Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1915, p. 13

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' PAGE THIRTEEN Established over Forty-one Years THE STANDARD BANK ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A,B, < of Banking % [Absolute Security Best of Service Courteous Treatment 1m We solicit your account inour SAVINGS DEPARTMENT KINGSTON BRANCH H E. Richardson, Manager BIG ADV ANCE PAY MENT Electric Boat Sald T To Have ro ed $4,000,000 Cash. New York, Aug. 6.--The Electric] Boat Co., has received $4,000, "we cash in connection with its first or-! der for 500 high-speed gasoline laun-| | ches it will build for Great Britain, No bonds were required in connec- tion with the deal. The $4,000,000} cash represents a first payment of 20 ver cent. on the contract. The 500 boats will cost $40,000 each, a total of $20,000,000, The same terms! will govern an additional order for| $5; G. . Rattray, one month purser | 500 boats. Fifty boats on the first | and pay $200; John 'Spence, one | order were delivered some time ago, month deck hand $2 25; H, Marlow, 9 and came up to the requirements of | days deck hand, $7.50; Charles Ken- | the British Government. ny, 22 -days deck "hand, $18.1 i It is estimated that Blectri¢ Boat, Kingston Laundry, 129 pieces, $2.96, if it pays a dividend of $6 a share! George - Rattray sundry accounts | on the new capitalization of 766,720! compeau and strap, $1.60; James|shares outstanding, can add at the Swift & Co., coal, $215.66; Dalton & | Minutes of last Steamboat ac- McDonald, one Glynn and Orr. meeting confirmed counts paid: Allan month salary, $65; John Gray, one] month salary, $70; John Markey, one month mate, $50; George Taylor, one Eu fireman, $25; extra help | friends in Croydon Misses Perry, [Camden East, and Guy Galbraith 4 were gt s of Mr "and Mrs, Alfred fon enac Galbraith recently. Mrs. Justis . jilligan and son, Ruasell, have re turned after spending a week with friends at Alexandria = Bay. The marriage of Miss Edna Coudy, Mont- real daughter of John Coudy, Har rowsmith Road, to Rev. Albert Walsh, Victoria Road, will take place the 17th of this month. Miss Bunner, Yarker, has heen engaged as teacher in the public school here after the holidays William Warner, Van- couver, was visiting friends here last q Sam x is looking through all the keyholes in town for point 7. q You'll find the key to the solution by chewing Sterling. PLEVNA Aug. 5.--7Tne neavy wind of Tues- day did much damage to corn. Ber- es, are very scarce in the vieinity this 'year Mr. Daniels aad Mr, Woodsby were the guest of Rev. and Sterling Mrs. Sampson at the parsonage for th e week. past week. Mr. Daniels preach- G @ in the Methodist church on Sun- . 5 The' /-point gum PEPPERMINT AND CINNAMON FLAVOURS MADE IN CANADA After Childbirth "The depression and nerve fatigue suffered by women blots out interest in everything. You need | Asaya-Neurall - Nervous which contairis Lecithin (con- centrated from eggs), the form of phosphates required for nerve -- pa ME ? and Tookiny ~ quest 10 Davie day evening. A number of Plevna people took in the Anglican pienie at Ardoch on Wednesday last. A nuym- ber of campers from Ottawa are camping at Brule Lake: Mr. and Mrs. G. Dawson were here also but have returned home. A quiet wed Those fortunate enough to attend, were highly pleased with ghe song service given in the Methodist Church two weeks ago. Mrs, Ar. thur Hart has returned from visiting friends. in Broceville, Mrs. Mar- shall' Hart is recovering slowly from ding was solemnized in Hely Trinity Chureh to-day, when Rev. H. Pringle waited 'in marriage Mrs. er, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs D. Killingbeck and Edward Ward of this place. Miss Sophie Lemke spent a-eouple of weeks with Mrs. A. Card recently. Mrs. .Connors, Delta, is the guest of Mrs. J. F. Card, Mr. and Mrs. J. Card, spent Sunday with Mr. apd Mrs. J. Stalker. Miss L. Mec- Dougall, Ompah, was the week-end guest of Mrs. J. Armstrong. Miss G. Ohlman spent Sunday with her sister at the Riveryiew. Mr. and Mrs. W. McKinnon and children were the guest of Mr. and Mrs, W. Davy on Monday PARHAM Aug. 6--Farmers are cutting their hay which in some places is very light. Grain of all kinds is .a good crop this year. Raspberries are very