Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jul 1915, p. 11

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v » « THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1915, COAL The kind vou are look- ing for is the kind we gell Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt -de- livery BOOTH & CO. Foot of West St mma KINGSTON CEMENT "PRODUCT ties, brick Flower Vases, Tile, Cap per Blocks, We also make Cement Grave Vaults. Estimates given for all kinds of Cement Work. Office and Factory Cor, of CHARLES AND PATRICK. Phope 730. MGR. H. F. NORMAN. For One Week Only | Cut prices on Auto Tires --all gizes. BIBBY GARAGE, Dodge Bros.' Agents, Tel. 201 and 917. Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time LATS 1e] FLY PADS wil ; To The Public Finkle & Company having installed a new engine in their Motor Bus, will run it in connection with trains No. @, 4, 1, 7 and 15 for Outer Sta- tion, leaving Bagot and Princess streets at 12.15 pm., 1 p.m., 8 p.m, and 7 pm. Fares each way, 10c. Any part of city, 25¢ each, Cars will leave 120 Clarence street 2 p. m. for Cataraqui Cemetery on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri- day and Sundays. Return fares, 25¢. for Cabs, Taxi Cars or Bag- gage Transfer promptly attended to. Attentions to weddings and fun erals a specialty. Finkle & Co. 120 Clarence Streev. Phone, No. 201. In Thousands FROM we in i ---------- COUNTRYSIDE AND ow ad * Frontenac COLIANS BAY. July 24.--Rev. L. M. England and family, camping at Sydenham Lake the past two. weeks, have returned Mrs. (Dr,) Rankip and a number of lady friends were touring the Thousand Islands on Friday. James Yeomans has a new auto, Miss Pearl Taylor is the guest of Miss Edith Redden, Mr. and 'Mrs, Arthur Mur- dy and daughtér spent the week- end "with her cousin, Edwin Bell Miss Ada McDonald is visiting at the Catskills, HARTINGTON July 26.--Mrs. Ross Freeman has returned from visiting her mother at Fermoy, -Mr. Byrant, Kingston, sang a solo in church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Wolfe Island, and Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett, Gananoque, motored tt Earl Ryan's Miss Qlive Woodman, Kingston, has re- turned home after visiting Miss Dot- tie Campsall, Misses Ruby and Ada Sigsworth are at Kepler. Mr. and Mrs. J. Goslin, Napanee, are vi- siting his mother, B. Campsall and son have purchased a Dodge automo- bile, Mrs. Babeock and daughter, Harrowsmith, are at Archibald Gos- lin's. Prof. M. B. Baker, Queen's collecting minerals In this vieiniay, has returned to the city, Mr. and Mrs. Joyner, Yarker, are at Neble Ellerbeck's, CLARENDON July 24.--Miss Martha Leishman has returned from Canonto. Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Belton, Portland, who were here on account of the death of Mrs. Bolton's breather, Levi Moss, have returned home. Miss Sadie Rogers, Bathurst, is a visitor at Mrs. James Campbell's. The young people camping at Cruteh Lake have broken up camp and come home for the present on' account of the death of Mr. Moss; = Dr, Fee had a call here on 21st as Miss Edith Ap- pleby was taken suddenly ill threat- ened with appéndi€itis. She Is now quite better. Mrs. Dodds, Zealand, is visiting friends here. Archibald Campbell was home from Elpbin for Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kirkham and children, Brooke, also Willie and George Dickson are . visiting with friends here. GLENVALE. July 26.--Quarterly meeting will be observed in the Methodist Church Sunday, August 1st. Miss Margar- et McDonald has returned home af- ter spending the past two years with her brother inthe west. The many friends of Miss Byron Gordon, who underwent.a critical operation in the General Hospital are pleased to hear that she is improving. Miss Julia Jacobs, Kingston, is visiting at Her- bert Curl"s. Miss Gertrude Coulter, Glenburnie, is at G. Hamilton's. Miss Grace Cramer is visiting friends on Wolfe Island. Mrs, F. N. Clement and daughter, Verna, Trenton, spent last week at J. D. Ellerbeck's. Miss Dora Wartman is visiting friends in Battersea, Miss Hilda Wartman is visiting friends in Kingston. Mrs. Bush, Simcoe Island, is at James Mercer's. J. D. Ellerbeck lost a valuable cow last week. FOREST. July 26.