ETA BO LS AN * «onli I smm-- el THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1913. We've young men's ideal Suits--Suits that are dashing and distinet. These Suits have a swinging grace of form with "young man' written all over their fashioning. The long soft rolling lapels, the graceful "form fitting ent of the coat, the ease and grace of the trou- sers, with euffs, are a few of the principal features of the young man's Suit. + There are many other style kinks worked into these Suits by excellent and skillful tailoring. The fabrics are entirelv new and rather strik- ing in effect. Our prices are moderate-- they're al- Ways 80. $15.00, $18.00 and e eo 9 Livingston's Brock Street, A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk. We close every evening, Saturdays excepted, at 5 o'clock, during July and August. Dresses We wil sell the balance of our lICOLORED MUSLIN = SUMMER| IDRESSES that sold i lar $4, $5, ll $6, $7, $8 on Saturday for $1.98 ba ity PX tie [19 1g | pockets. with belts and two always sold $2.98, $3 98, City of Hamilton this morning on : | SCHOONER SHEBOYGAN ~ MAY HAVE BEEN LOST { ® The non-arrival-at Kingston of the | Donald was also on board. The | schooner City of Sheboygan, which | Schooner had a crew of five ar six | left Erie for this port laden with coal The schooner City of Sheboygan i on Sunday morning, is causingmuch | wan Kingston three weeks ago, | uheasiness in mariné circles, many {-agd w to have undergone repairs | people fearing that she foundered in| at Dayle' dry dock, but the vessel was | Monday night's storm, The cap-|too large to go on the dock, and as tain of the steamer Major 'reports | a result shg was taken to Port Dal. seeing quantities of wreckage off | housie, 'to EO on the dock. Capt, | Erie, This was not identified, but | MeDonald fs well known in marine | it is feared to belong to the Sheboy- | circles here. | gan. {, A man named William Bowman, | The missing schooner was owned | belonging to Kingston, a member by Capt. McDonald, of Owen Sound, {of the crew of the schooner Sheboy- who was also the master. Mrs. Mc- | gen. | -- { Strikers Accept | Higher Wages Offered The Late Robert McCoy. Albany, N.Y., Aug. 6.--The strike In the General Hospital, on Thurs-| at the Massena plant of the Alum. day night, Robeft McCoy, dn old res-|inum Company of AmeFiea has been ident of Hinchinbrook, passed away | settled, according to an announce- after a brigf illness. Deceased was| n-ent of the State Industrial Com. born eighty-three years ago and "was | mitsion. i married twice For the past five The* announcement says .the Dep years he had been cared for at the! uty Commissioner W. C. Rogers, Home for the Aged. Deceased was head of the State Board of Media. an Anglican and is survived by one | tion and Arbitration, has succedd- brother living at Oso Station and |€d'In inducing the strikers to aceept one sister at Erinsville. The re-|the company's offer of an increasé mains. will be taken to Cataraqui| iP Wages of ten cents a day and the Cemetery. {men will return to work at once. | The three companies of militia The Late David Hannah. {Which have been guarding the plant David Hannah, a veteran of the tonieith to return 'to their hom- South African campaign and also of | : the Spanish American war passed | : > peacefully to rest at his late resis | BEEEIIIREIIEIE 000000050 dence, 8 John street, on Friday # morning after two months illness. | & FELE INTO THE SEA, Thirty -six years ago this soldier,| formerly attached to "B" Battery, | 4 R.CH.A with which he went to Af- + rica, and later wiih the Army Medi- 0 cal Corps, was born in England and | 4 came to Canada, when but a mere * boy. His mind was always bent np- | 4 on a military 1ifé and he gloried in 3 doing his part to serve -both King | and Country. Previous to the ili-| ness which brought about his un-| timely end, the deceased had been | caretaker for the Gith Field Battery, | TPP PIESL40000 0454000 00000 THE DISTRICT NEWS. In religion he was a Presbyterian and a mesber of St: Andrew's Church. e is survived by a wife Which and one daughter, Gertrude Louise, | CliPped From the Whig's Many : : Bright Exchanges. The Late Mrs, Florence Shephard. Mrs. W. F. Higgins, formerly Mary At her parents' residence 157 Nel-| McCarthy, Belleville, died suddenly son street, on Friday morning, Flor- | in Cleveland, Ohio, on July 27th. «ence Shephard, the eleven year old|: On Friday last Willow cheese fac- daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. George !0ry No. 2 in the township 'of Kit- Shephard, died after five weeks ill- | ley, was "destroyed by fire. originat- ness. 