plentiful. The ball team played at Arden on Saturday last and were successful again, the score being 10 to 9. Arden will play the return ganie liere on Saturday. The recent heavy rains have been of great bene- w, [fit to the gardens and pastures. KE. BUILDERS !! "Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Baves Time P. WALSH, Btreet. Woman's Health und spirits depend upon her digestion and a Sallow v shin, pimples, facial blemishes and depression dis- pear after tho 8 atom 'has been "heansed and the b purified by BEECHAM'S PILLS Otewetist ef Spuctal Value ts Wusen wilh Boney Bun everywhete, In boxes; 25 cents a Every 10¢ Packet of WILSON'S INEIV SY Ld H LAY IRR VY WORTH OF ANY CAT The kind you are look-, ing for is the kind we sell » Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt de: liver BOOTH CO. Foot of West BL sme) HOW THIN PEOPLE CAN PUT ON FLESH A NEW DIS DISCOVERY men aad women -- thar filling dinner you Thin hearty, night, producing nourishment ou haven't Bhined in angee That food passed body Mke atta Daal TE open graje. Fhe matertal w but your food dossn't wi and the plain truth is you har enough nourisment rom to pay for the eost of is true of iin folks the Your nutritive organs, four of assimilation, are sad' y oul of gear and need reconstruction. Cut gt, the Foolish Tog and funny sawdust & Omit cream: {I his foot {has erected a new boat house and lcottage on the shore of Eagle Lake. IN. B. AMrs. J. C. i his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bertrim had the misfortune to cut quite badly. W¥Bertrim To &' ng has improved his re- sidence by a' new coat of paint. On Friday last Mrs. (Rev.) Weese enter- tained a number of the young folks to five o'clock tea. All report a very pleasant time, Picnics, on the shore of Eagle Lake are the order of the day. Mrs. N. B. Topping is gpending a few days in "Perth. Mrs. (Dr.) Genge, spending a few days with her parents here has returned to her home at Verona. Mrs. Buch- anan is visiting her sister. Mrs. G. W. Killings, Mrs. Helen Wood is at T. Howe's. Mra. Street 'is visiting her parents at the parsonage here. Hartman spent the. week- end with her husband and in King- ston. Master Arthur * Charleton, Long Lake, is at A. Charleton's; Mr. and Mrs, C. D. Godfrey and Miss Olive Godfrey, visited at D Black's recently. Everyone is glad to. hear that L. B. Cronk who has been undergoing treatment in King- ston General Hospital is somewhat better. | Lennox & Addington DENBIGH Aug. 5.--Mrs. William Chatson, Renfrew, who accompanied by three children spent a week visiting rela- tives in this vicinity has left for home via Raglan where she intend- ed to remain a few days visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown. Mrs G. M. Merkel and daughter Mar- guerite, Ottawa, who enjoyed five weeks country life in> her old home also left again last Monday for the capital. Albert Both and his brother Samuel have arrived home from Ot- tawa. Eugene and Leopold Mies- ke, Scotch Bush, are also home for a short visit. George Fitsch, Ren- trew, is also enjoying a visit with A. Fritch and Miss Anna Marguardt, Ottawa, is for three weeks a welcome guest of her paremts, Mr. and Mrs. E, Marquardt. y CENTREVILLE. Aug. 3.--The ladies of the Red Cross Society are more than bestir- ring themselves, They have can- vassed the suburbs and received their donations and left the Red Cross sewing and knitting in almost every home. ' Picking berries is the order of the day and there is quite an abundance of them in some places. Miss Bird Kennedy re- ceived a sudden message to return to Brooklyn last Saturday. rs. Hudson has returned from the Gen- eral hospital, Kingston, recovered in health. The campers have returned from Third lake. Miss Jennie O'Mara, Yarker, is engaged in 8. S. No. 18 for the coming season. The ladies of the Red Cross intend holding a social on the 16th inst. Peter Perry have oFeturned Cloyne loaded with huckleberries' and fish. Miss Susie Foster Chippe- soar James Lapum is to be on the success 'of his ent ated alker and Mrs. ug 4 rok ein 1 te aint a by ha *ddition. of A. Windov-) he severe acéident in which her leg was broken some time ago Visi- tors: Miss Lilian Simpkins, Syracuse, at Charles Tees'; Mn and Mrs. Hirany Wartelsky, Kingdton, and Mr, and Mrs Jacob Sandy jand zon, Montreal, at C. N. Garrisony)Mr Sharpe, Na- panee, at wig artman's, Leeds . LONG POINT. = Aug. 4!