+ | -- Established 1885. We Bank o Your me your pocket The pleasure of additions and the thrift and inve you to Torox y tpen an-aeeount f to. Me n the and can readily be watching your interest added savings. Tae Assets BANK or TORONTC) F oR FRONTENAC ST.--9 roomed, solid © fen Jot Bank will be added to or withdrawn at balance ECONOMY THRIFT --~SAVING HH thre Savings Departwent at The safer than if kept ath 1 any time. your frequent will encourage further increase. by half-yearly, $61,000,000 SALE brick house, all modern, 2, oa THE J K. CARROLL AGENCY, % BOCK STRE J. A A AAA PP Pir, iss hn DRIVER, Representative, Phone © or 874 ---- an .. SILVERWARE .. If you intend buying Silverware for a Wedding Gift or for your own household use --¥ou will do well to inspect our clean and up-to-date stouky svhich you will find complete. --SUMMER VISITORS are invited to look over our stock wi R. J. RODGER, 3147 KING SPREKT "Where the Clo! We are making a special offer to! ladies who are desirous of preserving their complexion. We are giving away a regular 10¢ Face Chamois with every 13¢ tin of Carleton's Borated Talcum, every 20¢ 4 tin of Floral Boquet and every 25¢ tin of Palmer's Violet. Our stock of | fine Talcums is unsurpassed in the city. Hoag's Drug Store Opp. Y.M.C.A. Phone 258. | qGet Your Awning ~KINGSTON, ONT. CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS & COFFEES. Cooked and Smoked Meats. JOS, AHERN, JR, 279 1.2 Montreal St. Phone 866. i IF YOU WANT THE BEST, Try Gordon's Special Blend Teas and Coffee, 80c, 35¢c, 40c per 1b. GORDON"S GROCERY 149 Montreal St. Phone 88, Sasssssssssnassssanssnans th no obligation to buy. Jeweler & Optician KINGSTON k is on the Walk," Beef Specials TO-MORROW: Good Beef Roasts God Stewing Beef Round Steak PORK TENDERIOINS PORK SAUSAGES ANDERSON BRoS, Phone 458, i Made In Kingston If you want an up-to-date Awning, Boat or Waggon Cover, Oork Fenders or gate Floats for your beat, drop = CAPTAIN JOSEPH DIX, Awning Maker. 211 Neluon Street. em ™w & CAB STAND 67 Clarence St." Phone 748 ExperieacedChauffeurs. i| Night and Day Service. Cars Supplied For THEATRES, DANCES, WED- DINGS, ETC, | I tt at attain | By being self-denying, you and 1 | may make it possible to be self-sus- { taining. 5 | detftea {At | Robt. J. inéncing Friday Mo BE nt » 1h She sit 3nd busied shew, Som She THE DAI. V ee INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. {| L)OAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST, Happenings in the City and Vicinity |' What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. "Kodak Films at Gibson's. Rev. Dr. J Dunlop is registered {in London, England Popular music sale, § College Book Store. E. B. Green left Wednesday to! spend a few days at Canomto. "Ice Cream bricks' at Dipson a. C/P.R. shunting engine No. was off the track at the foot of ron] street on Tuesday afternoon for) some time, A number of Queen's Engineers| have left Barriefield 'Camp for Otta-! 10c, 3 for 25ec. wa to join a draft for overseas ser- FRE E Show Select Vaudeville Acts | me vice. Cannpt be duplicated Popular music 10¢, 3 for lege Book Store. "Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's. | Dr. William Mabon, one of the! { most noted alienicts in the world, is] spending his vacation at the Thou-| sand Islands. | Messrs. Percy and Ross Kingston and Wilber Bell, | are visiting their parents, Mrs. G* D. Bell, Belleville. "Kodak Films" . Gibsen's. | Two young girls, arrested on al charge" of vagrancy Monday night, were sent to their home in Ogdens-| burg on Tuesday afternoon. { "Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's. | Judge H. A. Lavell, a L. Whiting, | Sheriff Dawson and J. Bradshaw | balloted for the jurors No the su- | preme court on Wednesday morning. The Oddfellows' Relief Association, | took about seventy-five of its official | members to Gananoque on Tuesday | and banqueted them at the Inn. The { annual meeting occurred to-day. | At a meeting of the Clayton, N. Y.,| | board of trustees last evening it was. | | decided to change the present arc | lights of the street lighting system | for nitrogen filled lamps, consuming | the same amount of electricity. Letters from Lieut.