THE CAMP WILL BE SMALL IF TWO CORPS ARE MOVED Talk of the 8th C.MR. Going! to Valcartier. PRESENTATIONS MADE TO STAFF SERGT, POLLITT AND SERGT. H. WILLIAMS Of the Army Service Corps Baking section Who Are Going Overseas- --FKach Was Given a Wrist Wateh. People who are close students of the events at Barriefield camp are wondering what the .amount to in, say a few weeks more When the camp was first organized there were approximately 3,800 men under canvas. The overseas units were the Basé Battalion to the num- ber of 1,000, 38th Ottawa Battalion of 1,100 men; 7th Artillery Brigade of 700 men and the 8th C.M:R., of 500 men. After .a very short time here the 7th Brigade was, sent to Valcartier, Drafts from different units brought the number down be-| low 3,000 and now the 38th Battal-| fon have received orders to move to Bermuda. This will bring the nuln- ber down to 1,900 and, if as it is rumored, the 8th C.M.R. Is moved to | Col. John Hughes' camp at Valcar-| tier, the only overseas unit left in | grams and telephone messages were ion walked 160 miles from the lum- the camp will be the 59th Battalion. | necessary before they were allowed | ber limits north of Qurgon However arrangements are now under way for another battalion to| be formed in this division. This will be organized as soon as the 77th | tached to the Army Service Corps for | an. Battalion at Ottawa is upto strength | which will not be in less than a month. The new battalion will likely 576, The recruiting éampaign for by the draft has been remarkably successfui, and Lieut-Col: J. R. Munre is highly pleased with the success of -the recruiting officers'! work, The 200 men have now all been enlisted in less than ten.days whith was better than even the most | optimistic hoped for, Ottawa Is supplying about sixty men, twenty of | whom are expected to-day, = All the] men received have been of the most | splendid type. Tall, well-built husky claps, who have been used to hand- ling horses and who will make ideal cavalrymen, The 8th C.M.R.,, when these recruits are drilled suficiently | to take their places in the regiment, | regiments in the country. For the! last few weeks the undesirables have gradually been weeded out, until only the best men now remain. ! JF. W. Lillie, secretary of the Y.| M.C.A., at "Barriefield, returned to Tuesqay from Buffalo after & two weeks' visit with friends. | Five officers of one-of the units at Barriefield camp report having had a strenuous time on Monday while out motor-boating on the ri- ver. It is reported that they tied up at Clayton but neglected to call at the Immigration Office there. The! result was that a number of tele-| their liberty. | Capt. James T. Sutherland is at-| instruction and duty. Staff-Sergt. Baker F. { J. Pollitt, | {1jtt has been in the Army Service the 200 men to fill the gaps caused | THE DAILY BRITISH WHTa WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1915. 3 | detail for overseas service. Sergt. Pol- Corps for the last ten years and is the veteran, even including the offi- cers of the corps. Sergt. Williams has! been in the corps for three months. | oth have a host of friende not only! at the camp but in the city who will congratulate them on their selection for overseas service where only the best are wanted. Sergt. Joseph Pound and Corpl Blowers have taken over the Baking Section at the camp, and as both are experienced 'bakers, the work of the) Baking Section should continue as before turning out the highest quali- ty of bread. | Lieut.-Col Frank Meighen, who is! but a short time returned from the front, was in camp on Tuesday and gave an address to the officers in the machine-gun lecture tent. R. 8S. M. Marsden, 38th Battalion, is in Ottawa. There are only about thirty sol- camp - will will be one of the best mounted rifies| dier-patients in the city hospitals. Retreat for this week will be! sounded at 7.40 p.m, | Major. McLoughlin, 8th CM.R.; 1 in Bowmanville securing recruits fo the regiment. i i 5 rl | Six husky specimens of manhood | from the Fort Coulonge district. came} inte the recruiting officd at Ottawa] on Sunday and enlisted. They wele| brought to the camp with others by | Sergt. MeQuarrie and taken on the| strength of the 8th C.M.R. | A. Boucher, formerly of the