OUR FRESH GROUND COF- FEE AT -40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Try a sample order and be convinced. NOLAN'S GROCERY, Princess St, Phone 720. Prompt Delivery Te gro of strength--No, 1 lf No. 8, $5 per box. Bold all druggists, or sent re! on teeeipt of oe, pumphlet. A = ms BUILDERS ! ! Yellapatty | 2 { A High Grade Black Tea of Have You Tried Exceptional Flavor, GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? epee W, For Sale at It Saves Time 1 2.oour BES, 76 { 841-3 Princess St, one t P. WALSH, | Barrack Street. | lanaa = | BICYCLES Notice ! From $25.00 $45 To The Public H. MILNE & new engine in their Motor Rus, will run it in connection with trains No. 6, 4, 1, 7 and 15 for Outer Sta- | ton, leaving Bagot and Pilucens streets at 12.15 p.m., 1 p.m. pm Phone 542. 272 Bagot St. and 7 pm. Fares each way, 10c. Any part of city, 25¢ each. { Cleveland Standard Model | Cars will leave 120 Clarence street Faleon, |2 p. m. for Cataraqui Cemetery on An | Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri- { day and Sundays. Return fares, 25c¢. | Orders for Cabs, Lo: Cars oe ¥ Bag- Pre | gage" Transfer promptly atten to, A tty Island in | Attentions to weddings and fun- LOUGHBORO LAKE [| erais a specialty. Can be bought dt a bargain. It []| ---- it well wooded and nicely situ- | ated. Above 3% wucres, An | Fi & 0 120 Clarence Street. Phone. No. 201. Ideal site for a summer home, and right in the centre of the JJ best black bass fishing grounds. { Apply | W. H. GODWIN & SON || Real | Corns Are Out-of-Date They Indicate Methods Which Are Obsolete Now Seaside Excursions TO LOWER ST. LAWRENCE, MARI. TIME PROVINCE POINTS AND NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, SATURRBAY, SUNDAY & MONDAY, AUGUST, 13th, 14th, 1 and 16th, Folks who have coms are folks who pare them, or use liquids, or some other old-time treatment --ways not up-to-date. All tickets valid for return until De Pp Tuesday, August 31st, i Bathurst, N.B., $21.00; Charlotte- town, P.E.I., $26.15; Halifax, N.S., $26.75; Metis Beach, Que., $18.15; Murray Bay, Que, $15.80; St. John, N. B.,, $22.60; St. John's, Nfid., $46.05, and equally low fares tb other resorts in 'Quebec and Mari- time Provinces. Most folks don't keep corns now. hen one appears they apply a Blue-jay plaster. pain stops instantly, In 48 hours the corn disappears forever. A famous &hemist found this way to end corns without pain. or soreness. Now millions use it. Fully half the corns that grow are ended as soon as they appear. For full particulars, sleeping and parlor accommodation, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Raliroad and Steamship Agency, Cor. Johnson and Ontario | streets, There is no excuse for coms You can't prevent them, maybe, you can remove them quickly. There will be no lasting corns on any feet whew all folks know of Blue -jay. From MONTREAL. Carthaginian Ang, Corinthian Aug. im Aug. 15, . Aug. 17. «Aug. 18 «Aug. 21, Li avian Aug 28. . Liverpeo} full Information apply to local agents or THE ALLAN LINE 95 King St. West. Toronto Blue-jay | Plasters 15 and 25 cents--at Druggists Samples Mailed Free Bauer & Black, Chicage aad New York Makers of Physicians' Supplies CANADIAN PACIFIC Great Lakes Service SUMMER TOURS FIVE SAILINGS WEEKLY |TO PACIFIC COAST leave Port MeNieo Includin ays, Wedne, NIA ONS" Atlantie C 2 tis. tiantie oast Lake Massanoga (Bon Echo). Polut-au-Baril, Muskoka La Ree ken. Manis Rom an ednesdays calls Sound 10.30 p.m. y at Owen "STRAMSHID EXPRESS" Toronto 12.45 Friday, h 'steamer sailing days. Fast Time, Com Train Service, Modern BETWEEN MONTREAL, OTTAWA, TORONTO, DETROIT, CHICAGO All the Way Canadian Pacifie WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Particulars from PF, CONWAY, C. >A, cess and Wellington Streets. Phonel 197, Rivers, leaves Ne Cams or ity Ticket Office, corner Prin- -- The New Transcontinental | - "@ NEW SHORT ROUTE fo WESTERN CANADA Rye, T. & N. O. Ry.. Grand Truak Ry. System TO RONTO-WINNIP Ee rc Cochrane. Scenic THE DAILY BRITISH et ------ --- Frontenac MURVALE. Aug. 2--The Red Cross tea held on the church grounds was a great success, about $40 being realized. Mrs. David Murton, seriously fll, is some better. Frank VanLuven has returned from Barriefield Camp, where he was attegling the Provi- sional School of - Infantry. Wil- liam Fellows, Napanee, is nding some time with his son, James Fel. lows, Mrs. Henry Swerbrick is vis. iting friends at Tichborne, PINE GROVE Aug. 3.