--Some from here attend- ed the celebration in Brockville en Monday. Charles Beers, - Gananoque, is spending a. few weeks with Mr, and Mrs. limothy Bevens. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kelsey spent Thursday and Friday in, Athens apd Soperton. Miss K. Bass, Mr. and Mrs. F. C, Stevens and Gerald Stevens, Mon- treal, are guests at Charles O'Con- nor's. Mr. and Mrs. Johanson, Moorehead, visited at W. Moore- head's, Sweet's Corners, on Sunday. Master George Townsend, Ganan- oque, is spending a few weeks with his relatives here. A reception was tendered George K. Wight and his bride, by the patrons of Mr. Wight's cheese factory on Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Wight were presented with a rocking chair. An address was read by David Towns- end and the presentation made by Charles O'Connor, on behalf of the patrons. Refreshments were served and dancing enjoyed, WASHBU RN" S 'S CORNERS Aug.» 5.--A large number from here attended the civic holiday events in Brockville on the 2nd. One night last week dogs attack a flock of sheep belonging to I. Moulton, biting and mangling them badly. The oat harvest is under full swing now and some old farmers say that fif- teen per cent of the oats are damag- ed by smut. The W. M. S. basket picnic, at Delta Park was a decided success. Friends here extend con- gratulations to Miss A. Nolan, Phil- ipsville, successful in obtaining her A. L. C. M., diploma at the recent ex- aminations held by the London Col- lege of Music. About 400 people attended the social held on the Me- thodist church grounds at Green- bush on Thursday night under the auspices of the Epworth League. H. H. Arnold, Athens, left yesterday for '| a visit with friends in the Canadian west: H. A. Wight, of the 38th Bat- talion for overseas service, made a fiying trip here to take leave of friends before leaving for Bermuda. Miss Lillie Wiltsic, former teacher, here, is spending her vacation at Schenectady, N.Y. Miss L. Coad, trained nurse of New York City, came to Athens on Friday to care for Mrs. S. Kline. Lanark SWITZERVILLE. Aug. 4 --The threshing machine is very busy here again. The lawn so- cial held on the school lawn was a decided success, Odessa Band fur- nished music, besides several other gources-of entertainment. Proceeds Amounted to about seventy dollars, Some of our young people are camp- ing at Varty Lake, Mr. and Mrs Percy Hollingsworth and family, of Fort William, have been visiting at J. T. Empey's; Mr. and Mrs. Assels- tine and Mr, and Mrs. Campbell, Kingston, and Miss Gardner, Toron- to, spent a day at J. M. Spaffords; Mr. Wilson "and daughter, of Mark thet bank, spent afew days with Mrs. M, EWilson; Mrs. E. Switzer Is spending a few weeks with her son at Képler; Mr. and Mrs. Loyst and Mr, and Mrs. Ruttan spent Sunday at R, J. Breth- ren's. Mrs. E. V. Blewett, Boston, is visiting at her brother's, J. M. Spafford's; Mr. and Mrs, W. Daw- son, Napanee; spent Sunday at J. Dawson's. Prince Edward | CHERRY VALLEY. Aug. 5.~-Quarterly service was held on Sunday last.: Mrs. H. Mac- Kinan dias returned. E. Thibault is on the sick list. George Thibault has East Lake summer yegort at the outlet for the summer. | thotite the Engineer to.accept Sons, rope, $7.05; W. F. Kelly, oil, $17.19; George Sudds, fog-bell, $5; Fs: W. Cooke, 2 life buoys, $12. FPownship accounts paid: W. B, Dalton & Sons, balance on cement, $23; G. Rattray, cartage on tile, $1; Matthew Hill, for bridge and side- walk as per contract $207.90; A. McLaren, salary as collector, $80.62, Moved, McGlynn-Orr, and resolved that collectors' roll for 1914 be ac- cepted. Council adjourned to 1st Mondoy in September at 10.30 a.m. KINGSTON. Aug. 2. Members present: uty Reeve and Councillors Stovar and Heaton, Minutes of last meeting adopted, Motion, Sproule-Stover, - That - Deputy Reeve and Treasurer deal with promissory notes for erusher, held by J. Leonard, and pay notes and interest or inter. est only, Motion, Stover-Sproule, That Sanfield Knight b eappointed a poundkeeper for 1915. Motion, Sproule-Stover, That this Council au: the proposition of the Department of Justice regarding improvements to the York and Bath Roads