E-- | Letters To {Considering Church Union, Toronto, July (To the tor) In various Canadian ne¢ pers there has appes ter signed Hy the organization for the Presbyter formed to re now appear Bue in a happy gatiomal, Method Churches The wr because this letter cular sent gignature to a each of a number of Pres was Indeed, gt the reguest of tain Toronto™Triends of Union that the circular was writtén, but its form is mine and therefore chief re sponsibility also is mine The anti-unionists suggest that by means of the circular it was proposed to obtain in the General Assembly of this year a larger union rep- resentation than coiild be warranted by the state of opinion in the Presby- teries The suggestion is the fruit tf a riotous fancy. Had any of the men to whom the circular was sent found in it any such proposal, ¢ it would have been resented immedi- ately Moreover, while it asks that] a watch be kept against any attempt! to pack the Assembly against Union, it also emphatically repudi- ates the idea that "the opponents of Union be deprived of their fair share of representation." Was there, then, reason to fear that opponents of union might en- deavor to obtain for their side an un- duly. large representation? One 1s glad to know that the executive of the anti-union organization Xnows nothing officially of action of this sort, but the friends of union above referred to had reason to fear that certain parties had made such an at- tempt in 1914 It was, in fact, largely because it did not appear de- 28 ed late! secretary iE continuance of body win t 0 0 the an Cl} is Longre Presbyterian sted a cir ter reproduces this ster nte re early year over mini or elde It r byteri f ce the Headaches, sleep- lessness and tired, draggy feelings soon disappear when yon restoro vigor tw the ex- hausted nerves by using Dr, Chasc's Nerve Food. 50 cents a box, all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co, Limited, 0. TES | AGT I NE 2 I¥erve 1004 2 pl RAILWAY SYSTEM Local Branch Time Table. IN EFFECT MAY 30TH, 1915. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, foot of Johnston street. Golng West. Lv. City. Ar. City. 1280 am. 12 a.m, EIYDRGH 19---Mall . . 13--~Fast E . to To . Ltd. il 31--Local Belleville Golag 57 35 54 12 40 37 T. i 3 5 8 3 3 > a wees © veep a . 16--Fast Exp. .. . 32-Local to Brockville 6--Mail 7a 5 a. 0 a. Pp. Pp. 8.15 am, 2 be £2.20 pom. , 14--Intl, Ltd. . 1.08 pm. . 28--Local to Brockville 6.58 pm. : .m, Nos. 1, 6, 7, 18, 14, 16, 18, 19 run dally, other trains dally except Sunday. Direct route to Toromtn Petrrhara Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Port! St. John, Halifax, Boston and New York. For full particulars apply J. P, HAN« LEY, Rallroad and stvedisiug aevew cor. Johnson and Ontario streetr An mtn, - A He® ue I. m. m. .m. .m. ty. m m. m. m. m. ~ oofe o a itr | | movement. | for some people. - -- the was by 2 " ' sirable to publish our fears in c pr our circular 1 priv It was, t sense and hence or otherwise snonorabie the. contrary, one pub ess sual S wi al On e led d to THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDA | { { 1 | | pleased that dark whis-| pers concer I contents can onger pass easily from lip to lip. If not delighted, we may 1 verted by ne the -soporous name which the or ng it anti-unfonists have given to t anization. But the original n: 1ded preservation as well as I Why word "'preser dropped? Some wag hak said eal purpose was to pickle to preserve 8 ne or nuance was the vation" that the rather than no | di- | | our church | and there may be some truth in the| jest seeing that many seem to think that the Presbyterian Chureh can be kept unchanged. Our church living thing It has both grown and changed, but it Presbyterian without the help of an organization for its continuance. what is vital to Presbyterianism will continue in the United Church of Canada, The Presbyterian Church stands for salvatign by grace; so does the 'Methodist Church The Presbyterian Chureh is, not strictly democratie, but representative in its government; so is the Methodist Church. According to the basis of union is evangehical in its doetrine,; and with sessions and presbyteries,, similar to our own, its polity is re- presentative, To reason with the man who. denies these obvious facts is to waste words. The Anti-union letter referred to appears to make "uniformity in the churches" an object of the Union That word "uniformity" apparently has a fearful fascination Do they find jt needful to fight against the idea lest they be captivated by it? Unionists, on their part, do