'The father is overseas with ne rough a coal oll stove in the the Canadian troops. | The death. oecurred on Thursday {in the Bth Concession of Sidney, of Mrs. Lucy Ann Massey, at the ripe age of eighty-three. The death occurred at her home at Watertown, N.Y., a few days ago of the. wife of Dr. 0. O. Stowell, for- morly of Brockville, Death occurred Wednesday © at Rossie, N.Y., of a former resident of Brockvilley, Mrs. Michael Burns, daughter of the late Thomas* Daley. Lansdowne, which hag shown a fervent patriotism. in 80 many prac- tical ways, now purposes to give a machine 'gun to the Canadian for- ces. Word has been received from Ot- tawa that Pte. Kelly, Brockville, Second 'Battalion, is a prisoner of war. This in all probability is Pte. Alf. Kelly, brother of William Kel- ly, of Brockville. Charles Frederick Payne, : Bélle- ville, passed away on Thursday. . Me was born August 23rd, 1850 at Dea- dington, Eng. He is survived by . his sorrowing widow'and two daugh- ters. Mrs. D. M. Dewar, Toronto, " and Mrs. A. G. Sandford, Belleville. TURNED HER TO SHORE «| Over sixty gueSts from the sur- TE is | rounding country and outside points When It Was Found Boat 'Was were prepent at the golden wedding Doomed. of Mr. and Mrs. George Clow, Hal- A number of the members of the |leck's section, Elizabethtown on crew of the ill-fated steamer Alex-| Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Clow have andria passed down on the steamer; EY | (Special to the Whig.) Rome, Aug. 6.--An Italian dirigible returning from the bombardment of the Austrian naval base of Pola fell into the Adriatic the Ministry of Marine announced to-day. The Aus- 4 trians captured the crew of six men. bo SEPP LPP ERIS _ is Possible /With Balkans (Special to the Whig.) Nish, Aug. 6.--That important ne- gotiations between the Allies and the Balkan States are now being car- ried on was admited in gp official Statement from the Serbian Foreign Office to-day. "Representatives of the quadruple entente yesterday pre- sented certain friendly overtures to Prime Minister Pashitch (of Ser- bia)," said the official statement. "These overtures are for the pur- pose of avoiding friction between the Balkan States and to establish an entente between them favorable to the Allies" ' All Things Are Not So Dark 23s . {Special to the Whig.) London. Aug. 6~--In commenting on the fall of W their way to Sorel to get the steam- er Belleville which will be placed on the Alexandria's route. Members of the créw speaking to some Kings- tonians stated that they would nev- er forget their experience. The crew a in Pleton on Thies: vy NR rst officer, when hi to a friend in Picton on Th A that the sea which rolled blew the Water Jats the gang- 80 t 1 8 ie room Tiled. The engineer remained at bis post until he was unable to get Than 16 Wan. doan tha tne Ahip wes 1 let the Spm ini 'the cliff boro will long live in the of the d the {of being drunk. the acting magis. resided oh the presént homestead | not save ia peri in STORY Or THE POLICE COURT. Mayor Sutherland Had Four Tipplers ; Before Him on Friday. on Fi "It was all an accident," said 4 drunk who hails from the country, i} when he was arraigned in the Police Court riday morning. The ac- || cused has been very: busy getting off his own erops, and was on his way to help a friend in another part of i the district. He stopped off in Kings- ton and celebrated. Mayor Suther- 1 started him on his way to help ather in the golden harvest. Edward Brady was drunk. He has no love for ghe city, so it was no effort on his part to promise to leave Kingston by noon. He willl Eo to Montreal. | Charles Walker is a single man, | and as he pleaded guilty to a charge | i 'Women's Dainty Summer The woman admired for her style wears most often Laidlaw's attire. We have taken considerable eare in choos: ing our Summier Dresses, so we have every - vonfidence in' recommending them. \ Our interesting collection of Lingerie Dresses IN WHITE VOILE IN WHITE EMBROIDERED OR- } GANDIE ; JIN WHITE MARQUISETTE IN WHITE EMBROIDERED VOILE POLICE WERE CALLED, J trate asked him how he would like to | BO overseas. . 