a KER RN nh ese SPAR tons a ¥ C3 RA rn on A i 2 AN rh y A ___PAGE TWELVE y THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1915, aba Aas po = w=: | A Cry From the Trenches Trenches Want srl GOEND US SMOKES" Johnsons and Ger- 7 man Bullets : NIPERS ACCURATE W/ HEN our Canadian boys were: SHOTS at Salisbury, with money in Put Bullets Trough peep. | LHI pockets and every facility for sat- "holes of Trenches Occu. isfying their wants, the necessity for pied By Troops From sending them tobacco and cigarettes { Dominion. at es was not so urgent; but now that they f, London, --OnS would imasine trom are in the trenches, the need for some- ficer serving with the contingent in ° e . France, that neither '"Jack John- t ing to SIMO e 18 very urgent in ee sons," the ubiquitous sniper, nor un- » ceasing German bullets cause him * ® * ° and his men so much concern as the ur oys are giving el1r 1VEeS,; a t ey absence of cigarettes. "A smoke at . . night now is a great comfort, and it's hard to do without one," he writes; ask of us 18 something to smoke. We znd then he adds, "Possibly we are not entitled to anything from the el ooitwoniuii | therefore make an appeal to the pub- newspapers, but the Canadian Gov- : ° ° ° wh fi wy? ie | lic for subscriptions to A. J i - STR The British Whig Cigarette and Tobacco Fund For Canadians Overseas The British Whig has completed arrangements with the Overseas Club (who already in all parts of the Empire have sent thousands: of dollars worth of tobacco and cigarettes to the front) to take advantage of the wonderful organization they have created for supplying tobacco gifts to the soldiers, whereby it will be possible to secure the to- bacco and cigarettes at less than manufacturers' cost from Messrs. Martins Limited, the well known tobacco firm of Piccadilly, London, England, and have the War Office and Admiralty distribute the tobacco and cigarettes to the men who are fighting for King and country, free of all charges. For every 25 cents, The Whig will send 50 cigarettes and 4 ounces of smoking mixture to some soldier or sailor. For every dol- lar, The Whig will send a parcel containing 1 briar pipe, 1 rubber-lined tobacco pouch, 1 tinder lighter, 50 cigarettes and 4 ounces of tobacco: Each of these parcels will con- tain a post-card bearing the name and address of the "donor, to enable the soldier or sailor to acknowledge his gratitude. Our 25 cent parcel, if bought in the ordinary way and mailed by an individual in this country to France, would cost at least $1.50. The Whig is able to offer this big saving by reason of the fact that the tobacco and cigarettes are obtained from the duty free warehouse of Martins Limited, of London, and distributed free of charges by the governments of the Allied Armies by arrange- ment with the Overseas Club. *a memes 250 Provides a Parcel Like This Te em ua f th t pleasi feat f THERE ARE NO "BACCY" SHOPS One of the most pleasing features of The ' a S$A3unos aay; Jo | Sugg asc apn -- o SEN ting Ladies with 4 little time can help provide the soldiers with their favorite 'weed' by the use of Ju collecting cards. These are now ready. Application for them should be sent in early. Whig Fund is that every subscriber will re- ON THE BATTLEFIELD, ceive a "personal thank you' from the parti- cular soldier who has benefited. This is done \ . = | eh ; by means of a return postal card bearing the A Canadian officer, in urging tobacco and eig- : he? -- ) name and address of the subscriber and which arette gifts for the volunteers from the Do- ANY io } The Whig will put in every package sent to minion, states that the English ""'Tommies' i ANE 4 Ci the front. receive as many as 70 to 100 cigarettes per i : ; 3 . . week, in addition to a goodly supply of tobae- These postcards will be Interesting Souvenirs co. It is now up to Canadians to look after from the men Who are "doing their bit" in their own, and they will do it. All they need the trenches in Flanders. is some practical means of forwarding these comforts, and The Whig Fund supplies it. Will Y H | U D Thi 7 Up till now; anyone desirous of forwarding I ou ¢ p S 0 IS . cigarettes or tobacco to the firing line had to . ; pay three or four times the value of the pack- fh ! It is the desire of The Whig that at least age in transport and duty charges, and then J A : every Kingstonian shall be looked after. As could never be sure of the delivery of the -- lll J \ one soldier remarks, "there are no ' parcel. The Whig Fund makes it a simple == es 3 Be TR shops on the battlefield," and everyone who matter; all that is now required is the hame Te = ; Win s 1h knows how the smoker loves his pipe or cigar- of the regiment you wish to benefit, together Hh ette will not deny them the only comfort it is with Your subscription. All the detail work = ef Pa - possible for us to give. r of shipping, addressing and keeping records 12% Sr is looked after by The Whig, whose arrange- > N Hants with ie War Office, Admiralty and ' : : ies an e ' 'ransportation Companies, permit of the free . : . Lad H Ip : SafTiage od distribution of the Tobacco + The 25¢ P arcel Contains : ' ' , . Mis means that instead of paying . ahaut Hires Shines more for tranSpORGtion 50 Cigarettes. and duty than the actual value of the tobaeeo oking Mixt or Eifarettes, the full amount of your sub- 4 ounces Sm : Ewe. .. 1 scription goes to buying the tobaceo, Not one Match 4 ounces of Tobacco, : penny is deducted by The Whig for the Some es and a Postcard address- Some Matches and a Postcard address. work involved in looking after this Fund, adn ed to you. bo ; ed to you. ei a not one penny goes to transportation eom- : cheques made ; panies or inland revenue. More than that, All m and postal orders to be Payable to A% ie "your subscription to The Whig Fund buys ; ; Hosp than 18 possible in the ordinary way, for Vu I hy ; \ haces and Cigarettes are obtained by ! % arrangement with the Ov.rseas Club from = ry Beles bh WIL: ; | : " Toaty free warehouse of Martins, Ixd, of The Daily British i - i Ont: ( Si Inquiries concerning the | should be sent to the above dress,