io) H.A., and later with the 21st Battal-| { to Ot- tawa arriving on Monday and was accepted for service with the 8th C. M.R. He is a South African veter-| { 1 Sergt. G. R. Atkinson, 59th Bat-| talion, returned on Tuesday after a] be established in Kingston but by and Sergt. H, Williams, Army Ser-| visit with friends in Merrickville. that time the camp will not be pos-| gible for quartering the. men, and winter quarters will have to be sec- ured. Machine-guns for overseas vice Corps Baking Section, received | a pleasant surprise on Tuesday after-| noon. While sitting in front of | their tents Capt. J. Welsh, accompan- | jed by Lieut. Lyons, came along and The Thistles of the Peterboro City | Baseball League are losing another player this week through the Em- pire's call in the person of Harold units | presented each with a very pretty | Knapman, left fielder, who is to take| seem to be in high favor just now. silver engraved wrist-watch as a to-| the Royal School of Artillery course Lieut.-Col. Street, 0.C., 77th Battal-| ken of the appreciation and. esteem |at Kingston preparatory to overseas) ion, received a telegram on Tuesday 'in which they are held by the Bak-| service. while at the camp to the effect that | ing Section of the Corps. The two! He is the fifth Thistle| player to offer his services, apd still the Laurentian Chapter of the L. O.| recipients replied with suitable words | another will leave in a few days D.E,, Ottawa, had presented the 77th Battalion with a machine-gun. 'The strength of the 8th C.M.R., is of thanks for the splendid and ap-| | propriate donations. | Sergt. Pollitt and Sergt. Williams | {leave immediately for Niagara to] Lieut. Régiment, Lieut. R. E. L. MacConnell, 49th Belleville, brother of B. MacConnell, adjutant now 651, the establishment beinglform part of an Army Service Corps | 59th Battahon, is taking the second CHARM CEYLON TEAS 35¢, 40c, 5 Oc, 60c, Lb. Charm Coffeie, 40c Lb. For Sate at All Grocers. t i | Provisional School Barriefield Camp. of Infantry at Lieut. R. H. Waddell, 59th Bat- talion had the misfortune to injure | several ligaments in+his foot and is {laid up in consequence. The final soccer game for the | Major Starr trophy will be played | between the Sth C.M.R. and 38th| {teams on Wednesday night. The | | soft-ball league will open to-night] with two games. "A" Company, 59th Battalion, will play "C" Skuadron,| | 8th C.M.R:, on the C.M.R. ground {and "B" Squadron will play * | Company, 59th Battalion, on | 59th grounds. 8 " KINGSTON | the | HOTEL ACCOMMODATION ¥ SHOULD HAVE FOR ITS SIZE. Such Is the Opinion Of W. S. Ding- - man; Vice Chairman Of Provin- cial License Board--Some New Developments Looked For, W. 8. Dingman, vice-chairman of the Provincial License Board, left Wednesday afternoon, for Toronto, after having made a brief inspection of the hotel situation-in Kingston: He has gathered information | which will be of benefit to the Com-~ missin. Tuesday night he spent his a rn 7 W. 8S. DINGMAN. time moving quietly around, as late as eleven o'clock, and saw the publie drinking houses in full swing and gathered impressions as to where the | drinking resorts are. In his view, Kingston has not the| hotel accommodation that a place of this size should have. It has a very! average and ordinary line of quarter | for the travelling public. It. is likely thatrilate inthe fall, or early in the winter, the Commis- sion will have a meeting here, but in the meantime some new develop- ments may be expected. | | THE SPORT REVIEW The sportsmen of Toronto have ar- ranged to start a campaign with the view of sending five machine guns to the front, at.a cost of $5,000. Hans Wagner is in another batting slump... He failed to make a hit in} six times to the plate Friday and | fanned three times. { | ~The Pittsburgh Pirates have more | | speed in running the bases than any | other National League team this | year, | stop, got into = an altercation Frank Fuller, the Ottawa short-| VAUDEVILLE AT THE GRAND, | with | THE Colonial FOR A Dressy Shoe Specially For Street Wear. MUST GO! All Straw Hats now offered at big reductions: % All our fine Sailors, the $2.50 and $3 kinds The $2 kinds ...Now $1.25 Soft Straws in endless vari» ety, while they last .25c & 50c For Big