not feel an inter ast in uniformity Hence the Basis of Union gives to all congregations now in existence the right to retain unchanged all those variations in the managément of local affairs to which they have become accustomed. But while uniformity is of no con- sequence, it is the bounden duty of every Christian to press towards the most perfect fellowship with tis brethren in Christ, and therefore to endeavor to get rid of every hind- rance to that fellowsliip. Can it be doubted that demominational bar- riers are a hindrance? Evidently they make, not for the umity and harmony which Anti-unionists say they desire, but for mutual estrange- ment. Misunderstandings easily arise when inilerests are separate. Be- sides, many of us '"do not like" our fellow-Christians, and our dislikes are largely due to denominational ignorance. If Christian fellowship is most de- sirable, so also is effectiveness im Christian service. The Church should remember that she is always at war with the forces of evil and that, even in Christendom nineteen full centuries after Christ, evil wields stupendous power: And just as a oountry at war begins to or- ganize its resources as soon as it realizes that the conflict is momen- tous, 80 the Church is endeavoring, elsewhere as well as in Canada, to unify her efforts, because she begins to comprehend the immensity of her world-wide task. In presence of the hydra-headed monster which the world worships, many of her inter- nal differences sink into utter in- significance. As already intimated, Presbyter- ian friends of Union look forward hopefully to the vote soon to be tak- en in their church. The vote taken some years ago was not considered decisive. For Union there then vot- ed 37 per cent. of our membership, while 17 p+' cent. voted on the other side. For the unrevised basis there voted 27 per cent. as the Anti- unfonists remind us in their letter, They also say that the opposition was "large and strong," but in their truly delightful modesty they do not mention that it lacked only a little of 9 1-2 per cent. One may, how- ever, expect that this year the Union vote. will be much heavier. The Anti- unionists say that in practically ev ery Presbytery the ministers who favor Union are a majority. This is good news and very insignificant, if true, for only 50 Presbyteries out of 70 voted for Union whem the ques- tion was submitted to them before. And the news may well be true for the Assembly of this year approved of the revised basis by the splendid is CANADIAN Great Lakes Service FIVE SAILINGS WEEKLY Steamers leave Fort MeNieoll Wednesdays, Mondays, Thursdays and for SAULT STE. MA THUR and FORT WIL "Manitoba" ednesdays Steamer McNicol WW Sound 10,30 p.m. "STEA mw Toronto 12.45 p.m. Friday, making with steamer: sailing days. Fast Time, Convenient Train trom Port calls at Owen S$" leaves dally, except direct connection Ss at Port McNicoll on All the Way to Canadian Pacific Particulars from F. cess and Wellington BETWEEN MONTREAL, OTTAWA, WINNIPEG AND YANCOUVER . CONWAY, C. Streets. Phone PACIFIC 8 UMMER 'TOURS TO PACIFIC COAST "CALIFORNIA EfPosiTioNs" 180 A to Coast Atlantic Coas! gg > Polat: Hushel hd Prekerel Rivers. Severn River. SUMMER ol Service, Modern Equipment TORONTO, DETROIT, CHICAGO No Change of nd or Depots nh City Ticket Office, corner Prin- or * rn ---- "The New Transcontinental A, jh Sse hy c= E y Bi) - =" EEE TE) to WESTERN CANADA Can. Govt. Rys., T. & N. O. Ry.. Grand Trusk Ry. System TORONTO-WINNIPEG I] fico ah al has continued And ------ vote of 368 to 74. Some may have voted for approval because .it. also meant that the question. was to be sent again to the church. But others voted against approval because this year did not seem to them a suitable time to send it to the church. The vote may, therefore, be taken as an index of the sentiment of the Pres- byteries. The Anti-unionists mention the booklet entitled 'Church Union: An Opportunity and a Duty." Friends of Union are hereby Invited to send for parcels of it and to distribute them as widely as possible. The Union case is there, presented by Presidents Falconer and Murray, Principals Gandier and MacKinmon, 'rof. Kilpatrick and Dr. R. ¥.» Mac- kay, Dr. Clark of Calgary and Mr. MacGregor of London. Along with the booklet there will be sent a leaf- let" by Dr. Murdoch MacKenzie of Honan. These are names which carry weight with every intelligent Presbyterian. Let every voter pond- er their views with an open mind and an earnest desire to advance the Kingdom of God. --D. M. RAMSAY. Complaint Of Farmer's Wife, Inverary, July 28.