-Coel. A. E. Roses, No, 1 Field Ambulance, at the | front, have been received by Dr. D.| E. Mundell, W. F. Nickle and T. J.| Rigney. The colonel was quite well, } and had time to make some ¢om-| ments on elvic events in Kingston: | Col. Birchall Wood, assistant adju-| | tant-general and quartermaster-gen-| | 'eral of the Canadian Division, now is| | his appoint- 25c¢. Cola | Bell,' Toronto, Mr. and { i | { | it | | | | | | { | stationed in England, ment as head of the adminigtration! and departmental staff of the divis-| ion being taken by Lieut.- Col G. R.! Frith, BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE ------------ | Estimate of Barnings for 1915 Puts | Figue at $6,000,000. | | New York, July 28.--Based.on ac- tual results for. first six months and | indications for last half of year, it| is estimated by those in. position to | make an. estimate that Baldwin will | earn about $6,000,000 in 1915. That! Would mean approximately $4,000,- | 000 for the common stock after pay- | ment of charges and preferred divi. dend, and would be equal to about 20 per cent. on the common. | Did Not Recommend Dividend, Winnipeg, July 28.---The Winni- peg Free Press says that "owing te the continued dislocation of all branches of the Hudson's Bay Com- | pany"s business through the war. | ! | the governor and committee have decided not te recommend payment of a dividend this year on the ordi- nary shares.' 'August Dividends Down. Toronto, July 28.--August divi- | dends and interest payments in Can- | ada will fal] considearbly under | those of a year ago, owing to the | number of companies that have stop- | ped distributions of profits during | the past year. In the past eigh. | teen months 58 different dividonta have been passed, 25 cut down, and | defaults allowed on 36 bond inter- | est « payments in this country and by Canadian corporations operating | elsewhere, August dividends across the bor-' der are estimated at $120,820,000, against $118,092,000 a year ago, an | increase of $2, ,728%000, Pearl Lake Owned | by Mcintyre. Toronto, July 28 --Another deal | which means considerable for _the | Porcupine Camp is the taking over of the Pearl Hake Mine by the Mc- Intyre Company.' The Pearl Lake has been closed down for over a year, and was finally placed in the receiver's hands with outstanding liabilities of about $225,000. or this amount the Pearl Lake was in- to the Cartwright Interests for $175,000, The property was purchased by the Mcintyre Company for the liabilities, but the Gart- wrights have great faith in the Pearl Lake property, an to take stock in a new company in pref. erence to cash. The new company 10s formed will be Xhowh as the ntyre ension, present Mec. Intyre Company" aging a control ling interest. 3 {PITH OF THE NEWS, ben Despatihes From Near and Distant {1 aves Places, The War Contracts Commission left Ottawa Tuesday af- NG 10 Su its inquiry in Summetade. P. an and siting Sub DSL Investigating LS A 1Wiecat train 3 Dleasute- Beach, an pambuars soshie "TONIGHT WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1915. GRAND I And Every After-| pbon and Evening | coNmInl ou 8 PERF RM ANCE, pn. and 7.30 p.m, ¥ PEATC RE VAUDEVILLE Famous Plavers Fhms, § Reels. An All-Star Cast In | "MAY BLOSSOM" New Programme Monday and Thursday Prices: Mat. 10c, any sent. Bete.) 10e; reserved 