PAGE TWO OF QUALITY Made to Special John McKay: Limited, 149-157 Brock St, Kingston. Ontario. --- "Wanted" The name and address of any person who is desirous of using a CHEAP, CLEAN, and CONVENIENT method of COOKING, Call 197, or drop a card to the Office of Works, on Queen Street,and have the GAS installed in in your home. Light, Heat, Power Water Depts. C. C. Folger, General Mgr. Cooked Meats We have the very best in Cooked Hams, Jellied Tongue, Jellied Hocks, Pressed Ham and Veal, Bologna and Head Cheese. P.8.--All our meats are kept ice cold in our modern refrigerator coun- ter away from flies and dust. No mussing ---- no Orders sent to any part of city. J.R. B. GAGE, Phone 54... Montreal Street. = Seamless Tapestry- BrusselsRugs Many handsome designs in soft, pretty colors for bed- rooms. Oriental and Conventional designs for living rooms and dining rooms, in fact for any part of the hquse. A good, serviceable, hard wearing Rug. | Specially Low Pric 9 by 101-2 ft. .. I Kingston Carpet Ware- and | | First come, first served. If you want | the "Lampman's" jolly joke into a 'STOLE FARM PRODUCE | [FROM WAGON OF THOMAS WES. TON AT CATARAQUI. Thieves Also Stripped Apple Tree--' 'The Theft Was a Daring One--\ Constable Is In Need. A daring theft occurred at Cata- raqui on Monday might when thes farm Thomas Weston was visited by some unknown persons. Before retiring for the night Mr. | Weston and his hired help arrang- ed the produce in the market wag- gon .in readiness to leave for. city on Tuesday morning at an early hour. Upon going down tq the wag- gon on Tuesday morning Mr. Wes- ton noticed that some person had visited the place during the night and carried off three crates of red raspberries. When he made a search his orchard he found that the thieves had visited that »lace and stripped. one of his harvest ape trees. It 1s evident that the persons who did the deed must have had a wag- gon. as they could not carry the sto - en goods away. They must have known the farm well or they could rot have located the- harvest apple tree. | For some months the market gar- deners at Cataraqui have been troub- {led by thieves. Mr, Cook: a gardin- | er, when speaking to th: Waig {tout the affair, stated that he ha? reported the presence of thieves to the reeve some time ago, and also | stated that the residents of Cata- | raqui would be willing to chip in iand pay. the cest of a constable if | they thought they could catch the | guilty parties. | Letters To Editor | A Croquet Challenge. | Kingston, Aug. 7.-- (To the Edi- |tor): Anent the jolly badinage of! | "The Lampman™, with respect to the | | premier-and apparently unassailable | position occupied by that splendidly | equipped, and seasoned sporting or- | ganization, '""the Kingston Ladies | Croquet Club, and also, the absence! | or latk of the chivalrous sporting in: | stinct that would impel the gentle- | men of Kingston to maintain a criec- | ket club, or to give battle to the la-| | dies at their favorite but by not means exclusive pastime, on their |'beautiful lawn amidst most charm- | ing surroundings. permit me to say: "The northeast side of Kingston, | | or, that part of it contiguous to the {old carworks site, boasts an infant] | croquet club, less than six. weeks | | old, composed of respectable young | | mechanics, and laborers, who feel | {that in considering this moot ques- | tion they are justly entitled to cham- | pionship honor at this ancient, inter- | esting, and scientific game. "They | therefore--if it is not considered in-| fra- dig"--are prepared, under suit- | able management, to meet any, and | all comers, in a series of games, at| | the city park, or a place to be mu- | tually agreed upon, for the 1915 cro- | quet championship of Kingston: | "Permit us to further suggest that | the tournament eould be conducted on similar, or, somewhat similar lines to the Kingston amateur base- ball series, say on Wednesday after- noon's, and evenings, that day being largely a half holiday. A cup could be donated, tags, or, tickets issued to the