Bargains in Summer Hats. 1 1 | i An assault-at-arms is being held | Mynager Shaughnessy at London and | The Programme For Thursday, Fri- on Monday. | punched his boss in the eye. "Shag" { day and Saturday. "Automobile EE -- PAGE FIVE v ¢ Ladies' Patent Colonial Pumps are dressy for most. any wear--especially for street wear--our stock of Patent and Gun Metals at $5.00, $4.50, $4.00 and $3.50 include the best makes and newest patterns--ave also have White Poplin at $2.00 and $2.25, Abernethys WE CLOSE AT 5 O'CLOCK One Price Shoe Store Sakell's Pure Ice Cream ee Our Ice Cream is the best and finest in Kingston by Government Test. We deliver to all parts of the city in bulk or .SAKELL'S bricks. Next Opera House. Phone 640 Bring Your Car Here When it needs any repairs or supplies. Our mechanics are all first class and stand A-1 in thelr trade. handle. We alse have here Where you ean keep your car No repair too small or toe big for ws to AN UP-TO-DATE GARAGE, perfect confidence and where you will receive courtesns treatment at all times. OUR TERMS ARE VERY MODERATE, PORRITT GARAGE CO. Limited Accessories 210.212 Wellington St. Tele Phone 454 Agent for CADILLAC and REO CARS. For Hire "(1915 REGAL) WEDDINGS A SPECIALTY. Prompt Attention to Calls, Service and Efficiency Guaranteed, = AUTOMOBILES t and Train Repairs Kingston, Ont. a | | Special Rates for all Kinds of Drives, R. J. Allen, Phone 300. 340 Johnson St-eet. | DATES OF FALL FAIRS, 1915. | | 3 had the self-control necessary to ig-| A farewell concert at which a lec- | ture will be given by Major Starr | nore the occurrence at the time. { will be held in the Y.M.C.A. tent on| i The management of the Grand] Opera House announces that an ex-| cellent programme of vaudeville and Tris Speaker, whose poor batting| pictures has been secured for Thurs-| veverervy ~ rE ET Midsummer Sale Carpets, Furniture, Etc jood time to save money. Repairing'iand Upholstering 10 per eent. cheaper 'now, thin at any other time. ge. Phone 8 Yoms Patent, Gun Metal, 'White Canvas Regular $4.00, $3.15, $3.50, Wow TEE fi with all ranks. ZF i g 85] The results of the semi-weekly sports held on Tuesday evening are: 220 yards dash--1st, Tpr. L. Phil- {lips, 8th C.M.R.; 2and Drum-Sergt. Blake, 69th; 3rd, Pte. Weeden, 38th Battalion. Running broad jump--I1st, Tyr. Phillips, 8th C.M.R., 17 feet, 10 in- R., 15 feet, 10 1-2 inches; 3rd, Pte. ing as a member of the 59th Bat. talion. This makes the eleventh for overseas service. toa Tete de Pont Barracks, Twenty-three horses of "C" Bat- the summer at McAdoo's farm. Six horses from *"C" Battery were | morning, to be disposed of by Lieut.- | Col. Harris of that place. | The examinations for N. C. O's In gunnery were held on Wednesday morning and in the afternoon they were examined on discipline. A Former Almonte Bank Boy. To Almonters who remember Douglas R. Street (now Lieut.-Col. D. R. Street) as a clerk in the Bank of Montreal here, probably a quarter of a century ago, says the Almonte Gazette, will be interested to know that it has been definitely announc- way up to the command of the regi- ment, and was exceedingly popular In business life be 4 Fe i fd ches; 2nd, Tpr. Standing, 8th CM. | Williams, 38th, 15 feet, 9 1-2 inches. | Mr. George Glover, molder in the Springer Lock Manufacturing Cou | ped pany, Limited, Belleville, was pre-| sented with a wrist Watch on leav- man from the company to volunteer! tery, R. C. H. A., at being left for| shipped to Ottawa, on Wednesday | {during the first two months of the | season worried Boston fans, has | day, Friday and Saturday of this] | week. "The Moth and the Flame," | Issued by the Agricultural Soclet- | ies Branch of the Ontario Depart- b0009%000000009 (TIIAAAERER ETRE RE XI worked his way into the 320 class.