Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Aug 1915, p. 2

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PAGE TWO 3 [FAKING THE GOURSE AT ROFAL Are Anxious OF QUALITY 2 mm Made to Special "=: All Kinds of They Pa- Men Come From Professions -- to show Their The Trades and Pont Bararcks has sud- y changed from a comparatively juiet place to a very busy oge. On fuesday every one was busy at some- Order , thing -beside his. regular werk. The L | draft of fifty men and twe officers needs a lot of" work, as new attesta- === | (jon papers are made out, the men medically examined, and other pre- parations made, The opening of the fifth eourse. of [ the Royal School of Artillery means |@ great dea) of work, particularly as It "cotues al the same timé as the draft is being made ready, Tha class is a DIg one, but the instruc- Limited, tors are highly pleased with the kind of men who are qualifying as 149-157 Brock St, Kingston. Ontario. Fete de | ence which is noted in this class is the absence of a number of familiar faces, who have made a con- tinuous practice of taking this course, The men who are taking the course are from all kinds o trades and professions, which shows {the wide sweep of patriotism, Bank- | ers, lawyers, architects, clerks, stu dents and engineers are in the list. The list of officers who have so far reported for the school is: Major |G. H. Maxwell, Halifax; Capt. A. G { Gill, Aakville; 'Lieut. J. L. Coun | sell, Hamilton; Lieut, David Wick, | Cobourg; Lieut. R. ¥. Massie, Co- {bourg, Provisional lieutenants-- {John ¥. Wilkins, Farnham, Que; IR. McMurtry, Montreal; RL. | Smythe, Montreal; R, Newton, Wood- | stock, NB.; H. 8. Cheesbrough, | Montreal; Behwfield, Montreal; E. | Cate, Sherbrooke; R. W. Buchanan, Lethbridge; C. H. E_ Powell, Otta- wa; Andréw McAaulty; N. H. Tread- > Dr W. | well, Ottawa; Ferner, Otta- - wa; C, K Whittaker, Winnipeg; J, l.. Dunean, Sarnia; A, RB. Stafford, ' | Lethbridge; W_ J. Steacy, Kingston; J. 8. Price, Winnipe@); A. L. Bouque, y [onus H. W. Messeroy, Char- 3 : : . y o . « he 5s always good, | tottetown; D. B. Weldon, Moncton; For h ating sa po g bY C. Pitfield, Monrteal; W, 8. Me. but for purpose of Speeclly| cann' Kingston; N. V. Buchanan, "alas," it's just, like trying! Bimdaion, B 8 Wewell, tastes: : T s+ the >. King, Ottawa; D. McCallum, ta. digest food, other thang gor 50" Mitenen, London; "cooked by gas." - [P. 8. Filmer, Lethbridge; those N. €, O0.s and officers One differ- AA A AA AA A MARELE HALL | Pure Ice Cream In. Bulk or Bricks. Packed and delivered to any part of the city. GEORGE MASOUD, | Phone 080. 218 Princess St Ann, L, , | Clarke, Aylmer; T. A. Beasley, Ham- Drop a eard to the Office | ilton; M. O'Halloran, Ottawa; J. H. y ey | Southam, Hamilton; A. M, Boyd, of the Works, Queen Street, | Toronto: W. D. Wilson, Hamilton; G .-¥ \ 197 'e the N. E. Wallace, Hamilton; G. G or. phone 197, and have th Pein Bp Gas installed in your home. |ronto: G. A. Cockburn, Toronto; 8S. . | H, Lofft, St. Mary's; R: M. Elmer, Light, Heat, Power and| Kingston; A. M. Latehfora, Toronto; R. J. Olmstead, St, Catharines; C. Water Depts. | Smythe, Toronto; T. W. Beadley, St C. C. Folger, General Mgr. | Catharines; H. R. Case, Toronto; C. | W. Rivers, Ottawa; W, W. Boyd, Pe. | E. D. Huycke, Peterboro; EET ESR | terboro; Laave, Digby, NS.; To advertise goods that lack 1C. D, 8 . B. | Bell, St, John, N.B.; J. K, Latchford, the merit which makes the purchaser wish to repeat his | Toronto; W. G, Harris, Antigonish. purchase is suicide. Our busi- ness is built on honest goods at honest prices, Crossley's Velvet Rugs Firth's Tapestry Car- |] pets Tempelton's Axminsters Narvin's Linoleums Are household words the world N. C. 0's: Sgt. Hipgrave, Sgt. Ben- aver and are sold on the son, Br, Mortimer, Br. Clapp, Br, of Trueman, Br. Dawson, Tpr, Fur- nish, Tpr. Layzell, Gunners--Beck, Harris, Paradis, Hall; Crawford, Rodger, Bernard, Beauchamp, Edwards, Ingram, Jack- Son, Stiles, Gordon, Nicholls, O'Don- nell, Halley, Hill, Costello, Dick, Rye, Tyler, Courtenay, Pickering, Kuropata, Gunners