8 Ge extra. | i Lake ke Ontario! TO-NIGHT md Frey Night at 830 FEATURE PHOTO PLAYS anywhere. | Free Admission to Park by Street Cars | only. Wednesday, C hilcren de con Cars, -] PAGE SEVEN te - CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES, | | First insertion, lc a word. Each con. secutive iumertion - thereafter, half. | cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 2ie; three thnertions, | G0e; six, $1; one month, $2 . HELP WANTED. EXPERIENCED | David Marshall WANTED, Apply HELPER preferred plumber, AD BAKER, SECOND-HAND, ly at once to R, H. Toye & Co, Ontario street EXPERIENCED WAIT- Inn. Apply Kingston. AT ONCE, resges for Gananoque at the 'Hotel Fromtenac, WAGSTAFFE'S Billiard and Shoe Shine Parlors, Hat Cleaning of All Kinds, Panama Hats Our Specialy: 90 and 200 Princess. St, Phone 544. *CB8o National ns EVERYWHERE. Buy it by the case FOR THE HOME, FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, REF. erences required; three in family, Apply Mrs. Scott Qhreen"s Yuivers ity Rrousds. NTELLIGENT PERSON > ak earn $100 monthly Purtesponding for newspapers; no canvassin Send far a Lis ars. Press Sy cate, 3,969 NY. [TWOo WMAIDS, one Or sec September, pay: In applying, state quired; give references. shibley, 49 Wall streef, New York City, Jomo ao "and " Sharbot Lake. Good Wages re- WwW. OFFICES | z&| THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | errrrrerrree:;rerre,r,r,r,rr rr, rr oo oo LOST. ENGRAVED BAND BRACELET, Thursday aft on; valued keepsake. on 149 Queen LAST as a return FROM AUTOMOBILE, SOMEWHERE on road between Oshawa and Kingston, lady's straw suitcase. | Name "V, Reid" on clothing inside. Finder please advise 8 8 248 Princess street, Kingston, 143, or house 215 or | phone th Concession, Hin- | e yearling: heifer about May 20th. El- Godfrey, Ont, TO LET. chinbrooke, (red), on or mor Scales, { { RAGE FOR FURNITURE, ETC, clean and dry. McCann, 82 Brock Street. STO OFFICES, STORES. Me- | Estate Agency, 82 DWELLINGS, Cann's Real Brock Street. FURNISHED. | LH SUMMER COTTAGE, McCann's Real Estate Agency, Brock street. IN CLARENCE ST. OMAM- bers, Apply to Cunningham & Mudie, 79 Clarence St TEACHER WANTED. APPLY, to, Robert Mountalh FOR S. 8. NO. 1, OLDEN. stating aug blifications, «Treas, Lo SCHOOL man Catholle, Wolfe Iskand A. Staley, Bec, FOR SS. NO, Female mence Archie Clarendon _ Ro- 8. No. 2, "$500 Apply Island. i. 080, SALARY $325, preferred Duties to com- September 1st, Apply to] Campbell, Secy.- Treas. | Sta, Ont. BE for Salary Wolfe 5, TEACHER WANTED, | for 8.8. No, 5, Apply George A, Parham, Ont | QUALIFIED male, Protestant, Hirdchinbrooke, Smith, secretary, stating salary. QUALIFIED TEACHER ron sO Hoon | Section No. 1, Tewnship of Port- land.- Apply, stating qualifications | and salary, téo O. B., Henderson, Sec.-Treas.,, R.R. Neo. 2, Harrows i smith, Ont. | QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER | for 8.8. No. 2, Portland, two miles | eagt of Yarker; salary $400.00 to | $450.00. Apply toM. V.Lake, Sec.- | Treas; RA. No. "2, Harrowsmith, | Ont. { QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR &, 8, NO, | 9, Kennebec, Frontenac County. Salary $450 per annum; duties te commence September' 1st Apply, stating qualifications, to J.A. New- ton, Sec.-Treas., Dead Creek P. 0. Ont. QUALIFIED TEAC HER Section No. to commence Apply, ary ences Treas., NORMAL 8. 8 FOR SCHOOL | Loborough, duties 1st stating experience and sal- | required, and giving refer- to W. H. Kennedy, Sec. Leland, Ont: TRAINED TEACHER FOR 8. No. 12, Rear, Leeds and Lans- downe. Duties to commence Sep- | tember 1st. Apply, stating experi- ence and salary required, and giv. ing references, to A. Moulton, Bec.