OF QUALITY Made to Special Order es John McKay Limited, 149-157 Brock St, Kingston. Ontario. jail efasesssesssneensanteey | | MARBLE HALL |} | Pure | Ice Cream In Bulk or Bricks. Packed |p | and delivered to any part of the city. GEORGE MASOUD, | Phone 980, 238 Princess St. THE DAILY BRITISH WWI~ FRIDAY JULY 30, 1915. DIDUPBANK AND HOTEL A FORMER KINGSTONIAN IS IN PERTH JAIL. He Secured Money At a City Bank And Got Accommodation At An Hotel Which He Did Not Pay For. As the result of forging a note at a local bank as well as doipg up an hotel. proprietor of a sum of money, a well. known former Kingstonian i locked up In Perth to stand a. trial or make good, The guilty party going to a local bank drew out a sum of money and banded back a smal] amount to his eredit Later he w on a fishing trip to the north of Kingston, mak ing Pecth his headquarters At this point another bank was done up for a sum of money The latter place g0t 'into communication with the local bank, and the Kingstonian, re- alizing that matters were becoming warm, made his way to Smith's Falls. tle had not been absent long when the chief. of police of Perth boarded a train and secured the of fender at Smith's Falls, He brought him back to Perth; he'is now in OGDENSBURGH FAIR. A Successful Exhibition For 1915 | ~ Now Fully Insured. | Preparatory work in connection | with the Ogdensburg Fair, to be held | September 20th to 24th, is now un-| der good headway, and most of the | necessary bookings that will insure | success in the way of enjoyment and | | instruction have been completed. There will be given daily a collec- | tion of high-class acts Trotting | and pacing events will be given daily, | including four $1,000 siake races | and eight events in the elass races, { There are other attractions under! consideration that will appeal to the | grandstand patron. The Midwa | will be all that can be looked for, in-4 cluding three rides on first-class up- | {gust 11th. to-date machines. There have been | added a number of new classes in the | cattle department. i HOT AIR CITY AND VICINITY Left For England Col. Duff left at poom to-day lo join Queens' Hospital] staff at Shorn- cliffe, Eng. Last Call For Red Cherries Only. 100 baskets for our Saturday sale. We advise buying early at Carnovsky's. Reached Plymouth, Eng, A cablegram to Dean Connell an- nounced the arrival at Plymouth, Eng. on Friday morning eof the steamer Corsican, carrying the rein- forcements from Kingston for the Queen's Stationary Hospital unit. 1000 Islands-- Rochester S58. Caspian leaves on Sundays, Wednesdays ' and Fridays, at 10.40 a.m. for 1000 Islands (50c), and at 5 p.m. for Rochester, via Bay of Quinte. Renfrew's "White Way." Mayor Sutherland has been invited to attend the inauguration ceremon- ies in connection with the opening of Renfrew's "White Way' on Au- Sir Adam Beek has been asked to officiate. . Will Raise Smokestack It is expected that the big smoke- stack for the civic incinerator which has been turned . out - at William Cockburn's blasksmith"shop, Ontario street, will be ready to be raised on Monday. The stack is one humn- dred feet high and goes on a ten- foot base. . Soldiers on Vacation. A special train over the Canadian Northern Railway left Kingston at 3 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, with four hundred soldiers going to Ottawa and Smith's Falls, to visit their parents before leaving for Ber- The company $rovided first | coaches. They wil] return on Saturday, leaving Ottawa at noon. Beautifur New Stock To Choose. | Prevost, Brock street, has this | THE BENEFITS SECURED J TO THE CONVICTS IN THE PORTS (} MOUTH PENITENTIARY. H The Officers See a Better Spirit As a Result of the Changes as Proposed By the Prison Commission. The penitentiary authorities have | been steadily carrying out the recom-| | mendations made at the Commiksion | gome time ago and great improve- ments have resulted. In a little colony like the peniten- | tiary which is so shut away from the! world new bfains are necessary to| suggest improvements, and for this! reason suggestions from outside! sources are carried out to the great benefit to the institution. The pub- lie do not realize the changes but the prisoners and the officers de. A | small matter, which means a great | deal to the convicts, has been the is- { suing of a tooth-brush to every man. {A few years ago this idea way up- | heard of. Another improvement the discarding of tin plates and cups and use of enamel ware. This has been found much more sanitary and although there was little expense in the change' it has brought about a great improvement in the spirit of the convicts. . The taking away "of the insane prisoners to Guelph was not to the satisfaction of some of the officials who received extra remuneration for the work. . CAME TO "PEN" IN AUTO. Spent Thursday Night in the Police C Is. To be brought to the penitentiary in an automobile was the experigiice of William Johnston, who was found guilty at Barrie of assault, and sen. tenced to two years and siX months in the penitentia-y. Deputy Sheriff B. W..Smith arrived in the city on | Thursday evening, having made the pirip from Barrie to Kingston in an 'automobile with his prisoner. riving in the