May and Andrews waiting. Drivers--Bastien, Young, Parluck, Jordan, Gregory, Merritt ,Beeching, Foley, Wellsbury, McNamee, Tur- ner, G. B., Shea, Darwin, Standish, Cunningham, McClain, Harling, Rob- son, Dawson, T., W., Is in 'Waiting, B. 8. M. Pepplatt, R. C. H. A, left on Tuesday for Toronto, where he | will endeavor to obtain suitable men | {lo ny the places vacated by the | draft, | & pt | Lieut. J. H. Roberts, who is going {overseas with the draft, has been in {"C"" Battery and the R. S. A. since last year, coming here from Hali- fax. He is a graduate of the Roy- al Military College. Lieut. Rob- erts has proved himself to be one of the most capable artillery officers in' the service,' and his friends will be pleased to hear of the recognition of his services by being chosen to be in command of the draft from "C" Battery. Lieut, J. C. Murchie, also of the Royal Canadian Artillery, (came to the city a short time ago {from Halifax, and has made friends who will be sorry to hear of his de. parture. The names of the men of "C" Bat- tery who will go overseas is as fol- lows: "Batisfaction guaran- teed or money refund- R. McFaul Kingston Oarpet Ware- in _Sergt.-Major Inst. 8. Jordan, W, 0, returned on Monday from ueatior, wiiite he was instrue- or for t th Artillery Brigade, Nuit Was at Barriefield for a short me. . ---------------- "Taleum Powders" at Gibson's. | Movements THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1915. RECALLED. SUTHER. IN MARINE (CIRCLES. { OLD TIME of Vessels Reported Along the Harbor "on The gteamer H. N. Jex cleared for Charlotte, The tug' Hall chine light, The steamer Algonquin discharged a cargo of oats at Richardsqun's ele- | vator, and cleared for Fort William; steamer Rhodes is now discharging her cargo.of oats at this elevator, The sloop Granger arrived at Mil- ton Island with a cargo of iee from 'Cape Vincent, and is now in port here. A rough passage was experienced by those on the steamer Kingston from Charlotte to Kingston on Mon- day night. This steamer should have beéea in port at five o'clock Tuesday morning, but did not reach here until 6.30 o'clock. There were IRany. seasick passengers LETTER: MAYOR 4 LAND RECEIVED TUESDAY, - { And a. Copy of Kingston Gazette, Under Date of Feb 17th, 1818, | From James M. Clite--aper is! Quite a Relic. ' On Tuesday morning Mayor Suth- erland received quite a relic through 'the' mail, when he received from James M_ Clete, of Los Angeles, Cal, ia copy of the Kingston Jazette of 'the date of February 17th, 1818, printed and published by Stephen Miles, as a weekly, and which sold! at $4 per annum, It contains quite a large number of advertisements {and reading matter, One of the| { first advertisements noticed by May. | or Sutherland was that of Smith & 1 Butterworth, merchants. Mr. But- The tug. Shanley, partly drawn UP | terworth was a great-grandfather of | stern first on the Kingston Foun-| yuo Sutherland. | dry Ways to undergo repairs, wae One of the advertisements states accidentally -struek on. the bow by that "Mr. and Mrs. Andrews will the steam barge Robert McDonald open .a seminary, assisted by their on Monday afternoon. The tug was | son and daughter.' The request {sent to the bottom of the slip, and | made that the girls ajtending | tonsierable difficulty was experi-|) ing their own bed and bedding, | Shted before the employees Were | 31s a table spoon and a napkin, ! able to get her back on the ways. j A stage route is also advertised, | Tuesday moraing work was pro- : y , & running from York (now Toronto) greasing ho Me Lug as though noth | ta Kingston. The fare from Belle- £ . Ppéned. ville to Kingston is given as $3; The steamer Arabian arrived in § 3 . ry " : from Kingston.to Spalden's $6; from port from Montreal at 10 pm, Mon- Kingston to York ,$10. The let- day, and laid over at the Kingstno ex hy Shipbuilding wharf until Tuesday | ter reads az follows: | morning. ! Steamers, Stanstead and are expected up. IN arrived from La- an 'old timer.' When this paper | Pellatt | 0 ¢ printed it was the custom to {read the papers and