- Treas, Seeley's Bay, Ont, PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR SMALL No. 13, Miller. Salary $300 Suites to commence September 1st. Apply, stating experience and sal- ary required, and giving refer- ences to Wim, JT. hep Bec.« Treas, Wilson, Renfrew Co., Ont. TEACHER FOR CLARENDON SCHOOL Section No, 8, at a salary of $325 a year. Duties to commence 18t September, 1915. Apply, statin experience and salary required, references to Ervin Sec, ~Treas., _Fernleigh, Ont. PROTESTANT ASSISTANT TEAC HER for junior department of Portus) mouth Public "School. Initial sal lary $400. AppHeants to state qualifications and experience on or before, August 5th. Thomas F. Sranam, Secretary, Portsmouth, n and giving Martin, A "Qu ALIFIED TEACHER FOR BAR- rie School Section No. 6 female Protestant preferred; duties to commence September. Tet, Salary $300 per year. Apply, stating ex- Leilene hd 1 Cing Foforences, to «He ec.-Treas., Cloyn P. O. Ont. ne POSITION WANTED, POSITION WANTED IMMEDIATELY as ufeful companion, mother's help or nursery VErness. Miss Parr, Deseronto, Bur. " . BUSNIESS NOTICE. ™) 50c WATER Mp: 88. Thousand Islander 1000 Islands and "Return Lv. at 'ais Pi. os hy RSDAY and SATURD Y. 745 p.m. OGDENSBURG, N.Y. ves t N20. cal dew * VEO Tninnd a] ling at '88. CASPIAN Tiekven Fides nd Sains, 30 on Wednes- 10.40 a.m. rE a Lian WM. BEGAN WISHES TO ANNOUNCE that he has purchased the tailor shop. formerly run by- Thos. Galle. way and will do all kinds of re- pa tring and he YE. . Also ma u t your } FURNISHED HO HOUSES, { of Beptember, | ON CHATHAM STREET; IM. | provements Apply © David Mar- shall, 101 Quee n street. | HOUSE THESE EFFECTIVE 1 LUNCH ROOM AND ICE CREAM PAR Corbett. | lGASOLINE [A SNAP FOR QUICK LIFE FOR SALE. ADVTS, Cosw ittle Once, 25¢; three times, §0c: one week, $1.00 ar. A buyer. Apply bargain to quick . W hig office OAR~ at AND prices, -L Alan at reasonable Phone 705 LAUNCH, 25 FT. LONG, quipped and in first olass running order y lease Of boat house, price 00 Apply 147 Division stre fully BUYER---THAT with *all cons farl and Welling. must be sold at } Earl street valuable veniences, ton streets; once Apply prope rty 7 PRESERVERS WOR ADULTS and children; folding boat seats; camp outfits; fishing tackle a spe- clalty, "Frank W. Cooke. 39 Clar- ence street: Phone 81 MOTOR Tove complete "everything very cheap. laa, w TH SIDE C AR ectrie light and horn; in first class order; Porritt's Garage Co. Wellington street. Phone #54. SALE OF BICYCLES -- SCOUT cycles, $27; Pasume Bleyoles, Perfect Rigid dw Fa 3 Cushion Frame, "wi a th. 3- Shoe gear, $80. Geo aner, 313 ing street. LARGE BRICK HOUSE AND BARN, and 8 acres of land, on Alfred, near Concession, at onge. Apply to D. Boyd, 106 Pine street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, ry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's © on Siorage, 209 | Queen St, Phone 526b TEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, ALL| modern improvements; furnace, gas and electric light. Possession about August Ist. Apply to 230) Sydenham street 1 ern Improvements, corner Divteidh : and Quebec streets. Apply J. DU} Boyd, 106 ine, or Mr. Pringle, eX door, Division stréet. {EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, WITH MO! { IRNISHED HOU STH AT PL EN didly equipped new residence. 163 University Avenue. Every convenl- ence; modern furniture N Queen's University. Apply at __ Wiliam street for terms, ete A FEW NICE 5 TO 7 R BU lows, with furniture yet, at "Eastview Park," six miles trom Kingston, on St. Lawrence; god access and convenlences by land and water. Anply J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine, Kingston. GOOD LOCA- $35 and $10 per month. NFURNISHED HOUSES, at 87, $10, $13, $15, $18 and up. i tion, | |v FOR SAL E~BRICK HOUSES, $2,100, | $2, 2 2.300, $2,700, $3,100, $4,300, $4. 