Fresh Fruit & BEAR STILL IN FIGHT DO YoU Vegetables Fresh, Cured, and Cooked Meats. Campers' Supplies arly Order vat Pickering's' 490 PRINCES ST ~---------- ms, The Great English Remed IT .aes and invigorates the whol nervous in old Debility, Mental and Brain Wo ney, Io; Heart, Fa for $5. Onewill druggists or mailed in plain pkg New pamphlet mailed free, on | «eipt A ice THE Wo MEDICIN CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Fors wrk Vhinde oy CO-ED AY What a Difference Spectacles were invented by Alexander de Spina, a monk in Italy about 1286. Pictures of them appear as early as 1417, Those were crude, ungainly things In heavy, queer {ron frames. ' Since then eyeglasses have been constantly improved. OUR GLASSES are the glasses of to-day---not yesterday -- and reveal the very latest improvements in lens and frame, KEELEY Jr, M. 0. D. 0. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 226 Princess Street PHONE 530 Wood's Phosphodine, um, makes new Blood eins, Oures Neraous ys iad » of nergy, Peivitat ono the emory. Price $1 per box, six | , 80% will pure. Bold by al) BATTLES TO CHECK OF AUSTROGERMAN ARMIES Not Yet Out Army, Brilliant gaard Fighting, Has Gained Valu see Though Czar's of Danger, by Rear . able Time, ;And is Probably cure . Aug The Ge on of Warsaw » third I: Empire, the city this 1 ondon are of Polar in the R ian troops «1 ed r having taken suceessively the Bl lines and outer and inner town itself, the 12 rearguard main army f« n poss? 1, and he the 1 tus fightir actio ed by Pr + Leopold, has fallen the honor of taking over Warsaw in name of the German Empero his consoft, who are expected {make a state entry within a few days, the real conquerors are the troops fighting under Field Marshal von Hindenburg, along the Narew i River to the north-east, to the Ans tro-Germans, who crossed the Vistu la to the south of the city, and to the armies of the Austrian Archduke Jo- seph Ferdinand and the- German Field Marshal von Mackensen, which are advancing northward between the Vistual and Bug rivers, The Russians are fighting desper- | ately and stubbornly to check the progress of these four armies, and have had several successes, inflicting heavy losses en their pussuers; but they are being steadily pressed back, which made the longer occupatoin of | the Warsaw Polish salient a hazard- ous undertaking, Even now, although the steadiness | of the Rusian troops and their fierce counter-attacks have. gained much valuable time for them, it is prob the and to army will succeed in reaching the new positioiis chosen for-it, or wheth- er, if it should gét there, it will not find those positions turned by the Austrians, who have crossed the Bug mans under G@neral von Scholz and von Gallwitz, who have crossed the Narew At the line the Russian communications are the north eastern end of Buelow, who ig advancing toward 3 doors mboue the Opern Hone Camera Hospital ) ------ Fixpert mechanies make re- pairs to all makes of . Cam- eras at Bests. For minor re- pairs no charge is made. All cranky cameras made to take good pictures. The Best Films, .We sell you the best films youn can buy and guarantee all rolls sold. 20,000. The fact that we aim at fin- p ishing at least twenty thou= sand rolls of film this year shows you who ie doing the finishing of snap shots in this town, Good, quick, reasonable ser- vice, At Best's The Popular Drug Store, Open Siindays, rt Cm ind { Five Dollar Bills For $3.00 | i y veovew vYUYww Dvingk on the Vilna-Petrograd Rail way. Indeed, the Austro-Germans have set three"traps to catch and de- stroy the Rusgaian army. None of them was sprung, hut one was 80 near to-closing that the Grand Duke Nicholas wag forced to evacuate War saw and now is fighting with all his ting off his retreat, Thus far he seemingly has been successful, for although the Germans claim the capture of a large number | of prisoners, the aggregate is small | when compared with the immense forces engaged. In addition, the Russian guns apparently are well on their way to'the rear. From refugees who left Warsaw some days ago and hage drrived at Moscow it has been learned that Warsaw, even at that early date, had Factories have been strinned of their machinery and all war stores moved { into the interior of Russia, and the | government of 'the city left tg Polish