pass them | ®round, In following that Fule, | | send it to you, in the hope that you 7 : s will appreciate it more than anyone Wr So Fine Wet Reard| | ore. In 1850 I was living in { Those who attended Lake Ontario| Kingston. = My thibar, Was. puted Park, last evening, witnessed an od donald appointed him collector of tertainment of high merit, one which{ stoms at Pieton He held down a Jude J tr avvower] viva; job until he was 77 years old. © easey, gers, 2 1n 1866 I had a very pleasant visit and violinists formed .thé principal | | in your city, The 16th Battalion part of the entertainment and each was ordered to Kingston. My squad AT LAKE ONTARIO PARK Taekt reperioive ben vaien ang oy | Nas billcted on Capt. Charies Gi selected. Mayflower Beasey opened | dersteeve. We had the best of the programme with "Mazurka » | everything, and were treated royal. showing diexterity of touch and skill ty... One night, on account of the in handling the bow. In response to | fog, the steamer from Cape Vincent an encore she played "Where ls My | was detained, and a rmmor came Bonnie Boy Gone." The next naw. [that the Fenians had captured her 'Bef was given by Miss Violet Bea. [07 (hat (hey were coming over on sey, "The Rosary," a song which | "¢T: i = Fina the roa of her Ri In| "At one o'clock in the morning my response to repeated recalls she! COMpany was ordered across the! sang "Widow MeCrae." The third | Pridge. In order to help the Royal number was a piano solo by Miss| Artillery "hold the fort. I saw Mayflower Beasey, "Rhapsodie No.|!De first* water that came through 2," Lisat, a duet of Misses May-| the pipes from the waterworks flower and" Violet Beasey on violins|2Pout 1849. I saw the Prince of concluded their part. These young! Wales when he Tefused to land at ladies will give several new _select-| Re Wharf on account of the Orange ions each evening. | arch aiid banners, There are a Miss Hattie Williams, an od-time| €78t many Canadians living here, favorite, gave first a scientific dis-| We like our homes hare, but often lay of her arduous and difficult }0ok back to the beautiful St. Law- work with the punching bags and | concluded by some novelty stunts that gained her repeated applause. The pictures were excellent, especial- ly "The Evolution of Aunty," "The Brooding Heart," and "Curiosity." The same programme this evening. Wednesday will be children's one dent day on cars with matinee at p.m, ada." WANTS TO GET BACK. "Seotty" Ramsay To Join Comrades For Third Time, Word has been received in the city that Pte. William Ramsay, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay, 48 Divi- sion street, is anxiously waiting in England to go back to the firing line for the third time, having been twice wounded. Writing from England, "Scotty," as he is better known, Says that he has been at- tached to the first draft to be sent to France. Ramsay left Kingston with Capt. George T. Richardson with the 14th Regiment overseas contingent, He was' only on the firing line a few weeks when he was shot. After recovering from his injuries he was again struck down in the battle of Langemarcke, His injuries were confined to his feet, and for that reason he was com. pelled to remain in hospital for sy weeks, amsay, who formerly came from Scotland, was a member of the 14th Regiment before enlisting, ---------------- Beautifm New Stock To Choose. Prevost, Broek street, has this year an extra fine assortment of tweeds, cheviots and serges for his order clothing = department. His ready-made clothing and gents® fur. @epartments are well agsort- | At the Grand. ! A delightfu] programme of vau- deville and pictures was presented fat the Grand Opera House last night before a good-sized audience, and was thoroughly enjoyed, The fea- ture pieture was '"Niobe,' with Hazel Dawn in the leading role, {it is one {of the best pictures ever presented in the city. The other pictures ! Wn were a two-ree] Universal sub. {ject, "The Old Doctor," Pathe pie- ture "When Charley Was a Child," |and a comedy picture "The Refu- | gees." All were good, and pleas. | ed