Motion, Stover-Heatony That A. M, Rankin, M.P.P., pathmaster, be advanced money from Statute Labor Fund as required for improvements to road- ways in Division 3. Payments ordered: $7.50, C. W, Hughson, opening road in Div, -54; $17.92, 8. Anglin & Co., lumber for bridge; $15, Charles Purdy, sr., six times attending at hall; $1.95, Dan- ie] Ahern, bonus on 13 rods fence on York Road; $150, H. MacRow, crush- ing stone; $31.50 Arthur Mohan, bo- nus on 210 rods fence; $3.60, Charles Trudell, bonus on 24 rods fence;; 24 cents, 'McKelvey & Birch, - spikes; $8.24, Hy. MacRow, building bridge; $13.35, Mrs, James Gates, bonus on 89 rods fence; $1589, John George, work on Road Div. 55; $6, Jesse Ed- wards, work on Road Div, 12a; $5; Benjamin Kish, work on township shed; $32, Capt. La Rush, sand for Road Div. 3. Council adjourned to meet on no- tice of clerk. Dep- Sproule, BEST TORONTO FAIR. Programme on Scale Commensurate With Record Attendance, There was never a time in the thirty-seven years of {ts history when the Canadian National Exhibition promised more real instruction and entertainment than this year, In ad- dition to the marvelous proofs of the manner in which the patriot at home is taking care of his responsi- bilities in the way of increased pro- duction that the patriot at the front may have the wherewithal to keep his place in the battleline, there will be special features of patriotic and historic significance. The big war spectacle in front of the Grand Stand will be quite the moet elaborate pageant ever present- ed by the Fair, while the Model Mili- tary Camp, aeroplane flights and the mining and torpedoing of ships in the harbour, supplemented by the war trophies, will be a revelation. The new Giant Midway, with its army of spielers, never presented a more diversified list of attractions, while the Hippodrome and Circus in front of the Grand Stand will be a triumph in the amusement line. Tae Fair this year in ail departments promises to excell any previous one ever held at Toronto. The Directors are looking forward to a repetition of the "Million Year" and are'planning their programme on a scale to fit this immense attend- ance. LIVED WITH BROKEN NECK. Fracture Did Not Develop for Five Days. ; New York, Aug.7.--For more than five days John Hughes went to work, met his friends and was with his' family without knowing his neck was broken, and that he was near death. He complained of a slight pain in his neck, but did not think it worth while to ste a physician. When about to sit down at "the breakfast tabs in his home in Brook. lyn Wednesday, soniething in his neck snapped and he fell to the floor unconscious. Dr. Ramsay was called from the | 0 King's County Hospital, and he said the young man's neck was broken. While swimming at Long Beach Saturday he dived from a jetty and his head hit a log. He was dazed for a few minutes, and Jollewing that felt the pain in his neck. Tough On Grandin, Little Lillian's parents were well: to-do and kept several servants. She was allowed to go to a friend's house whose family did their own house- work. When Lillian returned home she was telling her mother about the jain Sugar Refinery Co., rate of close to $10,000,000 annual ly to surplus. As the Electric Boat Co., requires a comparatively small working capital shareholders are ex- pecting extra dividend in addition to| the regular payments. July Financing. New York, Aug. 6.--American cor- porations, in the face of the new Bri- tish 4 1-2 per cent. war loan, did lit- tle financing in July. The corporate financing for -the ettire country amounted to only $40,000,000, com- pared with an average for the first six months of the year of about $133, 000,000. February was the high- est, with $216,000,000, and March second with $174,000,000. But even the total of $835,000,000 is very small cempared--with. normal. fimes Thus ip the seven manths just be- fore the war the amount of financing was larger by $247,000,000 and for the first seven months of 1913 the amount was higher by $400,000,000. About $519,000,000 of the July fin- ancing was for refunding and a little more than. $300,000,000 for new work. Dome Declares Dividend. New York, Aug. 6.