population, ij evacuate Riga, the port on tha gulf of that name in the north, The ar. {{ of that city already has been the || parting, !l ~ While expressing the fullest con- | fidence in the future, the British mili- tary critics make no attempt to ha. {little the achievements of the Ten- | tons or'the effect their success is Jike- ly to have in the near east and the west. | Since early May, when they start- led their great counter-offensive in | Western Galicia against the Rus. sians, who were debouching through | the Carpathians on to the plains of Hungary, the troops of the Germanic {powers had cleared the Russians out {of Galicia, with the exception of a | harrow strip of territory in the south-west, have recaptired Prz- jemysl and Lemberg, taken Lublin, Cholm and Warsaw, and are inh mili- tary occupation of virtually the whole of Poland, What their ndxt move will be is a matter of conjecture, Some mili- | tary observers believe they will con- {tinue to attack the Russians in the | hope of finally crushing them, a task | which it is considered is rendered dif. That is a Snap. That is just what we are giving in our Sum- mer Suits, §18, $20 & $25 SUITS {FOR $1250!) | ficult by the fact that the Russians lin. their retreat lay thé country { waste, making it necedgsary for the | invaders to bring up every ounce of | food required for their army. Others of the ghservers think Ser- {bia wilt be attacked.' :o as to fm. !press the Balkan States which re- main neutral, while still others look | for a big offensive against the Fran- | co-British-Belgian lne fn the west. All of the observers are of the opin- ifon that wherever the new operation {is begun, it will be on a big scale, 4 ! | lematical whether the whole Russian | | might to prevent the others from eut. | been denunde of yirtualy everything | i that might be useful to the Teutons, | the | The Russians also -are preparing to | | rival of the Germans ten miles south | | cause of the civilian population de- | qof his age, was held yesterd, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1915. ° { THE FRONT Join the Tobacco Fund Campaign-- The Boys Who Are Bearing the Burden Of This War Will Appre- ciate Your Thoughtfulness. The Tobaced Fund campaign finds additional supperters every day. 'Send me a collection book, and I'll busy here," write in not a few residents of the county, There ought to be collectors at all such places as Verona, Sydenham, Harrowsmith, Cataraqui, ete, Will some one vol- unteer? Even if you can't fill a book, do' your best; it will all help. Any sum from 25¢ up is acceptabie The brave Canadian soldiers who are fighting for Canada and the Em- pire fighting for your freedom and! mine from German military domina-' tion with its horrid crimes of lust and greed, should have every reason- able wish gratified if possible, and when it is knowh now =o generally that the fighting boys appreciate to-| bacco $0 much and suffer from the lack of it, what's the answer. If ev- | erybody is doing his or her "bit" «in the great war, all can get in on this| great service to the soldier, and av- | ery little-bit.could, if its only twenty- | {ive cents, which will make some! | soldier boy happy for a time In a! | supply of smokes. | | The British Whig Tobacco Fund! | offers a. swift sure and economical | | way of sending smokes to the sol-| | dlers, Any donation from twenty | | five cents up gladly received and its | worth in tobacco and cigarettes sent | {to the Canadian soldiers, In every] | package of tobacco sent to the front | Is a return postal card addressed to { the contributor to be usel by the sol- | |-dler 'receiving the gift 48 acknow- | | ledging receipt. i | "Cards of thanks are arriving every | day from soldiers, and many con-. tri butors prize these messages from | the trenches so much that, with these {alone they feel well repaid for their | thoughtfulness, and would not take| : R | ca by Col Hemming and the offi-| south east of Cholm, and the (jer- {many times the amount of their con-| CAMP Db} g | tribution for the-cards | sent by the soldiers. { "Do your bit," and do it now. ! The following messages from the | trenches received by Dr. Mitchell, of of thanks] { | i served at eleven o'clock in the mess further threatened by General ven | the Eastern Hospital, Brockville, are| ¥ 3 | typical of the