--Haying is nearly fin- ished in this vicinity and on the whole, hay is a fairly goed erop. Grain, corn and potatoes are excep- tionally good, and everytiing points to a bountiful harvest. Local teach- ers are at their respective homes for the holidays. Forest students and pupils have done well in their vari- ous examinations. 0. Kelly, taken suddenly ill, is much improved. Mr. Fitzgerald and son have bought ar large number of cattle for shipment. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick have re-) turned to their home in Herchimer, N. Y,, after a visit at her father's, A. Kavanner. Mrs, Power, Brock- ville, was the guest of Mrs. Patter- son recently, Miss Tobin, Westport, is the guest of the Misses Kelly. Miss Rita O'Connor visiting friends in To- ronto, Miss K. Simmons, Kingston, is the guest of Miss Jessie Moreland. Miss Scanlon, the guest of Mrs. Nef- cey, has returned to heér home in Westport. © Mr. O'Brien; Wolfe Is- land, is visiting friends in this viein- ity. SYDENHAM. July 24. -- The present problem Barker Bros., Arden, propase- erect. ing a 'sash and door factory and an electric plant at Sydenham. The ill be con- should the plan are at Nelson Drader's. Swit- | bundance, completed promises to be one of. the finest in the neighborhood. Misses Rbeda and Carrie Davey, Sydenham, Mrs. J. N. Holmes has so far recovered as to be able to sit up. Mrs. Hegadorn is with her daughter, Mrs. 'W. R. Tolls. The interior of the Methodist Church presents a splendid appearance after recelving a fresh coat of paint and varnish. There will be re-opening service on Sunday morning. Miss Jeanette Smith has returned to James Shepherd's after spending the week-end in Kingston. "Ted" Darling has sévered his connection with the 59th and is at home here for a tine: Mr. ind Mrs." Sheldon Perry have returnéd from Water- town, where they were visiting Mrs, Rector, who is very ill. Misses Lil- lian Black, Parham, Laura Hughes, Kingston, and Bernice Freeman, Syd- enham, are at Pr. A, E. Freeman's cottage. At present all the cottages along the lake shore are filled to capaeity. Mr. and Mrs, H. Ritchin, Mrs. Ida Gibson, Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Meln- tosh all of Toronto, are at James Shepherd's cottage. The young peo- ple are practising for the social on uesday might. W. D. Bartell's lawn. Mrs. Jane Connolly, Brock- ville, after spending the week-end with Mrs. Ellen Paterson, has gone to Kepler to visit with Mrs. J. Pat- erson. Mrs. W. J. Arthur is quite poorly. Mrs. Lizzie Barlow, Kings- ton, is with her. An aceldent of rather serious na- ture happened to William Johnston on Thursday. While repairing a pump the board on which he was standing broke, allowing him to fall about nine feet to a cement floor be- low. He received a bad shaking up, besides a deep gash in his head which rendered him uncenscious for some time. Dr. Robinson, Batter- sea, dressed the wound, and Mr. Johnson is now slightly improved. Mr. Johnson intended leaving for the West on Tuesday but his departure will be delayed for sometime. Miss Alice Akroyd, after an ¢b- sence of several 'yeéars-is here vis't- ing her brother, George Akroyd. | Prince Edward ---- PICTON. July 24. --Farmers are nearly through haying. Fall wheat and rye are also being harvested now. Berry pickers are busy at Mr. Fer- guson's, 'Sandy Hook, with raspber- ries. Mrs, Gillespie, who was vis- iting for some days her brother's, 'Glenbrook," . retur to town last Saturday, Mrs. Bushel and Mrs. Bird, Kingston, were recent visitors at Mrs. McCaw's. Miss C. Fox leaves shortly on a visit to Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith have returned from a visit to Tamworth. J. McCoy succeeded in 'her Entrance examinations. SOUTH BAY. July 23.--Clarence Jenkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burgess Jenkins, came home on a few days leave from Kingston to bid farewell to his friends, before going overseas with the reinforcements for No. 5 Queen's Stationary Hospital. Mrs. Hattie Ackerman spent Mon- day and Tuesday last with Mrs. S. S. Farrington. Mr. and Mrs. El- Burn Pelbanks, Main Duck Island, spent over Sunday at there home here. Mrs. Smythe, Ottawa, is vis- iting with her brother, John Thomp- son, Misses Gertie and Bessie Rose were the guests of Miss Ola Ostrand- er, Royal street. A baby boy, has come to stay with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Phattam. Mrs. Basil Collier and Mrs. Amos Bon- gard spent Thursday in Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Roarbeck were the guests of Mrs, Jacob Ackerman, one day recently. Richard Jenkin, sr., is in Kingston. Johr Rose passed Me entrance examinations success- ully. ------ MABERLY., July 26.