360: joooD FRAME HOUSES, GOOD LOC A- | tion, $2,600 and $5,800, Geo. A. | Bateman, real estate and ais | 1 ance, 67 Clarence street, Kingston i Phone 396. { DENTAL AR, KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, RE. moved to 258 Princess street. oh DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 159 eh, DOE, 1 DR. C, C, NASH, DENT enton;' assistant. treet. Phone 785 DR. T. B. Princess | rr. Leonard Walsh, LDS, as- s'stant, Phone 3 LEGAL. A. B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor, Law office, 70 Clar- ence St... Kingston, UPHOLSTERING. W. 3. ¢ J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTER pairing and carpet wo mattress renovating. Drop, a card or call 316 Bagot street WANTED GENERAL WE WANT TO BUY SECOND HAND eese feathers. Anply Kingston 5 SEC. attress Company, Princess 'Bt. ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD ond-hand furhitires and atoves Lis of a, od prices. J. mpson, 333 pay Eo sireet, phone oy CUSTOMERS, I PAY BE HIGH Jrices 'Hew: a and second oma hand una All kinds fiothing, boots, is, Ste to to well a card and 1 8. Shapiro, 46 Princess street IFIRST CLASS ROARD RONEN AC ONCE (DWNER SNK) room-=fiouse, barn, eight acres of good land, garden planted. A bar- gain, One mile west of Brockville, on Kingston road, next Country Club golf links Apply A. Brophy, general delivery, Brockville, Ont EIGHT. BOARD AND ROOMS. AND ROOMS, Good location, modern convenlences. Apply 243 Brock street. OATERING WE CATER TO PARTIES, RALLS, wedding breakfasts, banquets, etc. also rent dishes, table linens and silverware Held and Hambrook, M. P. Leld, 30 Union Street: ¥. Hambrook, 176 Alfred Street Phones 843 or 303 FINANCIAY, LOAN AND INVEST. ment BSoclety; 'neorporsated 1883; president, Colonel Henry R. Smith,' Money issued on city and farm properties, munic'pal and country depentures; mortga; " purchased; deposits received a interest al- lowed. C. edit Manager, 87 Clarence Street. | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GI Fire Insurance Company, Avallab assets $61,187,215. In addition which the policyholders ve for security the unlimited liability +! city property," Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or givin w busin got rates thm Bn ® Btrango, Agents. . Phone 325. CARPENYTERING, KELLAR, 10 PATRICK S§T, when - wanting carpenter work done. Prices moderate. Satisfac- tory work guaranteed. Jobing a specialty, Phane 1268. TRY ©, MEDICAL. D, BE. BELL, M.D, CM, LNO.O,, SUR. gery, 138 Wellington street; phone HH. A. BOYCE, M.D. C.M.,, LATE MEDI. cal Superintendent Kingston Gener- «al | ital. Surgery and residence 93 ellington street. Phone 964 PERSONAL. MPLLE. TRO. WORLD'S mind reader, seity 9. 263 GREATENTY now stopping la the Readings b0¢ wours, ¥ te King street AATR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin bi Ishes removed permanently, with- out scar; 30 years' akperionce Dr, Elmer J. lake, Eye, Ka Nose, Throat and Skin Shoctaiiat, 268 Bagot street. BUSIN RES' OHANOCES ANYONE ARYWHERKE CAN START a mall order business at home; canvassing; nd for 3 Heacock. 2.069 Lockport, N.Y ARCHITROT SMALL FLAT FITING WH. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- i en). or two nice rooms with private family (kitchen and bathroom facil'ties), to be oc- | cupled by young lady with En In neighborhood of Detention] SaennalL Apply to Box CHIC E tects, etc. Offices, 258 Bagot Bt Phone &1. "oO SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. Bank Bullding, corner Wellington streets, a8 quickly a you can tor a neu- tral port. : f that , class, it for the whole cost tions. It is Proved to equip the Froneh soldiers with mica spectacles. Mica forms a protection to the eyes from #au and acid bombs a8 it will not