many arriving in every | overseas® mail: France; July 11th, 1915. Dr. Mitchell, Eastern Hospital, Brockville. My Dear Doctor:--Your gift of to-| bacco was received by our company | | to-day and 1 wish to thank you for| the same. With best wishes, I am, { Yours truly, | | | | | | | | | | Brockville. | No. 2 Co., 2nd Batt., 1st Inf. Bgde. | Dear Sirs:--1I [sincerely thank you | | for the present of cigarettes and to-| bacco and believe me it is great en-| couragement to the boys when we| | know we are not forgotten on the | old soil. Yours truly, sunner C: Clare, | No. 40,623, 3rd Battery, 1st Brigade. | Dear Friend:--Wae all received to- day tobacco and cigarettes which 1 presume were sent through you. for the benéfit of we soldiers here at the | front, and I wish to thank you for such kindness. We all enjoy a { *moke now and again especially when they are gent by Canadian friends. John Muchmore, 3rd Battery, 1st Brigade, 1st Canadain Con., France. -------- ins, KeEP CHILDREN WELL DURING HOT WEATHER | Every mother knows how fatal the | bot summer months are to small | children. Cholera infantum, diar- | rhoea, dysentry and stomach troubles {are rife at this time and often a prec- | ious little life is lost after only a {few hours illness. The mother who | keeps Baby's Own Tablets In the | house feels safe, The occasional use of the Tablets prevents stomach and * bowel troubles, or if trouble comes suddenly -- as it generally does -- the Tablets will bring the baby safely through. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -- | 'Gananoque Aug. 7,--The members of the Gan- anogue Yacht Club_held another of their series of weekly dances at their Club House last evening, and drew out quite a fair crowd. The Citi- zens' Band orchestra was in attend- ance, The formal opening of the camp at Sugar Island, conducted un- der the auspices of the American Ca- noe Association, took place yester- day. Quite a number were on the grounds for the opening, a number of whom hive been here for several days. Further additions are ex- pected between now and the begin- ning of next week. The funeral of the late Robert Bul. loch, whe passed away at the family residence, Princess street, on Wed- nesday morning, in the ninetieth year after- y, and noon to Willow Bank Ceme! an extensive buyer out this ion, R BIT NOW! PROGRESS "(CHEER UP "OUR "SOLDIERS AT | by the R.C.H.A. band. Supper was w Frank Hawken, 90 John st.,| ad bbb bididas & PAGE THREE T PTPPTIOTVT Td In | Twilight ® -> * (Continued fiom page Ven tertained pretty home » 2 )-» a gardenparty at his on King street on Thur- sday afternoon. He was assisted by his sister, Mrs. Robert O'Hara. The tea table artistically arranged with mauve and white sweet-peas and pan- sies, was in charge of Mrs. Arthur Craig pouring coffee, Miss Millie Fer- ris, tea and Miss Maud Betts cutting ices, The guests invited were The Bishop of Ontario and Mrs. Lennox Mills, the Bishop of Kingston and Mrs. E. J. Bidwell Canon and Mrs. FitzGerald, Rev. C. L. and Mrs. Bil-| Professor H. Mitchell, Mrs. J. BB. Mowat, Miss Lillian Mowat, Rev. | Canon and Mrs. Louck's, Mrs. Bux-!| ton. Smith and Miss Jessie Smitn,! Lady Cartwright, the Misses Cart-| at 3 Probs: Occasional showers: mostly fair to-day and Sunday Archdeacon 0. G. Dobbs en-! LE for TO-NIGHT EE S---- From Stamped Centres 180 "* Royal Art C ing floss for em To-night Or 2 for 25¢. wright, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Walkem, | li R. R. F. Harvey, Mrs. Van Strau-| benzie, Misses Van Straubenzie, Mrs. ledford Jones, (Toronto); Mrs. Gamsby, Miss Marjorie Gamsby, Miss Dupuy, Geoffrey O'Hara, Miss Crei- | ghton, Robert Creighton, Mrs, Ar-| thur Evans, Rev. J. O, Crisp, Arch- |} Mrs. Dakin. the Misses | vy ' ico} Giyea, Canon and- Miss] Forneri, Edward Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Betts, Misses May and Violet Beasey, Dean Starr, Miss Ada] Bates Harry Bates, Archdeacon and| Mrs. Carey, Canon Grout, Rev. Cecil | and Mrs. Whalley, Rev. T. Ben-| Obiel, Mrs, Cook, Miss Constance | Cook, Rev. Alfred Cook, Mrs. Mac- | har, Mirzs Machar," Misses Muckles- ton, Mrs. Allaire Shortt, Mr. and | Mrs. H. A. Calvin, Mr. and Mrs. George Hague, Misses Hague and! Mrs. R. V. Rogers. deacon and Crisp, Mrs i - » An informal dance was given on Thursday evening at Barriefield cers at Headquarters Staff, which | was much enjoyed. A dancing pavil- | ion was erected on the tennis court, and excellent music was furnished tent where the tables were arranged with quantities of flowers and ferfs. 