--The recent heavy rains have improved the pastures. The sudden death of Levi Moss was Jearn- ed with the d regret. Mr, Moss was a man in the highest esteem by all who knew him. Luella Thom pso! mer school at Sharbot Lake, spent Sunday in Maberly, Berry picking is the order of the and all hours of the morn. to Clarendon and William Linton's, 'where the berries are sald to be in ~ A'wee gir] has amived Acheson's, jr.'s, McGregor spent Saturday evening at Sharbot Lake. pe M. W. Lake's new house which when! stitches being required, She is still confined to her room, WARBURTON. July 26.--Dr. W. Steacy, New York, is visiting his brother here, R, Steacy. Mr, and Mrs. T. Miteh- ell, Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George. Loney. Mrs. Norton, Oxford Mills, is visiting her sister, Mri, Thomas Kindrick, Miss M. McCrea is spending her holidays with her sister, Mrs. Anglin, Mrs. E. Vandeburgh spent a few days at Dulcemaine, the guest of Mrs. J. Patience. Miss Irene Loney, To- ronto, .is visiting her parnets here. Miss Eveline Earl is visiting friends in Junetown. Mr .and Mrs. BE. Slack spent Sunday at Dulcemaine. A number. from here attended the social at Charleston on Friday evening. MALILORYTOWN, July 23.--~Farmers are busy at the haying while some have already fin- ished. Many have been picking blue- berries at the mountain near Char- leston Lake. Mr. and Mrs. 8S. T. Chester, Smith's Falls, were in Mal- lorytown, on Wednesday to see her sister, Mrs. B. E. Elliott. Mrs. Mag- gie Griffin, Gananoque, called on friends in the village on Thursday. She left on the evening train to visit friends at Lyn.' Charles Tennant is in Lyn district selling shares for the Mallorytown Rural Telephone, F. H. Mallory and L. F. Blanchard at- tended Masonic Grand Lodge at Hamilton. Mrs. W. G. Bradford and Evelyn Bradford have returned from a month's visit at Montreal. YONGE MILLS. July 26.--Miss Rourke, Brock: ville, is the guest of Miss Allee Fer- guson, Miss Nettie Bryant and nephew, Harry Easton, returned to their home in Omaha, Nebraska, af- ter spending a few weeks the guests of the former's sister, Mrs, H. Cook, Mrs, Charles Buell and children, Brockville, are visiting Mrs. Buel"s pister, Mrs. Blake Dickey .Mr. Mil- ler, Owen Sound, is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. G, A Purvis, Miss Dickey, Williamsburg, is. viditing her bro. thre, J. John Dickey. Mr, and Mrs. Cole, Gananoque, and Mrs. Clow, Mallorytown, spent Friday the guests of Mrs. J. A. Dickey. Misses Jessie and Mary -Purvis- returned home Saturday after spending a week visiting friends in Ottawa, PORTLAND. July 26--The Motor Boat Asso- ciation of the Rideau is holding a big regatta here on August 2nd, A large crowd is expected. Mr. and Mrs. T. Smpson motored from Car- leton Place and spent a few days of last wéek the guests of Miss Mar- garet Ripley. A great number of people from Ottawa and Smith's Falls are taking advantage of the Sunday train and spending the day on the lake. Mrs, William Bol- ton, who has been seripusly ill, is improving. Dr. R. Donevan and Mr, White, Brockville, were guests here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Allison and children and mother, also P. Allison, of Chesterville, are the guests of Mrs. M. Paymen. Dr. and Mrs, Klotz, Pittsburgh, are the guests of Mrs. Klotz's father, Mr. T. K. Scovil. Joseph McDonald is still confined to bed. MiSs Hazel Brown has returned 'home from = visit with friends in Kingston, DELTA, July 20,--Rev. L. Pierce and C. Johnson, Lyndhurst, are enjoying a canoe trip on the Rideau. Dr. Brooks, Toronto, is occupying W. J, Birch's cottage. J. C. Spence, Ottawa, is at D. Davidson's cottage. J. Lawson, Spencerville, is spending a few days in town, H. 8. Mott and family, Toronto, are occupying their sum- mer home, A. Coléman and daugh- ter, Ottawa, are renewing old ac- quaintances here. Three pupils out of four from this school who tried the Entrance were successful Rev. Alonzo Allyn, Pittsburgh, Pa. ds here visiting his sister. Miss Mary Huteh- ison, Fscott, is a guest at 8. J. Rus- sell's, The Methodist Epworth League held a picnic on Friday last at Rob- imson's Point, William Miller, of the Custom House, Brockville, and family, also Mrs. Letitia Acheson, are camping at Mrs. Mallory's cot- J tage. Miss Verna Davidson, Brock- ville, is a guest of the Misses Ste. vens. H, Howard and family, So- perton, are occupying L. N. Phelps' cottage at Woody Crest. Mrs. Ar- thur Slack is visiting friends in Wa tertown, N.Y. OCHAFFEY'S LOCK July 26.