-- (To the Edi- tor): "Buy in Kingston. Shop at home with home merchants, and help build up your own city." The above appeal was published in your paper and signed by the major- ity of the leading merchants of Kingston. I am a farmer's wife, living in a small village, only a few miles from the city, and wish to say, why we do not trade more in our own town is that when Kingston mer- Chants have any choice bargains to present they place them on sale at from 8.30 o'clock in the morning, when they know that the farmers and country people cannot attend any of those sales, and by the time they leave the market the choice of the bargains are picked up by the city people, who were waiting at the doors of those stores long before the time of opening, so that the first one in secures the pick. Then again an "After Supper Sale" is put on at LL LL LIT =e tA A trea cc eA tA ttt test A treat A Attar WHEN ROLL IS CALLED | MosT NATIONS WILL ANSWER, : "I WAS THERE" Impassioned Speech Of a Chicago! Tawyer Uiging United States To | Do Its Part With the AHies. | The Westminster Gazette An impassioned and lofty speech | was made at the annual dinner of! the Chicago Alumni of Michigan Uni-| | versity by John M. Zane, one of the! foremost lawyers' in Chicago, who {advocated the cause of the Allies. | {| "This is a war of ideas where ev- ery tongue must take a side," he said. "There is, there can be, no neutrality of ideas. Whoever | speaks a word of sympathy or free-| dom against autocracy is taking sides with humanity and progress. 'No sides in the quarrel! proclaim it as well To the angels that fight with the le- gions of hell. "And when this mighty struggles | ended, when this ruthless and blood- | stained Moloch, this truly horrid | King, besmeared with blood. ot} human sacrifice and parents' tears, | is manacled for ever, as he must and | shall be, when the roll of nations is { called, i | 'Russia will answer: I was there; | { though' tied down by a barbarous | | past, I had brought four free natidhs | from under the heel of the unspeak- | able Turk, and the bones of my sons | now are whitening on many a battle- | | field, where they fought and bravely | died that Europe might be free. 'Little Serbia will answer: I re- | fused to become the serf of the Hun | and the Tenton. I loved liberty | and I hated slavery, and though ter- | rible has been the penalty, we were | brave soldiers in the 'war for the li- beration of humanity. 'Italy will say: Though 1 was the | youngest of the nations, though all | | unready and almost betrayed by mer- | | cenary factions, I drew the sword of | | Garibaldi and Cavour that once be- | | i { | Y, JULY 30 Cooked Meats] from 7.30 o'clock p. m., when they f h know that the country people have| fore had vanquished the merciless | left the city for their homes. TOT . : ! Now, do they 'think this is giving | France, gallant, imperishable the country people a fair deal? Ir| France, will answer: I stayed Ye | we happen to be in the city on the mad giant in his onward rush and day of these sales, is it fair for us to| drove him back 1 his lair, have to pay fifty per cent. more dur-| Ireland, the land of a thousand ing the day, when the city folks can | SOTTOWS, Will answer: . 1 disdained wait till after supper, and then go to| all selfish thoughts and gave the these stores and avail themselves of | R3Mes of my best and bravest to be the bargains? In our small village F2ed on the blood-sprinkled roll. there are orders going out nearly England and Scotland, the land every day to the large departmental of orderly and sober liberty, the Jand stores in Toronto and Montreal be-|°f Milton and Vane, the land of Wal- cause of the way Kingston merchants | lace asd Bruge, the aad of Sidney have been treating us, and the soon-| 0d gi rea: ritain, the re- er they change their plan of conduct-| [18 Of the oppressed, whose protec- | | any of the notes for sale. ing these sales, at such unreasonable hours, the sooner the country people will change theirs, and support Kingston merchants. Will you please give space for this in your valuable paper? Thanking you in anticipa- tion. I am, yours respectfully--A Farm- er's Wife, Editor's Note--Believing that any injustice done to possible buyers by altogether unintentional, the Whig interviewed a leading drygoeds mer- chant in regard to the matter. It was made a bundantly clear that the sales were announced without any thought of discriminating against residents in the country. "Our ex- perience," explained this merchant, '"'has been that country residents will not drive in just to take advantage of special sales; therefore we did not time these sales with the object of securing this class of trade. On the other hand, city people will go to sales out of curiosity, and, when they see good bargains, will make pur- chases. I believe it is well, how- ever, to give this lady's suggestion a trial, and will advertise sales at an hour when country people can take advantage of them." It will doubtless be gratifying to our merchants to be thus reminded that the farmers' wives are reading the Whig's advertisement columns. aid Subscribed Three Times Over. New York, July 30.