immensely, The vaudeville con- | sisted of Lovell and Lovell in a sing- {ing act, in which with the use of | slides they sing some of the old fa. | vorite songs. It was quite a change | from the ordinary singing, and won | repeated applause from the audi- | ence. { League Has Dropped Out. | What has become of the Sunday | Schoal Amateur Athletic Assaciation | be Il series? This is the question a 'number of the Sunday School base- {ball fans are asking. Last season | the president of the league donated a trophy for the senior series but {owing to Jack of interest om the | part of many of the former players | the league has dropped out of exist- | ence. Unless something is done, | {and done quickly, the officers will | find 'it. difficult to get a basketball uerlen this fall. i See the Bay of Quinte. For the first time in three years a special low rate excursion will be {run to Picton, Thursday, Aug. 5th per: steamer America, making - principal ' stops { leaves at 8.30 at 5.30. "Dear 8ir,-- Enclosed you,will find | rence and the loved ones left in Can- A "A Little MELE ams in 'New York's Biggest Success Bit of Heaven Shure They Call It Ireland" Sung By Mr. Chauncey Olcott Have you ever heard the story of how Ireland got its name? I'll tell you so you'll under stand. from whence old Ireland came; No wonder that we've proud of that dear land across the sen, For here's the way me dear old mother told the tale to me: Shure, a little bit of Heaven fell amt the sky ome day, And nestled on the ocean in a § And when the angels found it, at so far away? ure it looked so sweet and fair, They said, "Suppose we leave it, for it looks so peaceful theve;™ So they sprinkled it with star dust just'to make the shamrocks grow, "Tis the only place you'll find them, no matter where you go: 'Then they dotted it with silver, to make its lakes so grand, And when tiey had it finished, shure taey called it Ireland. "Tis a dear old land of fairies and of wondrous wishing wells, And nowhere else on God's green earth have they such lakes and dells. No wonder that the angels loved its Shamrock-bordered shore, "Tis a little bit of Heaven, and I love it more and more, The Colle Phone 919. They Are Here = EE AS The Pictorial Patterns for September Are here and ready for your in- spection. Pictorial Quarterly for Fall Containing hundreds of ideas for Fall and Winter Wearables. and any Pattern for 25c. -- Book | | | | 1 | Pictorial Fashion Sheet for Sep- taba FREE. Don't envy the well dressed lady. uses Pictorial Review Patterns, sold by a | | CLOSING OF MAILS. British mall closes irregular. ly. Information posted at P. O, Lobby from time to time. United States, dally .. 1.00 p.m. Grand Trunk, going OBSt ......iVieeieee 1150 pom. Do. a ag ¥ x 5 edit 1060 am, going teceransssestaal dLE0 am De. (Ir+'uding Western cesasnansase 10.60 pm. Grand Trunk and alt West vf oity ........ 230 pm. C.P.R. 1016 am and 4.30 p.m. CN. Re civvaredonees 200 pm. ined i i i E Se Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store. | | 8 PPLIES eee Wood Silos Set them well up, off the foundation. In them the lage will keep better than in any other kind of silo, Easily constructed and cheap. Ma- terial for staves-'ar. roof sup- plied by S. Anglin & Co, Lumber Yards, i ge Book Store, OPEN NIGHTS. 160 Princess Street. With Expanding Brace: lets. : We have without ex- ception the smallest, thinnest, beat Wrist Wateh in expanding bracelet for $16.00 that we ever had. Both wateh and wear- ing qualities of bracelet are fully guaranteed. Smith Bros., IEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Issuers of. Marriage Licenses. REPAIRED AND REMODELLED Gourdier's Phone 700. Real Estate ! Going At a Sacrifice -- Owner Leaving the City. A solid brick, well built dwelling, centrally located, with hot water heating, electric Ifght, gas, B. and C., good cellar and yard. Sacrifice price for ten days to be .... $3, This property is worth $4,000. Get busy. E W. Mull W. Mullin and Son HOUSES TO RENT FIRE INSURANCE Phones 530 and 1456.

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