spectators, and the proceeds do- nated towards the purchase of a ma- chine gun, the Mowat Memorial, the Dailiy British Whig's popular soldier "bacea" fund, or any deserving cause agreed upon by the competitors. "Now don't all speak at once! to see who are the real bosses of Kingston croquetdom, somebody please start something, and convert source of public pleasure and profit. A. NORTHEASTER. te cetny An Address On Turkey. An interesting address upon the social and political conditions ef Turkey was delivered before Prin- cess: Street Methodist Church Ep- worth League by Lawson Chambers on Monday evening. Miss Emma' Peters presided. Mr. Chambers' father is a mission ary in Turkey,and he himself taught house. Real Estate ! $2,900 buys a stone, 7 room _ residence; hot water heating, open plumbing. Lot 84x 132, King St. West. $2,900 for a stone resi- dence; 9 rooms, with good stable and out- building; * lot 150x 280; good garden. West end, near car line. school in that country. Wishing to advance his education, Mr. Cham- bers came to Kingston and entered Queen's University. He won a schol- arship last term. ------------ Only One Case. Only one case required the atten- tion of the Acting Police Magistrate on Tuesday morning. The case of the picture agent, who has been be- fore the Court before, was adjourned until Saturday when Police Magis- trate Farrell will be on the bench. ; ---------- "Hard Centres," Huyler's, Gib- son's. on bands al Wa (of lieutenant-colonel, { | quor at any time. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1915. A LIEVT..COLONEL. Major W. T. Connell Is Higher Rank. NOW Given a LIEUT.-COL. W. 7T.. CONNELL. It was learned on Tuesday morn- img that Dr. W. T. Connell, who went overseas with Queen's Station- ary Hospital, with the rank of maj-| or has been promoted to the rank | Lijeut.-Col. 'Connell is on his way at the present time with the hospit- FIT OUT FOR TROPICS {THIS WAS THE ORDER TO QUEEN'S HOSPITAL. | | A Military Taylor Engaged And, { Then Came Order to Move to! the Dardanelles--The Auto Ambu- lance Car in Service. Queen's Stationary Hospital which went overseas at same time as the 21st Battalion received orders on! July 26th to get ap issue of eloth- | ing suitable fora tropical climate was the information received in letters which arrived in the city on Moa- | day afternoon. i The Kingston officer writing hon:e | stated that they sent up to London {for a military ts'lor to come down at once as they expected to leave any | minute for the Dardanelles. The "or- ders to leave for the Dardanelles, must bave arrived a few days lat-| er as the unit left on August 1st. One officer writing hd..: states L'at some of the men were vc ry ans iors to go to Frunce but th» major 13 of the unit ¢ppreciated tle that the war office saw Lt tu send them to the Dardanelles. The wives of the Kingston officers are anxiously waiting word that the unit has safely arrived at their des tination. Dr. J. C. Connell, Dean of the Medieal Faculty of Queen's Univer- sity, stated to the Whig, on Tues- day morning, that he had received word that the motor-ambulance, do- nated to the Queen's Hospital by A. Davis & Sons, has arrived in Eng- aed al unit for the Dardanelles, and will be stationed at Malta or Egypt. Queen's Stationary Hospital has | Lieut, H. R. Duff, who is attached in an advisory. capacity, Lieut.-Col. W. G, chief surgeon, and Lieut.-Col. W. T.| Connell. | 1 Bars Closed Early Monday. ¢ Hospital, Anglin, | land and was taken to the Dardan- elles. The motor-car, given by C.| Bermingham, is being used daily by| | | the officers while they were in the] {no less than four lieutenant-colonels | {on its staff: Lieut.