|in Clyde Fitch's powerful drama is| ment of Agriculture, Toronto, J. Loc- | Everett Smith, the erack Toronto Argonaut Rugby player, has joined the aviation corps and is in active training for the front. He was not {only a member of last year's cham-| pion team but was also one of the fastest and cleverest players on it. The Hamilton Jockey Club is ma- king a contribution to the Govern- ment of a machine gun, fully equip- The Windsor Jockey Club has de- cided "in future to make the purses in all overnight races average $700. During the next meeting there will also be three stakes run, ome of $3,000, another of $2,000, and one of $1,500 added. "Jack" Britton and "Johnny" Dun- | dee have agreed to an innovation in the plans for their bout at New York Thursday evening by consenting that | the referee shall. officiate from out- | side the ring, as in England. The | State Boxing Commission will decide | to-day whether to approve the pro- | posed change from boxing traditions. The winner of this bout will move a step in the direction of a match with "Freddie" Welsh, the lightweight champion. - Regulation ring battles among the young women of Tulane University, New Orleans, continue in spite of the faculty ban. After the publicity of the contests in the gymnasium, the young women decided to hold their bo in private. The regulation t ~four-foot ring is used, three- minute rounds are fought and there are referees, timekeepers, seconds, and handlers. Miss "Johany" nald of Mississippi is the un- 3, She has out- {the feature picture that will be] |shown for these three days. This excellent subject produced with an all famous players cast is one of the] {latest and best photoplays ever pro-| duced by this company. A two-reel| | Mutual photoplay, a Keystone com-| | edy, the Pathe News of all the lat- | est events of the world and the fam-| | ous Pathe colored pictures will also] be shown. { The vaudeville booked includes the | Les Legerts in a refined acrobatic] {act that comes to the Grand highly | recommended. A fine performance] | is promised for all those who attend | this popular theatre on the last three days of this week. , | $ | 1 | Col. F. Lafferty, Of Quebec Arsenal In the City. { Col. F. Lafferty, in command of the Quebec arsenal, was a visitor in| the city Tuesday and Wednesday, on! a brief holiday trip, and while here he visited the camp at Barriefield, | and was also shown through the Locomotive Works, where he paid particular attention to the work that is being carried on there in the turn- ing out of shells. o He left at noon on Wednesday for Montreal, where he will ajso pay a visit to the establishments there which are engaged in manufacturing war munitions. Free Preserving Labels. Save the Red Ball Trade Mark cut from bag or top end of carton of Lantic Sugar, and mail to Dept. L., Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Montreal, VISITED LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. ~ kie Wilson, Superintendent. Almonte .. Arden ... Arnprior .. Bancroft ,. Belleville Bowmanville .. .. . Brockville ... Centerville .... Cobden .... Cobourg .. .. Cornwall .. Delta .. ..Sept. 30-Oct. 1 Sept. 6-7 . Sept. 21-22 . .Sept. 6-8 .e Sept. 11 . Sept, 28-29 «+ «.Sept. 29-30 eo oes. Sept. 9-11 valine ..Sept. 20-22 Demorestville .. .. .. ..Oct. 9 Frankville .. .. ..Sept. 30 Oct. 1 Harrowsmith .. .. .. Sept. 16-17 Inverary .. .. + /evasSept. 8 Kingston .. Lansdowne .. .. .. ..Sept 16-17 Lombardy .. .. .. ....Sept, 11 - London (Western Fair) Sept. 10-18 Lyndhurst .. . Sept. 14-15 Maberly ...... .. ...Sept. 14-15 Madoc .. oo ae oaOCh 6-T Marmora .. .. .. .. .Sept. 23-24 Merrickville.. .. .. ..Sept.16-17 Morrisburg cops» Aug. 3-6 Napnee ...... ... ..Sept. 14-15 Newboro .. .. .. ....Sept, 23-24 Odessa . 1 Oshawa .. .. .: +. Ottawa (Central Canad Parham . .Oet. . .Sept. 13-15 a) Sept. 10-18 Parham .. .. . .... abt, 21.38 oR Ty t Peterboro ..... .. ..Sept. 16-18 . ..Sept. 21-23 se gu wm saws Tamworth Sépt. 28-30 | | OLD PRICES STILL PRE- | VAIL IN LINOLEUM, | OIL CLOTH, AND | CARPET SQUARES Notwithstanding the big advance in {| English market, we intend running jour present stock at old prices No extra charge laying it. ~--A JAMES REID'S, The Leading Undertaker. { WHIG KINGSTON. ONT. | Mrs. C. A. Dewey, has been ap- pointed kindergarten teacher in the Hill .. .. ..Sept. lan-| Wolfe Island .. ... ..Sept. 21-22 Renfrew schools. She fofmerly taught there. "ue , Vor (he Finest Quality Reef, Lamb, Mutton, Pork, Veal--try i Parker "ugh t Bros, OPERA HOUSE. |. Spring amd Yearling Lamb in Roasts, Stewing Cuts, Chops. Roasts ........18¢ Cooked Meats as Specialty. a slesisnnneen 22¢ Pork .. i rit a =f S Sk wil RB Corned Beef, . .... 11-12 4 Roast Pork ............ ceansen 4s snan PARTS OF THE CITY, 3