4 -. LJ wv Mrs, Hadecock and son, spending | the week with Mrs. R. McKay, Bagot street, left to-day for California, Mr. Hadcock left earlier in the week for New York. Rev, Sydennam vanasay is spend- ing a short holiday in New Bruns- || IcK, Miss Bertha Nugent; Brock street, with her niece, Miss Anna Hanlon, are guests at the Alexandria Hotel, Wellington, ] Miss Muriel Jory left for G oque on waeks® Mr Ont, Mrs. O'Gorman and two daughters, Misses Alice and 'Angels, Kingston, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bedore, Newburgh, for the past week. anan. Wednesday, after a three visit with her grandparents, and Mrs, Thomas Bain, Bath, Miss vada Volk, Kingston, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Prevost, Westport, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Anderson and children, Kingston, are guests at the home of Mr_Joseph Wallace, Shanly, Miss Kathleen Thuriby, Kingston, is a guest of Mrs. Hdron Crowder, Van Camp, as also is Mra, McKilson and three children, Kingston. Miss Maggie Kearns, Kingston, is spending a few weeks at 'Hayes' Cor- ners, Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Donnelly, Kingston, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Well, Stewart and other friends for a week at Camden Egst. (Continued on page 10.) TOMMY WANTS--TOBACCO Well here I am in the trenches, Somewhere in blooming France, Sometimes finding the blasted Huns Lead me a merry dance: But 1 tell you folks, its awfur, And "taint no blooming joke, When you haven't any tobacco And you're longing for a smoke. *t 8 I don't mind doing my duty, I'll do it as long as I can, To show all the other fellows That I'm a fighting man, But what gets me the hardest Takes the heart out of any "bloke" Is when he hasn't any tobacco And is longing for a smoke. So all you folks that's staying home And can't go to the front. Just think of us who are over here Bearing the battle's brunt, And dip down into your pockets Even though you think you're "Broke," To send us lots of tobacco So we won't want for a smoke. -T. G. R. dor. for four years, and was Cha White Pique 125 yards importe reg. 40¢. White Crepe 220: yards fine French Cre "To-night 7 To 9.45 O'clock raft" stamped centres -- with full quantity of work- oidery -- all new designs; regular 25¢. *d Pique--fine cords--full 36 inches wide To-night pe -- regular 20¢ vard. Or 8 yards for $1.00. Huck Towels 18 doz. big size W To-night Damask Napkins "hite Huck Towels; regular 23¢ each. 5 20 doz. 'John S. Brown & Sons" heavy pure Linen Napkins --splendid value ¢ it $5.50 doz. To-night DAVIES Special Prices on Choice Quality of Beef Round Steaks Sirloin Steaks Rib Roasts Oven Roasts Pot Roasts ........15¢ Stewing Cuts ...121-2¢ Hamburg Steak ....16¢ The Wm. Davies' Co. G. E. MARRISON, Photographer, (Successor to Mrs. M. Henderson) pm assay HIGH CLASS POR- TRAITS AT NIGHT. Qur powerful new $000 c. p. Nitrogen Magda Lighting Sys- tem enablés uy to give you first class service at night or dark days. Office Hours: 8.00 P.m.-H00 pom, Wed. and Sat. ; Try us for enlarging and copy- ng. . Phone 1318, 90 PRINCESS ST. te Napanee 5 aint an operation for appendicitis, He represented the town as Council. ir- wan of Town Property this year. On the death of his father, in 1903, he Juce jo dhe harness. making | ness, whi eo since, He was a member o ha dge, 1.0, O. F was €o0 f h o Fa Trinity Methodist Ch years. A service The Irons, Toasters, Mazda Lamps, cal, phone 94, Halliday's ; Phone 94 or anything Electri- Shop, Street ic CHARM CEYLON TEAS 35¢, 40c, 50c, 60c, Lb. a Charm Coffee, 40c Lb. For Sale at All Grocers. New York Fruit Store. Red Cherries, 11 quart' baskets .. . Black Sweet Cherries, 11 quart baskets . Cantaloupes Watermelons Grape Fruit Tomatoes . Phone 1405 No Epidemic of Disease The Has rver been traced to Pasteurized Milk. only Pasteurized Milk in Kingston is Price's :: Phone 845 Have you tired, aching feet? If so, vou need us. We earry a full line of **Seholl"' and "Arrowsmith" foot specialties, Arch Supports, from $1.50 up; buuion pads, toe hts, -licel ' ; pads, ete., always in stock. Bring up your