-Col. Etherington, | | who is in command; vieinity of Folkestone. { The reinforcements for Queen's | which left the city about) three" weeks ago, arrived safely in| England in time to go with the rest of the unit to the Dardcnelles. { Some of the Kimgstonians who | | went over with the hospital as auto] | drivers have taken a course of in-| v 3 | tix in . " y- The benefit derived from closing | struction in the art of mofor-driv the bars at seven o'clock were not very apparent on Monday night, As the new law is admittedly aimed at the soldiers they: take it as an in| sult rather than an inconvenience. Some people are of the opinion that Kingston will be similar to Ni agara if the present regulation is not changed: At Niagara, a soldier in uniform cannot be served with As a result of this move on the part of the License Commission, a number of pigs" are selling liquor to the sol- diers. The effects are said to be worse than before the new law was put into force. * Notified the C. N. R. The Superintendent of the Street Railway Company has notified the C. N. R. Company of the narrow es- cape a street ear had Monday when aC. N. R. train enginoer ignored the signal near the Montreal street crossing and came ahead while a car was about to cross the tracks. The car was successfully thrown off the tracks by the motorman to avoid a collision. The street railway su- perintendent states that the ndxt time a locomotive engineer ignores the signal, the matter will be report- ed to the Dominion Railway Board. Auto Tourists Increase. The wet weather does not seem to be interfering seribusly with the tourist traffic. For the last ing through the city has been a great deal above the average despite the weather and the condition of the roads. Merchants say that if dry weather would prevail for a long enough time to dry up the roads, the tourist traffic would be greatly increased. Presented a Cup. Lieut.~Col. C. T. Wilkinson, offi- cer commanding the 41st Regiment, Brockville, has presented a cup to the 569th Battalion, now in camp at Barriefield. It is for competition in weekly sports and the company winning the greatest number of points before the battalion leaves Canada will become the owner, Beautifux New Stock To Choose. Prevost, Brock street, has this year an extra fine assortment of tweeds, cheviots and serges for his order clothing department. His ready-made clothing and gents' fur-| nishing departments are well assort- ed with new goods. City Council May Meet. A special meeting of the City Council will likely be held next week to make arrangements for the new garbage collection, which will be in- augurated about the first week of September. - It is expected that a mill of the taxes will cover the cost of collection of both garbage and ashes. f a -------- "Ken" Willlams In England. A cable has been received by his parents which states that Lieut. "Ken." Willlams has arrived safely "| 1i- | "blind | three | weeks the number of motorists com- | | ing since arriving in England. | BASEBALL RECORD. f National League. | Cincinnati, 5; Philadelphia, 4 (1 | innings). : Brooklyn, 13; Chicago, 0. 9 9 | | | | | | | i Boston, 6; St, Louis, | American League. | Chicago, 8; Philadelphia, 4. | Boston, 2; St. Louis, 0. Detroit, 6; Washington, 3. (13 in- nings. Cleveland, 1; New York, 1 (rain). | Federal League. | Buffalo, 6; Pittsburgh, 3. | Chicago, 2; Brooklyn, 1. | Newark, 4-4; Kansas City, 0-2. | . St. Louis, 3; Baltimore, 0 (seven innings, rain). International League. Richmond, 6; Providence, 3. "Toronto, 4; Rochester, 0. Montreal, 2; Buffalo, 0. Wanted Kingston Boys. While in England on furlough, Major Alexander MacPhail, who went overseas with the First Con-| tingent, visited Sandling Camp and | asked. Leslie Meek, Eric Wilson and William Gilbert, three Kingston { boys who went over with the second company of Queen's Engineers, to Yjoin his unit and go to the front at once. | Pillmore Buys Farm. | George E. Pillmore has purchased the Mrs. Fred. Humphrey farm, just west of the corporation limits, Cape Vincent, N.Y. The farm consists of seventy acres, a portion of which is onthe river front. Mr. Pillmore will not take possession of the farm un- til the lease of the present tenant, Angus Gibson, expires on March 1st next. For Vacation We have just received an interesting assortmen reading-- light, entertaining, diverting stories, the kind youl want to rea bon't forget to pack a féw-in vor while lving