eity, he placed his prise oner in the police cells over night, Ar- 1 The, College Book Store For heating is always good, but for purpose of speech, "alas," it's just like trying to digest food, other than '"'cooked by gas." Drop a ecard to the Office of the Works, Queen Street, or phone 197, and have the Gas installed in your home. Light, Heat, Power and Water Depts. C. C. Folger, General Mgr. Fe The Time "To have your Upholstering one is now A large range of new materials to select from and summer prices on a saving of 25 per cent. We guarantee perfect I satisfaction or money refunded, the work, which means H | year an extra fine assortment of In order to create additi®nal local | tweeds, cheviots and serges for his interest and support, the Ogdens- | order clothing department. His | burg Fair will sell a season ticket | ready-made clothing and gents' fur- giving an individual admission on | nishing departments are well assort- each of the five days of the fair for| ed with new goods. $1. The tickets are transferable, | ----r------ ---- and will be honored at gate on pre-| Want to See England. sentation by any ene. | A sheltered pavilion for dancing | will be on the grounds. Ddily mo- tor-cycle races will be given during the fair on the race track. These races will be run for blood and good purses, winding up the last day with a speelal long-distance cyele race. TROUBLE .OVER HORSE TRADE. ---- from Corpl. R. J. Gimblett, with the 5th Field Battery detachment at the | front. He says: "Things awe y { quiet here, and our daily routine is getting monotonous. We are all | looking forward to a pass to Eng- {not be for over three months | | Secured The Men. Glenvale Brot Bu Guilty Of Major J. Hamilton, assistant Di- Justi Sysalie 8 G 2 Hun | rector of transports and supplies ho! ustice o e Feace George "| the 3rd Division, on Thursday, sen ter untangled a complicated case on| word to Peterboro asking for three Friday morning and gave the decis-| motor-transport drivers for overseas fon that Roy and Frank Emmons, | .orvice Major Eastwood received Glenvale, are not guilty of horse-|yng order and ahmost immediately stealing. The case arose over a | lly, Edward Collins horse deal' between the FEmmens| a auaplly. Eq three well- brothers and James Mercer, of the! : same address. The two parties| ¥WOWR young citizens of Peterbore traded horses some time ago and | had Sulisted. later because of dissatisfaction, the |!mmediately. animals were traded back. In the! mix-up that resulted, the case be-| Reads the Whig Daily. ; Private Eden Warren, son of W. came a legal tangle. It will likely be tried in Division Court to de-{H. Warren, of the firm of McKelvey termine the ownership of one of the | & Birch, attached to the 2nd Cana- animals. dian Battalion in France, writes that T. J. Rigney acted for the plain-|{he saw in the Whig that both his tiff and C. R. Webster for the de-| brothers passed their examinations fendant. into the Collegiate Institute, Pte. Fr eee Warren subsaribed for the Whig POLICE WERE CALLED. shout two months ago. A large en mber of Kingstonians who are Citizen Claimed That Man Was Try- | overseas are having the Whig sent ing to Cheat Her to them, The police receive all sorts of com- " plaints. On Thursday they re. Invalided Soldier Here. ceived a telephone call from a wo-| Early Friday mernihg there came man living on Queen street. Con- | to the city R. Temple one of Can- stables Nicholson and Jenkins hur. |ada's brave soldiers who had been ried to the scene, expecting to meet | seriously wounded in the groin at the With a row of some character, but | battle of Langemarcke. He has when they arrived they found every- | been invalided home and while 'in thing peaceful. The lady of the city he dined at the British house complained: that a man had | American Hotel where it was impos- They will go overseas called at her place selling goods, and | sible to obtain an interview as he re- that he had attempted to "pull the | tired to his bed shortly afterwards. wool over her eyes" by selling her | He was injured to such an extent that something altogether different than Ire will be unfit for any further ac- what he had claimed in the first | tive service. place to have to offer. The wo- man refused to be "stung." The man in the case had made good his in by the time the constable ar. rived. : Musical Specials. The steamer Thousand Islander, Saturday, Jusé 31st. 325 piece sil- ver band of the Salemstown, Mass., Knights Teniplars, winners of the Gold Cup in Denver, Col., competi- Men of Sedentary Habits find Rex. all Orderlies the ideal laxative -- their action being gentle and natur- tion, will render a selected pro- al. Sold enly by Geo. W. Mahood, | gramme. Don't miss it. Alse Edgar The Rexall Store, 10e¢, 26c & §0c | Glyna, tenor soloist of the Primrose boxes & Dockstader Minstrels, will render Lieut.