--Harry Fleming spent Mi Evelyn Smith's Sunday at home. sses and Margaret Mahoney, Falls, dre visiting Miss Ethyl Flem- ne. Miss Rose and Charles O'- Brien, George Munroe, Montreal, W. J. Fair, J. Sowards and A. Hanley, Kingston, visited at W. H. Fleming's. Berries are plentiful. Miss Generaux, rg, is the guest of Miss nicon guests George | go HAMLET weeks' holidays On Saturday: short- ly after noon the house of William Covell, who resides near here, was totally destroyed by fire. Nearly all the contents were burned. The barns and stables were saved 'by timely assistance of neighbors. A small insnganée Is held ~ on the house. Miss Sarah O'Mara, who has been 'at home for some time, left on Sat- urday, July 24th for Boston, to re. sume her work as nurse. Miss N. Dermudy, Watertown, N.Y., is home for two weeks" holidays. Miss Cauley, Miss Breen and Miss M. O'Mara returned on Saturday from Ste. Anne de Beaupre. Mrs, M. Keenan and children, Sault _ Ste. Marie, are here on a visit, On Wednesday morning, July 21st, Miss Lorena Frayne was mar- ried to S. W. Blanchard, C. P. R. agent at Cobden. Rev, W, J. Tompkins, Carleton Place, officiated The attendant; were. Miss Elma Morrow, Perth, and Charles Blan- chard, Carleton Place. After a trip to Toronto, Niagara and other points, they will reside at Cobden. Mrs. Elswood Joynt and little dadghter will leave on Tuesday, July 27th, for a visit with friends in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. " ---- DARLINGSIDE. July 26.--Rev. Mr. Leach and Mrs. Leach were the guests of Miss Lot- tie Wallace at" Woodlawn" for a few days. Misses Houston, Ottawa, are the guests of Miss Chisamare for a few days at "Fairview." J. D. W. Darling, Lansdowne village, made extensive repairs to the out- buildings on the premises occupied +y Robert Beaubiah. Mr. Costich has gone to Rochester for a short time, Henry Hunt is offering his farm premises on Larue Island for sale. These are the premises for. merly oceupied by the late Thomas McGrath, Mrs. Costich and Mrs. Myers were in Kingston Thursday last, Mr. and Mrs .William Shep- pard are occupying George Potter's cottage. The hay erop is about all cut, and is very light. The grain crop is coming on fast, and will be the heaviest in many years. The Thousand Island Land Company is offering all its islands for sale. The Bates' are now occupying their sum- mer home on Club Island, The Mec- Laughlins, St. Louis, are now at their bungalow at "Breezy Point." The Summer season is now at its height on the St. Lawrence, The follow-| ing conversation took place in an American family a few days ago: * "What makes you think the boy is going to be a great politician?" ask ed the young mother, "I'll tell you," answered the young father, confidently. "He can SAY more things that sound well and mean nothing than any kid I ever saw." ---- Lenaox & Mddiglon | ! EMERALD, July 26. -- A number of farmers have finished haying and started their barley harvest. A. MeDon- ald is doing some repairs to 8. S. Ne. 4. - Quite a number took in the moonlight excursion to Picton on Saturday evening, William Munro underwent a glight operation last week. A number of farmers have had lightning reds erected om their houses and barns. Miss Annie Me- Kee is visiting with friends at Mil- ford. Mrs. Thomas Beggs, who has been ill, is very much improved. Visitors: = Mrs. Robert Baker; | Miss Cronkill, Front Road: Miss Emily Baker, Pittsferry; Miss Hel- en Hineb, Camden Bast; Miss Gladys Wemp, Stella; Miss Myrtle Chowan, Kingst )n; Miss Jennie Kingston, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Beggs, a son. s -- STELLA, j July 26.