comfortably in the hammock. grip before you leave. BOOKS AT 20c. A selected line of Fiction, former- ly issued at $1.25 and mp. By the best of English and American au- thors. Cloth hound. Pocket size. The Lond War Series br ters. Instrue Cloth bound. BOOKS BY MARK TWAIN AT 35c. Information Wanted, The New Pilgrim's Progress, Adventures of 'l Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, The Prince and the Pa Jumping Frog, A Tramp Abroad, Roughing dt. . The College Book Store 160 Princess Street ------ Open Nights Reading Take Books BOOKS AT 25c. t of books for simmer 1 i on Daily Telegraph's v the best Enclish wri- tive and interesting, Pocket size 'om wer, The Celebrated ' Phone 919 Rr es A co i eit aansns i. A, Just In | Pictorial Magazine for September Brim full of bright ideas from Fashiondom Only 15c¢ Pictorial Quarterly for Fall The Book for ladies wanting a ff complete Fashion Directory. Book | | and any Pattern for tk 25¢ Pictorial Patterns please particu- lar people." Sold by Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store Will 'Save A Dollar. If the Utilities Commission strikes off the water works bath rate as Commissioner R. H. Toye wishes, the water consumers who have baths in their houses will pay a dollar a year less. 25¢ Baby Cough Syrup, 15¢, Gib- son's. Ee ---------- "The Hat Store" Here are. some of the real snaps we offer to-morrow in ros BUILDERS' 8 PPLIESeeey | ; . CLOSING OF MAILS. | British mail closes irregular- ly. Information posted at P. O. Lobby from time to time. United States, dally 1.00 p.m, Grand Trenk, golog east L650 pm. Do. (includ'ng Eastern States) .............1150 am. Trunk, going § West .iiccveesicens. 1050 am, Do. (ir<'uding Western States) .............11.50 pam, Grand Trunk and all West «+f city ........ 2.30pm, C.P.R. 10.15 am. and £30 p.m. C. N. Mu sivuninasnee. 580 pm. (Grown in Ontario can Woods. Excels all others for general pur- poses--its long life and its workableness give it . a prominent place in | { building. | Was the ing Ball at Thousand One House. was given at the Thousand House. The room were beautiful. All grades stocked. $ fv SiG ele A VERY FINE EVENT. Alexandria Bay, N.Y., Aug. 9.-- evening the openi pecially' artistic and . - i White Pine {lie This Is a rare bargain, !a month. { Houses, Furnished and Unfurnished. E W. Mullin & Son Wrist Watche With Expanding Brace: lets. We have without ex- ception the smallest, thinnest, best Wrist Watch in expanding bracelet for $15.00 that we ever had. Both wateh and wear- ing qualities of bracelet are fully guarantecd. Smith 'Bros., JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Issuers of Marriage Licenses. REPAIRED AND REMODELLED Gourdier's Phone 700. ours For $3,000 A solid brick dwelling, centrally located, with hot water heating, electric light and gas. Possession pnt TO LET. A detached dwelling, on Willian electric light, ; i - Gi . street, with furnace, The king of Ameri- }|gas, B. and 0. good yard, for $21.00 Possession at once, The Home of all kinds of Real Estate. y { Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. Phones 539 and 1456, | at Folkestone, England. Lieut. Wil- liams went overseas with an Army lt Service Corps Detall from Niagara H Camp. J Important Change of Time: | Commencing Monday, August 1 88. Kingston and Toronto, leave at i 5.30 a.m. daily for St. Lawrence | River points and Montreal, instead of es] Festoons of American Beauty roses were hung from the ceiling, and the h @ right hand banked Shapes, worth o $2.50, for .... 80¢ mmed Hats, worth up to $6 y 9 up to $3.50, for ....8149 Ff to 34, for edsbedan We J. wort: $1.50, for .... vse } Duck Wash Skirts, worth ERAN tor eins 8 0 i ' a : i g g EP SAFE s ssn rannns he for'. oi. iuee SR50 (next season. Give us a call FE ak A For one week we will large stoek of up-to-date Re- frigerators, in all styles, at greatly reduced prices. If erator, mow is the time to 'buy. Our prices are right and Refrigerators are sure to be much higher in price oly place at your disposal our| you are in need of a Refrig-|