadian Contingent. y Clark and Janeway, Masters Yowi Rich, soft finish, firmly woven, will not cut, the former team by a score of 12 to] When, his battalion went to France and Tiner 13 . «on ides roave for & . & 5. The game was a decidedly interest- | he also went across and was in the k slip 0 pull; an ideal weave for Summer Dresses . ' Girls' skipping race--Dalsy Camp- | : : 0 24 3. 3L3 § . axhibiti d a large crowd of | battle of Ne *hapell nd at é ght weight Suits; s J 'hes w 3 Ready-to-wear ing exhibition and a larg 0 uve Chapelle and at| yey). and light weight Suits: it is 36 inches wide, Just - Y spectators was present. The line- | Langemarcke. One branch of his Boys'- wheelbarrow race--H. Tug- | 299 vardk i y « WOP o arlv £1 95 van up: work was looking up soldiers at the wood, © yards in 'the lot; worth re gularly $1.25 yard. . . Park Nine--Hammond, cf; Paul, request of friends at home. He us- Girls' orange race--Miss N. El | Jacket and Breeches in Light and Dark 1b; Smith, p; Hall, c¢; Stewart, ss; | ually received about fifty letters a|ljott, Miss J. Beaupre, { - Shades Cleary, If; Downey, 2b; Shaw, rf;|day with such requests, and this took Boys' obstacle race--G. Baxter, . Somerville, 3b. Up a great deal of his time. At|W. Wilson. | - Sapolios--Smith, ¢; Abramsky, If; Lankemarcke he assisted the ambu- Girls' sugar race -- Miss Evelyn Sam Brown Belts, Forage Caps, Cherry, 1b; Saunders, p; Thompson, | lance corps and was affected by the| Jackson. . x 88; Jacobs, 3b; Baker, 2b; Clark, rf; poisonous gases. He contracted ap- Fox Spiral Puttees, Te | 9.30 to 12 pendicitis a short time later, #nd still : Khaki Shirts, Soft Collars C. Stewart, Ponies, umpire. shows the effects of his operation. : y Capt, Paquegnat left at noon on Xi PRICES RIGHT The Stand ard maining a fow duos hers and i ver. | | 7 5c Yard . A . inin few days th and at - Fg J ' e an a Taine x will eam a treat 7s C B | 11 Ja R bY ' F R it and continue his work. N f : | » ° 5 . or ecrut S . Pte, Cattanach, 59th Battalion, ! was presented on Saturday with a The Late Mis, E. Tho: ; 5 Livingston S, } Is Reduced handsome silver cup donated by At the Holter Diag mpson, gh on Tuesday | oa ya vor number of | Morning there passed away Charlotte At last the militia authorities | points in the competition held on|M®lilda York, wife of Eligs Thomp- | roc t have decided to make minor changes that day. son, who resides at 63 stephen street. | v in the physical standard for i i The deceased was born at Water- | recruits in the Canadian Expedi-| 'ppe semi-weekly sports under the jows, N. Y. Bityiwe years 520 aud] tionary Force, which will not keep i the Y. M. C. A. will be| for the pas €en years res n J MILITARY TAILORS, a desirable men from enlisting be- Jusp ey. evening. Phe | Kingston. In religion she was a cause of being slightly below the ori- events are the 220 yard dash and the | Methodist. To mourn her loss there! gina] standard. The Government running broad jump. are a husband, two sons and four, has been criticised for not 'having -- daughters: Amos and John Thomp- | lowered the standard some time ago. we son, Barriefield; Mrs, Alfred Wart, | The age will remain as at present, Mh Saat aris il be held on Mrs. Alexander Van Koughnet and from 18 to 45 years. The height A tent Da Miss Pearl Thompson, Kingston, will be reduced from 5 Jn 3 inches | y La Mfs. Harvey Conway, Clayton, N, Y.| to 5 feet 2 inches fot al} corps ex- ne sister, Mrs. J. Venelf, resides at : i The champion soccer game for the y s | | : cept artillery, for which the stand- Sep oD on The chest measure. | Major Starr trophy will be played Roe and a brother, William a) lives at Flinton. 1 33 inch ini for on Wednesday evening next be- I i Hen: wi a Shute 04 ut Ta: tween the 8th C. M. R. and the 38th - ednesday afternoon at two! 30, and 34 inches for men between | Battalion teams. oe etahe luncrat Wi 1 be conducted the ages of,30 and 45 years. 