--The farmers have near- ly 'all flmished haying in this section and some have cut grain snd barley. The remains of the late David Baker, The late Mr. Baker was a former re- on Saturday from the home of his sister, Mrs. Bray, to Glenwood vault, and yaa Quite largely attended. The has |, Baxter, | Midland, arrived here on Friday. | PAGE ELEVEN ™ ONTARIO LADIES COLLEGE and Conservatory of Music and Art WHITBY, ONT. Offers Unequalled Advantages the Training of Your Daughter. Twenty-cight miles from Toronto, 100 acres of grounds, beautiful gardens, ten ming pool. instruction in Academic and Household Science Departments ; facilities for Mus- cal Rducation of the highest order (affil. iated with Toronto Conservatory of Music), An iotellectual, physical, spiritual and socint development of the highest type of strong, capable, Christian womanhood. College reopens September Sth. for Calendar to Rev. F. L. Farewell, B.A., Principal for courts, lar gymuasium and swim Fabaraty graduates give environment which makes for Write [Ottawa Ladies College New Building ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF PERFECTLY SANITARY FITTED WITH EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. Academic work up to the first year University. Music, Art, Domestic Science, Physical Culture, etc. The Capital offers exceptional advantages. For Calendar apply to J. W, H. MILNE, B.A., D.D., President JAS. W. ROBERTSON, LL.D,, C.M.G, Chairmas of Board GRAND TRUN K RAILWAY AREA {Local Branch Time Table. IN EFFECT MAY 30TH, 1015, Trains will leave and arrive at City, Depot, foot of Johnston street. . - 19----Mail 0. NO. 27--Lel. "BICYCLES Phone 543. 272 Cleveland Standard Falcon. : From $25.00t0 $45 ot St. odel | i Neo, | No. N 0. 2% rect Hamilton, | Chicago, Bay. Cit |Ottawa, H. MILNE: Golag West. . City, 7am, to Tor, 1---Intl Ltd, . 7--Mail $1--Local 1 to Brockville §-<Mall 14--1Inti, A --Local to Brockville 658pm Nos. 1, , T.37.P: 6, 7, 18, 14, 16, 18, 19 run dally, {other trains dally except Sunday. Di; route to Toronto, Peterboro, i uffalo, London, Detroit, naw, Montreal, ¥, Portland, St. John, Quebec, Halifax, Boston and New York. For full particulars apply J. P. HAN< Y, Railroad and Steamship Agent, cor. Johnson and Ontario streets A Pretty Island. in LOUGHBORO LAKE Can be bought at a bargain. It it well wooded and nicely situ- ated. Above 3% acres. An ideal site for a summer home, and right in the centre of the best black bass fishing grounds. Apply 1 W. H. GODWIN & SON Estate and Insurance. Phone 424 - . 89 Broce" St. Corslean . : Aug. . «Liverpool Seandinavian Aug 28. . Liverpool For full information apply to local agents or THE ALLAN LINE 05 King St. West. Toronto CANADIAIN PACIFIC Great Lakes Service FIVE SAILINGS WEEKLY He etinery pears Thugays san "Se ursdayw n SAULT STE, MARI THUR and FORT WILLIAM, "Manitoba" from turdays, Bound 10.30 p.m, Toronto 12.45 p.m. daily, Friday, making direct sailing days. BETWER All the Way to Canadian Facifle Particulars from F. CONWAY, TO PACIFIC COAST Port MeNicoll Wednesdays, BE, PORT --~r t: Pore McNicoll Wednesdays calls at Owen "STEAMSHIP EXPRESS" leaves except connection with steamers at Port McNicoll on | SUMMER TOUR IN Fast Time, Convenient Train ' Modern Equipment N MONTREAL, OTTAWA, TORONTO, DETROIT, CHICAGO WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER C. *A., Clty Tick: or Prin. cess and Wellington Streets. Phonelisi. -- © © ret Ofc, corrier Prin "CALIFORNIA SUMMER TOURS Includin ITIONS" Also to ei sui, 4 Bon eho) (Bon 3 Point-au-Baril, Muskokn Lakes. French and Pickerel Rivers. Severn River. Kawartha Lakes. nm Lal Ete, ISTS WARES NOW EFFEOT, Ne Chang. e of Cars or Depots mee vid North Bay, Cobalt A 4 cross New Ontario. Lv. Toronto 1045 p.m. *" North Bay 7.150m The New Transcontinental NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA Can. Govt. Rys., T. & N. O. Ry. Grand Trunk Ry: System TORONTO-WINN gl Cosa innumer Tue. Thu. Set. Wed. Fri. Sun. Ar. 4.45 p.m. Wed. Fri 3.50 p.m. Thu. Set: Mon. ni. Sun, * 8 E a a A Pn Attn i WA IPEG: - Seenic Highlands » of Ontario, ton Jay 2, meat. Raiptment>~ ke Soe got at HEE ¥ 20 nik Shhh! There goes the Tth point. Have you looked for it in Sterling Gum? It is well worth finding. 4--Sterling purity 5--From a daylight factory 6~Untouched by hands

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