--At a meeting of the directors of the Dome Mines Company an initial quarterly divi- dend of 50 cents a share was declar-| ed. It is paypable September 1st to! shareholders on record August 23rd. This pits the stock on a twenty per cent. per annum basis.. As the new stock recently offered to shareheld- ers at par is payablg August 16th, it will participate in the dividend just declared. Prosperity In Jute Trade. Calcutta, Aug. 6.--War has brought great prosperity to the jute, trade, mainly on account of the great, demand for bags. In May alone' Calcutta sent to England 13,000,000 bags, half as many as in a full year of peace, and to Russia 4,500,000. New Director Named. Halifax, Aug. 6.--William Robert- gon has been appointed a director in succeed- ing Mr. Justice R. E. Harris, Mr. Ro- bertson is a director of the Royal Bark of Canada and Eastern Trust Co. Commercial Notes. Net profits of B. F. Goodrich, Co, | for six months ended June 30th, $4! 000,000, increase $1,350,000, or fifty per cent. compared; with a year ago. Despite denials the rumor is again ctirrent in banking circles that con- trol of Crucible Steel has passed to the leading financial interests in the United States. Resources of trust companies of 'New York State on June 23rd am- ounted to $2,025,589,677, an in- crease of $125,966,993 from March 19th, INDIA PALE ALE Not 'a Useless Intoxicant, WHOLESOME BEVERAGE with dietetical and medicinal uses but a = MADE AS GOOD AS'WE CAN MAKE IT -- If not sold by nearest wine and spirit merchant, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED " Fumes McParland, Agent, 339-341 King St. East. LONDON To. « « CANADA The June statement cemplétes the returns for the Canadian Northern Company's fiscal year, and shows a | decline of $5,475,100, or about 24 per cent., in gross earnings, and a de- | cline of $1,523,000, or 23.9 per cent. ! in net earnings for the twelve months, The June report of the New York! Custom House shows that not a del-| lar's worth of merchandise was ¥hip- | ped to Germany and Austria last month, while the same month last! year the exports to these two coun- tries aggregated over $7,500,000. COMPLIED WITH TERMS. Young Emery Will Get Atl Grand- father's Estate, Charles Gordon Emery is schedul- ed to receive many thousand dollars under the will of his late grand- father, Charles Gordon Emery, the owner of Calumet. Island and valu- able St. Lawrence River property. There was a provision in the will that if at the age of twenty-one the grandson had not tasted liquor or taken a whiff from a cigarette he was to receive the income from the many thousands and with it was the provision that when he became thirty years of age he had not indulged in either intoxicants or cigarettes, that he was to become the possessor of this vast sum. Asked this morinng if the young man od receive the full amount, Treasurer Burton 8S. Hayes pr was sure that he would. "He a written-me, He ought to tell me that he has not touched either, but I am informed that he indulges in neither. 1 am sure that he will get all that was left him." The young man is widely known at Clayton and along the St. Law-| rence and there has been consider-| able Spscalation as to whether or not could or would get the property left by his grandfather. ' Savage hear a missionary talk at Sunday school. "Did he tell you about the poor ; Heathens father enquired at Te n nertable. 'Yes, sir" answered Mary. "He ES INGSTON THE CITY OF NOW" < ecautiful Canadian est University ad Schools, est Military Paden vicest Summer Kesort= chinest Fish ng Ground, On the St fawronce Re er Crd Jake "Ontario, C Dail 1000 5 t= 3 Miles 45 a eaerfifel Sark, dolest- Xecillont-Sites for in Heal" 2 round Gityr Gyo hy Gearsions through islands, o => of Qlater' Front; ] drada, actories, ace mn. CALL Lae Keep in mind the "Community Build- er' carwons and articles which appear each Saturday. re SAL I yh 7 A El aly RY Hunger. Mary and Tommy had been tol I = Lame ll] % Ee s ~When the thermometer creeps up into the nincties and the heat becomes burdensome and depressing ~--then is the time to enjoy a sparkling ENO'S FRUIT SALT YOU have no idea how refreshed "and Kream: ENON ¥ feel. Ry gentle, NO'S stimulates the liver tem--giving a new feeling ea FS ae th oly nid tonie, Buy a Bote fm per ist fo-day. Prepared only by SEED Jad Foul ult Wecho, LONDON, Bug, i

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