1 ry: rth At Tete De Pont Barracks. --r | UNSATISFACTORY RESULTS The examinations for N. C. O's | whl be held 'on Wednesday and| ~~ =. co Ui A Lieut-Co « . ] That Have Followed ° the Appeals | Thursday. Back to the old home we come Made For Recruits, -- To Kin gston, grand old Kingston. Ti During his sernion in St. George's| The next Royal School of Artillery Over. her streets we love to roam, i . Cathedral on Sunday morning, Dean | course will open on Monday next. Kingston, quiet Kingston. ' t ' Starr referred to the recruiting ques. Re Happy they who in her bounds i [esses tion, and intimated that the results IN MARINE CIRCLES, Cam live and gambol o'er. her| of the appeal made in Kingston were a grounds, | pie de == E = = very discouraging. The people, he [Movements of Vessels Reported Where peace and plenty still - i} | said, did not seem to realize the seri- Along the Harbor, abounds; { if | ous side of the situation in Europe. Tug Florence and two barges are | Kingston dear old Kingstan. . x 900 Yards Extra Fine Double [| lenorance of the real conditions, in- | 4, A elevator, loading Tans; all this season's styles, perfeet fit and i} | difference and cowardice were the oats for Montreal The Old City now so gay, guaranteed fast colors. only things that would keep the Government tug was at Crawford's | Presents a picture from the bay, : In a great va riety of colors of Pinks, Blues, { { Damask young men of the country from en- | whart Tuesday morning, on her way |As on the quiet Sabbath day | 2to 6 years ..At Thc | 8 to, 14 vears . . At $1.00 i | 1 listing and going to the front. Xo Ottaws " We rest beneath her shade. 2106 years .. At 99¢|8 to 14 vears ..At $1.50 rm eee Steamer Simla passed up light te- | To her old oronto sons 9 RAG : Naim TORONTO OLD BOYs. day from Quebec to.Sault Ste. Ma. | who note her now di rded ons, 2t06 vears . .At $1.25 +8 to 14 years ., At $2.99 rie to load timber; tug Bronson | And wonder if her lack of funds An ma Placed Wreath On Grave Of Late passed up with two light barges. Can from ber memory fade. d ny others. : Past President Gaden. The steamer Rideau Queen after --------ee Following _ the usual Susiony she afrives in port from Portland on At the Police Court. } v jj | members of the Toronto Old Boys'[ Tuesday evening will be laid UP On| Two young girls, held on a charge! Association paid a visit to Cataraiu!|aceount of the extremely low watar |p vagrancy, appeared in the Police | CHILDREN'S WHITE VOILE DRESSES Cemetery, on Sunday afterrog, and along this wat Way. Court on Tuesday morning. They | made a tour of inspection of the Steamer Wallcondah iis now in the will be sent to their homes in Og. | CHILDREN'S WH EM LI RE graves of ' departed members. A Kingston drydock to undergo repairs. densburg. . They came to Kingston | IT U DRESSES wreath was placed on the grave of| The stem will have to be replaced. | on Monday, on the steamer Thous-| - §| the late W. Gaden, a past president{ Fifteen plates will have to be taken |gnq Islander. . if! of the association, and a resident ot] off. One drunk was fined, another 'was ' . i} | Kingston for maiy years. Steamer H. N. Jex is discharging remanded and a citizen was fined | C Oo a Worth $1 50 Y ard for / Those who visited Cataraqui Cem-|coal at the Waterworks wharf. . J : : $1. and costs, for not havin his | etery officially were: Lieut.-Col. Gal- Steamer St. Joseph, with coal, manure box properly coved 5 loway, president of the assoc'ation: passed down for Prescott on Tues | Thomas Gillen, J. J/Donnell and Re-| day morning, ! | \ Weather Notes, | - + + chad Tandy. . Steuer Mapleton passed up 4 | Local showers have occurred in 3 4 . vn -m. Tuesday. tie southern portions of Saskaich:- a Only Bonner Now Confined. . et As | wan and Ontario and also in tas & C x The penitentiary has as boarders Patrol Boat Went Ashore. { Maritime provinces; i " t four very distinguished guests who| Thé Government patrol boat Thyra | have been the source of great | went aground on Saturday i amount of worry to the authorities. |near Rockport. She left Kingston Some time ago three of the four |at seven o'clock and the captain, who p men, Kelly, Jones and Bonner, tried | was at the wheel, made a mistake at A special purchase enables us to offer to make 43 esgape at the Centralone of the buoys--instead of going this lot at less than the present manufac- Station, Toronto, when being |io tue port side he went to the star. turer's price. Full two yards wide, snow Hain Mameom, from Stoney Moun. lnourd side. white grass bleached, from the best maker [| institution. Later they were part- 14 drei. aa; guaranteed all pure flax, in a B Sucutul hi A a sckbe large varies of new patterns, stripes, spots and flor. igns. : Owing to the rapid advance in the to been constantly kept price of linens, this is an opportunity A LR LE plenish your stock of Table a great lar cell and now only Bonner re-|last saving, as this quality is well worth $1.50 a Matas in confinement. yard. THURSDAY MORNING for Dean In St. 0 y

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