-Col. Stewart's $4th Bat-|a number of 'standard songs, accom- talion will be made up of , quotas i by' string orchestra. A from the Governor-General's Body | change in the routing of the trip Guard, the 109th Regiment, the 2nd | will be male 36 as to cover a com- Dragoons of St. rines, and the | plete 100 miles, passing down the 26th Prant Rifles. Canadian Channél and returning via Recommended by all physicians. the Ameriean Channel. The. Thousand lslander's Saturday | trip like this for the ) er leaves at 2.15 p.m. at 7.30. : ---- ne. Coming Baseball Games. The baseball games at the Cricket [i Field on Saturday will be contested [by the Athletic and roubed Jor the i senior e an 3 an Park Nine for the junior match, For the past twe or the Ha ad "wellknown use and are to make some if they think they nn A iis $ again be seen a oa! A brief letter has been received | | land, seven days, but my turn will | {and on Friday morning called for him and handed him over to the penitentiary authorities. ARRESTED AS DESERTERS. Police Gathered in Two Mem For Barriefield Camp. Charged with desérting after {they had volunteered for overseas | service, two #ble-bodied young men | Were arrested by Constables Bate- son and Naylon on Friday morning, and will be handed over to the mili- tary authorities, It appears that the young men {signed papers to go to the front, but that thev never turned up at camp headquarters afterwards. The police were asked © keep a watch for them, with the result that they Were rounded up at their home. They Wweré reported absent twenty-one days. - ------ ed nnn, - SNEAK THIEF AT WORK. psn rm---- Robbed a Child's Bank at Home on Centre Street. Sneak thieves are always on the rounds looking to see what they can get. © From time to time complaints are received about them, and a warm time is in store for the 'guilty par- ties when they are. caught. Thursday afternoon, while Mrs. R. Bell, of No. 4 Centre street, was out visiting a sick friend, a sneak thief paid a visit to her home and robbed a child's bank of its contents, amounting to eighty-five cents. "Blaud's Tonic Pills." Gibson's. To-morrow we. offer any Straw Hat in our § store for a dollar. You may now throw away ji _seasion of the | the Magistrate, as he : inning of the | I season and aud hava ean, bright new Hat. Think of it, your choice I of $3, $2.50 and $2 Hats Hl for $1 at "the Hat store." Special Music Sale of Pop- ular Music, 10¢, 3 for 25c. J - Over 200 titles to select from in Vocal and Instrumental. 'See window and special counter display. ; Little Wonder Records, 15¢ each, 7 for $1.00 Over 1,000,000 now sold Can be played on any make of Dise Machine, per month.- July list now on sale. Phone 919 +160 Princess Street Open Nights a Watche With Expanding Brace- lets. We have without ex eeption the smallest, thinnest, best Wrist Wateh in bracelet for $15.00 that we ever had. Both wateh and wear- ing qualities of bracelet are fully guaranteed. Smith Bros, IEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Get Clearance of Summer Goods on Saturday I -------- eT] expanding Ladies' White and Fancy Blouses--Odd lines--bro- ken sizes, 34 to 40; priced up to $1.50 each. Saturday - Ladies' White Middy Blouses--all sizes--#1 for 69¢ Dress Muslins, Crepes, Poplins, Voiles--priced up to 35¢ a yard. To clear on Saturday ........10¢ Ladies' Fancy Parasols up to $2.50. Saturday, 98¢ Children's Colored Parasols. Saturday ...... Be Ladies' Summer Dresses. Saturday at . . Half Price Girls' Middy Jerseys. Saturday Men's Balbriggan Underwear--hest qualit; 200 yards Silk, also Silk and Wool Crepe De Chene-- 36 inches wide, in dainty shades of Pink, Sky, Mauve, Copenhagen, Navy, White, Tan, Ivory-- $1.00 line for .... PICTORIAL PATTERNS PLEASE ALL THE PEOPLE: REPAIRED AND REMODELLED Gourdier's Phone 700. Real Estate ! Going At a Sacrifice -- Owner Leaving the City. A solid brick, well built dwelling, centrally located, with hot water heating, electrie light, gas, B. and C., i good cellar and yard. Sacrifice price for ten days to be $3,400 This property 'is worth $4,000. sy. EW. Muli and Sen HOUSES TO nes . IRE INSURANCE Phanes 539 and 1456. The Always Busy Store ree BUILDERS SUPPLIES eeey DARK RED PRESSED BRICK a] CLOSING OF MAILS. British mail closes irregular- ly. Information posted at P. 0. Lobby from time to time, United States, dally .. 1.00 pm, Grand Trunk, golog ORB ......, arene «+1150 p.m. Do. (includ'ng WVastern «os 10.50 am. ng snesssseassssne 1160 am, Do. (ir:'uding Western States) vera 11.50 p.m. Grand Trunk and all west «f city ........ 230 p.m, C.P.R. 1015 am and 4.30 p.m. CoN. Be cieievavivess 3230 pam. , We have just receiv ed a choice consignment of Dark Red Pressed Brick. We are offering them at an attractive price, S.ANGLIN&CO. WOOD-WORKING FACTORY, LUMBER YARDS, Factory Phone 1415; General Office Pho ' POLICE COURT BREVITIES, Two Tipplers Wee the Only Offen- ders Before Magistrate Friday. Magistrate Farrell had a short Police Court on Fri- day morning. Two tipplers, who fell by the wayside Thursday, were the only offenders. "1 promise never to take another drink if you let me go this time" declared Maxam Gamlin. : "That is what you said when you were here the last time," remarked sed a fine of $2 and gosta. A youth, who came here Reliabiilry 1s one of the first. we look for when we buy seythes that 3 | | that the cr hook a goc tool. You are sure of them being | 800d when you buy here. mae Gries Books ... .......35¢ to : a AVA [Smatha ........oiideiin ACH I ham yae [Seythes .........o.0. Beto S100! DREAD) + eel B----------------------