--Farmers have began their harvesting and say grain never was better; corn and potatoes are looking fine, Cattle buyers are plentiful and stock brings a good price. Dr. Ash, wife and family, have arrived at their summer home, on Devil Lake. Camping |s the order of the day; many people are enjoying themselves apound the beautiful lakes. Frank Darling paid Westport a flying visit on Saturday. A. Sears has gone to work in J. Ang- lin's mica shop at Hardwood Bay, HARTINGTON, Ang, 2.--A wee girl came Satur- day to brighten the home of Thomas Grant, The lawn social on Friday evening under the auspices of the Epworth league was a success. Lewis Boyce has purchased an Over- land automobile. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Huffman, Moscow, at Everett Huffman's Mr. and Mrs, Jamieson and Mrs, Trousdale motored to Stir- ling on Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Boyee, Mr, and Mrs, Boucher, Gananoque, at Milton Cloakey's; Mrs. Sager and Mrs. Lockwood, Newburgh, visiting relatives here, have returned home; Mrs, Cloakey is visiting in Kingston; Miss Essie Ducet at Mabel Goslin's; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campsall at Tichborne; William Morrison Kings- ton, at John Morrison's. ALLEN Aug. 4.--Farmers have commenc- ed harvesting, Miss Katie La Fleur who has been spending her vacation with her mother, returned to Chicago on Tuesday. A num- ber from here took in the excursion on Wednesday to Alexandria Bay. The I1.0.0.F., picnic at Brophy's Point on Monday was well attended. Minnie L. Hogan sold her fine team of horses last week for a good figure. Duncan McDonald and family, Wa- tertown, N.Y. are visiting his mo- ther, Mrs. A. R. McDonald. Miss Agnes La Fleur, New York, is spend- ing her vacation with the mother, Mrs, P. La Fleur. Kenneth Hagon Is visiting at her grandmother's Mrs. John Hogan, sr. Mrs. William Me- Donald and family, Chicage, are vi- siting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tho- mas Dignem. .. Miss Bella' O'Shea, Big Ridge, spent a couple of days at her home in this vicinity. CROSS LAKE. Aug. 2.--The farmers through this place have about finished cut- ting hay and report a light crop. There is some talk of a new bridge at Cross Lake which is badly need- ed ae the old floating bridge is dan- erous to travel with a heavy load. {llfam Loyst, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Loyst, George Nugent, Mr. and Mrs. William Steele and Mrs. F. L. {| Wormwith, all of Arden, are camp- ing at Hungry Bay for the last few days. William Newton has C. M. Green's new. brick hotel completed. Mr. and Mrs. George Hawley, Des- eronto, are spending a few days at this place. Mr. and Mrs. M. Spen- cer and Willam Head, Cloyne, spent one day last week at R. R. Newton's. Percy Gaylord and daughter, Myrtle, made a flylng trip to Napanee one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gar- rett Shorts, at James Wilkes.' Rumi- or has it there will be a wedding at this place in the near future. ZEALAND, Aug. 2_The farmers are busy hay-making, Oats will soon be ready to cut, and are a good crop. The recent rains are causing the corn and potatoes to grow very fast, R, Moore officiated at the open air service on Sunday held at Crane's Coraers. Visitors: --Mr. and Mrs, A, A, Ferguson and family, from Pine Shade Cottage; Victor English and George Airey, from Colchester, Eng., are at T. Garrett's. The two boys eame across the ocean on the steamer Scandinavian. The crew sighted a submarine following them for a whfle, but they left it behind and arrived in port safely, Misses Mabel Garrett, Julla Conboy and El. sie Conboy and George Crain, A. Ferguson's; Mrs. ©, Master Harold and Miss from Rochester, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Gould; Mrs. George Garrett, or., and: granddaugh. ter, Miss Grace, at J. Garrett's; Mr, and 0d pasion and daugh- er, Nettie, . M, Charlton, Sergeant, Mr. and Mrs. R. strong and family, Mrs, Veigh and the Misses Edna and Gra- cle at J. A. Conboy's, Miss Mil- dred Conboy has returned from Oso, where she visited her aunt, Mrs. J, Bourke. Margaret, R. Me ------ PERTH ROAD . Aug. 2.~The stone crusher is at work in this vicinity; building roads which are badly needed. Some of the farmers are th with Mrs. Albert William Amy who sick are both some er. Visitors: W. Sly and B. Simpkins spent Sun for- at 4+ Mrs . Otto Arm- | WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1015. SE ------------ Walter Guthrie's; Ross Guthrie, 'at Isvabary, for Sunday; Carl. Shales at |d. Bill's, Leland and Robert Ritchie at H, Kellar's, Leland; Miss Jennie Stoness, Sunbury, has been visiting Miss Edna-McCadden until Sunday last when she returned to Sunbury. Frank Elmer, is- visiting at Mrs. Walter Guthrie's. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church are to serve ice cream .and cake at Mrs. Harry Shales' in aid of-the fund for repairing the church. ---- | Lemox ding STELLA Aug. 2.--The farmers are engaged harvesting the grain, which is a good crop this year. The hum of the threshing macliine will be heard very soon. St. Alban's and Christ's church, Emerald, held their annual Sunday School pienic in George Beau bién's grove on Wednesday Jast. Mrs. T. A. Glenn dnd Robert Sander's sr., are undergoing treatment in the Kingston General Hospital. Miss Retta McMullen, on the sick list for some time, is improving rapidly. J. Sander's left last week to sail on the upper lakes. F. Briceland, Wolfe Island, was over the Island last week, and bought a 'number of ecat- tle and hogs. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Smith, and family, Cleveland, spent a few days with friends here last week; W. McFern, Syracuse, N. ¥., at J. E, McFern's. ODESSA . Aug. 2.--The many friends of Ro- bert Aylesworth, are Sorry to learn of his death at his home a short dis- tance from the village. The funer- al was held on Monday. Our main street is being very much improved by the gravel which has been put on and then rolled by the steam roller. Mrs. J. E. Mabee entertained a few frinds last week, also Mrs. Sidney Sproule and Mrs. E, P. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Bond, Toronto, are guests of Mr, and Mrs. 8. Bond; Mr. and Mrs. German, Rochester, N.Y., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith; Mrs. Thomas Milsap, Buffalo, N.Y., at Miss Mary Milsap's; Mr. and Mrs. Saundercook spent the week-end at J. Schermerhorn's; Ed- win Booth,. the guest of Frederick Sproule, has returned to New York; Mr. and Mrs. . G. Curris, Toronto, spent a few days last week with Mrs. William Calder; Miss Myrtle Clyde, spent Sunday at her home; George Stagg spent Sunday in the 'village the guest of Miss Pearl Silver. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hurley, motored here from Cleveland, Ohio., visiting Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Clyde, Mr, and Mrs. A. Snider and also friends at Wilton; Mrs, Harry Jones, Kingston, spent a few days last week at Mrs. Charles Decker's; Mr. Ettinger, Kingston, at his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, George Watts. Mr. and Mrs, George Hamn are taking in the Panama Ex- position. Miss Florence Clyde, King- ston, is spending her Holidays with her parents Mrs. Edward Snyder Watertown, N.Y., at Mrs. A. Snider; James Hamilton, Camden East, spent Bunday evening in the village; Mrs. William Doughterty has re turned from Kemptville. Col. Farrell! and Mrs. Farrell ahd Miss Woodruft,, have returned home after spending a few days with Dr. J. 8. Maybee. Mr.. and Mrs. Samuel Deer are visiting with her parents. Miss Errington, Sundrige, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. P. Wood. 3 Leeds SEELEY'S BAY. July 30.--Rev. and Mrs. Waddell 'have, returned from visiting friends. in Montreal. Mrs. John Dillon has returned from the Kingston General Hospital. Miss Foote, trained nurse, Peterboro, is visiting her friend Mrs. Dr. Young. William Maxwell has*purchased'a farm near Gananoque. Miss Lols Ganiford has been spending a couple of weeks on the 'Rideau. Alfred Chapman is ereéting a garage. +." DULCEMAINE. Aug. '3.--Haying is about finish- ed and some have started cutting grain. Mrs. Joshua family are ill with the whooping jeough. Miss L. Patience has ro- ed to Brockville after a month's stay Humphrey and} _PAGE ELEVEN Patience's; Mr. apd Mrs. Clark Cook, Smith's Falls at W. Cook's. CHANTRY Aug. 2.--The farmers in this vici- nity are about through haying. Frank Judson, Lyn, is spending, a few days at Frank Seed's. We are glad to see him around again, and this tinie without his crutches. Mrs. Adam Jeacle and daughter, Smith's Falls, have been guests at Roy Derby- shire's for the past week. George Chant has had a new piano put in his home, Miss Pearl Sud is spending her holidays at Westport. Mr. Clax- ton, a soldier training, has been here this week to bid good-bye to his par- ents and friends before leaving Can- ada. Harry Wykes leaves in a few days for training. A nice lot of rasp- berries have been picked here this year, and those who sprayed their orchards are likely to have plenty of apples. ELGIN Aug. 1,--~Miss E. Byington, Port- land, has been secured as principal of the public school and Miss Root, assistant. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Merriman were guests of relatives. Miss Mary Sheldon, Athens, is guest of her uncle. The remains of Miss Ada Stewart, New York, arrived here for interment and were accompanied by her father, Henry Stewart, and two sisters. Deceased taught school for a number of years in this local- ity. Mr. and Mrs. George Halladay, Toronto, were guests of relatives. Mrs. Elmer Halladay, Delorane, Ma- nitoba, fis renewing acquaintances. E. H. Coon, Barriefield, was the guest of his parents. Messrs. H. A. Coon. Lewis and Miss Jacob Halli- day have purchased autes. Miss Ethel Johnson, Forfar, was the guest of friends, Mrs. Upton and child- ren, Ottawa, were guests in the vil- lage, Miss M. Churchill, Ganano- que, is in the village. Mrs. J. G. De Long spent the week-end with friends on the St. Lawrence. Rev. Mr. Pierce is to fill the pulpit of the Me- thodist church the coming Sunday. T. O. Russell, who has been a pat- ent at St. Vincent Hospital, has re- turned to the village. W. H. Pearson is again able to be out. LANSDOWNE. Aug. 3.--Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Johnston, are 'visiting at Lansdowne near Ottawa. The home of Mrs. Mulloy, Mrs. Johnston's mother. Fred Connell has taken {Hl on Sat- urday and is still very poorly. A sunstroke was the cause. Miss Mar- Jorie Leacock has returned from vi- siting at Brockville and Lyndhurst. Dr. Hanna, Brantfprd, accompanied by his wife, son and daughter, are renewing old acquaintances here for a few days. Misses Briggell, Mont- real, are guests of Mrs. E. E. John- ston. Mr. Whaley of Merchant's Bank Kingston, is fishing here. Tho- mas J. Darling has returned from Western Ontario where he spent se- veral months. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wood, Toledo and their two daugh- ters, motored to Lansdowne on Sun- day. On their return they took Master Arthur and Howard MoCon- nell and Miss Dorothy McConnell home with them for a week's visit. Mrs. Salthouse's musicale on Monday night was a great success. Dr. Cooper's mother, who is visiting here is suffering from an attack of quinsy. Rev. 1. N. Beckstedt and family, are away for 'their 'holidays till after Aug. 8th. Mrs. Campbell has re- turned from a 'pleasant visit at her old home in Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Chicago, are paying a {visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. . Wallis. Mr. Wallis is an uncle of Mr. Taylor. | Thomas Hunt is laid wp with a frac- 4 tured collar {| McVeigh, 'Ottawa, 1s a guest of Mr. bone. Miss Derothy and Mrs. P. McVeigh. The Woman's || Institute will meet on the town hall on Aug. 6th. The funeral of Miss | Emma 'Greer, Tilley was held Tues- day morning at the Union Church Jand the remains placed in Union ce. metery. The late Miss Greer is survived by three brothers, W. ¥. Joseph, Moses and two sisters, Mrs. H. O. Webster and Mrs. Moulton. T. Tilton is the first to introduce a side car attached to a motor cycle. The evening mail now closes at 7 p.m. } instead of 6.45. Mrs. Elisa Dixon was taken to Kingston Mowat Hospi- With her parents here. Mr. and Mrs, James Deer, Gananoque, Giles Mec- Kay and Miss Byella McCary, Lans- downe, spent Sunday at Mrs. Wiliam RUSHED FROM CEYLON Xl .A B23 is electrically weighed, hermetically sealed and dispatched to your table fresh with all the fragrant odors of the Sunny Isle. Sample from Salada, Toronto. THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Drop a card to 13 Pine Street when Fanting anything done in the carpen- | Debilit line, Estimat a | dency, also Hi | Heart of repairs and n | \ ¥00d floors of all kinds. All orders for$s. Ogewill will receive prompt attention. Shop | druggists or wai 40 Queen Street. IS MILD, PURE, APPETIZING Just the Beverage for the busy man:-- rests the nerves and ensures sound sleep. If not sold in your neighborhood, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LONDON - .- CANADA 8a Special arrangements for direct shipment to private consumers. Two disguised Tinkerton detectives hoofing it after that 7th point, opp . Of course, you'll know better. Point 7 is in the gum. No one can disguise that fact. 1--Crowded with flavor 4--Sterl urity 2--Velvety body--NO GRIT 5--From od, light factory 8~Crumblesproof 6~Untouched by hands Q Wiax 3 Sterling Gum The 7- point gum PEPPERMINT anND CINNAMON FLAVOURS Made ingCanads \ Suitable revoards for the discovery of the Tih point will be fféved liter. Bern,