3 i "There is time enough to think of | that when vou are out of work," sig the accused. He was given a chance to go back | to his work, William Stewart helps to make gas | for the city of Toronto. He sho- vels coal at the civie light plant, He met a friend on arriving in 4 ton, with the usual result. He was | told to ge a firm hold on the "water | waggon." { WILL #OLD TROPHY, No Challenges Have Been Received | This Year. i No challengers will be entered this year by the Yacht Club to compete | for Cgl. Staples' gold trophy, won by | R, 8."Waldron at the races at Alex- | andria Bay last year, The Ameri. | cans were afraid to enter, having seen last season's champion sail past their wharves at a terrific sneed. On Monday Mr. Waldron will take his yacht, Kiota 11, around the twenty- five mile course, starting at the | Yacht Club buoy. By so doing h will rétajn 'the trophy for at leas another year, hut it is his opinion that the Yankees can say good-bye | to it forever, Mr. Waldron has a | speed defender that upholds the Brit. | ish bulldog motto, "What We Have We'll Hold." Mr. Waldron intends entering in the races at 4he Toronto Exhibition. | Provides a very attractive selection for the womgn to choose from, Prices from $7.50 to $25.00 PSummer Dresses IN FANCY CREPE IN FLORAL CREPE 'IN FLORAL VOILE, ~"% IN FLORAL LACE VOILE $2.50 to $6.95. Thought Man Placed Dynamite In a City Drain, Some men are working on a drain on Sydenham street, near Earl, Quite a fhitter of excitement was caused shortly before noon on Friday, when some of the people in the neighbor. hood noticed a man drop a parcel into the drain. Visions of dyna- mite and an explosion passed through the minds of a few of the people, and the result was that a woman called up the police station, and reported the matter, asking that a constable be sent to make an investigation, Police Constable Robert Sargeant Hurried to the scene, and found that the mysterious parcel contained a chain which is being used for the work being carried on, and was placed there by one of 'the work- men, At the Grand, A fine performance was. presented at the Grand Opera House lasiCnight before one of the largest crowds of the season. The pictures presented were of an exceptionally high char- | acter, and delighted all present. The | feature picture of the evening was! Mary Pickford in "Mistress Nell," m| famous romance of the gallant days | of knighthood, THé vaudeville con. sisted of the Flying Henrys in an ae- rial acrobatic act that made quite a hit with the audience in the after. noon, but owing to an accident to Miss Henry, there was no vaudeville performance in the evening. Wing Tabor Wetmore, humorist, and Geoffrey O'Hara, solist, will be features for to-night and to-morrow, afternoon ahd evening. Special To-morrow 25 Summer Parasols Women's Parasols in plain colors, Navy, Tan, Grey, Cerise, Sand, Bhie and White, Green and White stripes. All the newest shapes; regular $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, . Died Very Suddenly, A valuable horse owned by the Dominion Express Company died very suddenly this week. Wher the horse was placed 'in the stable in the evening it appeared to be in the best of health but took sick in the night and died the G. W. Bell ee Your Opportunny. To see the 1000 Islands at their best is now per the palatial apd commodious SS. Thousand Islander. 100 mile special and exclusive ram. ble through the 1000 Islands, Sat- urday, August 7th. Special muste- al programme. To-morrow 95. | oo | JOHN Laidlaw & Son and a lot more remain at the bot. @ tom because the elevator isn't run- : : ning. Cn elling 24 pairs Ladies' White Canvas Laced Shoes, High Lowis Heel; regular price £2.50;