--It was learn ed to-day that the Dominion Govern- ment $45,000,000 loan was subserib- ed more than three times over, Allot« ments of the notes have been made to subscribers on the following basis: To al for all amounts in excess of $20,000, 100 per cent. To subscribers for amounts from $11,000 to $49,000, 50 per cent, and to all subscribers for all amounts in excess of $49,000, 25 per cent. None of the banking or invest- ment houses in the city has offered CASTORIA the method above complained of was | trade, put a single obstacle in the 'For Infants and Children | | ting fleet saved Dewey at Manila, will say: Though 1 sat impregnable behind the iron walls of my ships, in a quarrel not my own, I gave ay | blood and my treasure with a lavish hand that alien lands should not be | enslaved and that liberty should not perish from the earth. "And last and best of all, uncon- querable Belgium. Gentlemen, we | cannot think of her without emotion. | Every heart calls up Vergil's noble | line; 'Sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem | mortalia tangunt.' "There are tears for undeserved | misfortune and moral sufferings | touch the soul--Belgium, with her | glorious King, that perfect knight without reproach or fear, Belgium, the savior of the nations, will say: I bowed not to the brutal Belial, I chose the neble path of honor and of valor. My land was laid waste, I saw the devastation and the slaught- er of my innocent people, but I kept the faith. "And when that great roll is call- ed of the heroic nations struggle for liberty and democracy shall we amswer with a shamefol tale 'of how we withheld evem our good wishes, of how Freedom's land her faith disowned? Nay, what is more shameful still, shall we confess that we, who are not asked to peril our lives and fortunes in the war, yet, by imglorious complaints of path of these heroic nations in their superb endeavor for the liberties of the world? _ "No, let us all who love our dear blest Motherland resolve that, so far as in us les, that starry flag shall be kept unstained by such dishonor. , 1915. PAGE ELEVEN Preserving Buy LANTIC Sugar--a pure cane sugar, pure from refinery to pantry. spoil your preserves. Buy -in original packages and look for the LANTIC Red Bal 2lb. and in our handy original packages kept clean and Dust and dirt in sugar bought from the open barrel may | on each package. sib. cartons and xolb. and 20lb, bags/ extra fine granulation. xoolb. bags coarser granu- lation. Weight guaranteed. L ic Sugar Send mddress and small Red Ball Trade Mark Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited, from Of top end of carton and we will mall you beok of 50 assorted Fruit Jar Labels printed and yg, MONTREAL, QUE., ST. JOHN, N. B. m-- 87 gummed ready to put on the jars. ud mam Ny AaB ou BE yy, I 0 Ne 1 AAALSES . of Disease The = PS Packet of WILSON'S INE N ° Epidemic Has ever been traced to Pasteurized Milk, only Pasteurized Milk in Kingston is Price's AS Phone 845 -< OF ANY 7 An CHARM CEYLON TEAS 35¢, 40c, 50c, 60c, Lb. Charm Coffee, 40c Lb. For Sale at All Grocers. We have the very best in Cooked Hams, Jellied Tongue, Jellied Hocks, | Pressed Ham and Veal, Bologna and | Head Cheese. P.S.--All our meats are kept ice cold in our modern refrigerator coun- ter away from flies and dust. No | mussing -- no handling. Orders sent to any part of city. | J.R. B"GAGE, Phone 54. Montreal Street. | | AF, WRIGLEYS means the besf in chewing gum -- it means the Perfect Gum in the Perfect Package -- sealed air-tight. It means the largest, most up-to-date and most sanitary chewing gum factories in the world. It means a wholesome, beneficial, eco- nomical eonfection, good for everybody. Two delightful flavors -- cooling, sooth- ing Peppermint, and the delicious tang of fresh Mint Leaves. Helps appetite and digestion, quenches thirst, steadies the nerves. Make it your regular practice to Chew It After Every Meal -- see how much better you will feel!